Why politics isn't important.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I'm 68, and have lived through 13 presidential administrations, and events from the Cuban missile crisis through Covid. It's amazing that so many here place so much importance on politics, when in fact our lives change so very little from one administration to the other. America is not perfect, but few would argue that it's one of the better countries to live in. The quality of our lives depends more on our efforts and the decisions we make, rather than what a group of suits in Washington DC do and think. Folks - Take some advice from an older guy: Stay involved and vote of course, but don't think that politics is really that important - because it's not!
Lot of truth in the OP .

That is precisely how the Shadow Government and the bankers work .
They obligate people and organisations across both parties and that ensures that the Deep State can back both sides and always win .
This has always scammed the Gullibles and Sheeple in general and particularly since the end of WW1 .

Why change a winning formula ? The mugs are still no wiser .
Administrations come and go but countries do not, until now. The globalists, Dem and Repub, that we keep electing have begun the Great Reset. That is America under global control. For instance, the UN/WHO makes our medical decisions now. Thank Biden.

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