Why Trump May Win Reelection


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

I'm undecided regarding another Trump administration, but the fact is, he may win reelection. The latest Gallup poll has Donald Trump's job approval at 47% (see link) fully 10 points higher than a year ago. The reasons for this are clear: 1. Despite coronavirus fears, the economy is still in good shape, and 2. Although the Democrats have accurately communicated all of Donald Trump's shortcomings, they have not made a strong enough case as to why they are better suited to do the job, and until that case is made, the race for the White House in 2020 is anyone's guess. Democrats - You're not there yet.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts

Trump Job Approval
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He may win for the same reason he won the first time---because his opponent was Depraved....only this time it will be Senile.

Which is worse?

And, he may win because no politician has ever worked harder to keep the promises he made during his campaign. If he has not succeeded with all of them--yet; it is only because we do not have a dictatorship here, and Democrats have fought everything he has tried to do with all the evil chicanery they can manage.

I'm undecided regarding another Trump administration, but the fact is, he may win reelection. The latest Gallup poll has Donald Trump's job approval at 47% (see link) fully 10 points higher than a year ago. The reasons for this are clear: 1. Despite coronavirus fears, the economy is still in good shape, and 2. Although the Democrats have accurately communicated all of Donald Trump's shortcomings, they have not made a strong enough case as to why they are better suited to do the job, and until that case is made, the race for the White House in 2020 is anyone's guess. Democrats - You're not there yet.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts

Trump Job Approval
Only fools rely on polls.

I'm undecided regarding another Trump administration, but the fact is, he may win reelection. The latest Gallup poll has Donald Trump's job approval at 47% (see link) fully 10 points higher than a year ago. The reasons for this are clear: 1. Despite coronavirus fears, the economy is still in good shape, and 2. Although the Democrats have accurately communicated all of Donald Trump's shortcomings, they have not made a strong enough case as to why they are better suited to do the job, and until that case is made, the race for the White House in 2020 is anyone's guess. Democrats - You're not there yet.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts

Trump Job Approval

Not only that, this is their prime time. Dems have the media cycle with their Primary. Wait until Trump gets to do debates and confronts Biden and Obamas legacy. He can remind Americans how China was eating your lunch and expose any dirt that comes out on Biden.

Hillary is a better debater than Biden. She is cognitively sharper than him, but Trump wisely uses their vast political histories against them. Both Bernie and Trump supporters want change. They have different view of change but they want change nonetheless.

Biden has been in politics how many decades? He is Hillary 2.0 without the gender on his side. Obama may help him somewhat, but he is also a liability to all those who DON'T want China First, open borders or global socialism exploiting America any more.
he has kept campaign promises and stewarded a great economy

additionally; he has transformed the Judiciary

99% of those that voted for him before will vote for him again, and many that were on the sidelines last tie will run to the polls to support him

he also has the inside track to keep most independents and even make strong inroads into the black and brown communities

unless something really weird happens; his re-election is just about assured
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I'm undecided regarding another Trump administration, but the fact is, he may win reelection. The latest Gallup poll has Donald Trump's job approval at 47% (see link) fully 10 points higher than a year ago. The reasons for this are clear: 1. Despite coronavirus fears, the economy is still in good shape, and 2. Although the Democrats have accurately communicated all of Donald Trump's shortcomings, they have not made a strong enough case as to why they are better suited to do the job, and until that case is made, the race for the White House in 2020 is anyone's guess. Democrats - You're not there yet.
Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts
Trump Job Approval

  1. You say you're "undecided," you mean there is actually a Democrat running (and likely to win nomination) you think would do an equal or better job as Trump has done in a similar way? Really?
  2. You say the Democrats have "accurately" communicated DJT's shortcomings? Really? They have tried to claim Trump as everything from a dictator to a Nazi to a Mafioso, to an immediate threat to the very survival of the Constitution if not the Republic itself. You find that "accurate," yet are still on the fence whether to vote for him or not.
I'm not sure I even want to hear your answer. Just trying to wrap my head around how anyone could even float those two statements together in the same paragraph with a straight face.

I'm undecided regarding another Trump administration, but the fact is, he may win reelection. The latest Gallup poll has Donald Trump's job approval at 47% (see link) fully 10 points higher than a year ago. The reasons for this are clear: 1. Despite coronavirus fears, the economy is still in good shape, and 2. Although the Democrats have accurately communicated all of Donald Trump's shortcomings, they have not made a strong enough case as to why they are better suited to do the job, and until that case is made, the race for the White House in 2020 is anyone's guess. Democrats - You're not there yet.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts

Trump Job Approval


He WILL win because he's earned the right. He'll also win because the Democrats are awful. Our country is in trouble, but we haven't slipped so far that Trump will fail come November.
#3- his likely opponent has severe dementia.


I'm undecided regarding another Trump administration, but the fact is, he may win reelection. The latest Gallup poll has Donald Trump's job approval at 47% (see link) fully 10 points higher than a year ago. The reasons for this are clear: 1. Despite coronavirus fears, the economy is still in good shape, and 2. Although the Democrats have accurately communicated all of Donald Trump's shortcomings, they have not made a strong enough case as to why they are better suited to do the job, and until that case is made, the race for the White House in 2020 is anyone's guess. Democrats - You're not there yet.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts

Trump Job Approval
Facts? Lmao!
The Democrats have two terribly flawed candidates, and the quasi-socialist is figuratively "on life supports."

But Biden has a cornucopia of political "problems," from his history of votes that run counter to the current Democrat Narratives, to ethical shortcomings, to cerebral shortcomings, to being a liar - inventing shit to make himself look good. The prospects of him making it through the rest of the primaries and the entire General Election cycle without a Nuclear implosion are almost nil.

President Trump is a flawed human being, but based on tangibles he is the best President we've had in a long, long time.
I don't think Biden is going to make it. We'll see.


If he names Big Mike Obama as his running mate....the Media will kick in get him over the line.

It's hard for people who are not devious....just honest Americans...to think "devious", but you can try, practice, work at it...and maybe figure their next play.

Big Mike Obama, as VP...then, if that works...get ole Joe inaugurated, fill his Cabinet with Obamites, then trot out the 25th Amendment next summer...and Bam...Barack is effectively running things again.

Joe will never see it coming. His wife will, but she'll go along. She gets to be First Lady and have some influence. Its better than home alone in Delaware sharing time with Alzheimer's.

I submit that this is an example of how New York, New England, West Coast, Progressive Turds think.

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