Why We Must Impeach Trump


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Trump must be impeached, or at least must be investigated forever. That's what Democrats yesterday were saying. Why? Because of a meeting with Trump's son that the DNC arranged over a year ago using Russians. Yes, Russians.
It appears the Democrats colluded with Russians to trick Donald Trump's son into taking a meeting about nothing. And because the meeting was so much about nothing, and was so long ago the facts about what exactly took place, and who was there, are in question and thus being used to assault the honesty of the Trump Administration....even though Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.

It would be a travesty of justice if we were to arrest the parents of an adult child for something the adult child did. That is the standard here. Who cares that there were no laws broken, at least none by the victims of this, Donald Trump jr and the Trump Administration. Democrats still can lie and say there were. That is how far out in the weeds Democrats are taking us.

So, what we have here are calls for impeachment over memory lapses because of the passage of time. Never mind the fact that Democrats created this mess in the first place. That's all this is. A sting operation that was used to give Obama an excuse to spy on a political opponent.

As with Obamacare, Democrats are using a problem that they created to attack their opponents. The only way in the real world this could work is if you have a media that refuses to be honest. This is the danger of a corrupt media. It makes garbage like this a dangerous possibility. Criminals can get away with murder and good people can't get anything done.

Democrats want a perpetual cloud of conspiracy over the head of this administration. Doesn't matter if there is any truth to it, that is at the very least the baseline goal. If they can't kick him out of office they can at least make him appear illegitimate.

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Trump must be impeached, or at least must be investigated forever. That's what Democrats yesterday were saying. Why? Because of a meeting with Trump's son that the DNC arranged over a year ago using Russians. Yes, Russians.
It appears the Democrats colluded with Russians to trick Donald Trump's son into taking a meeting about nothing. And because the meeting was so much about nothing, and was so long ago the facts about what exactly took place, and who was there, are in question and thus being used to assault the honesty of the Trump Administration....even though Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.

It would be a travesty of justice if we were to arrest the parents of an adult child for something the adult child did. That is the standard here. Who cares that there were no laws broken, at least none by the victims of this, Donald Trump jr and the Trump Administration. Democrats still can lie and say there were. That is how far out in the weeds Democrats are taking us.

So, what we have here are calls for impeachment over memory lapses because of the passage of time. Never mind the fact that Democrats created this mess in the first place. That's all this is. A sting operation that was used to give Obama an excuse to spy on a political opponent.

As with Obamacare, Democrats are using a problem that they created to attack their opponents. The only way in the real world this could work is if you have a media that refuses to be honest. This is the danger of a corrupt media. It makes garbage like this a dangerous possibility. Criminals can get away with murder and good people can't get anything done.

Democrats want a perpetual cloud of conspiracy over the head of this administration. Doesn't matter if there is any truth to it, that is at the very least the baseline goal. If they can't kick him out of office they can at least make him appear illegitimate.


It is a crying shame that Trump is forcing a good portion of the American public to be as amoral as he is.

Trump must be impeached, or at least must be investigated forever. That's what Democrats yesterday were saying. Why? Because of a meeting with Trump's son that the DNC arranged over a year ago using Russians. Yes, Russians.
It appears the Democrats colluded with Russians to trick Donald Trump's son into taking a meeting about nothing. And because the meeting was so much about nothing, and was so long ago the facts about what exactly took place, and who was there, are in question and thus being used to assault the honesty of the Trump Administration....even though Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with it.

It would be a travesty of justice if we were to arrest the parents of an adult child for something the adult child did. That is the standard here. Who cares that there were no laws broken, at least none by the victims of this, Donald Trump jr and the Trump Administration. Democrats still can lie and say there were. That is how far out in the weeds Democrats are taking us.

So, what we have here are calls for impeachment over memory lapses because of the passage of time. Never mind the fact that Democrats created this mess in the first place. That's all this is. A sting operation that was used to give Obama an excuse to spy on a political opponent.

As with Obamacare, Democrats are using a problem that they created to attack their opponents. The only way in the real world this could work is if you have a media that refuses to be honest. This is the danger of a corrupt media. It makes garbage like this a dangerous possibility. Criminals can get away with murder and good people can't get anything done.

Democrats want a perpetual cloud of conspiracy over the head of this administration. Doesn't matter if there is any truth to it, that is at the very least the baseline goal. If they can't kick him out of office they can at least make him appear illegitimate.


It is a crying shame that Trump is forcing a good portion of the American public to be as amoral as he is.

I'm sorry....but that was pretty pathetic.
No offense.
It is a crying shame that Trump is forcing a good portion of the American public to be as amoral as he is.

AMORAL from someone who supports murdering babies, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. HOW damn ignorant can ANYONE REALLY BE? I have seen some really psychotic ideas in my life but you liberals train of though is completely off of the scale of a person that is severely deranged. If I were you (or any liberal supporter for that matter) I would go to a shrink as soon as possible your ideas are evidence of schizophrenia

noun: schizophrenia
a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

You understand that what you dimshits are doing is Primary evidence of this behavior don't you!!! If you don't you are exhibiting even MORE TELLING evidence of it.
It is a crying shame that Trump is forcing a good portion of the American public to be as amoral as he is.

AMORAL from someone who supports murdering babies, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. HOW damn ignorant can ANYONE REALLY BE? I have seen some really psychotic ideas in my life but you liberals train of though is completely off of the scale of a person that is severely deranged. If I were you (or any liberal supporter for that matter) I would go to a shrink as soon as possible your ideas are evidence of schizophrenia

noun: schizophrenia
a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

You understand that what you dimshits are doing is Primary evidence of this behavior don't you!!! If you don't you are exhibiting even MORE TELLING evidence of it.
You can't really blame most of them.
As Hillary said in her quote, these people are so easily manipulated. All you need is to give them somebody to hate and they'll believe anything you say about that person or entity. Halliburton was a government contractor that still works for the federal government and Democrats were able to make Halliburton look like the Nazi Party. This explains all of the accusations of lying about crowd sizes and such that surfaced as soon as Trump was sworn in. It was all just a trick being pulled by Obama through the national park service. Cripes....with the help of the media you could make Jesus Christ look like a racist misogynistic pig.

These people need to take a close look at these idiots that are running the Democratic Party and stop believing them. If it's a pack of lies it shouldn't matter how effective their presentation of the lies is. It's still bullshit. And as far as the media is concerned.....stop tuning in. There's plenty of other things to do besides listening to elitists telling us how we're supposed to think and act.
The latest claim by the media is that who cares that the Democrats set this shit up, who cares that Obama was corrupt as the day is long. Trump. and members of the Trump family, must at all times conduct themselves perfectly and never fall for any of the Democrats tricks. In other words, everything that Trump does is illegal, and if it looks bad, it's illegal. Doesn't matter if the Democrats were caught red-handed doing much, much worse.
Why can't Trump just resign like other Republicans. Does Trump believe America's historians will vote Trump as, America's greatest president?
Please democrats do it...just do it. Go ahead and break records for appearing to be mad as hell and impeach a sitting president for nothing. I dare ya...it would turn the lights out at the DNC for decades.....

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