Yes, 2021 was a record breaking year

Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling​

The signs are clearer than ever. The Sun is heading into a new “solar minimum” cycle now.

". . .Despite loud claims in recent decades that man-made CO2 is somehow driving the Earth’s climate, history and science demonstrate that the largest and most influential driver of planetary climate is actually the Sun.

NASA data shows clearly that sunspot counts and solar flares are dropping which is a clear indicator that solar activity is receding slightly, which means that the Earth’s climate will change, only it won’t be getting warmer.

One known indicator of solar activity is the presence of sunspots. When they are high in number, the solar activity is stronger. When sunspots are few, then we’re more likely to see slightly less solar intensity. The last peak in sunspot activity was in 2014, and now we’ve reached a new low point in 2020.

A solar minimum does not mean that we’ll no longer have regular heat waves and warm weather, it simply means that solar activity will change, and this could translate into lower overall temperatures on Earth for the duration of this solar cycle – which could last beyond 2030.

For those paying attention, this is not breaking news as NASA had announced this trend many times before, albeit quietly. But as one would expect in the current political epoch, any talk of ‘global cooling’ is not likely to generate headlines.

It’s a fact that 2020 saw Europe having one of its coldest summers on record. Indeed, winter is coming.. . . "

Scientists tackle a burning question: When will our quiet sun turn violent?​

Researchers study 11-year solar cycle to predict timing of peak magnetic outbursts​

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Modern Grand Solar Minimum will lead to terrestrial cooling​

The signs are clearer than ever. The Sun is heading into a new “solar minimum” cycle now.

". . .Despite loud claims in recent decades that man-made CO2 is somehow driving the Earth’s climate, history and science demonstrate that the largest and most influential driver of planetary climate is actually the Sun.

NASA data shows clearly that sunspot counts and solar flares are dropping which is a clear indicator that solar activity is receding slightly, which means that the Earth’s climate will change, only it won’t be getting warmer.

One known indicator of solar activity is the presence of sunspots. When they are high in number, the solar activity is stronger. When sunspots are few, then we’re more likely to see slightly less solar intensity. The last peak in sunspot activity was in 2014, and now we’ve reached a new low point in 2020.

A solar minimum does not mean that we’ll no longer have regular heat waves and warm weather, it simply means that solar activity will change, and this could translate into lower overall temperatures on Earth for the duration of this solar cycle – which could last beyond 2030.

For those paying attention, this is not breaking news as NASA had announced this trend many times before, albeit quietly. But as one would expect in the current political epoch, any talk of ‘global cooling’ is not likely to generate headlines.

It’s a fact that 2020 saw Europe having one of its coldest summers on record. Indeed, winter is coming.. . . "

Scientists tackle a burning question: When will our quiet sun turn violent?​

Researchers study 11-year solar cycle to predict timing of peak magnetic outbursts​

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Ever were we to enter into a Maunder Minimum, it would make very little difference in the rapid warming that we are seeing. Here are the facts on that;

Ever were we to enter into a Maunder Minimum, it would make very little difference in the rapid warming that we are seeing. Here are the facts on that;

Great! :113:

I remain unconvinced. But you could convince me. That was an all right video, until it brought in that known corrupt organization the IPCC.

Post for me a pie chart, of all the CO2 naturally produced by the planet, and by human activity, broken down by percentages last year.

. . . also, nothing in the video addressed how the activity in the sun during a Grand Solar Minimum or Maximum affects the Earth's Magnetosphere, Volcanism, subsequent possible debris thrown into the atmosphere, and likewise resultant tectonic interactivity with these forces, and how they all affect the Earth's own polar shift in regards to the complexities of the longer term climate trends.

There are SO many natural variables going on here, that all are intertwined with the Grand Minimum's and Maximum's? I am wondering if the video is trying to purposely deceive, or is it just ignorant. . . Which do you suppose?

Many records were set in 2021, here are some of them;

AGW Cult logic: we must spend $78 trillion to lessen $20 billion in losses.


Chain yourself to the Chinese Embassy
btw......seeing Brandon hit 33% approval today. Dang.......even I didnt think this guy would flame out this badly in under a year.
And Manchin........poked the eye of the DUMS again today on the fillibuster. That guy Manchin......a bonafide hero for Americans.:2up:
Who could possibly forsee West Virginians providing such a prolific nut sack kick to progressives.? This is epic stuff.
Many records were set in 2021, here are some of them;

Check this out old man. Since 1979 ice in Antarctica has increased in all four seasons. WTF! Did I just blow your mind?

Using these reconstructions, here we show that the observed period since 1979 is the only time all four seasons demonstrate significant increases in total Antarctic sea ice in the context of the twentieth century and that the observed increases are juxtaposed against statistically significant decreases throughout much of the early and middle twentieth century. These reconstructions provide reliable estimates of seasonally resolved total Antarctic sea ice extent and are skilful enough to better understand aspects of air–sea–ice interactions within the Antarctic climate system.
A regime shift in seasonal total Antarctic sea ice extent in the twentieth century - Nature Climate Change

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