Why so much hate from the left?

that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too

You are concerned about lies? :auiqs.jpg:
You Little Trumpserts have zippo concerns about your pathological lying god, (Trump)
Anytime, one of you gullible Trumpsters are confronted with the documented lies, you ignore it or go into one of your chronic denial modes or run away.
And then there's the "hate". Trump rallies are filled with hate. And why do we have so many hate filled threads, asking why non-Little Trumpsters are filled with hate?
You folks are a walking example of hypocrisy.

nothing in your post is true. you are a victim of left wing propaganda. your post is full of hate, you make my point.

are the following lies?

we landed under sniper fire
if you like your plan you can keep it
I never sent classified data on my private server
Benghazi was caused by a video
I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky

Those were lies. Much of what Trump says is bluster and political rhetoric designed to spin up the vulnerable like you, and it works, you go fricken crazy and destroy your party in the process, I actually find it quite amusing.

Nothing I say is true? Thank you for making my point.
As I have pointed out since I got here, almost eight years ago. I never voted for Obama. I was immediately., against Obamacare because of the mandate. I have never liked the Clintons, thus I never voted for either one. ( I worked as a volunteer for George HW and Dole).
I am, what I am, a moderate. I just happen to dislike the direction of the GOP since 2010. I also see Trump for what he really is. He is an Autocrat. He attacks our allies and gifts dictators/autocrats. He has attacked the very foundations that our forefathers instituted the structure of our democratic system. He's a racist and he is no Christian. Oh, he's not PC, but he acts and talks like a grade school bully. He is unbelievably narcissistic. The man lacks any empathy.
Trump doesn't lie?
Here's a link to Trump's lies. Not Trump, not Trump aids, Trump surrogates and none of Trump supporters have been able debunk any of these verifies lies. Go ahead, give it a try.
Analysis | President Trump has made 3,251 false or misleading claims in 497 days
Also, you are lying to yourself, if you don't think Trump rallies feature a lot of hate.
But all in all, I couldn't vote for Hillary, because what and who she is. The same applied to Trump. Trump is president, so he gets to be a target of my posts/threads, because he deserves.
for 40 years trump has told us who he is ABOUT TIME we believe him....a con man a grifter a racist
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

Well all minorities basically . I’ll give examples.

This family separation border thing . No need for it , they just want to be cruel to Hispanics .

Muslim country ban. Strait up anti Muslim - Arab racism .

100% defense of police shooting unarmed black men. Promotion of stop and frisk . Who cares about constitutional protections so long as it’s brown people being hassled .

Then there’s gay people . Do I need to list lol those examples?

is Ben Carson a racist?

The separation of illegals from their children started under Clinton, and was continued by bush and Obama. Trump is finally ending it----------------and you blame him????????????

it was not a muslim ban, it was a ban of certain terrorist supporting countries, you have it all wrong again

No one defends police randomly shooting anyone, and it is a very rare occurrence. Has Trump ever said that he wants cops to target blacks? duh, no.

Gay people, when has Trump ever said anything negative about gays?

ya got nothing, timmy, give it up
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

That is why they kicked Sanders out of a restaurant? That is why Arnold and Fonda has threatened the President’s son? That is why the left cheered Samantha Bee when she called the President’s daughter a ****?

We can go on and on but I think you get the point, the left is filled with hate.

Live and let live , unless you are fucking with other people .

one question: when someone enters our country illegally, are they fucking with us? or should we just let the entire world in?

No one said we should just let everyone in. But if you have people in the asylum mix , why do you need to separate them? Just to be evil?
Hate?? we just quit the UN Human rights council America with republicans in charge are a sick nation
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too

You are concerned about lies? :auiqs.jpg:
You Little Trumpserts have zippo concerns about your pathological lying god, (Trump)
Anytime, one of you gullible Trumpsters are confronted with the documented lies, you ignore it or go into one of your chronic denial modes or run away.
And then there's the "hate". Trump rallies are filled with hate. And why do we have so many hate filled threads, asking why non-Little Trumpsters are filled with hate?
You folks are a walking example of hypocrisy.

try again
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too

You are concerned about lies? :auiqs.jpg:
You Little Trumpserts have zippo concerns about your pathological lying god, (Trump)
Anytime, one of you gullible Trumpsters are confronted with the documented lies, you ignore it or go into one of your chronic denial modes or run away.
And then there's the "hate". Trump rallies are filled with hate. And why do we have so many hate filled threads, asking why non-Little Trumpsters are filled with hate?
You folks are a walking example of hypocrisy.

nothing in your post is true. you are a victim of left wing propaganda. your post is full of hate, you make my point.

are the following lies?

we landed under sniper fire
if you like your plan you can keep it
I never sent classified data on my private server
Benghazi was caused by a video
I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky

Those were lies. Much of what Trump says is bluster and political rhetoric designed to spin up the vulnerable like you, and it works, you go fricken crazy and destroy your party in the process, I actually find it quite amusing.

nothing in your post is true

like i said leftards lie

it is all the have

that and hate

the post proves as much

you see it daily on this board alone
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Again, there is no ‘hate’ – the notion is a ridiculous lie you and other dishonest conservatives attempt to propagate.

To denounce, to oppose, to condemn, and to ridicule wrongheaded conservative dogma and the bigotry, fear, and racism common to most on the right is not to ‘hate.’
Hate?? we just quit the UN Human rights council America with republicans in charge are a sick nation

Qatar, Congo, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Iraq, Burundi, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Angola, the Human Rights Committee looks more like human rights offenders. Might be a good committee not to be on.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Again, there is no ‘hate’ – the notion is a ridiculous lie you and other dishonest conservatives attempt to propagate.

To denounce, to oppose, to condemn, and to ridicule wrongheaded conservative dogma and the bigotry, fear, and racism common to most on the right is not to ‘hate.’

Threatening to kill Baron Trump is not hate? Hoping Republicans all die soon is not hate? Wishing Trump, dead is not hate? Calling the President’s daughter a feckless **** is not hate? Refusing to serve a Republican at a restaurant for no their reason than they are a Republican is not hate?

Go ahead spin and justify, I won’t believe you, too much evidence says otherwise.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
It's not the Democrats with a hate list.

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Don't you listen to Trump speak?

Of course he attacks Democrats. He hates minorities so attacking Democrats is attacking them all at once.

no one on the right, including Trump, hates those categories of people. Stop with the lies. There is someone from each of those groups on Trump's staff and many in other places in his administration.

I really think you lefties hate him simply because he beat Hillary. Can you at least admit that?
Some Mexicans don't rape?
A Mexican can't be a good judge?

Work from there.
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too
Like what? Give us a few.

In the meantime, explain this:

The last two weeks have seen an unprecedented number of disturbing lies from Trump.

dean you are such a stupid ass

the "fuck the police" leftist platform

hows about the dossier lie for example

nuff said shit for brains
Uh oh, you just went batsh!t crazy. Who even knows what you are talking about?
Hate?? we just quit the UN Human rights council America with republicans in charge are a sick nation

Qatar, Congo, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Iraq, Burundi, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Angola, the Human Rights Committee looks more like human rights offenders. Might be a good committee not to be on.
If you are not on the committee, you have no influence. Did that have to be explained?
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too

You are concerned about lies? :auiqs.jpg:
You Little Trumpserts have zippo concerns about your pathological lying god, (Trump)
Anytime, one of you gullible Trumpsters are confronted with the documented lies, you ignore it or go into one of your chronic denial modes or run away.
And then there's the "hate". Trump rallies are filled with hate. And why do we have so many hate filled threads, asking why non-Little Trumpsters are filled with hate?
You folks are a walking example of hypocrisy.

nothing in your post is true. you are a victim of left wing propaganda. your post is full of hate, you make my point.

are the following lies?

we landed under sniper fire
if you like your plan you can keep it
I never sent classified data on my private server
Benghazi was caused by a video
I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky

Those were lies. Much of what Trump says is bluster and political rhetoric designed to spin up the vulnerable like you, and it works, you go fricken crazy and destroy your party in the process, I actually find it quite amusing.

nothing in your post is true

like i said leftards lie

it is all the have

that and hate

the post proves as much

you see it daily on this board alone
The last two weeks have seen an unprecedented number of disturbing lies from Trump.

Check this one out. In the first post there is a link to Trump lies for the last couple of weeks. And every lie has video backing it up. Every one of these lies, we've watched him say on TV.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .
Dimocrats are more about live and let live?! LOL! Tell that to Antifa, you know, the people who wear the official uniform of the far-left, black hoodies, black pants and masks, who align with the left and commit violence and property damage whenever a conservative shows up to speak at universities. Of course, there's that famous "live and let live motto showing itself whereby the left's motto for the Trump administration is....RESIST....RESIST....SAY NO....
Aside from the left's hate group of Antifa, other hate groups like the Nazi's and Skinheads, are white supremacists who have been around for decades, long before Trump ran for office, even before Trump as an adult. When a white supremacist group announced their support for Trump, he disavowed them and has done so, on more than one occasion. Those particular hate groups have supported past and present politicians, even though the politicians hate it.
Cite a group that Conservatives created....other than rich people, whose only uniforms are fancy suits.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

“just fucking shoot them” DarkFury about illegal aliens

“Put them into a wood chipper” HereWeGoAgain about illegal aliens

“womp womp” Trump campaign manager Lewendowsky when hearing about a jailed child with DS

Essentially any nickname Trump tosses out for people

All Conservatives…all verifiable….all full of bitter hatred.

I'm happy as can be and laughing my ass off at you clowns.
Ya see here's how this works....
I post something totally outlandish and see how you react.
In typical fashion you wander the board spouting off about how terrible we are when anyone with any sense can see you've clearly been had.

When you post lies, they get countered with truth, there is no hate in countering lies. If you cannot see the left wing hate coming from the main stream media, Hollywood, and the dems then you must be living under a rock in the middle of a forest.

I was serious in the OP, I really do not understand why you on the left are perpetually angry and hateful. are you lives that miserable because Hillary lost? Is it because your ideology has failed? can you explain?

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I think you responded to the wrong poster.

Ironically he was still correct.

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