Why Trump Won


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth

I sat down and did something I don't think anyone else has done: Over and over here, I hear Tards tell me that it does not matter that Trump won 99% of the counties in the USA (3,084 vs. Hillary's 57) because NO ONE LIVES IN HIS DEPLORABLE STATES! So I set out to examine if that were actually true.

THE FIRST thing I did was tabulate the thirty states Trump won, IN ORDER OF THEIR POPULATION. Tards always tell me it is POPULATION that matters, not area, not counties. So I listed the states that Trump and Hillary won IN THE ORDER OF THEIR POPULATION from largest to smallest.

The next thing I did was record their populations, rounded to the nearest million or hundred-thousand.

The third thing I did was count up the weighting of each state. In other words, I gave a mathematical weight to a state based on the number of people it had and its absolute size in relation to all the states. This reflects not only the raw population total they carried, but also by how far up the list they were for each candidate. To keep it straightforward, since there are 50 states, the weight of a state equals 50 - (whatever their state ranking was).

(eg: Texas is the 2nd most populous state so its weighting is 50 - 2 = 48. Wyoming is the least populous state so their weighting is 50 - 50 = 0.) What this does is give more weight to winning a populous state than a non-populous state. If Hillary truly was more popular in more populous states, it should certainly show here. All info was gotten here:

List of U.S. states by population - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Screen Shot 2019-10-16 at 8.06.32 PM.png

The first very interesting thing I noticed is that "Deplorable Trump" won SEVEN OF THE TEN most populous states! Hillary only won three. Hmm.

THE GREAT LIE it dispelled is that no one lives in the "Deplorable" states that voted for Trump. Comparing the 1st largest state that voted for Trump, Texas, with that voting for Hillary, California, THIS WAS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE HILLARY'S STATE WAS BIGGER THAN TRUMP'S (see red). In other words, the biggest state Hillary won, California, was bigger than the biggest state Trump won, Texas. These were the two biggest states. BUT THIS IS THE ONLY CASE WHERE SHE BEAT HIM (see red).

After that, EVERY OTHER STATE THAT VOTED FOR TRUMP down the line by order of size was bigger than the equivalent state voting for Hillary. In fact, the only other state where Hillary even got close to matching Trump's was their 3rd largest states, Pennsylvania for Trump and Illinois for Hillary. But she still lost.

Trump's top 10 biggest states electing him by POPULATION totaled 126,600,000 vs, 121,600,000 for Hillary's ten most populous states. Trump's states had 5 million more people. Likewise, their weighting was 409 for Trump and only 376 for Hillary. While Trump's tenth state was 17th biggest by population, Hillary's tenth state was already 22nd! No winning there!

Mind you, THIS IS SIGNIFICANT because these were the TEN MOST POPULOUS STATES each candidate won!

THE ONLY STATE HILLARY WON WITH A GREATER POPULATION / POSITION THAN TRUMP'S WAS CALIFORNIA! (see red). In every other case, every next state by population Trump won had MORE people in it than the concomitant state won by Hillary!

Mind you, Trump was a real estate developer with NO EXPERIENCE in politics with rather limited support and funding and he literally BEAT THE PANTS OFF a career lifetime Washington DC inside the Beltway politician who had been FIRST LADY, SENATOR AND SECRETARY OF STATE! And had run before!!! And had 99% of the MSM backing her and enormous financials. This totally dispels the Russian myth and explains why they created it in the first place! THIS IS HUMILIATING for the DNC! And I'm sure they know this and have kept it under lock and key.

Trump CRUSHED her not only by

  1. Number of States won
  2. Number of Counties won
  3. Amount of US area won,
  4. Number of Electoral College votes won, but by
  5. The total populations overcome in all those states! Trump won TEN MORE STATES despite having to go against nearly 50 million more people in those states and win their votes!
If there were ANY ties to Russians, UFOs, magnetic waves from the Bermuda Triangle or any other heinous outside scurrilous forces truly, legitimately factored here, they would have proven that backwards and forwards long ago. No, the proof is seen EVERY DAY just in watching the SHEER NUMBERS of supporters at all his rallies.


Looking at the second group of ten states (states 11-20 by population) won by each, Hillary's states only had a total of 19,800,000 (with a weighting of only 115) vs. Trump's 45,500,000 and a weighting of 244! I thought no one lived in these Deplorable states! What this shows is that while Hillary won a couple of very populous states, Trump took the lion's share of them. Most of Hillary's others were shit. The 2nd blow to the theory that "no one lives" in Trump's "deplorable" states. Whereas Trump's 20th largest state won was the 33rd biggest by population, Hillary's 20th state won was already 49th! In fact, while Trump's last 6 (top 20) states were in the 20-30s, Hillary's last 6 states were ALL IN THE 40s!!! And Trump went on to win yet ANOTHER TEN MORE ADDITIONAL STATES!

Again, I challenge anyone to prove any of this wrong.

The final coup de grâce was the third set of ten states (states 21-30) BY POPULATION. Remember, according to the Left, POPULATION IS EVERYTHING and Trump won only the "empty" deplorable states. But WHOOPS! HILLARY WON NO STATES HERE! Not a one. So Trump took in another 15,900,000 people by state population with a weighting of 87.

So the more valuable a state is to win (and the harder it is to win), the more weight it had. Trump's states won had a weighting of 740 vs. a mere 491 for Hillary.

Anyone can check my math here and prove me wrong.

And Trump won THIRTY STATES with a total population of 188,000,000 vs. Hillary's TWENTY states of only 141,400,000, many of which she only won narrowly. Now obviously, these ARE NOT representative of ACTUAL VOTES cast but just population. Out of 50 states, Trump won the majority popular vote in LARGER more populous states (30 of them) in EVERY CASE BUT ONE to Hillary's 20 states. But the fact of the matter is that with a greater population, there are MORE PEOPLE TO VOTE AGAINST YOU and more votes you have to win.

Put this way it is now easy to see why Trump won. He won MORE states and had to win MORE people in those more populous states to win them. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE LEFT HAVE CLAIMED ALL ALONG, YOU CAN'T WIN A STATE WITHOUT WINNING THE POPULAR VOTE AMONG ACTIVE VOTERS IN EACH.

SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Trump CRUSHED the election. All the current polls are telling lies again and why the Left keep pushing them. The ONLY WAY the national "popular vote" they are so damned proud of could come out ahead of Trump's is if there was something VERY VERY crooked going on, like MILLIONS and MILLIONS of fraudulent democratic votes.

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I sat down and did something I don't think anyone else has done: Over and over here, I hear Tards tell me that it does not matter that Trump won 99% of the counties in the USA (3,084 vs. Hillary's 57) because NO ONE LIVES IN HIS DEPLORABLE STATES! So I set out to examine if that were actually true.

THE FIRST thing I did was tabulate the thirty states Trump won, IN ORDER OF THEIR POPULATION. Tards always tell me it is POPULATION that matters, not area, not counties. So I listed the states that Trump and Hillary won IN THE ORDER OF THEIR POPULATION from largest to smallest.

The next thing I did was record their populations, rounded to the nearest million or hundred-thousand.

The third thing I did was count up the weighting of each state. In other words, I gave a mathematical weight to a state based on the number of people it had and its absolute size in relation to all the states. This reflects not only the raw population total they carried, but also by how far up the list they were for each candidate. To keep it straightforward, since there are 50 states, the weight of a state equals 50 - (whatever their state ranking was).

(eg: Texas is the 2nd most populous state so its weighting is 50 - 2 = 48. Wyoming is the least populous state so their weighting is 50 - 50 = 0.) What this does is give more weight to winning a populous state than a non-populous state. If Hillary truly was more popular in more populous states, it should certainly show here. All info was gotten here:

List of U.S. states by population - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


View attachment 284800

The first very interesting thing I noticed is that "Deplorable Trump" won SEVEN OF THE TEN most populous states! Hillary only won three. Hmm.

THE GREAT LIE it dispelled is that no one lives in the "Deplorable" states that voted for Trump. Comparing the 1st largest state that voted for Trump, Texas, with that voting for Hillary, California, THIS WAS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE HILLARY'S STATE WAS BIGGER THAN TRUMP'S (see red). In other words, the biggest state Hillary won, California, was bigger than the biggest state Trump won, Texas. These were the two biggest states. BUT THIS IS THE ONLY CASE WHERE SHE BEAT HIM (see red).

After that, EVERY OTHER STATE THAT VOTED FOR TRUMP down the line by order of size was bigger than the equivalent state voting for Hillary. In fact, the only other state where Hillary even got close to matching Trump's was their 3rd largest states, Pennsylvania for Trump and Illinois for Hillary. But she still lost.

Trump's top 10 biggest states electing him by POPULATION totaled 126,600,000 vs, 121,600,000 for Hillary's ten most populous states. Trump's states had 5 million more people. Likewise, their weighting was 409 for Trump and only 376 for Hillary. While Trump's tenth state was 17th biggest by population, Hillary's tenth state was already 22nd! No winning there!

Mind you, THIS IS SIGNIFICANT because these were the TEN MOST POPULOUS STATES each candidate won!

THE ONLY STATE HILLARY WON WITH A GREATER POPULATION / POSITION THAN TRUMP'S WAS CALIFORNIA! (see red). In every other case, every next state by population Trump won had MORE people in it than the concomitant state won by Hillary!

Mind you, Trump was a real estate developer with NO EXPERIENCE in politics with rather limited support and funding and he literally BEAT THE PANTS OFF a career lifetime Washington DC inside the Beltway politician who had been FIRST LADY, SENATOR AND SECRETARY OF STATE! And had run before!!! And had 99% of the MSM backing her and enormous financials. This totally dispels the Russian myth and explains why they created it in the first place! THIS IS HUMILIATING for the DNC! And I'm sure they know this and have kept it under lock and key.

Trump CRUSHED her not only by

  1. Number of States won
  2. Number of Counties won
  3. Amount of US area won,
  4. Number of Electoral College votes won, but by
  5. The total populations overcome in all those states! Trump won TEN MORE STATES despite having to go against nearly 50 million more people in those states and win their votes!
If there were ANY ties to Russians, UFOs, magnetic waves from the Bermuda Triangle or any other heinous outside scurrilous forces truly, legitimately factored here, they would have proven that backwards and forwards long ago. No, the proof is seen EVERY DAY just in watching the SHEER NUMBERS of supporters at all his rallies.


Looking at the second group of ten states (states 11-20 by population) won by each, Hillary's states only had a total of 19,800,000 (with a weighting of only 115) vs. Trump's 45,500,000 and a weighting of 244! I thought no one lived in these Deplorable states! What this shows is that while Hillary won a couple of very populous states, Trump took the lion's share of them. Most of Hillary's others were shit. The 2nd blow to the theory that "no one lives" in Trump's "deplorable" states. Whereas Trump's 20th largest state won was the 33rd biggest by population, Hillary's 20th state won was already 49th! In fact, while Trump's last 6 (top 20) states were in the 20-30s, Hillary's last 6 states were ALL IN THE 40s!!! And Trump went on to win yet ANOTHER TEN MORE ADDITIONAL STATES!

Again, I challenge anyone to prove any of this wrong.

The final coup de grâce was the third set of ten states (states 21-30) BY POPULATION. Remember, according to the Left, POPULATION IS EVERYTHING and Trump won only the "empty" deplorable states. But WHOOPS! HILLARY WON NO STATES HERE! Not a one. So Trump took in another 15,900,000 people by state population with a weighting of 87.

So the more valuable a state is to win (and the harder it is to win), the more weight it had. Trump's states won had a weighting of 740 vs. a mere 491 for Hillary.

Anyone can check my math here and prove me wrong.

And Trump won THIRTY STATES with a total population of 188,000,000 vs. Hillary's TWENTY states of only 141,400,000. Now obviously, these ARE NOT representative of ACTUAL VOTES cast but just population. Out of 50 states, Trump won the majority popular vote in LARGER more populous states (30 of them) in EVERY CASE BUT ONE to Hillary's 20 states. But the fact of the matter is that with a greater population, there are MORE PEOPLE TO VOTE AGAINST YOU and more votes you have to win.

Put this way it is now easy to see why Trump won. He won MORE states and MORE people in more populous states. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE LEFT HAVE CLAIMED ALL ALONG, YOU CAN'T WIN A STATE WITHOUT WINNING THE POPULAR VOTE IN EACH.

SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Trump CRUSHED the election. All the current polls are telling lies again and why the Left keep pushing them. The ONLY WAY the national "popular vote" they are so damned proud of could come out ahead of Trump's is if there was something VERY VERY crooked going on, like MILLIONS and MILLIONS of fraudulent democratic votes.


Wow. Thank you for sharing. The figures don’t lie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Only if you don't understand math.
The only bad logic is Demtards logic.
You sound like a child. And not a smart one.

Still waiting for any proof, math or facts to refute me. The national "popular vote" is thus shown IMPOSSIBLE to any sound mind given the facts. You simply cannot win more people in many more states necessary to win those states and still come out nearly 3 million behind! IT IS ALL A GIANT LIBERAL LIE!

Now we know the reason behind the Mueller Investigation and the secret Impeachment investigation (which they cannot even do out in the open), because the Insiders know that Trump will win again, they cannot beat these numbers unless they somehow take him out before the election.

SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Only if you don't understand math.

I taught it (tutoring) up to calculus. What about you? Still waiting for one person to prove me wrong rather than the typically puerile insults and hollow claims. You can't.
SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Only if you don't understand math.

I taught it (tutoring) up to calculus. What about you? Still waiting for one person to prove me wrong rather than the typically puerile insults and hollow claims. You can't.

My degree is in math and I have a master's degree in statistics.

Do you really want me to prove you wrong? It's literally just addition. Trump can win more of the most populated states and still end up losing the overall popular vote, and that's exactly what happened.

It's not a mathematical impossibility at all.

Add up the numbers here: 2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

I sat down and did something I don't think anyone else has done: Over and over here, I hear Tards tell me that it does not matter that Trump won 99% of the counties in the USA (3,084 vs. Hillary's 57) because NO ONE LIVES IN HIS DEPLORABLE STATES! So I set out to examine if that were actually true.

THE FIRST thing I did was tabulate the thirty states Trump won, IN ORDER OF THEIR POPULATION. Tards always tell me it is POPULATION that matters, not area, not counties. So I listed the states that Trump and Hillary won IN THE ORDER OF THEIR POPULATION from largest to smallest.

The next thing I did was record their populations, rounded to the nearest million or hundred-thousand.

The third thing I did was count up the weighting of each state. In other words, I gave a mathematical weight to a state based on the number of people it had and its absolute size in relation to all the states. This reflects not only the raw population total they carried, but also by how far up the list they were for each candidate. To keep it straightforward, since there are 50 states, the weight of a state equals 50 - (whatever their state ranking was).

(eg: Texas is the 2nd most populous state so its weighting is 50 - 2 = 48. Wyoming is the least populous state so their weighting is 50 - 50 = 0.) What this does is give more weight to winning a populous state than a non-populous state. If Hillary truly was more popular in more populous states, it should certainly show here. All info was gotten here:

List of U.S. states by population - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


View attachment 284800

The first very interesting thing I noticed is that "Deplorable Trump" won SEVEN OF THE TEN most populous states! Hillary only won three. Hmm.

THE GREAT LIE it dispelled is that no one lives in the "Deplorable" states that voted for Trump. Comparing the 1st largest state that voted for Trump, Texas, with that voting for Hillary, California, THIS WAS THE ONLY PLACE WHERE HILLARY'S STATE WAS BIGGER THAN TRUMP'S (see red). In other words, the biggest state Hillary won, California, was bigger than the biggest state Trump won, Texas. These were the two biggest states. BUT THIS IS THE ONLY CASE WHERE SHE BEAT HIM (see red).

After that, EVERY OTHER STATE THAT VOTED FOR TRUMP down the line by order of size was bigger than the equivalent state voting for Hillary. In fact, the only other state where Hillary even got close to matching Trump's was their 3rd largest states, Pennsylvania for Trump and Illinois for Hillary. But she still lost.

Trump's top 10 biggest states electing him by POPULATION totaled 126,600,000 vs, 121,600,000 for Hillary's ten most populous states. Trump's states had 5 million more people. Likewise, their weighting was 409 for Trump and only 376 for Hillary. While Trump's tenth state was 17th biggest by population, Hillary's tenth state was already 22nd! No winning there!

Mind you, THIS IS SIGNIFICANT because these were the TEN MOST POPULOUS STATES each candidate won!

THE ONLY STATE HILLARY WON WITH A GREATER POPULATION / POSITION THAN TRUMP'S WAS CALIFORNIA! (see red). In every other case, every next state by population Trump won had MORE people in it than the concomitant state won by Hillary!

Mind you, Trump was a real estate developer with NO EXPERIENCE in politics with rather limited support and funding and he literally BEAT THE PANTS OFF a career lifetime Washington DC inside the Beltway politician who had been FIRST LADY, SENATOR AND SECRETARY OF STATE! And had run before!!! And had 99% of the MSM backing her and enormous financials. This totally dispels the Russian myth and explains why they created it in the first place! THIS IS HUMILIATING for the DNC! And I'm sure they know this and have kept it under lock and key.

Trump CRUSHED her not only by

  1. Number of States won
  2. Number of Counties won
  3. Amount of US area won,
  4. Number of Electoral College votes won, but by
  5. The total populations overcome in all those states! Trump won TEN MORE STATES despite having to go against nearly 50 million more people in those states and win their votes!
If there were ANY ties to Russians, UFOs, magnetic waves from the Bermuda Triangle or any other heinous outside scurrilous forces truly, legitimately factored here, they would have proven that backwards and forwards long ago. No, the proof is seen EVERY DAY just in watching the SHEER NUMBERS of supporters at all his rallies.


Looking at the second group of ten states (states 11-20 by population) won by each, Hillary's states only had a total of 19,800,000 (with a weighting of only 115) vs. Trump's 45,500,000 and a weighting of 244! I thought no one lived in these Deplorable states! What this shows is that while Hillary won a couple of very populous states, Trump took the lion's share of them. Most of Hillary's others were shit. The 2nd blow to the theory that "no one lives" in Trump's "deplorable" states. Whereas Trump's 20th largest state won was the 33rd biggest by population, Hillary's 20th state won was already 49th! In fact, while Trump's last 6 (top 20) states were in the 20-30s, Hillary's last 6 states were ALL IN THE 40s!!! And Trump went on to win yet ANOTHER TEN MORE ADDITIONAL STATES!

Again, I challenge anyone to prove any of this wrong.

The final coup de grâce was the third set of ten states (states 21-30) BY POPULATION. Remember, according to the Left, POPULATION IS EVERYTHING and Trump won only the "empty" deplorable states. But WHOOPS! HILLARY WON NO STATES HERE! Not a one. So Trump took in another 15,900,000 people by state population with a weighting of 87.

So the more valuable a state is to win (and the harder it is to win), the more weight it had. Trump's states won had a weighting of 740 vs. a mere 491 for Hillary.

Anyone can check my math here and prove me wrong.

And Trump won THIRTY STATES with a total population of 188,000,000 vs. Hillary's TWENTY states of only 141,400,000, many of which she only won narrowly. Now obviously, these ARE NOT representative of ACTUAL VOTES cast but just population. Out of 50 states, Trump won the majority popular vote in LARGER more populous states (30 of them) in EVERY CASE BUT ONE to Hillary's 20 states. But the fact of the matter is that with a greater population, there are MORE PEOPLE TO VOTE AGAINST YOU and more votes you have to win.

Put this way it is now easy to see why Trump won. He won MORE states and had to win MORE people in those more populous states to win them. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE LEFT HAVE CLAIMED ALL ALONG, YOU CAN'T WIN A STATE WITHOUT WINNING THE POPULAR VOTE AMONG ACTIVE VOTERS IN EACH.

SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Trump CRUSHED the election. All the current polls are telling lies again and why the Left keep pushing them. The ONLY WAY the national "popular vote" they are so damned proud of could come out ahead of Trump's is if there was something VERY VERY crooked going on, like MILLIONS and MILLIONS of fraudulent democratic votes.


They just haven’t imported enough illegals yet.
SO THE QUESTION BECOMES: Facts do not lie. How does Trump win THIRTY states, win the popular vote in each, and nearly all of his states were more populated than the concomitant state won by Hillary in the first place, yet STILL COME OUT LOSING THE NATIONAL POPULAR COUNT by 2.8 million?


Only if you don't understand math.

I taught it (tutoring) up to calculus. What about you? Still waiting for one person to prove me wrong rather than the typically puerile insults and hollow claims. You can't.

They have no proof so they will say the same thing over and over just like the libtard babies they are.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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