Why the hatred.

The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
While I do agree with you. . . . the rhetoric IS getting out of hand, I can tell you what is going on.

The establishment power players, especially corporations, both in the establishment media, and silicon valley, have not been treating the two partisan POV the same, in regards to public access to public engagement, and how they report on issues. This has caused a great deal of anger and resentment.

To give one example;

Over and over, conservatives have to hear about "BLM protests," which? Ostensibly, yes, they were "protests." Yet, it cannot be denied that in very, very many cases these devolved into riots, if not all out civil disobedience to local authorities.

And yet? The corporate and government media never, ever described them as such. All this looting, burning, murder and destruction by the left was never honestly described by the government or media for what it was. It was complete chaos and societal breakdown.

. . . and then, when several dozen extremists provoked the protesters at the Capitol to enter the Capitol, after the security there was not only lax, but compliant and willingly letting folks just walk right in. . . what was clearly, at first just a protest, which later only devolved into just a mild riot.. . . was blown out of all proportion to become in the public mind, "an insurrection."

It is this type of unfair treatment in the minds of the public that aggravate the situation.

Your extremism is noted.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
I can see everything you describe and much of what you say is true.

What is astonishing is your massive tunnel vision.

Everything you say about republicans is true but equally so for democrats.

You are projecting and doing so very badly. It is an american problem for BOTH sides it is not a republican problem.

I agree. Hate?? Nah They just can't seem to get along to make decisions for America.
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Spot on.

It's projection.

They really hate themselves, but manifest it by showing hatred to others.

Bitches about projection.
Does exactly that the following sentence.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Your hate of us is astounding
Let me tell you ..we’re finally fighting back
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
We have had it


Since I am a far leftist, progressive, liberal, socialist, to me it seems the problem is the democrats.
I can tolerate the republicans because Trump had some good points like staying out of wars like Syria, and doing something about China taking all our jobs.
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
The war on drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, federal gun control, the Arab Spring, illegal foreign wars, repeal of Glass-Stegall, and even "flattening the curve" with covid-19, are all crazy and fascist.
The republicans have not gone more to the right, but instead the democrats have gone way past the republicans to the right.
The democrats have never before been so controlled by banks, big business, and the military.

oh please ... she was an idiot for doing that. she apologised, AND had the secret service visit her.... just like when dirty ted nugent made some silly remarks about obama's winning the election. & she wasn't the first to do something stupid like that re: a sitting prez.

there were several instances of 'obama' hanging from a tree. hmmmm.... does the thought of that send a tickle thru you? i bet it does.
Were you equally curious about the hatred directed at Republicans from Democrats especially during the Trump administration? Both sides engage in this especially when the party they support is the minority party but if you only care when the other side does it you don't really care at all.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Conservative talk radio and tv have twisted their minds.
Should it be censored?
It should be fact checked in real.time.
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Conservative talk radio and tv have twisted their minds.
To a point, that is true.

But the folks that are really in control? It is almost like they are sitting down with the folks that run MSNBC, CNN, and all other lefty stations, so they can plan for maximum impact, cause the folks on those media outlets are twisting the minds of their viewers with just as much hate, like a laser beam reflecting mirror, right back at those who listen to those conservative outlets, aren't they?

Not really, no.
What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?
Dead serious here. If you want to know why these people are like this, run a two week experiment:

1. Commit to listening to/watching Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin. And importantly, don't listen critically. Don't focus on what you know isn't true, what is avoided, what is distorted. Imagine that you're believing and agreeing with every last thing they're saying.

2. Don't watch or read any major media. Don't watch CNN or MSNBC, which lean Left. Think of them as the enemy. Literally. They want to destroy the country and kill you and your family if possible, and turn America into something as close to Venezuela as possible. Literally.

3. Use websites like Breitbart, PJ Media, InfoWars, Red State, Gateway Pundit and Big League Politics as your ONLY source of online "news". Yes, think of them as news, and not as one-sided, distorted propaganda. These people have been told that they're just as accurate as any other sources.

4. Finally, if you really want to go down the rabbit hole, click on some of the links they provide on this message board, because you'd never see them otherwise. Good example here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/liberals-worst-nightmare-is-about-to-descend.894147/

The key to this is repetition. You can't just absorb it once. This isn't about flipping on the news to see what's up, this is a lifestyle for them. You have to understand that they really aren't kidding. They really do believe this stuff, and that's because they exist in the above isolated, insulated, controlled, paranoid informational ecosystem. That's why they're so passionate and hateful. They really do believe you're evil.

I suspect you are a veteran lib troll who is only pretending to be wide-eyed and innocent

but assuming you really were born yesterday and want to learn both sides of the story dont adopt libs like Mac1958 as your guide

he is basically a one-trick pony of anti trump, anti trump supporter commentary
The hatred by republicans against democrats is breathtaking on here. We are spoken of as a type of malignant tumour against society for no reason. They have never threatened the country with a communist overthrow, never. Never a communist like POTUS has ever been elected but they label every dissenter to the conservative view as a commie.

Where is the patriotism of the country and its ability to overcome problems when the divide is so blatant. The born to rule attitude of republicans is the epitome of a divided nation and it increased further under trump. Its like they resent democracy if it failed to present them with power.

The pathetic delusion it was stolen from them, the disgraceful attitude towards democrats, the silly childish names they give their opponents, the total disrespect of the president because he is a Democrat, accusations of Harris as a whore etc with no evidence whatsoever.

A simple opinion by a Democrat is vigorously attacked with bile and venom dripping from your mouths. What is wrong with you people? Why the hatred?

The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole. This will never happen. What makes it sad is even the most moderate Democrats are turning a blind eye. FYI, Biden and Harris aren't in charge. Obama, Soros and the Cabal think they are in charge but their game is almost over.

Don't be ridiculous.. ALL successful countries invest in their people .. as in healthcare and education. Even Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the Gulf States do that. That's not socialism.. You see why education is important?
... The Democratic Party has always been the enemy of liberty.

Oh I forgot - one element of a demagogic propaganda are excessive abstracta and wrong generalisations. Example: "You are a mouse - all others are mice - mice eat my food - kill them, if they don't serve me!". ... The USA began to be an enemy of freedom after 9/11. Two tarned bombs - a destroyed building - and the USA is losing the own values and the ability to think. What for heavens sake have currently your endless discussions about Commies and Nazis to do with the reality in and around the USA?

Germany has for example since more than 125 years a health insurance system, where everyone is able to be sure to get professional help in case of serios health problems. This system survived four different political systems, two world wars and many other crisis and all governments and needs from time to time only some reforms and innovations, because this shield is not absolute. Nothing what human beings are doing is absolute. But I'm sure not any German is able to understand any discussion in context "freedom or health". Such discussions are nothing else than bullshit.
Last edited:
Why the hatred?

This is kind of like coming into the middle of a long-running feud and picking a moment in time to judge the entire thing by.

Cons have been vilified, demonized, dehumanized by an absolutely insane left for the past 4 years and it still continues here and elsewhere.

Want some civility, then tend your own house as an example instead of by default placing blame on one side or the other and standing in judgment after all of a couple/few days here.
Since I am a far leftist, progressive, liberal, socialist, to me it seems the problem is the democrats.
I can tolerate the republicans because Trump had some good points like staying out of wars like Syria, and doing something about China taking all our jobs.
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
The war on drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, federal gun control, the Arab Spring, illegal foreign wars, repeal of Glass-Stegall, and even "flattening the curve" with covid-19, are all crazy and fascist.
The republicans have not gone more to the right, but instead the democrats have gone way past the republicans to the right.
The democrats have never before been so controlled by banks, big business, and the military.
You spout some of the dumbest shit I read here.

You blame Democrats for repealing of Glass-Stegall. While Clinton gets the blame for that because he signed it into law, it was a Republican bill by Gramm(R), Bliley(R) and Leach(R); passed in a Republican-led House and a Republican-led Senate.

And the war on drugs was a Republican thing. Starting in 1919 when Republicans got an Amendment ratified to outlaw alcohol, which Democrats reversed in 1933. The term, "war on drugs," came during the Nixon administration after he declared drug abuse to be America's "public enemy #1." That was followed by Carter who wanted to decriminalize weed; and that was followed up by the Reagan's war on drugs with Nancy starting her "just say no" campaign.
The far left liberals are trying to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Democrats are lying commies. Maybe that's why
The democratic party has been taken over by fascists.
What Patriotism from the Democrats? The Democrats don't believe in Patriotism.
You are anti Christian , anti guns , anti Constitution, anti democracy and anti white
All the hate is from the left with your Soviet news , drug addict actors , big tech Himmlers and your Khmer Rouge foot soliders
Let me tell you !! We are 80 million strong with enough guns to defend ourselves
Nasty, venal, violently racist, and pedophile loving deviant lying commies.
That's just from the first page

How much "action" and more importantly donations do you think saying

"Well we disagree on policy" will get?

Making your opponent out to be the ultimate evil is far more effective and "rewarding"

Cynical bastards

But the problem has been that fascists have been trying to take over both parties since forever.
For example, you keep seeing the US get into stupid and illegal wars all the time.
And the reason for this is that the Military Industrial Complex makes its profits off wars.
Go back to the Mexican War, the Civil War , the Spanish American War, WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, the invasion of Panama, the invasion of Grenada, US troops in Syria, murdering Qaddafi, etc.
It was all illegal and based on lies, in order to gain profits.

Obama got elected on saying the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong.
So then why did he not end those wars?

The closest to a defense democrats can make is that the republicans may be even worse on wars.
But Trump did not start any new wars, and at least claimed to want to get out of the current ones.
But that is not enough to make me a Trump supporter.
I am more of a socialist.

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