Why Republicans will win in 2022

I haven't seen any kids in cages under Obama, but I've seen a ton of that under Trump. Here's the difference between you and me, I have no problem condemning Obama over such actions, you on the other hand, can't bear to do the same against Trump.

The Obama administration did build the cages Trump alluded to. The facility Trump mentioned was built with chain-link fencing by the Obama administration in 2014 in a warehouse in Nogales, Ariz. The makeshift shelter was built in response to an exodus of unaccompanied immigrant children from Central America. But those children did not arrive with their parents; they were unaccompanied. The shelter was not being used as part of a child separation policy, and U.S. border agents did not separate those children from their parents.

Again you are calling oil executives liars. You are the liar. The fact is that oil companies are not increasing their oil production nor are they increasing their explorations. Saudia Arabia is interfering in our elections. That is why Republicans should lose. If they win then we will send a message of weakness and using oil to blackmail this country will increase.

Guess what. People retire over time. All of these agents will be added over 10 years not all at once. You are the one who is ignorant. The business that I work for generally discourages overtime for people who are paid by the hour and are still hiring.

Another right wing news source does not impress anyone.

Of course they want to avoid OT, but if they only have two choices in the matter which is pay workers the OT or hire more people, they always choose the OT because it's much cheaper.

The IRS is ADDING new employees, not replacing the retiring people. And no, they are not going to hire people within 10 years, they are spreading out the cost over 10 years.

This is from the US Energy Information Administration. It's a graph and monthly breakdown of oil the US produced. Now look at those statistics and show me where the decline in oil is by oil companies:

The Obama administration did build the cages Trump alluded to. The facility Trump mentioned was built with chain-link fencing by the Obama administration in 2014 in a warehouse in Nogales, Ariz. The makeshift shelter was built in response to an exodus of unaccompanied immigrant children from Central America. But those children did not arrive with their parents; they were unaccompanied. The shelter was not being used as part of a child separation policy, and U.S. border agents did not separate those children from their parents.

Like I said, I can condemn Obama, but you are too pussy to do the same for Trump.
Like I said, I can condemn Obama, but you are too pussy to do the same for Trump.

That's because I don't condemn either of them really. Children are not injured by being put behind chain link fences or even cages. They probably think it's pretty cool. But the main thing is even though children, their parent (guardian) still brought them here illegally and we owe them nothing yet alone the most comfortable conditions. And compared to the suffering many of them tolerated on the way, those cages are probably heaven to them.
I haven't seen any kids in cages under Obama, but I've seen a ton of that under Trump. Here's the difference between you and me, I have no problem condemning Obama over such actions, you on the other hand, can't bear to do the same against Trump.
I know why you never saw children of illegals with the brown turd Obammy, it really is quite simple.

Like I said, I can condemn Obama, but you are too pussy to do the same for Trump.
Why should i condemn either. If you dont want your child in a cage, then dont fucking send them across the border illegally. Bring them here like most legal citizens and i welcome them with open arms. You being a Marxists want these diseased illegals and there children here because they will destroy this country like they do to their own country.

That's because I don't condemn either of them really. Children are not injured by being put behind chain link fences or even cages. They probably think it's pretty cool. But the main thing is even though children, their parent (guardian) still brought them here illegally and we owe them nothing yet alone the most comfortable conditions. And compared to the suffering many of them tolerated on the way, those cages are probably heaven to them.
"They probably think it is cool."

No need to say anything more!
Why should i condemn either. If you dont want your child in a cage, then dont fucking send them across the border illegally. Bring them here like most legal citizens and i welcome them with open arms. You being a Marxists want these diseased illegals and there children here because they will destroy this country like they do to their own country.

These people are running from tyranny in their own country. We always take in asylum seekers. And the fact that you think it is okay to treat children that way, means you're just a fucked up piece of shit!
These people are running from tyranny in their own country. We always take in asylum seekers. And the fact that you think it is okay to treat children that way, means you're just a fucked up piece of shit!

No, we didn't always take in asylum seekers. Trump put a stop to that so the only people that had a legitimate claim could file. The rest were not allowed into the country. Trump knew their record which was use asylum as an excuse to sneak in, disappear in the country never to be seen again and hide out in leftist sanctuary cities and states where they were protected.

As for cages and fenced in areas, the children were much further ahead than where they came from with drug lords controlling the government, child prostitution, and human trafficking an every day event. They were given showers, a change of clothing, new cots or sleeping bags with pillows and blankets. They were fed three squares a day and in a climate controlled environment.
No, we didn't always take in asylum seekers. Trump put a stop to that so the only people that had a legitimate claim could file. The rest were not allowed into the country. Trump knew their record which was use asylum as an excuse to sneak in, disappear in the country never to be seen again and hide out in leftist sanctuary cities and states where they were protected.

As for cages and fenced in areas, the children were much further ahead than where they came from with drug lords controlling the government, child prostitution, and human trafficking an every day event. They were given showers, a change of clothing, new cots or sleeping bags with pillows and blankets. They were fed three squares a day and in a climate controlled environment.
Bullshit! Trump used those kids as a weapon to "own the libs" and you know goddamn well he did! Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and that includes you!
These people are running from tyranny in their own country. We always take in asylum seekers. And the fact that you think it is okay to treat children that way, means you're just a fucked up piece of shit!
No they are not, they are coming here to look for a better chance at employment. That isnt refugee status at all, but you go ahead and be a shithead, because all those illegals are buying up used gas guzzling cars and using tons of CO2 to heat up the houses they live in. I guess you are a Climate Denier by wanting all those CO2 breathers living here?
Bullshit! Trump used those kids as a weapon to "own the libs" and you know goddamn well he did! Trump doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and that includes you!
Is that why Joe Biden used his son Hunter to go to Ukraine and China and sell favors to those countries so he could get millions? Seems that Joe doesnt give a rats ass about his family, even his daughter who he raped while taking a shower with. Must be good to be a Demofascist whose people will vote even the worse candidate into office. Or have it stolen....
No they are not, they are coming here to look for a better chance at employment. That isnt refugee status at all, but you go ahead and be a shithead, because all those illegals are buying up used gas guzzling cars and using tons of CO2 to heat up the houses they live in. I guess you are a Climate Denier by wanting all those CO2 breathers living here?
I'll tell you this, the last thing I fear is from people making minimum wage! BTW, these people contribute heavily to their local economy.
Is that why Joe Biden used his son Hunter to go to Ukraine and China and sell favors to those countries so he could get millions? Seems that Joe doesnt give a rats ass about his family, even his daughter who he raped while taking a shower with. Must be good to be a Demofascist whose people will vote even the worse candidate into office. Or have it stolen....
So you're too pussy to talk about Trump? BTW, all that Biden shit you mentioned has been completely debunked!
I'll tell you this, the last thing I fear is from people making minimum wage! BTW, these people contribute heavily to their local economy.
So there is no Climate Change, right? That it is okay to bring in millions of diseased individuals who will need gas guzzling cars to get to their minimum wage jobs?
So you're too pussy to talk about Trump? BTW, all that Biden shit you mentioned has been completely debunked!
President Trump isnt in office, as a matter of fact, the Senate is controlled by Marxists/Democrats and the Congress is controlled by Marxists/Demofacists. All that Biden shit, hasnt been debunked, for it is starting to show up on even the Lame Stream Media, because they can no longer hide it.
I'll tell you this, the last thing I fear is from people making minimum wage! BTW, these people contribute heavily to their local economy.
Also there Billy boy, all those illegals coming in here, are getting free money to buy stuff with. That right there is another reason why we have inflation. But you go ahead and believe those Demofascists who have taken an economic recovery from the last President, and really fucked that economy up, bigly....
That low Black voter % is very, very bad news for Democrats and might even cost them the Senate too.
I doubt that, didn't Black turnout in GA give us the Senate and it will against in November.

Bye Bye walker.

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