Why not a solar world

Because solar is a shiity source of electrical power in an industrial economy. Not concentrated enough,.

Any more stupid questions Moon Bat?

Because you are ignorant in things like this I am going to assign you a science experiment.

On a sunny day go stick your arm out in the sun. How much heat do you feel? Enough to run your refrigerator compressor? How about enough to power a fully loaded dump truck?

What happens when a cloud comes between the sun and your arm?

How about at night?

Log your observations into a book because you will be questioned on your results later.

Fossil fuels work because they are essentially a million years worth of sunlight concentrated into a samll package.


Fossil fuels going nowhere for a long, long time

Fossil fuels going nowhere for a long, long time

The problem is that these stupid confused idiot Moon Bats will force "green" energy through uneconomical political processes and it will fail big time. Meantime the economy will suffer and the stupid Moon Bats will be the reason why.

These stupid uneducated low information don't even know that fossil fuels are nothing more than concentrated solar energy.
The problem is that these stupid confused idiot Moon Bats will force "green" energy through uneconomical political processes and it will fail big time. Meantime the economy will suffer and the stupid Moon Bats will be the reason why.

These stupid uneducated low information don't even know that fossil fuels are nothing more than concentrated solar energy.

That's ok...the climate kOOks can rant and rave until the cows come home. Renewable energy still fringe and will be for many decades which means our side does nothing but win! In fact, it's a slaughter.
Another dud thread from Old Rocks

I think it's a great idea to take solar radiation that heats the surface of the planet and convert that into electricity instead during an ice age.

Brilliant. :rolleyes:
Speaking of an extreme case of Dunning-Kruger. Hey, Westy, old boy, aren't you going to back up your butt buddy, and explain to us how then thar solar panels are going to steal all the planets heat by turning it into electricity?
Speaking of an extreme case of Dunning-Kruger. Hey, Westy, old boy, aren't you going to back up your butt buddy, and explain to us how then thar solar panels are going to steal all the planets heat by turning it into electricity?
No. Just enough to tip the scales for widespread northern hemisphere glaciation. :)
Speaking of an extreme case of Dunning-Kruger. Hey, Westy, old boy, aren't you going to back up your butt buddy, and explain to us how then thar solar panels are going to steal all the planets heat by turning it into electricity?

I'm still waiting for you to point out a geologic mistake I have ever made.

You made the claim weeks ago. Still nothing from you.

As usual.
Where are the monorails and flying cars?

in the 1950’s were promised them by now

if libs were serious about the man-made global warming disaster they would embrace nuclear

And the assholes living like kings on our dime, shouldn't be buying beach front estates!

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Really? Has all of you Dunning-Kruger poster children chiming in with your idiocy. LOL

But heres the thing....

Nobody is caring about the forest fires

Nobody is caring about the glaciers

Nobody wants an EV

Nobody is caring about extreme weather.

Nobody is caring about battery technology

So c'mon now....it always comes down to who's not winning. In the big picture, it's the only thing that matters.

I may indeed be the idiot but for 11 years you've been screaming about the same crap and what has changed in the real world?


In the end, who's winning is the ONLY thing that matters.

And in November, the big bumpy cucumber becomes enormous!!



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I'm still waiting for you to point out a geologic mistake I have ever made.

You made the claim weeks ago. Still nothing from you.

As usual.
One I particularly remember was the insistence that a full spectrum, basalt through rhyolite series volcanic field in California was bi-model volcanism. The difference between adakite volcanism and bi-model volcanism is particularly relevant to unraveling the very complex history of Oregon and Washington. Reference to Nick Zentner's youtube series, 351, or the Crazy Eocene.
We are living in a freaking solar world. The crazy angry extortionist left envisions a U.S. where hazardous chemicals used to manufacture solar junk are magically created in a land far away and miles and miles of obscene solar panels might generate D.C. energy that is magically turned into useful A.C. current while the rest of the world gobbles up all the fossil fuel. Good idea.
One I particularly remember was the insistence that a full spectrum, basalt through rhyolite series volcanic field in California was bi-model volcanism. The difference between adakite volcanism and bi-model volcanism is particularly relevant to unraveling the very complex history of Oregon and Washington. Reference to Nick Zentner's youtube series, 351, or the Crazy Eocene.

I have never made a claim like that you loon.

Or should I say LIAR.
I have never made a claim like that you loon.

Or should I say LIAR.
Lordy, lordy, you dumb fuck, in another thread you just claimed that the Milankovitch Cycles did not cause climate change, and that coral reefs were not limestone. The thread is 'Global warming is becoming global cooling', post #127, you denied that coral reefs were limestone, and that there are major units of limestone formed from ancient coral reefs, as per post #132. In post #128, same thread, you said the Milankovitch Cycles did not cause climate change. Continental glaciers south of the US and Canadian border are not climate change? LOL Yessirreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bob, what a Phd Geologist.

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