Why Republicans will win in 2022

Good I’m glad they are investigating… they should. If the dude was under arrest and he sustained injuries then it shouldn’t be very hard to find out what happened. Now back to the conversation after that lovely tangent you took us on. Can you name one political prisoner?
You beat me to it, didn't you?

Anyway, here is the name of a political prisoner, and I encourage you to look it up if you don't remember it: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

Remember that whole fiasco?

Hillary Clinton had this person thrown in jail for making an unfriendly video.

Stalinism has been flourishing in the Democratic party for a very long time
So what?! You’re trying way too hard… I think it would be more effective if you stomped around repeating “it’s not fair it’s not fair” give it a shot!

You just can't stand the thought that I'm right. And no, you don't have to try too hard to find similar things by the media. Anybody that can't see the MSM is an arm of the Democrat party working on their behalf is living under a rock or completely blind.

Actually Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the Capitol police.

But yeah, Biden is DOJ which has plenty of problems too, not the least of which is a thoroughly corrupt FBI.
That’s perfect. Now all you tards can chant “lock her up again”… fun!!
You beat me to it, didn't you?

Anyway, here is the name of a political prisoner, and I encourage you to look it up if you don't remember it: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

Remember that whole fiasco?

Hillary Clinton had this person thrown in jail for making an unfriendly video.

Stalinism has been flourishing in the Democratic party for a very long time
That guy?!?! From 2012?! The one that plead guilty?? That’s the best you can come up with? I thought you said you had hundreds of examples that you could give right now!!

On November 7, 2012, Nakoula pleaded guilty to four of the charges against him and was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release
You just can't stand the thought that I'm right. And no, you don't have to try too hard to find similar things by the media. Anybody that can't see the MSM is an arm of the Democrat party working on their behalf is living under a rock or completely blind.

All media has a bit of bias to it. The largest cable news station in the USA FOX is right leaning. The right owns conservative Radio. There is no hiding any narrative or story that any side wants to get out there.

Your Incessant whining about it is tiring. There is a time and please to go there. You bring it up all the time to use as a distraction. Grow up
That guy?!?! From 2012?! The one that plead guilty?? That’s the best you can come up with? I thought you said you had hundreds of examples that you could give right now!!

On November 7, 2012, Nakoula pleaded guilty to four of the charges against him and was sentenced to one year in prison and four years of supervised release


Nakoula was broke and couldn't afford a lawyer.

The Democraps INTIMIDATED him into accepting a plea deal.

The Democraps have a long history of Stalinist authoritarianism. Coercion, intimidation, slander, and if none of that works there's always outright murder.

Lyndon Johnson had 11 people murdered, including his own sister. And Lyndon was Hillary Clinton's political idol
Lyndon Johnson had 11 people murdered, including his own sister. And Lyndon was Hillary Clinton's political idol
Hahaha. You are completely off your rocker. Everybody knows that aliens from Uranus killed Lyndon’s sister. That’s common knowledge
You beat me to it, didn't you?

Anyway, here is the name of a political prisoner, and I encourage you to look it up if you don't remember it: Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

Remember that whole fiasco?

Hillary Clinton had this person thrown in jail for making an unfriendly video.

Stalinism has been flourishing in the Democratic party for a very long time

You can't move against the Communist party agenda these days, that is until we get them out of our government which many people are not smart enough to do:

Twenty plus armed FBI Agents executed a raid on a Pro-Life family’s home early Friday morning. Agents reportedly converged on the Houck home at 7:05 a.m. with drawn weapons to arrest regular sidewalk counselor Mark Houck.

Despite the family’s cooperation, the agents continued “pounding and screaming” and upon entering the home “had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Mrs. Houck explained.

Though Mrs. Houck explains that they were originally told by agents “that they were going to take him whether they had a warrant or not,” agents eventually produced the first page of a warrant. The warrant stated that Mark Houck was being arrested for an incident that occurred over a year ago in which he allegedly pushed a Planned Parenthood activist away from his son, as the activist was verbally berating the 12-year-old boy. The charges against Mr. Houck had since been dropped by local authorities.

“Rather than accepting Mark Houck’s offer to appear voluntarily, the Biden Department of Justice chose to make an unnecessary show of potentially deadly force,” explained Thomas More Society Senior Counsel Peter Breen. “In threatening form, after nearly breaking down the family’s front door, at least five agents pointed guns at Mark’s head and arrested him in front of his wife and seven young children, who were terrified that their husband and father would be shot dead before their eyes.”

Hell, they don't even do shit like this in Communist Canada. Sending 20 FBI agents to arrest a man for doing things that go on in bars every Friday night all across the country? He pushed some guy that was accosting his 12 year old son, and the AG sent FBI after his harmless guy to have him arrested because he went against the Communist manifesto.
Hahaha. You are completely off your rocker. Everybody knows that aliens from Uranus killed Lyndon’s sister. That’s common knowledge
Sure. They killed JFK too. That guy with the radio in the plaza, he was really a lizard. That's how come he walked funny
You can't move against the Communist party agenda these days, that is until we get them out of our government which many people are not smart enough to do:

Twenty plus armed FBI Agents executed a raid on a Pro-Life family’s home early Friday morning. Agents reportedly converged on the Houck home at 7:05 a.m. with drawn weapons to arrest regular sidewalk counselor Mark Houck.

Despite the family’s cooperation, the agents continued “pounding and screaming” and upon entering the home “had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Mrs. Houck explained.

Though Mrs. Houck explains that they were originally told by agents “that they were going to take him whether they had a warrant or not,” agents eventually produced the first page of a warrant. The warrant stated that Mark Houck was being arrested for an incident that occurred over a year ago in which he allegedly pushed a Planned Parenthood activist away from his son, as the activist was verbally berating the 12-year-old boy. The charges against Mr. Houck had since been dropped by local authorities.

“Rather than accepting Mark Houck’s offer to appear voluntarily, the Biden Department of Justice chose to make an unnecessary show of potentially deadly force,” explained Thomas More Society Senior Counsel Peter Breen. “In threatening form, after nearly breaking down the family’s front door, at least five agents pointed guns at Mark’s head and arrested him in front of his wife and seven young children, who were terrified that their husband and father would be shot dead before their eyes.”

Hell, they don't even do shit like this in Communist Canada. Sending 20 FBI agents to arrest a man for doing things that go on in bars every Friday night all across the country? He pushed some guy that was accosting his 12 year old son, and the AG sent FBI after his harmless guy to have him arrested because he went against the Communist manifesto.
Do you even try to find objective news sources or do you just believe all the wingnut stuff?

How many IRS agents do you know about that are working six days a week? 10 hour days or more? You see in private business, they know it's much more cost effective to have current employees work OT than it is to hire more new workers. I bet you can't find one IRS agent working more than 40 hours a week.

So that's all bullshit. Many of their audits are already on the rich, so this idiotic move is to target small time taxpayers who maybe made a mistake on a $100.00 deduction they took on their taxes.

IRS examinations of individual income tax returns declined between 2010 and 2019 across the board, but the trend was most pronounced for taxpayers with incomes of $200,000 or more, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported Tuesday.

So the lie that Dementia told was only to cover the fact that most government employees vote Democrat. Next he will be targeting political enemies, perhaps people on this forum that talk against Big Brother.

You have no idea how fuel is priced so you're out of your league discussing that with me since I have a few years experience in the commodities market. Oil and gasoline companies do not set their own prices; another lie by the Communist party. If tax cuts to the rich are so bad, why didn't the Party increase them back to pre-Trump days?

Are you really that stupid? Why do they need to work six days a week or 10 hours a day or more than 40 hours a day? Many of them are under salary so they don't get overtime. Many businesses do not want to pay overtime.

The number of audits have dropped. The chances of someone rich getting audited has dropped. There is no attempt to target small taxpayers. That is your attempt to scare people by lying through your teeth. In addition, many people do not have a chance to play games with their taxes because they do not make enough to play games with taxes.

No one is targeting their political enemies. That is a right wing talking point that has no basis in reality just like this phony election fraud. No rational American buys it.

You are saying that oil executives have no idea what they are talking about. A recent Dallas Fed poll of executives showed that 59% of executives say that shareholders are the reason that they are not increasing their drilling activity and only 7% say government regulation is the reason. Oil and gas companies are well aware of the fact that the less supply there is, the higher the price will go. The reason that taxes have not been raised is that special interests have bought off Sinema. She is on her last rodeo as a senator.
Are you really that stupid? Why do they need to work six days a week or 10 hours a day or more than 40 hours a day? Many of them are under salary so they don't get overtime. Many businesses do not want to pay overtime.

The number of audits have dropped. The chances of someone rich getting audited has dropped. There is no attempt to target small taxpayers. That is your attempt to scare people by lying through your teeth. In addition, many people do not have a chance to play games with their taxes because they do not make enough to play games with taxes.

No one is targeting their political enemies. That is a right wing talking point that has no basis in reality just like this phony election fraud. No rational American buys it.

You are saying that oil executives have no idea what they are talking about. A recent Dallas Fed poll of executives showed that 59% of executives say that shareholders are the reason that they are not increasing their drilling activity and only 7% say government regulation is the reason. Oil and gas companies are well aware of the fact that the less supply there is, the higher the price will go. The reason that taxes have not been raised is that special interests have bought off Sinema. She is on her last rodeo as a senator.

Complete bullshit as usual with nothing to back up any of your claims. Fuel is high enough that no shareholder in oil is in need of any bump. That's besides the fact fuel is a worldwide commodity, not a domestic one. With the prices of fuel now, everybody is making huge profits. OPEC is cutting their production because hey know Biden is a complete asshole. They cut their production by 2 million barrels a day to make sure Democrats are not in charge of Congress.

As for IRS agents there is no need to increase them outside of creating a bigger government making those new agents government dependent so they vote for the Communists. Your ignorance about business is just that, ignorance. It's much cheaper for businesses to have current employees work OT than hiring new ones. When they hire new employees they have to provide them with unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, paid time of for vacations and holidays. Any business owner will tell you that.

Yes, Dementia is using our federal agencies to target political enemies. Just read the story (and link) I posted above.
today, someone on fox brought up that the polls are likely to be way off again because of how they do the polling to the extent that we can just add ten points to any leftist poll to get a better idea...in other words, The Wizard of Oz should clearly be ahead of that dude with the hoody by 15 points
Dont be surprised when the Marxist playbook in used.

Complete bullshit as usual with nothing to back up any of your claims. Fuel is high enough that no shareholder in oil is in need of any bump. That's besides the fact fuel is a worldwide commodity, not a domestic one. With the prices of fuel now, everybody is making huge profits. OPEC is cutting their production because hey know Biden is a complete asshole. They cut their production by 2 million barrels a day to make sure Democrats are not in charge of Congress.

As for IRS agents there is no need to increase them outside of creating a bigger government making those new agents government dependent so they vote for the Communists. Your ignorance about business is just that, ignorance. It's much cheaper for businesses to have current employees work OT than hiring new ones. When they hire new employees they have to provide them with unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, paid time of for vacations and holidays. Any business owner will tell you that.

Yes, Dementia is using our federal agencies to target political enemies. Just read the story (and link) I posted above.

Again you are calling oil executives liars. You are the liar. The fact is that oil companies are not increasing their oil production nor are they increasing their explorations. Saudia Arabia is interfering in our elections. That is why Republicans should lose. If they win then we will send a message of weakness and using oil to blackmail this country will increase.

Guess what. People retire over time. All of these agents will be added over 10 years not all at once. You are the one who is ignorant. The business that I work for generally discourages overtime for people who are paid by the hour and are still hiring.

Another right wing news source does not impress anyone.

Nakoula was broke and couldn't afford a lawyer.

The Democraps INTIMIDATED him into accepting a plea deal.

The Democraps have a long history of Stalinist authoritarianism. Coercion, intimidation, slander, and if none of that works there's always outright murder.

Lyndon Johnson had 11 people murdered, including his own sister. And Lyndon was Hillary Clinton's political idol

Or maybe he knew they had the goods on him.
Then why did he have the cages built? Why did the media show video of kids in cages under DumBama and lie saying those cages were Trump's? When the people started pouring in under Dementia, do you know where he kept the kids? In containers. You know, those metal things on ships sitting off the California coast waiting to be unloaded? The best part is only government officials were allowed in those containers, and nobody from the media. Have you ever been in a container? I have. Because they're all steel, it's like being baked in an oven it's so hot in there.
I haven't seen any kids in cages under Obama, but I've seen a ton of that under Trump. Here's the difference between you and me, I have no problem condemning Obama over such actions, you on the other hand, can't bear to do the same against Trump.

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