Why Would Holocaust Deniers Lie.

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

What you are saying is Jews should keep taking the shit that people put them through.
The Jews aren't the ones taking the shit. They are the ones dishing it out. It has been like that from the days of the old testament where it talks of many instances of the Jews wiping other peoples out because they lived on the land their god supposedly told them was theirs. Also, the Jews consider themselves to be the "chosen of god." By default, that makes everybody else shit. If they choose to live among people who they consider to be shit, they deserve whatever shit they're given.

Please provide some contemporary historical examples of where Observant Jews have dished out shit.

Potato pancakes 'go' well with sauerbraten. My late uncle loved that combination-------but he never put sour cream on the pancakes------not
because he was a particularly observant jew-----he was just brought up in
a kosher household-----his mom was kinda observant. . Thus he was
unaccustomed to eating sour cream and meat together------some people
MIGHT call potato pancakes without sour cream-------"shit". I do not
---by actual preference put sour cream on my latkes------I prefer them with

In my youth------mid adolescence. I studied Hebrew. As a teaching tool,
the teacher had the class memorize something called "pirke avot"------it
translates as something like "saying of the fathers (or ancestors)" He
hit just about every chunk of "wisdom"------I have no idea how to say
"everyone else is shit" in Hebrew. I can say "chosen"------choice is the
actual theme of the first book of the torah ie GENESIS-----the fact that all
mankind was granted CHOICE ----free will. It is the theme of the book.
One of the subthemes of the Odyssey-----is ALSO ------the question of just
how much the "gods" control man's fate. The issue freewill and determinism
is very prominent in just about all ancient scriptural writings------including Jewish,
greek and even hindu. As a kid----I had more "formal" exposure to Christianity
than to Judaism <<< that means I went to sunday school as a guest many times
but never attended a single class of "Hebrew school" -------I did sit around in the
synagogues on holidays----sometimes. Of course my extended family was all jewish back then. I never learned that non jews are shit back then-------but I
did hear lots of crap about jews EVEN IN CHURCHES ---and a lot more on the
playground------later as an avid adolescent reader------I read the crap that gentiles
of the Christian persuasion have been putting out for centuries. See? freemind--
I know who you are. It is a fact that jewish ideology provides YOU with more
freewill than does Christianity and a LOT more than does islam
it is easy to make sense -----you kith and kin murdered millions------exactly where and on what day the dogs and pigs and pimps and whores murdered is subject to
some dispute

Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST
Fuck you filthy, lying, mass murdering Jew scum. You can't fool everybody. I will include a picture of a Nobel laureate who you didn't fool either. Fuck your imaginary 6 million. I have heard estimates of people who met their ends at the hands of Russian communists that ranged from 80,000,000 to 100,000,000. The better a Jew is depends on how horribly they die!
View attachment 55366

I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.
I am fully aware of the fact that Russians and Ukrainians hate each other --------they have been fighting each other for centuries. Ever hear of the COSSACKS? You have something new?---------islamo Nazi pig son of an easter bunny cotton
tail whore? eastern ortho father stalin knew he could get away with a genocide
of the kulak pigs because the eastern ortho and catholic Russian pigs HATED them
enough--------your fellow Christians watched them drop dead in their tracks of starvation and LAUGHED

You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"
Also, according to "The Best Answer" in "Yahoo, answers," the Germany deported 60 to 70% of its Jews to Palestine under the Haavara agreement.

You are citing Yahoo "best answers", really?

Really. Go to your browser and enter, "How many Jews were deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement." Near the top you will find that question basically asked at a "Yahoo, answers" website. Read it. The guy who gave "The Best Answer" seemed to have his shit together. While your're around there, feel free to look at some of the other websites. I couldn't tell you how many were written by Jews or their supporters. But the fact remains that many Jews WERE deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement. That puts a stake through the heart of the idea that Hitlers aim was to simply gas to death as many Jews as he could get his hands on.

Guess what, that was the very first thing I did do. One of the oldest tactics in the book, one guy asks a loaded question and gets a friend to use his account to answer it in a specific way. Laying that aside, I checked the links and found one was dead, another led to a forum and the third to the "Birdman organisation" conspiracy theory whack job site. If Germany had deported 60-70% of it's Jewish population to Palestine in the 1930's, there would be British records of this. Hmm...
You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

What you are saying is Jews should keep taking the shit that people put them through.
The Jews aren't the ones taking the shit. They are the ones dishing it out. It has been like that from the days of the old testament where it talks of many instances of the Jews wiping other peoples out because they lived on the land their god supposedly told them was theirs. Also, the Jews consider themselves to be the "chosen of god." By default, that makes everybody else shit. If they choose to live among people who they consider to be shit, they deserve whatever shit they're given.

Please provide some contemporary historical examples of where Observant Jews have dished out shit.

It would be far easier to list all of the species of ant on the planet. But I have some examples for you. Have you ever seen the anti-White movie "Pleasantville?" Though I never saw it, how about that bullshit fictional movie that is being passed off as fact, "Schindler's List." Also there was a movie that was done that may actually have been based on actual events. Called "Lord of War." Apparently the illegal arms traid is just another Jewish crime. Though the U.S. is guilty of that as well.

I can't tell you anything specific on this next topic, but I was watching a TV show once about true crimes. There was a Jewish smuggler who was trying to smuggle something such as drugs into the U.S. He suckered an "observant Jew" couple into being the mules. Though he told them that they were smuggling diamonds. Though it was still illegal, the Jewish couple were willing to do so. Etc, etc. etc. Also, in case you never saw it, I will include a thread called "Jewish Warfare."
jewish warfare post.jpg

Then there is this picture. For some reason when I printed it up, the words the Rabbi said that were below its picture didn't show up. But it said, "There shall be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity." Rabbi Baruch Efranti: Jewish school head in West Bank.

Jewish scum.jpg
You can stick your insults up your ass you moron. This has to do with far more than any differences between Russians and Ukrainians. Most of the Bolshevik leaders were Jews. The Bolsheviks murdered or caused the untimely deaths of millions before Stalin, a Turk, came to power.

very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.
very very few Bolsheviks were jews--------stalin was a Russian ----his religion was
"eastern orthodox" ------and was so GOOD an easthern orthodox boy that the priests who ran the school he attended had plans to make HIM a priest. Like
most eastern orthodox Russians ----he hated jews and had the few who actually
worked for him and even his own doctors-------murdered. Learn some history-----
"christian' pile of shit murdering scum

Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath
Also, according to "The Best Answer" in "Yahoo, answers," the Germany deported 60 to 70% of its Jews to Palestine under the Haavara agreement.

You are citing Yahoo "best answers", really?

Really. Go to your browser and enter, "How many Jews were deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement." Near the top you will find that question basically asked at a "Yahoo, answers" website. Read it. The guy who gave "The Best Answer" seemed to have his shit together. While your're around there, feel free to look at some of the other websites. I couldn't tell you how many were written by Jews or their supporters. But the fact remains that many Jews WERE deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement. That puts a stake through the heart of the idea that Hitlers aim was to simply gas to death as many Jews as he could get his hands on.

Guess what, that was the very first thing I did do. One of the oldest tactics in the book, one guy asks a loaded question and gets a friend to use his account to answer it in a specific way. Laying that aside, I checked the links and found one was dead, another led to a forum and the third to the "Birdman organisation" conspiracy theory whack job site. If Germany had deported 60-70% of it's Jewish population to Palestine in the 1930's, there would be British records of this. Hmm...

The guy who gave "The Best Answer" at Yahoo:answers said what he said. I never tried to look the guy up and find out who he was or where he got his information. Also, from what I remember, there were other people there who submitted answers also. I don't recall anybody calling him a liar. Another thing. Isn't it interesting that when history is written by the victors, information that may be contrary to their version is difficult to find? Also, the English producing records that showed the enemy they love to slander, Nazi Germany, did something other that bring trainloads of Jews to gas chambers? Fat chance.

Another thing is that I was watching part of one of those bullshit history shows about WW II. They showed a group of Jews walking somewhere in Palestine and claimed that they were fleeing Nazi Germany. If you were fleeing the Germans, is Palestine where you would choose to go? They didn't "flee" there. They were deported to there. Not that it would probably do much good, but maybe you should try to look up Brittish records of Jews such as I mentioned who "fled" there.
Last edited:
Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.

you hear that which your fellows at the methadone clinic tell you. The romans
WERE FUCKED UP-------utterly barbaric and utterly imperialistic------and the heirs
to their filth are the people of Great Britain who adopted all that stank in roman
"culture"-------ignoring all that is decent. For that reason the pigs like Henry VIII
rejected Rome-------to damned civilized for him
Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.

you hear that which your fellows at the methadone clinic tell you. The romans
WERE FUCKED UP-------utterly barbaric and utterly imperialistic------and the heirs
to their filth are the people of Great Britain who adopted all that stank in roman
"culture"-------ignoring all that is decent. For that reason the pigs like Henry VIII
rejected Rome-------to damned civilized for him

Being an Atheist, it should be no surprise to you that I don't view the Catholics or any other religious group as being civilized.
I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.

you hear that which your fellows at the methadone clinic tell you. The romans
WERE FUCKED UP-------utterly barbaric and utterly imperialistic------and the heirs
to their filth are the people of Great Britain who adopted all that stank in roman
"culture"-------ignoring all that is decent. For that reason the pigs like Henry VIII
rejected Rome-------to damned civilized for him

Being an Atheist, it should be no surprise to you that I don't view the Catholics or any other religious group as being civilized.

being that which you are-------I have no interest in that which you "view"
I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.

you hear that which your fellows at the methadone clinic tell you. The romans
WERE FUCKED UP-------utterly barbaric and utterly imperialistic------and the heirs
to their filth are the people of Great Britain who adopted all that stank in roman
"culture"-------ignoring all that is decent. For that reason the pigs like Henry VIII
rejected Rome-------to damned civilized for him

Being an Atheist, it should be no surprise to you that I don't view the Catholics or any other religious group as being civilized.

being that which you are-------I have no interest in that which you "view"

Being that which you are, that doesn't surprise me.
Also, according to "The Best Answer" in "Yahoo, answers," the Germany deported 60 to 70% of its Jews to Palestine under the Haavara agreement.

You are citing Yahoo "best answers", really?

Really. Go to your browser and enter, "How many Jews were deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement." Near the top you will find that question basically asked at a "Yahoo, answers" website. Read it. The guy who gave "The Best Answer" seemed to have his shit together. While your're around there, feel free to look at some of the other websites. I couldn't tell you how many were written by Jews or their supporters. But the fact remains that many Jews WERE deported to Palestine under the Haavara Agreement. That puts a stake through the heart of the idea that Hitlers aim was to simply gas to death as many Jews as he could get his hands on.

Guess what, that was the very first thing I did do. One of the oldest tactics in the book, one guy asks a loaded question and gets a friend to use his account to answer it in a specific way. Laying that aside, I checked the links and found one was dead, another led to a forum and the third to the "Birdman organisation" conspiracy theory whack job site. If Germany had deported 60-70% of it's Jewish population to Palestine in the 1930's, there would be British records of this. Hmm...

The guy who gave "The Best Answer" at Yahoo:answers said what he said. I never tried to look the guy up and find out who he was or where he got his information. Also, from what I remember, there were other people there who submitted answers also. I don't recall anybody calling him a liar. Another thing. Isn't it interesting that when history is written by the victors, information that may be contrary to their version is difficult to find? Also, the English producing records that showed the enemy they love to slander, Nazi Germany, did something other that bring trainloads of Jews to gas chambers? Fat chance.

Another thing is that I was watching part of one of those bullshit history shows about WW II. They showed a group of Jews walking somewhere in Palestine and claimed that they were fleeing Nazi Germany. If you were fleeing the Germans, is Palestine where you would choose to go? They didn't "flee" there. They were deported to there. Not that it would probably do much good, but maybe you should try to look up Brittish records of Jews such as I mentioned who "fled" there.

Already done that. Most Jewish Germans preferred to go to the U.S.A. Those with wealth and/or connections succeeded, the remainder went to the UK or France or Palestine or wherever they could find. According to the available data, of the 399,000 Jewish Germans and Austrians who managed to emigrate before September 1939, no more than 60,000 went to Palestine. The remaining 259,000 who were unable to leave, mainly the elderly and/or the poor were "resettled" in "holiday camps" throughout Germany and later Poland, where life was so much fun and games, most of them died of overexcitement, or at least that's what some people would have us believe.
you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
That is a current popular trend among racial geneticists, most of them amatuers.
Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

The Romans were indeed pretty fucked up. It's no wonder, from what I hear, from an ethnic point of view, Jews today don't see themselves as being any different than Italians.
That is a current popular trend among racial geneticists, most of them amatuers.

there is no claim---beyond the expected ----of evidence of common origin of Italians and jews. Of course there are some similarities due to genetic PRESSURE related to the fact that the Mediteranean people all tend to develop red blood cell
abnormalities related to malaria resistance which are genetic-----that is about it------ As far as ethnic similarities---both jews and Italians tend not to be alcoholics.
Alcoholism tends to be a northern European thing
Very few Bolsheviks weren't Jewish. The person who basically founded communism, Marx, was a Jew. Lennin was part Jewish. Trotsky was Jewish. At another forum somebody posted pictures of a bunch of top Bolshevik leaders who were Jewish. Also, ever hear of Julis and Ethel Rosenberg? They were American Jews and still supported the commies. Jews and communists are so often linked together that they are almost synonymous. And you expect me to believe that very few Bolsheviks were Jewish? Ha!

As for Stalin, I never said that he was from Turkey. But his ethnicity was Turkish. Apparently in the part of Russia that he was from, there were many of them around. As to him being a Christian and basically a seminary student in his youth, anybody who has heard anything about Stalin knows that. So take that you Jewish pile of shit murdering scum.

you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."
you are still wrong-----the OVERWHELMING majority of Bolsheviks were Christians just like you are. Lenin had one jewish ancestor----he was brought up IN THE CHURCH Trotsky was undeniably born to jewish parents who were undeniably entirely secular--------His childhood was very "not jewish" in that unlike most jews
of eastern Europe ---neither he nor his parents spoke a word of Yiddish. Thus
they were jews completely alienated from "Judaism" and the jewish community-----in any case his approach to communism was nothing like that of the mass murdering STALIN-----in fact he opposed the genocidal policies of staliin-----so stalin killed him as he did lots of the jews around him. The most vicious of the genocidal dogs was
STALIN---------he got it from the eastern orthodox seminary in which he was
educated and almost became a PRIEST

Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?
Here how it goes...
No Jews were ever exiled or murdered, but since Jews insist Jews were exiled or murdered, we must exile or murder the Jews.
Wash, rinse and repeat every 70 years.

I prefer my Latke analogy..........??? I thought it has something to do with some
roman sadistic pig who loved to crucify people so much that he is credited with having crucified 20,000 people in just ten years of limp wristed work as a clerk
in Judea/Israel. One of the 20,000 of anonymous jews who knocked off
for fun was one ------'jesus' It was poor innocent SAINT Pontius pilate who
was so distressed that he knocked off ----'jesus' that he knocked off a few more
thousand thereafter --------all on a charge of "sedition against rome"

I would prefer to hear the Roman version of events. Not the Jewish-Christian version.

The romans recorded only the history of their conquests. They did not actually
GLORY in their genocides --------they danced on dead bodies in TRIUMPH----for example they happily raped and pillaged the British Isles -----both exploiting and
enslaving the ass lickers whose culture no longer exists. They accomplished with
the blue dyed brits that which they could never accomplish with jews-----they made
them into pale copies of barbaric romans---------and filthy and barbaric in emulation of their masters they imposed genocide after genocide upon the world---including
the Americas whilst remaining famous for their best accomplishment----managing
to live without taking a bath

Just wondering how many more stereotypes you are going to pander to; talk about "filled with hatred..."

to whom are you addressing your comment-----and to what "stereotype do you refer?


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