Get the f*ck out of America, b*tches’: Crazed Trump fan attacks Muslim women pushing baby strollers

People who attack women who are caring for a baby are the scum of the earth, their politics are irrelevant. That person should be locked up for a least a decade.
so why is there a thread about it as a political issue?
Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.

And for good reason. The Left is blind to the true nature and purpose of Islam. Many Trump supporters, Like myself, aren't.

So attacking Muslim women on the streets is the answer?

I'm Muslim. I don't normally wear hijab. But I occasionally wear it to the mosque in Friday or like today when I went to Eid prayers.

Would it be ok for a person to come up to me and just attack me simply because I'm Muslim?
no one should attack anyone without there being justification for the act. Period. It isn't what we're about and I'm a trump supporter. I give two shits your life habits until they trample mine. So, bringing in unvetted immigrants tramples my rights. So I will state over and over as many times as necessary that any immigrant must be vetted ahead of acceptance into the country. We are not an open border country no matter how many of you all want it that way. And I don't care if they come from Syria, or Mexico, or China, or Canada or anywhere else, legal papers or out with their ass.

And just because some Muslims are bad doesn't mean that they all are which in my opinion does go for all other races whether its admitted or not.

Very true.

And the same may be said for the Japanese and German people during WW-II. Does that mean after Pearl Harbor we should have laid back and waited for the armies of those nations to walk right in and occupy us?

The history of the Middle East is replete with examples of violent hostility, constant armed skirmishes and prolonged warfare. The Muslims have been killing each other throughout recorded history and had we not imposed our presence in that part of the world they would have gone on killing each other for another thousand years while totally ignoring the West.

But in service to greedy corporate interests our Western governments have provoked the most radical and militant Middle Eastern entities, most recently in the form of the Iraq invasion, which has diverted the attention of all Islamic nations onto the U.S., its allies, and all Western "infidels." Our leaders, outstandingly the two Bush Administrations, have provoked what seems destined to become the Tenth Crusade and we are in it so deep there is no way to back out now.

Right now the inevitable is occurring in the form of passive infiltration by so-called "asylum-seekers," some of whom undoubtedly are fanatical jihads who eventually will engage in terrorist actions. What eventually will come of this is predictably worse than anything most Americans can anticipate. Because this time our enemy does not consist of uniformed armies situated outside our borders. This time the enemy of Western culture already has infiltrated and is living among us.

And just because some Muslims are bad doesn't mean that they all are which in my opinion does go for all other races whether its admitted or not.

Very true.

And the same may be said for the Japanese and German people during WW-II. Does that mean after Pearl Harbor we should have laid back and waited for the armies of those nations to walk right in and occupy us?

The history of the Middle East is replete with examples of violent hostility, constant armed skirmishes and prolonged warfare. The Muslims have been killing each other throughout recorded history and had we not imposed our presence in that part of the world they would have gone on killing each other for another thousand years while totally ignoring the West.

But in service to greedy corporate interests our Western governments have provoked the most radical and militant Middle Eastern entities, most recently in the form of the Iraq invasion, which has diverted the attention of all Islamic nations onto the U.S., its allies, and all Western "infidels." Our leaders, outstandingly the two Bush Administrations, have provoked what seems destined to become the Tenth Crusade and we are in it so deep there is no way to back out now.

Right now the inevitable is occurring in the form of passive infiltration by so-called "asylum-seekers," some of whom undoubtedly are fanatical jihads who eventually will engage in terrorist actions. What eventually will come of this is predictably worse than anything most Americans can anticipate. Because this time our enemy does not consist of uniformed armies situated outside our borders. This time the enemy of Western culture already has infiltrated and is living among us.
And we still have 9/11 fifteen years later and I say, too fking bad for those muslim countries.
The Jews support massive immigration into the United States, they think it is good for them because it takes the focus off of them.

They are right in the short term, but as always they will kill the goose that served them so well as the country descends into anarchy.
the deplorables are really lining up to defend their fellow scumbag.... I wonder how long it will take for one of them to suggest genocide?

Actually, the left...socialists, are the ones who like genocide, mass murder and ethnic cleansing......socialism...leftism....has murdered about 100 million people around the world.....

And compared to the organized violence by the left against Trump supporters, the actual shooting of a Trump supporter, the beating of a Trump supporter with a crow bar, shutting down a Trump rally, blocking a road to a Trump Rally, throwing eggs at Trump supporters, beating and kicking Trump supporters and on top of all of that.....the actual assassination attempt on Trump by a left wing socialist.....

you really don't have any room to accuse Trump supporters as a group of anything......
thats what all nazis say

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