Why Republicans will win in 2022

I don’t care what you said.

I didn’t say or agree that nuclear war has as much chance of happening as global warming. That’s just you lying.
You agreed that nuclear war didnt have much of a chance, but neglected to not say that you agree with the CO2 statement. See how word games work, you fuckers do it all the time....
You agreed that nuclear war didnt have much of a chance, but neglected to not say that you agree with the CO2 statement.
So I didn’t say or agree that nuclear war has as much chance of happening as global warming. That was just you lying.

Like I fucking explained the first time.
He didn't talk about them until after he made that statement because it's that statement people remember, not what he said afterwards.
What an idiotic excuse. So when Trump said rapists and murders before good people does the same rule apply?
What an idiotic excuse. So when Trump said rapists and murders before good people does the same rule apply?

Probably. I don't know what was in his mind but I would say that's a back peddle. The difference is Trump was speaking off the cuff where Dementia was reading a teleprompter and planned those remarks.
Sure you can…. You can watch the part of the video where we talks about the specific people he is referring to and distinguishes them from normal republicans
In other words, a sanctimonious moralistic asshole.
Which I have never done, gaslighting fucktard.

Show me a lie. Do it.

"Y'all" are out on your keesters in 29 days
Show you a lie?! Haha. You are claiming that open borders stalinists are taking over our country. That’s a lie. There’s no such thing as an open border Stalinist. You’re just talking out of your ass
Show you a lie?! Haha. You are claiming that open borders stalinists are taking over our country. That’s a lie. There’s no such thing as an open border Stalinist. You’re just talking out of your ass

You are a bleeding fucking idiot.

You have to be a total fucking moron if you think your technicalities are important

And an even bigger one if you think we care, or if you think we care what you CALL anything.

All you do is gaslight. Whereas I can point you to 600 political prisoners right now, who are being kept in a gulag by the Democrats
today, someone on fox brought up that the polls are likely to be way off again because of how they do the polling to the extent that we can just add ten points to any leftist poll to get a better idea...in other words, The Wizard of Oz should clearly be ahead of that dude with the hoody by 15 points
Technicalities?! Haha you mean facts?! You’re unbelievable
I'll bet you 10 bucks right now you don't even know what Stalinism is, and you've NEVER SEEN IT anywhere except in DC.

Whereas I've seen it up close and personal in 14 countries.

So you'll forgive me if I ignore your ignorance and stupidity.

The only reason you deny Stalinism is because you don't know it.

We'll, I do. I do know it.

And I know, from YEARS of experience, that the best thing you can do with it is KILL IT BEFORE IT GROWS
How about you just point to one
Imagine that, a retarded gaslighting libfuck trying to tell us that Stalinism has something to do with borders.

"You can't be a Stalinist if you're not a nationalist".

Fuck off, gaswipe.

29 days.
Imagine that, a retarded gaslighting libfuck trying to tell us that Stalinism has something to do with borders.

"You can't be a Stalinist if you're not a nationalist".

Fuck off, gaswipe.

29 days.
Horrible attempt to dodge the question. Can you point to ONE or not?!
Horrible attempt to dodge the question. Can you point to ONE or not?!
Here are your Stalinist pigs, fucktard.

This man was tied to a chair for 12 hours and beaten by J6 prison guards till he lost an eye.

Now fuck off. This discussion is over.

Why Republicans will win:


Because THIS ^^^ is what the Stalinist libfucks are bringing to your front door.

THIS. ^^^

You will comply or we will beat the shit out of you.

No one and I mean NO ONE is going to vote for this shit.
Here are your Stalinist pigs, fucktard.

This man was tied to a chair for 12 hours and beaten by J6 prison guards till he lost an eye.

Now fuck off. This discussion is over.

View attachment 708335
Nevermind I found him…. This is the guy you are highlighting?! You believe his account why??

  1. He lived in Bristol, Bucks County, Pennsylvania with his uncle and aunt. (a)(b)
  2. In 2006, he was convicted of terroristic threats, reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct after allegedly trying to run a female victim off the road because she owed him $60. He was accused of approaching her vehicle, punching her vehicle and telling her he knew where she lived and would kill her if he did not get his money. (c)
  3. In 2007, he was accused of hitting a man in the face after getting into the man’s car. (c)
  4. In 2009, he held a female victim against her will for 5 hours, choked her to the point of unconsciousness, pushed her, beat her and chipped her teeth. He was convicted of simple assault and reckless endangerment. (c)
  5. In 2011, he choked and beat his pregnant girlfriend. He was convicted of simple assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and unlawful restraint. (c)
  6. In 2015, he choked another woman to the point of unconsciousness and hit her so hard she had a hematoma. He was convicted of simple assault. (c)
  7. In 2019, a still different female victim accused him of raping her multiple times, choking her to the point of unconsciousness and breaking into her house and assaulting her in Riverside, New Jersey, USA. She obtained a restraining order but he violated it multiple times. (a)(c)
  8. Wearing a red hat, a light blue jacket, a long sleeve white-hooded shirt and a black T-shirt, he went to the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., USA on January 6, 2021. That day, Donald Trump supporters breached the building while a joint session of Congress was certifying the vote of the Electoral College and affirming Joe Biden‘s victory in the 2020 presidential election. During the riot, he assault a female U.S. Capitol Policeofficer. (a)(d)
  9. A Federal Bureau of Investigationspecial agent filed a criminal complaint against him, which was signed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui on January 29, 2021. On January 30, 2021, FBI agents arrested him in Bristol Township and he was held in the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (a)(b)
  10. He was 37 years old when he was arrested on January 30, 2021. For his participation in the U.S. Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, he was charged with forcibly assaulting, resisting, opposing, impeding, intimidating or interfering with a federal agent while they are engaged in their official duties, committing or attempting to commit any act to obstruct, impede or interfere with any fireman or law enforcement officer lawfully engaged in the lawful performance of his official duties and obstructing, influencing or impeding any official proceeding or attempting do do so. (a)
  11. On February 2, 2021, the Pennsylvania State Parole lodged a detainer against him. On February 5, 2021, U.S. Magistrate Judge Richard A. Lloretordered him detained pursuant to his consent. On February 19, 2021, he was was transported to Washington, D.C. and appeared in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. On May 24, 2021, he filed the instant motion to revoke the magistrate judge’s order of detention. (c)
  12. In March 2021, he suffered serious medical injuries after being assaulted in jail in Washington, D.C., which aggravated a preexisting medical condition, according to his lawyer Elisabeth K. H. Pasqualini. (d)
  13. He cited blood clots, gynecomastia and several other health problems as one reason why he should be released from pretrial detention but U.S. District Judge Jia Cobb denied his requests. The judge ordered that a medical evaluation at a tertiary research center be completed within 14 days of May 17, 2022. On June 1, 2022, he refused to allow Health Services Staff at the FDC in Philadelphia to evaluate him. (e)


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