Why should TRUMP GAF if the existing ADMIN or the MEDIA "APPROVES" of his cabinet?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
DUBYA had one of the most diverse cabinet in the HISTORY OF THE USA....including the first AFRICAN AMERICAN SoS...the first AA FEMALE SoS, and the first HISPANIC AG.

The media gave him ZERO credit for his diverse appointments.

They don't TRULY give a squirt of piss about diversity. They simply want a reason to CRY and try to justify their unfair treatment of candidates they differ with ideologically.

The more the existing ADMIN and the MEDIA cries about his appointments, the better it is for America.
He doesn't.

Good. For some reason, the media adn the Dems think they need to approve of his appointments.


Trump doesn't give a rat's ass what any of those jerkoffs think about his appointments, and their reactions are 100% expected. It's still the media and dimocrats joined at the hip in hopes of scoring some points against Trump in particular and the right in general. Didn't get 'em anywhere in the nearly 18 months since Trump tossed his hat into the ring and it won't mean diddly now. They're simply self-fluffing themselves but are too stupid to know it.
Trump doesn't give a rat's ass what any of those jerkoffs think about his appointments, and their reactions are 100% expected. It's still the media and dimocrats joined at the hip in hopes of scoring some points against Trump in particular and the right in general. Didn't get 'em anywhere in the nearly 18 months since Trump tossed his hat into the ring and it won't mean diddly now. They're simply self-fluffing themselves but are too stupid to know it.
then why doesn't he appoint David Duke? The KKK worked hard and spent alot of money getting him elected they deserve representation in Trump's cabinet.
Trump doesn't give a rat's ass what any of those jerkoffs think about his appointments, and their reactions are 100% expected. It's still the media and dimocrats joined at the hip in hopes of scoring some points against Trump in particular and the right in general. Didn't get 'em anywhere in the nearly 18 months since Trump tossed his hat into the ring and it won't mean diddly now. They're simply self-fluffing themselves but are too stupid to know it.
then why doesn't he appoint David Duke? The KKK worked hard and spent alot of money getting him elected they deserve representation in Trump's cabinet.
Trump doesn't give a rat's ass what any of those jerkoffs think about his appointments, and their reactions are 100% expected. It's still the media and dimocrats joined at the hip in hopes of scoring some points against Trump in particular and the right in general. Didn't get 'em anywhere in the nearly 18 months since Trump tossed his hat into the ring and it won't mean diddly now. They're simply self-fluffing themselves but are too stupid to know it.
then why doesn't he appoint David Duke? The KKK worked hard and spent alot of money getting him elected they deserve representation in Trump's cabinet.
Oh, okay. I'll ask him for you, junior.
Trump damned well better choose well. For in another three years, Americans will be judging how well he has done on his promises. And he promised a great many people many things, often contradictory.

Personally, were he to actually do the things he promised, I look for the economy to be further down in those three years than it was in the eight that Bush was in office. And a great many of those that voted for him will see their mortgages under water, and many will be losing their homes as the jobs go away. Unfortunetly, since Clinton got the majority of the votes, more of the people that did not vote for Trump will be affected than those that did.

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