Why white people need to admit that black people know more about pain

IM2 said:
You guys always have that one example of blacks doing something to you. But I had to fight whites from k-12 who thought they had the right to jump me because I was black. Then you go to college and have to fight white boys from rural towns who think they get to jump on you because they are superior and I must know my place. And if you are defending yourself here comes the police to handcuff you even if you didn't start the fight. So why go through all that you said at the beginning and just say what you said at the end.
Jumped On You,
And Mob BEAT You ??

I'm Calling Bull-Shit On This Entire Post
Your Credibility Just Went Through The Floor
On Just This One Lie

Glad I Saw It...

I'm The Same Age As You
And Went To Some Predominately Black Schools
Blacks Have It Far Better In White Schools
Than Whites Will Ever Have It In Black Schools
Because Of Bigoted Blacks Like YOU

I started school in 1966. In a small almost all white town. Yes I got jumped on. Whites do that now and they especially did that then. I don't give a damn what age you are punk. Blacks do not have it better in white schools. And what whites have gotten is because of what whites have done and keep doing. Man up and face the consequences of your racist history bitch.

I see that you have a lot of personal experience in dealing with bad people, it is shame they behaved that way since they were supposedly Christians who should have been better people over time. But it was Christians who were among the worst Racists in America back in the 1800's as the infecting stain of the slave trade seeped into them, transforming once decent people into ugly human beings over time. That ugliness carried over after the Civil war ended when the KKK and other groups formed to keep black people down.

For me I have no interest in Reparations, KKK or other wasteful activities because I am busy having a positive lifestyle where I try to treat everyone the same, as we are ALL human beings who should understand there will ALWAYS be some differences whether, cultural, physical or whatever to be hostile again them. To me is it a sign of a people with that hate being presented to others started it because their hearts are filled with trouble in the first place.

Blacks people have been oppressed, enslaved and suffered from the 1700's to 1866, when Slavery was finally abolished by the Republicans in the so called nation of the "free". But a different kind of slavery then sprung up when the Democrats regained control of the South in the late 1870's, promoting terror (KKK) and creating many roadblocks to voting that effectively removed the few Blacks who were holding elective offices in the deep southern stated., always as a Republican. Then for many decades to 1954, Black people were legally kept into a secondary status in the so called "land of the free" because of the STUPID Supreme Court Decision of 1896. The Dreadful Scott decision of 1857 insulted blacks by saying they were NOT Citizens, despite they were born here as he was. It required another Amendment in 1868 to fix that glaring error that wasn't supposed to exist in the first place in the "land of the free", also that SAME Amendment states "equal protection of the laws" SHALL be applied to everyone who is a citizen.

America as the land of the free has NEVER existed since at least 1776.

Whites do these things, the political party is irrelevant. Words written on paper don't really change things. Republicans started the lily white movement and did nothing to stop jim crow. So again, it's not about the political party.

Gee, in the 1800's BOTH Democrats and Republicans were White, but only the Republicans ended Slavery, Granted Citizenship and the right to vote, meanwhile "black codes" were 100% enacted by Democrats, not a single Republican passed such ugliness. It was the Democrats who created the KKK, lynched many people, mostly blacks as part of their terror effort to keep blacks under control. Republicans did try to shut down the KKK and enforce the three liberating amendments in 1870.

It is the WHITE DEMOCRATS who went out of their way to oppress blacks for another 100 years after the end of the Civil War, yet TODAY blacks are overwhelmingly voting the very political party who show hate and oppression towards them openly for 135 years. That is incredible!

It was the DEMOCRATS who pushed to oppress blacks from the end of the Civil War onwards, they still do it today too.

Stop focusing on the past. 4 republicans out of 7 scotus votes supported separate but equal in Plessy v Ferguson which established segregation as law. OK? Stop trying to pull this bullshit on me, I know too much to be fooled.. At last check the first black president was not republican. Blacks hold no leadership positions in the republican caucus. So I don't know who you think you're talking to, but take that fake news elsewhere. Go talk to Kanye West.
"There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.
View attachment 212680
I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article:
How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension."

Whites are many of the most condescending people in this society. When you think you are better than somebody, I guess you think you get to say what you want to people but people must always speak respectfully to you.

You apparently miss the inconvenient fact that whites have been racist against blacks since at least 1641. That is 377 years of continuing white racism that has not ever stopped. Saying things have improved or saying things are better is not saying it has ended. When the words it has ended has been proven and said, if blacks are still talking about how whites are racist, then you can call blacks racists for assuming a person is racist because they are white.

Since whites don't walk the streets with I'm not a racist tattooed on their foreheads, blacks do not know which individual white is racist or not. So until a national system of white racist identification is established, this is going to happen. So you must prove you are not before we can trust you not to be. INDIVIDUALLY if we don't and just trust you, that's usually when we find out that person is a racist.

If you feel bad because you are white, that's your fault. Nobody is asking you to feel guilt. You shall get the truth and accept it. Whites must face the completeness of their history just like everyone else. Blacks had great civilizations but none of them were perfect. We face and accept that. That is not said to excuse white colonization.

Seems that there are whites here at USMB who are unable to do that.
Thats like saying you are guilty until proven innocent.
Everyone feels pain. Wtf does it matter who feels more pain? You have no way of knowing who feels more pain. That is something felt individually, not as a group.
It's probably a good thing that so many of you have such a strong opinion about it. Look, I'm not saying all or even most white people have it easy, I'm not dismissing the hardships and anxieties of the Louisiana share cropper, I'm not trying to dismiss the very real stigma many black people have against white people, and I'm definitely not trying to downplay racism against Jews or say that racism is only perpetrated against people of African ancestry.

What I am trying to say is that, in reality, not all pain is equal, and yes, not all racism is felt as strongly. I lived in rural Japan for a year, and I experienced some racism - being stared at wherever I went, shopkeepers glaring at me for no reason and shoving change into my hand, being asked to represent my race as if all white people were like me, being harassed by cops who told me to leave the country - hell, I was even accused of being a terrorist for not being Japanese and asked to leave a bar. It was annoying. It hurt a bit. Sometimes it hurt a lot. But in the end, honestly, I've felt worse.

In the end I could come back to the U.S. where no one gives me a sideways glance, where shopkeepers don't look at me twice, and where white terrorism, though very real, is deemed non-existent. So I ask myself, what if people in the U.S. looked at me sidelong wherever I went with fear, or anger, or mistrust just because I'm white. What if half of every man I knew who was white had been to jail or was bound for jail at some point, what if I endured constant racism in my OWN COUNTRY but was told that it didn't exist. How would that feel? If I'm going to be honest, I just don't know. So it's good to leave the door open for the possibility that other people have it worse than me, even if I can't understand how.

You’re equating racism deniers to everyday reasonable people who are aware it exists and don’t engage in it but also don’t take their time to combat it. I like talking with kind, honest POC about racism in America bc they can share things with me that I can’t possibly understand and it’s okay for me not to understand bc it was never my destiny to be any other race than white. We are born how we’re born. No matter our race we live and cope with life the best we can. Just as you think a person shouldn’t suffer bc they’re black you shouldn’t feel bad for being white. Intelligent people know skin color is nothing more than biological and it’s attitudes that put so much importance on it. Your white guilt isn’t going to do shit to fix racism. Telling white people how racist they are (incidentally bc of their race) isn’t going to do shit to fix racism... if fact, it might just fuel it.

None of this makes sense. What makes a POC kind and honest about racism to you? Who is asking whites to feel bad because they are white? Why did whites create this false narrative about white guilt. The OP doesn't sound guilty. How could telling whites how racist they are fuel racism? Whites want to tell others what they need to change and expect it to be done, but whites? Oh no, you can't tell whites anything, because they'll just become more racist. That's white supremacist thinking. "We are superior we don't need to listen to anyone but we can tell everyone else how to do things." Whites are not called racists because of their race. Whites are called racists who are actually racists.

It doesn’t make sense bc you’re interpreting it from a flawed POV. By “kind and honest” I mean doesn’t act like a troll and/or talk down to me/assume I don’t know anything about anything bc I’m white—and YES I have been treated like this. By “kind and honest” I mean reasonable, willing to discuss without chastising and insults and this applies to everyone not just POC.

There are plenty of black people who are racist against whites and therefore believe whites should feel bad bc they’re white. There are also brainwashed white people who believe white people should feel bad for being white.
View attachment 212680
I think the above image is a good example of someone experiencing white guilt. Also this article: How Can I Cure My White Guilt?
What do you mean by “false narrative” regarding white guilt? Seems pretty real to me. Thinking white people are racist solely bc they’re white (which some people DO think) is an extreme POV and may anger some white people and such flawed logic may make them discriminate against POC—this is just a guess on my part. I never said you can’t tell whites anything as long as it comes from a respectful place and isn’t laced with condescension.

That person is feeling guilt because he hates himself, because he is overweight and needs help.

I thought it was a female LOL. It’s kind of hard to tell...
Jumped On You,
And Mob BEAT You ??

I'm Calling Bull-Shit On This Entire Post
Your Credibility Just Went Through The Floor
On Just This One Lie

Glad I Saw It...

I'm The Same Age As You
And Went To Some Predominately Black Schools
Blacks Have It Far Better In White Schools
Than Whites Will Ever Have It In Black Schools
Because Of Bigoted Blacks Like YOU

I started school in 1966. In a small almost all white town. Yes I got jumped on. Whites do that now and they especially did that then. I don't give a damn what age you are punk. Blacks do not have it better in white schools. And what whites have gotten is because of what whites have done and keep doing. Man up and face the consequences of your racist history bitch.

I see that you have a lot of personal experience in dealing with bad people, it is shame they behaved that way since they were supposedly Christians who should have been better people over time. But it was Christians who were among the worst Racists in America back in the 1800's as the infecting stain of the slave trade seeped into them, transforming once decent people into ugly human beings over time. That ugliness carried over after the Civil war ended when the KKK and other groups formed to keep black people down.

For me I have no interest in Reparations, KKK or other wasteful activities because I am busy having a positive lifestyle where I try to treat everyone the same, as we are ALL human beings who should understand there will ALWAYS be some differences whether, cultural, physical or whatever to be hostile again them. To me is it a sign of a people with that hate being presented to others started it because their hearts are filled with trouble in the first place.

Blacks people have been oppressed, enslaved and suffered from the 1700's to 1866, when Slavery was finally abolished by the Republicans in the so called nation of the "free". But a different kind of slavery then sprung up when the Democrats regained control of the South in the late 1870's, promoting terror (KKK) and creating many roadblocks to voting that effectively removed the few Blacks who were holding elective offices in the deep southern stated., always as a Republican. Then for many decades to 1954, Black people were legally kept into a secondary status in the so called "land of the free" because of the STUPID Supreme Court Decision of 1896. The Dreadful Scott decision of 1857 insulted blacks by saying they were NOT Citizens, despite they were born here as he was. It required another Amendment in 1868 to fix that glaring error that wasn't supposed to exist in the first place in the "land of the free", also that SAME Amendment states "equal protection of the laws" SHALL be applied to everyone who is a citizen.

America as the land of the free has NEVER existed since at least 1776.

Whites do these things, the political party is irrelevant. Words written on paper don't really change things. Republicans started the lily white movement and did nothing to stop jim crow. So again, it's not about the political party.

Gee, in the 1800's BOTH Democrats and Republicans were White, but only the Republicans ended Slavery, Granted Citizenship and the right to vote, meanwhile "black codes" were 100% enacted by Democrats, not a single Republican passed such ugliness. It was the Democrats who created the KKK, lynched many people, mostly blacks as part of their terror effort to keep blacks under control. Republicans did try to shut down the KKK and enforce the three liberating amendments in 1870.

It is the WHITE DEMOCRATS who went out of their way to oppress blacks for another 100 years after the end of the Civil War, yet TODAY blacks are overwhelmingly voting the very political party who show hate and oppression towards them openly for 135 years. That is incredible!

It was the DEMOCRATS who pushed to oppress blacks from the end of the Civil War onwards, they still do it today too.

Stop focusing on the past. 4 republicans out of 7 scotus votes supported separate but equal in Plessy v Ferguson which established segregation as law. OK? Stop trying to pull this bullshit on me, I know too much to be fooled.. At last check the first black president was not republican. Blacks hold no leadership positions in the republican caucus. So I don't know who you think you're talking to, but take that fake news elsewhere. Go talk to Kanye West.

Gosh you are so hilarious since you continue to IGNORE that it was WHITE REPUBLICANS who passed those AMENDMENTS to abolish slavery, grant Citizenship and the right to Vote. Democrats fought hard against all three Amendments with almost total no votes counts.

Then the Democrats spent the next 100 years fighting the Black people's rights to varying degrees, such as terror, poll taxes and so on.

Meanwhile you center on the rotten 1896 decision having a majority of Republican justice picks supporting separation, but YOU overlook the background that led to this decision by failing to acknowledge it was the DEMOCRATS who made those JIM CROW LAWS that created the disastrous decision in the first place. You also failed to note that ALL of the Democrats supported this rotten decision, while a vigorous dissent was written by a Republican.

From American Heritage

Plessy V. Ferguson

Selected Excerpt:

"The first genuine Jim Crow law requiring railroads to carry Negroes in separate cars or behind partitions was adopted by Florida in 1887. Mississippi followed this example in 1888; Texas in 1889; Louisiana in 1890; Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, and Tennessee in 1891; and Kentucky in 1892. The Carolinas and Virginia did not fall into line until the last three years of the century."

Once again you make misleading claims that gets exploded.
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Democrats created Jim Crow laws, NOT Republicans thus once again more evidence that Democrats were the true Racists is shown. Over and over it Democrats who passed laws to slow down or control free blacks from reaching their potential free status as mandated by law. That is legislative racism nothing more, thus stop with the lies and grow up.

Jim Crow laws

"Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.[1] Enacted by white Democrat-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period, in the late 19th century, the laws were enforced until 1965. In practice, Jim Crow laws mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America, starting in the 1870s and 1880s, and were upheld in 1896, by the U.S. Supreme Court's "separate but equal" legal doctrine for African Americans, established with the court's decision in the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson. Moreover, public education had essentially been segregated since its establishment in most of the South, after the Civil War (1861–65)."

I'm pretty sure these two knew a little bit about pain before they died.
Pretty sure their parents know a lot about the pain of a racist society.

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia
Its good they found out about pain but it would be more beneficial if they could have experienced this on a multi-generational level.

Think they did.. More dead white folks than in all other wars lie on the Civil War battlefields. My grandparent relatives in Nazi concentration camps did. Not like white folks don't know evil and suffering.
I need generational pain where whites feel pain, have children that feel the exact same pain, grow up and have more children that have the exact same pain all while their families are torn apart and their customs are destroyed..

....... and that's definitely not racist -- right?
I dont see that as racist.
Yes it was good. However it could have been better. Their entire race could have experienced the same thing for generations so they would know how it feels.

Bull shit, your step daughter is white. You wouldnt wish that on her. or would you? ... but lets see, some other peoples kids, yeah its ok for them. Either your BS'ing or you are a really fucked excuse for a human being. Which one is it?
My god daughter is 11% Black. I'm being serious. That event was used as some kind of idiotic equivalency so lets make it equivalent so whites can experience the generational pain.

So does the 11% exempt her from you badgering her about race? Or not? Pretty certain you'll be remembered as the grandpa that made her know that white guilt can't be absolved without pain.
I never badgered her about race when I thought she was totally white. Shes my daughter for all intents and purposes so I never look at her as white.

That's interesting. But being married to a black woman and having kids with her doesn't absolve a white man from having you demand he live his life in pain for your peace of mind?
I dont demand a white man live in pain for my peace of mind. I'm just saying it would be a good exercise for them to undergo before they start trying to tell Black people about pain.
So I'm a white guy. Just going off recent experience, yesterday I watched Blackkklansman in a Portland theater and it was hard to watch, mainly because I noticed I had to stop myself from laughing or smiling at certain parts that were really f'ed up. My impression was that that was the question the movie was putting to white people: "So, did you think it was funny? Did you like it?" Nothing was funny about that movie and yet it was making me realize that whether I want it there or not, like most white people, I've got a little racist living inside me.

There were a few black people in the theater and there was one black guy in the back who was laughing throughout the movie, especially at the racist scenes. Eventually someone shushed him and he blew up, "Don't you f'ing tell me to shut up! They keep saying it over and over, "N****r this! N****r that! N*****r! N****r! N****r! F*** this movie! F*** all you white mother-*******!"

He kept shouting and hitting the wall until an usher made him leave the theater, and after the movie the usher started apologizing to people leaving for the interruption. I told him I don't think he should be apologizing, and that while I get what he's saying, there's a bigger issue going on than just "he interrupted the movie." I said I don't think that was a movie you're meant to enjoy and I was glad that guy had been there.

So the friends I was with said, "I don't get why he got so mad." and in truth, I don't think I get it either, but what I do think I get if nothing else is this: That guy might have seemed angry to some people, but all I heard was someone really, really hurt. Like, beyond hurt.

I know a bit about pain - I tried to kill myself when I was a teenager; like, seriously tried to kill myself, with a note and everything and wound up in the hospital. And I'm a pretty sensitive guy. And I'm saying, I'm not sure even in my worst moments I have ever been as upset as that guy sounded to me. He didn't seem crazy - up until the moment some one told him to be quiet he sounded like a normal guy, and a normal person doesn't get that upset, they just don't.

And I've heard that kind of hurt from a lot of black people I've known or met, something deep, something carnal, and it's not about them - it's about white people. Not just the out-in-the-open racists but white people everywhere, esp. in the U.S., who won't acknowledge that something really twisted and sick is going on in this world and black people have been taking the brunt of it for a long time.

White people like to talk about equivalence a lot: "Well, maybe this black person has endured racism but racism against whites is real too." or "Well, I'm sure black people are having a hard time but that's no excuse for interrupting a movie, that was really distressing to me."

Well, maybe it's about time white people started getting distressed. Because, this is just the sense I'm getting but I just don't think any pain white people endure in their lives is really comparable to what black people endure from living in a racist society. People like to say, "Well pain is pain, let's not dismiss what anyone's going through" but in truth I think white people who complain about racism against whites are wimps and are the very deepest level of pathetic. If you're white like me, this is my message to you - we don't know what real racism feels like so let's keep our mouths shut about what we don't know and listen for a change.
I am a white dude from Texas.

I admit that black people know more about pain than white people.

I cannot imagine waking up every day and leaving my house knowing that my race is likely to be a factor, even if a very very small factor.

It is true.

The only thing I can do about it is to do my best to ease that pain and make life in America enjoyable for everyone.
Everyone feels pain. Wtf does it matter who feels more pain? You have no way of knowing who feels more pain. That is something felt individually, not as a group.
This is how we know. Your post actually proves the point.
It proves you cant base pain on race
It proves you dont have a clue about racial pain.
People can make up anyrhing
We know white people make up a lot of things so I agree.
I admire that most of you are very clearly saying what you actually think, so I'd just say this: It's easy to believe words that sound good or sound like common sense like "All pain is equal" so I'd put this to you:

"All pain is equal" -
Is a stubbed toe as painful as a broken leg? No, so in a literal sense all pain is not necessarily equal.
Is being yelled at by your boss as painful as your mom dying? No, so in an emotional sense all pain can't be equal.
Is a hurtful joke about 9/11 as offensive to, say, a Chinese person who immigrated here after the fact as it is to a native-born American? No, so even for the same issue, pain can be unequal across racial and national boundaries.

So isn't is possible, just possible, that the black experience of racism is in fact a lot more painful and deeply disturbing an experience than we as white people may be thinking it is? Wouldn't that suck if that really, clearly turned out to be true? That all this time white people have been complaining about racism against us while black people in the U.S. have been facing a very sick and disturbing reality, however much they may seem to be "self-victimizing" and however much "pain knows no color?"

If you're wondering what this reality may involve, I'd ask some of you to look at some of the things you've been saying:

"If they hate it here so much they can move back to Africa. "

"...eternally self-victimizing blacks with an eternal chip on their shoulder looking for a free handout...being totally unwilling to ever go back to Somalia."

"Every time I think of all that pain Jaden andWillow Smith have had to endure, it makes me just want to cry."

Lose the “we,” kid.
I won't. I know about as much in terms of what racism feels like to a black person as any white person who has never experienced racism on a systemic scale. I know some intellectual facts and can try to imagine what it would be like knowing half of my friends will wind up in jail, or if the three cops who let me off the hook for speeding last year had instead tantalized me and then arrested me for resisting arrest, or I can imagine what it would be like to be told in all seriousness to go back to Europe but as neither I nor most white people know a thing about how that feels, just why can't it be worse than we as white people may be thinking?
You don’t seem to understand what “systemic” means.

When the New York Times hires an anti-white racist for their editorial board despite whining about powerless supposedly racist white people for years, THAT is systemic.

When Evergreen College kicks out all the white students and teachers from campus and gets away with it in the name of progressivism, THAT is systemic.

When a black judge kicks out all the white people out of public courtroom and gets away with it and is awarded a civil rights award, THAT is systemic.

As a white millennial I know what systemic racism is far better than my black peers, but yet they are the only ones who are allowed to have a voice, because the systemic racism is against me, not them.
I admire that most of you are very clearly saying what you actually think, so I'd just say this: It's easy to believe words that sound good or sound like common sense like "All pain is equal" so I'd put this to you:

"All pain is equal" -
Is a stubbed toe as painful as a broken leg? No, so in a literal sense all pain is not necessarily equal.
Is being yelled at by your boss as painful as your mom dying? No, so in an emotional sense all pain can't be equal.
Is a hurtful joke about 9/11 as offensive to, say, a Chinese person who immigrated here after the fact as it is to a native-born American? No, so even for the same issue, pain can be unequal across racial and national boundaries.

So isn't is possible, just possible, that the black experience of racism is in fact a lot more painful and deeply disturbing an experience than we as white people may be thinking it is? Wouldn't that suck if that really, clearly turned out to be true? That all this time white people have been complaining about racism against us while black people in the U.S. have been facing a very sick and disturbing reality, however much they may seem to be "self-victimizing" and however much "pain knows no color?"

If you're wondering what this reality may involve, I'd ask some of you to look at some of the things you've been saying:

"If they hate it here so much they can move back to Africa. "

"...eternally self-victimizing blacks with an eternal chip on their shoulder looking for a free handout...being totally unwilling to ever go back to Somalia."

"Every time I think of all that pain Jaden andWillow Smith have had to endure, it makes me just want to cry."

Lose the “we,” kid.
I won't. I know about as much in terms of what racism feels like to a black person as any white person who has never experienced racism on a systemic scale. I know some intellectual facts and can try to imagine what it would be like knowing half of my friends will wind up in jail, or if the three cops who let me off the hook for speeding last year had instead tantalized me and then arrested me for resisting arrest, or I can imagine what it would be like to be told in all seriousness to go back to Europe but as neither I nor most white people know a thing about how that feels, just why can't it be worse than we as white people may be thinking?
You don’t seem to understand what “systemic” means.

When the New York Times hires an anti-white racist for their editorial board despite whining about powerless supposedly racist white people for years, THAT is systemic.

When Evergreen College kicks out all the white students and teachers from campus and gets away with it in the name of progressivism, THAT is systemic.

When a black judge kicks out all the white people out of public courtroom and gets away with it and is awarded a civil rights award, THAT is systemic.

As a white millennial I know what systemic racism is far better than my black peers, but yet they are the only ones who are allowed to have a voice, because the systemic racism is against me, not them.
You are whining about a whole lot of lies and half truths. Please stop your whining.
Everyone feels pain. Wtf does it matter who feels more pain? You have no way of knowing who feels more pain. That is something felt individually, not as a group.
This is how we know. Your post actually proves the point.
It proves you cant base pain on race
It proves you dont have a clue about racial pain.

It proves you have an infantile understanding of pain.
Everyone feels pain. Wtf does it matter who feels more pain? You have no way of knowing who feels more pain. That is something felt individually, not as a group.
This is how we know. Your post actually proves the point.
It proves you cant base pain on race
It proves you dont have a clue about racial pain.

It proves you have an infantile understanding of pain.
Infants are much more in tune with pain than adults. Thanks.
Everyone feels pain. Wtf does it matter who feels more pain? You have no way of knowing who feels more pain. That is something felt individually, not as a group.
This is how we know. Your post actually proves the point.
It proves you cant base pain on race
It proves you dont have a clue about racial pain.

It proves you have an infantile understanding of pain.
Infants are much more in tune with pain than adults. Thanks.

Not really, they are merely ID's. They have little consciousness yet.
This is how we know. Your post actually proves the point.
It proves you cant base pain on race
It proves you dont have a clue about racial pain.

It proves you have an infantile understanding of pain.
Infants are much more in tune with pain than adults. Thanks.

Not really, they are merely ID's. They have little consciousness yet.
Yes really. Their whole world is based on pain and comfort.

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