Why the poor should be taxed more heavily.

If you are speaking of the federal government, I don't approve of the tax setup as it is, As such, I can't say yes to your idea. If you are speaking of the respective states, I would say that is their call.

The federal government has already decided to use taxation as a method to discourage certain behavior. Why haven't they discouraged poverty via taxation if that is such a good method?

LOL I just think it's hilarious that you morons actually believe that the majority of people who live in poverty choose to do so because it's easy.

As if people are not trying to better themselves and work out of poverty as it is?? And you actually believe that taxing what little they already have will be driving force to lift them out of poverty as it takes from them what they earn so they can't get out??? OMG please tell you righties really aren't this ignorant.

BTW, way to dishonestly take what franklin said and try to apply your meaning to it. Unless of course you can provide anything real to substantiate the claim that he was referring to taxing the poor??
actually doing such to the wealthiest might WORK.... just make the ones with the power and money and control over congress pay the taxes and be certain they can DO SOMETHING to stop congress!


and no to the other idea!


It's already being done to the wealthiest. Their response has been to hide money in offshore accounts and to move their companies overseas to avoid taxation. It's not working out to well now, is it?

So because the wealthy can afford to hide their income and the poor cannot your plan is to tax the money that can't be hidden instead of going after those that try to cheat the system?? Is that what you are saying with this thread??
Wow, just wow.

Did you ever think that what is holding the poor back is the fact that they're poor?

It's pretty hard to invest in your favorite stocks when you're working two minimum wage jobs to feed your kid.

It's also pretty hard to send your kids to a good college when you have no money.

But your brilliant plan is to take away more money from the poor, so they can have even less to work with to try and better their position in life and that of their children.

Great. Good work.

He wants to put more of the country on welfare because with a tax like his that would be the only choice the poor will have. Then he could bitch and whine that they are all getting back what they pay into if not more and he can whine about how unfair that is to the wealthy who try to cheat the system by hiding their income. LOL
You need to get out more.

I live in New York City, and have a lot of black friends.

I think I would have been among the first to hear of any "whining" from "Inner City Blacks".

I think what he meant is you need to get out to the country where the impoverished single white mothers with kids are, The ones that are MOST of the Americans on welfare.

Myth: Most Welfare Recipients Are African American Women

Fact: Most Welfare Recipients Are Children-Most Women on Welfare Are White

Children, not women, are the largest group of people receiving public assistance. Less than 5 million of the 14 million public assistance recipients are adults, and 90 percent of those adults are women (U.S. Bureau of Census, 1995). The majority of the recipients are White (38 percent), followed by 37 percent African Americans, and 25 percent other minority groups (Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans) (McLaughlin, 1997). However, African Americans are disproportionately represented on public assistance because they are only 12 percent of the population (O'Hare, Pollard, Mann, & Kent, 1991).

Got to get to 15 posts ... but anyway just copy paste & add the dots for reference,
www apa org/pi/wpo/myths html
Hey, and look here's an interesting article from the CBO that seems to prove my point, though it seems we're actually doing better than they expected:

Based on Bush's actions and economic conditions, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion deficit on January 7. That would be a month BEFORE Obama took office.

From CBO's January 2009 budget report, released on January 7:

Not sure what your point is but look at CBO's projection as of Aug.
Deficit is projected now at $1.6T, which amounts to 11.2% of GDP. So in 6 months Obama has managed to add $400B to the deficit. I haven't stopped to figure out how much the economy has shrunk in that time. Suffice it to say, Obama's owns this economy and it stinks.
I think what he meant is you need to get out to the country where the impoverished single white mothers with kids are, The ones that are MOST of the Americans on welfare.

Myth: Most Welfare Recipients Are African American Women

Fact: Most Welfare Recipients Are Children-Most Women on Welfare Are White

Not relevant to the discussion in any way shape or form, but useful anyway.
Hey, and look here's an interesting article from the CBO that seems to prove my point, though it seems we're actually doing better than they expected:

Based on Bush's actions and economic conditions, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion deficit on January 7. That would be a month BEFORE Obama took office.

From CBO's January 2009 budget report, released on January 7:

Not sure what your point is but look at CBO's projection as of Aug.
Deficit is projected now at $1.6T, which amounts to 11.2% of GDP. So in 6 months Obama has managed to add $400B to the deficit. I haven't stopped to figure out how much the economy has shrunk in that time. Suffice it to say, Obama's owns this economy and it stinks.

The point was from my post 2 prior to that one.

The CBO did not include any money for stimulus, which was in fact MORE than $400B, I believe.

So, all told, Obama has added $400 Billion to the deficit, but that was all stimulus money? I'd say that was in fact pretty damn good. Just saying...
Hey, and look here's an interesting article from the CBO that seems to prove my point, though it seems we're actually doing better than they expected:

Based on Bush's actions and economic conditions, the CBO projected a $1.2 trillion deficit on January 7. That would be a month BEFORE Obama took office.

From CBO's January 2009 budget report, released on January 7:

Not sure what your point is but look at CBO's projection as of Aug.
Deficit is projected now at $1.6T, which amounts to 11.2% of GDP. So in 6 months Obama has managed to add $400B to the deficit. I haven't stopped to figure out how much the economy has shrunk in that time. Suffice it to say, Obama's owns this economy and it stinks.

The point was from my post 2 prior to that one.

The CBO did not include any money for stimulus, which was in fact MORE than $400B, I believe.

So, all told, Obama has added $400 Billion to the deficit, but that was all stimulus money? I'd say that was in fact pretty damn good. Just saying...

Most of the stimulus money hasn't been spent yet, isn't even scheduled to be until next year.
Just sayin'
" I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
-- Benjamin Franklin, November 1776

Just maybe, if the poor were taxed more heavily than the wealthy, it would encourage them to better their position in life so that they could avoid paying so much in taxes.
The government frequently taxes things to discourage it. Things like tobacco and alcohol come to mind. The cap and trade will be a tax to discourage certain types of energy usage the government doesn't want.

Shame on you MountainMan. Maybe if the ultra rich were not always working deals to steal more of their labor for little of nothing or get more of their hard earned cash they would not be so poor.
I think what he meant is you need to get out to the country where the impoverished single white mothers with kids are, The ones that are MOST of the Americans on welfare.

Myth: Most Welfare Recipients Are African American Women

Fact: Most Welfare Recipients Are Children-Most Women on Welfare Are White

Not relevant to the discussion in any way shape or form, but useful anyway.

Well If I can't be relevant at least I can provide useless information.

Shame on you MountainMan. Maybe if the ultra rich were not always working deals to steal more of their labor for little of nothing or get more of their hard earned cash they would not be so poor.

Did you actually read this before posting it? Whoa re the ultra rich? Why are they so poor?
If you are speaking of the federal government, I don't approve of the tax setup as it is, As such, I can't say yes to your idea. If you are speaking of the respective states, I would say that is their call.

The federal government has already decided to use taxation as a method to discourage certain behavior. Why haven't they discouraged poverty via taxation if that is such a good method?

Let's see....encourage them to make more money by taking more money away from them.

I see no flaws in that plan.

So let's encourage them to cheat on their taxes when they make millions!!!! I bet Geithner, Rangle and a host of other tax cheats in Obama's Administration love that plan too.

I'll tell you what...nothing works like a little incentive to GET LAZY FUCKS OFF THEIR FAT ASSES and pull themsleves up by their bootstarps to want to improve their lives WITHOUT GOVERNMENT MEDDLING. There are PLENTY of government programs already in place that give them AMPLE opportunity but they are either comfortable living in squalor or just plain LAZY.
Shame on you MountainMan. Maybe if the ultra rich were not always working deals to steal more of their labor for little of nothing or get more of their hard earned cash they would not be so poor.

Did you actually read this before posting it? Whoa re the ultra rich? Why are they so poor?
Was the post addressed to you?

I've never made any claims for good grammar or good English skills.

Who owns Sears?

Who owns Martin Marietta and who owns Old Castle?

How do the CEO's of mega banks and mega corporations become a CEO of a bank or those mega corps so they can strip multiple millions off the top each year as they get that creative accounting going? Who are they? Where do they get their working capital? Who's wages and/or benefits get cut first when times get tough?

Who is the head of CISCO and Cargill? What ties do they have to CITI and Wells Fargo, GE? What do these companies have in common? Where do they all meet every year? Can you name the rest I did not list?

Tell me how did a mega corporation finagle a couple hundred million out of taxpayers in two little ole projects in Des Moines, Iowa on the lie that they would be creating at least sixty long term jobs? The routine goes like this, "Let's call it a fund and get everyone to jump aboard so we can keep the money rolling in? We will use their money to build our projects and we can tell them what a value it is going to be to the community. We will be hero's in their eyes. They will never know it was their money we used. If they do ever figure it out we will be on to something new by then."

"Pull a figure out of your ass, make up a good story and sell it to the people. They won't know for years. By the time they figure it out it is to late. The beauty of it is we used their money to do it."

If you can answer all those questions I asked correctly I may take the time to respond to your questions.
Shame on you MountainMan. Maybe if the ultra rich were not always working deals to steal more of their labor for little of nothing or get more of their hard earned cash they would not be so poor.

Did you actually read this before posting it? Whoa re the ultra rich? Why are they so poor?
Was the post addressed to you?

I've never made any claims for good grammar or good English skills.

Who owns Sears?

Who owns Martin Marietta and who owns Old Castle?

How do the CEO's of mega banks and mega corporations become a CEO of a bank or those mega corps so they can strip multiple millions off the top each year as they get that creative accounting going? Who are they? Where do they get their working capital? Who's wages and/or benefits get cut first when times get tough?

Who is the head of CISCO and Cargill? What ties do they have to CITI and Wells Fargo, GE? What do these companies have in common? Where do they all meet every year? Can you name the rest I did not list?

Tell me how did a mega corporation finagle a couple hundred million out of taxpayers in two little ole projects in Des Moines, Iowa on the lie that they would be creating at least sixty long term jobs? The routine goes like this, "Let's call it a fund and get everyone to jump aboard so we can keep the money rolling in? We will use their money to build our projects and we can tell them what a value it is going to be to the community. We will be hero's in their eyes. They will never know it was their money we used. If they do ever figure it out we will be on to something new by then."

"Pull a figure out of your ass, make up a good story and sell it to the people. They won't know for years. By the time they figure it out it is to late. The beauty of it is we used their money to do it."

If you can answer all those questions I asked correctly I may take the time to respond to your questions.
Well yeah actually the post was addressed to me, and everyone else on this board.
Who own Sears? It's owned by the stockholders, which includes thousands of middle class and working class people.
Martin Marietta ditto. I dont know a thing about Old Castle.
Who are the CEO's of those corps? I dont know. Check their web site and SEC filings. How did they get there? They were hired by the board, which was elected by the shareholders.
I honestly don't give a shit if you bother to respond to my post because your ignorance and class envy is enormous. I doubt you have much of value to add here.
There are PLENTY of government programs already in place that give them AMPLE opportunity but they are either comfortable living in squalor or just plain LAZY.
Can you name off those programs? I may wanna make application.

Obviously you have a computer...know how to post messages on a message board...I'll bet you know how to use google too...
Do a little research. You will find a multitude of Federal and State programs that give educational grants, small business loans/grants, scholarships and financial aid for retraining in another career. It all depends on how bad you want it. If you like living with a family of cockroaches, that's fine...if you want to move up, set a good example for your kids and show your other family members that you actually want to improve your life on your own then I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the programs that best suit your needs. Remember this though...it requires hard work, sacrifice and there will be ups and downs....but if you stick with it...you'll make it.

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