Why so much hate from the left?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.
that is all they have

that and lies

sad what the democrat party has been reduced too
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

timmy is to be laughed at nothing more
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

Well all minorities basically . I’ll give examples.

This family separation border thing . No need for it , they just want to be cruel to Hispanics .

Muslim country ban. Strait up anti Muslim - Arab racism .

100% defense of police shooting unarmed black men. Promotion of stop and frisk . Who cares about constitutional protections so long as it’s brown people being hassled .

Then there’s gay people . Do I need to list lol those examples?
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

Are you for real?

Did you ask this question about your fellow zealots on the right for the previous 8 years?

Where have you been the previous 20 years?

The origins of this hate is the two party system that has been used to divide our country because a divided populous is easier to control.

Every president since Bush II has done their level best to divide the country into "us vs them", and they have done a masterful job all the while you zealots on both sides have cheered it on and asked for more.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

can you give us a couple of examples? What groups do conservatives hate? Seriously, back up your claims or don't make them.

timmy is to be laughed at nothing more

Timmy and danielpalos are fascinating posters.
I bust a gut reading 99% of their shit.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .
Are you serious?

As one that has was listening to right wing talk radio since the early 2000s, I can tell you there was and always has been much hate from that media.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

Here Timmy, I fixed your bullshit to read accurately.

“Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating illegals, criminals and lowlifes.”
Whereas DNC “talking points” are based on hating good, legitimate, positive contributing, REAL Americans.

“Dems are more about live and let live our way on other people’s checking accounts.“
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .
Are you serious?

Yes . And I gave examples.

Which you righties will ignore as always . Cause when you are called out on your BS , you just start in wh insults . Typical MO.
this is a serious inquiry. All we see and hear from the left is how much they hate Trump, hate conservatives, hate Fox, hate Rush, hate Hannity, hate republicans.

What is the origin of all this hate?

Is it simply because Trump beat Hillary when the media told us that she could not lose?

Is it because he is accomplishing things?

Is it because he is not PC and talks like a regular person?

I am really curious as to the origin of all the hate because it is destroying this great country.

The current public education system and the entertainment industry control the culture, which in turn controls the political arena. Diversity and multicultural policies merely served to dilute traditional American culture and allowed the insertion of globalist/Progressive nonsense into both the curriculum taught to school children and the acceptance of such ideas in popular films and television.

The Progressive plan for America stretches back to the early 20th Century, and accelerated on college campuses during the late 1960s. One can see just how successful they have been by ticking off these "goals for America" taken from the book "The Naked Communist" and entered into the Congressional record in 1963.

Communist Goals - 1963 Congressional Record

Also see "The Movement toward a New America" by Mitchell Goodman (1970), a fat compilation of essays and other writings from the counterculture of late 1960s, including works from politicians, media, university professors, radical students and others. You can find copies via a simple search online. These writings bookend the list added to the Congressional Record, and many of the writers included now have high positions in government, education and the entertainment industry, where they continue their work in "fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The surprise (for Progressives) election of Donald Trump wiped out nearly thirty years of globalist/Progressive progress. The EU is near collapse as populist influence continues to make gains. America is moving toward retaking the planetary big boy seat.

All their work to remake the world into some goofy "We Are The World" centrally-controlled utopia is disintegrating before their eyes.

THAT is why the true believers are angry. The rest merely follow along stupidly.
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You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

That is why they kicked Sanders out of a restaurant? That is why Arnold and Fonda has threatened the President’s son? That is why the left cheered Samantha Bee when she called the President’s daughter a ****?

We can go on and on but I think you get the point, the left is filled with hate.
The right-wingers whine about "hatred" toward them, but every time they open their "free-speech" mouths, what comes out is a screed against other people. No policies or bright ideas about how the U.S.A. can advance into the future. It's "them," "them," "them." Muslims, n*ggers, feminazis, LGBTs, illegals, and more. No taking personal responsibility for what they do. They can't contribute anything positive to our society. Are we supposed to welcome these worthless, untalented individuals?
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

Here Timmy, I fixed your bullshit to read accurately.

“Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating illegals, criminals and lowlifes.”

Dogwhistle translatio : “hispanics/muslims , blacks, gays “.
You got it backward buddy . Conservatives literally start groups based on hatred . With uniforms and everything.

Most of the GOP talking points are based on hating some group .

Dems are more about live and let live .

That is why they kicked Sanders out of a restaurant? That is why Arnold and Fonda has threatened the President’s son? That is why the left cheered Samantha Bee when she called the President’s daughter a ****?

We can go on and on but I think you get the point, the left is filled with hate.

Live and let live , unless you are fucking with other people .

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