CDZ Why my beliefs may have changed


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
So yesterday I posted in a thread about hyper partisanship destroying us. I replied with something about John Adams and him being known as a "suppressor" because he signed a law that forbid negative talk towards the govt. His competition couldn't even point out his flaws..
Anyways, I didn't really know much about it beyond that so I started to read and think about it.. This is what started it..
Here is the law :Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison was still in his prime when this happened(wrote the first amendment). What did he think about it? The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, James Madison
I am a firm believer in the Constitution. Some things I wish weren't in there but they are and I accept that. They made that thing for a reason.. or did they? I mean, the SECOND President of our country shitting on our law like that? Don't get me wrong, I understand some things will take precedent over other things but you cant throw away the rule of law for what you think is better. If so, then whats the fuckin point? Why not just be a dictatorship? Whats the difference?
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly. The Federalists were on a decline so they shut everyone up.
That isn't America. That isn't our Constitutional Republic! Or is it?!
It just makes me question a lot of what I believe in. Maybe I am just overthinking it.
That is good thinking, TN. Ten years earlier Madison was in the federalist camp. The Dan Shays rebellion in the spirit of 76 was radicalism to him before the Convention. The Alien and Sedition Acts rocked his political thinking and he joined the Jeffersonian philosophy of very limited government.

Things do change. You are right to question yourself and to study.

That is such a rare spirit of cognitive introspection on our Board.
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George Washington even came out of retirement for this administration during the quasi war.
The spirit on which the Constitution was written was based on a person coming into the offices in Washington and doing their civic. After that duty was over with they would step down and allow others to have their voice. Things have change much sine the drafting of that GD piece of paper..

The two things that are clearly spelled out in the Constitution are the military (which the far left wants to do away with) and the right to won property (which the far left wants to do away with).

The bill of rights applies only to "We the People of the United States". The far left says it belongs to everyone.

Lobbyist were seen as scum and not allowed to participate in the law making process and then the far left allows the special interest to write on of the worst laws on this country since the beginning, Obamacare. There are now people in corporations that hire ex politicians/lawyers to write the laws and just puts them into the right hands. This way all the work is done for the lazy politicians.

Yes under GWB government jobs grew, but it grew in the form of defense and protection of the US which is constitutional.

Under Obama government has grown by putting so many on the government dole which has no Constitutional validity.

Much has changed in the world and a lot has not. Many think if we stay out of the middle east they will leave us alone. That could not be more false.

Technology has changed the landscape with more distractions. As technology increases so do robotic jobs that were once a persons job.

Pretty soon we will have robotic rights.

Things change and many times not for the better, hope and change is a disaster.
So yesterday I posted in a thread about hyper partisanship destroying us. I replied with something about John Adams and him being known as a "suppressor" because he signed a law that forbid negative talk towards the govt. His competition couldn't even point out his flaws..
Anyways, I didn't really know much about it beyond that so I started to read and think about it.. This is what started it..
Here is the law :Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison was still in his prime when this happened(wrote the first amendment). What did he think about it? The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, James Madison
I am a firm believer in the Constitution. Some things I wish weren't in there but they are and I accept that. They made that thing for a reason.. or did they? I mean, the SECOND President of our country shitting on our law like that? Don't get me wrong, I understand some things will take precedent over other things but you cant throw away the rule of law for what you think is better. If so, then whats the fuckin point? Why not just be a dictatorship? Whats the difference?
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly. The Federalists were on a decline so they shut everyone up.
That isn't America. That isn't our Constitutional Republic! Or is it?!

The Federalists were all about a large centralized government whom if you spoke out against them you would be imprisoned. They were the first thought police in America.

Why they later changed their name to the Democrat party remains but a mystery.
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly.
I don't think that should be the case.
If the CONUS was obviously not going to work (as some detractors probably thought), then there would be no better time to start over.
The CONUS was still a new concept at the time, and hadn't had the time to show any major benefit. I'd imagine that there were those whose ideas and proposals didn't make it into the ratified version that would claim that it wasn't going to work, and the whole thing needed to be scrapped and rebuilt from scratch. They may have been impatient, and possibly short-sighted as well, but I don't think that should call into question their belief of what was right.
So yesterday I posted in a thread about hyper partisanship destroying us. I replied with something about John Adams and him being known as a "suppressor" because he signed a law that forbid negative talk towards the govt. His competition couldn't even point out his flaws..
Anyways, I didn't really know much about it beyond that so I started to read and think about it.. This is what started it..
Here is the law :Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison was still in his prime when this happened(wrote the first amendment). What did he think about it? The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, James Madison
I am a firm believer in the Constitution. Some things I wish weren't in there but they are and I accept that. They made that thing for a reason.. or did they? I mean, the SECOND President of our country shitting on our law like that? Don't get me wrong, I understand some things will take precedent over other things but you cant throw away the rule of law for what you think is better. If so, then whats the fuckin point? Why not just be a dictatorship? Whats the difference?
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly. The Federalists were on a decline so they shut everyone up.
That isn't America. That isn't our Constitutional Republic! Or is it?!

The Federalists were all about a large centralized government whom if you spoke out against them you would be imprisoned. They were the first thought police in America.

Why they later changed their name to the Democrat party remains but a mystery.
In the beginning, the Federalists had it right, I think. They seemed to go 'extreme' like Jake mentioned. If im not mistaken, a LARGE majority of federalists wanted this Act. I would think it had less to do with "national security" and more to do with politics. The federalists were on a decline and they knew John wouldn't hold his position.
In the beginning, IMO, the federalists were more like nationalists.
The spirit on which the Constitution was written was based on a person coming into the offices in Washington and doing their civic. After that duty was over with they would step down and allow others to have their voice. Things have change much sine the drafting of that GD piece of paper..

The two things that are clearly spelled out in the Constitution are the military (which the far left wants to do away with) and the right to won property (which the far left wants to do away with).

The bill of rights applies only to "We the People of the United States". The far left says it belongs to everyone.

Lobbyist were seen as scum and not allowed to participate in the law making process and then the far left allows the special interest to write on of the worst laws on this country since the beginning, Obamacare. There are now people in corporations that hire ex politicians/lawyers to write the laws and just puts them into the right hands. This way all the work is done for the lazy politicians.

Yes under GWB government jobs grew, but it grew in the form of defense and protection of the US which is constitutional.

Under Obama government has grown by putting so many on the government dole which has no Constitutional validity.

Much has changed in the world and a lot has not. Many think if we stay out of the middle east they will leave us alone. That could not be more false.

Technology has changed the landscape with more distractions. As technology increases so do robotic jobs that were once a persons job.

Pretty soon we will have robotic rights.

Things change and many times not for the better, hope and change is a disaster.

I agree with you in part, that the most egregious cronyism and corruption belongs to "the left", but there are plenty of republicrats on "the left" and have funneled billions to their prize pigs.

I won't condemn moonbat special interests without condemning republicrat special interests.

I am as partisan as all hell, but I owe no allegiance to either party, I only vote mostly republicrat because it's the only real opposition to democrooks.

If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly.
I don't think that should be the case.
If the CONUS was obviously not going to work (as some detractors probably thought), then there would be no better time to start over.
The CONUS was still a new concept at the time, and hadn't had the time to show any major benefit. I'd imagine that there were those whose ideas and proposals didn't make it into the ratified version that would claim that it wasn't going to work, and the whole thing needed to be scrapped and rebuilt from scratch. They may have been impatient, and possibly short-sighted as well, but I don't think that should call into question their belief of what was right.
Suppressing govt outrage is not right. Think about this : Why was this act for "national security"? Most of the quasi war was in the sea anyways. I think it was ALL political bullshit. The federalists wanted to remain in power.
So yesterday I posted in a thread about hyper partisanship destroying us. I replied with something about John Adams and him being known as a "suppressor" because he signed a law that forbid negative talk towards the govt. His competition couldn't even point out his flaws..
Anyways, I didn't really know much about it beyond that so I started to read and think about it.. This is what started it..
Here is the law :Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison was still in his prime when this happened(wrote the first amendment). What did he think about it? The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, James Madison
I am a firm believer in the Constitution. Some things I wish weren't in there but they are and I accept that. They made that thing for a reason.. or did they? I mean, the SECOND President of our country shitting on our law like that? Don't get me wrong, I understand some things will take precedent over other things but you cant throw away the rule of law for what you think is better. If so, then whats the fuckin point? Why not just be a dictatorship? Whats the difference?
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly. The Federalists were on a decline so they shut everyone up.
That isn't America. That isn't our Constitutional Republic! Or is it?!

The Federalists were all about a large centralized government whom if you spoke out against them you would be imprisoned. They were the first thought police in America.

Why they later changed their name to the Democrat party remains but a mystery.

Actually no party ever changed its name to the "Democrat Party" -- that name has never existed.

The Federalists were about big strong he-man gummint, but they dried up. That banner was taken up by the Whigs, and when they dried up, it shifted to a new up-and-coming outfit called the Republican Party. Lincoln had been one. The Democrats at the time were the home of local power and "states rights". Reconstruction was all Big Gummint.

Break down and buy a history book one of these daze. Limblob ain't gonna cut it. All he cuts is da cheeze.
So yesterday I posted in a thread about hyper partisanship destroying us. I replied with something about John Adams and him being known as a "suppressor" because he signed a law that forbid negative talk towards the govt. His competition couldn't even point out his flaws..
Anyways, I didn't really know much about it beyond that so I started to read and think about it.. This is what started it..
Here is the law :Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison was still in his prime when this happened(wrote the first amendment). What did he think about it? The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, James Madison
I am a firm believer in the Constitution. Some things I wish weren't in there but they are and I accept that. They made that thing for a reason.. or did they? I mean, the SECOND President of our country shitting on our law like that? Don't get me wrong, I understand some things will take precedent over other things but you cant throw away the rule of law for what you think is better. If so, then whats the fuckin point? Why not just be a dictatorship? Whats the difference?
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly. The Federalists were on a decline so they shut everyone up.
That isn't America. That isn't our Constitutional Republic! Or is it?!

The Federalists were all about a large centralized government whom if you spoke out against them you would be imprisoned. They were the first thought police in America.

Why they later changed their name to the Democrat party remains but a mystery.

Actually no party ever changed its name to the "Democrat Party" -- that name has never existed.

The Federalists were about big strong he-man gummint, but they dried up. That banner was taken up by the Whigs, and when they dried up, it shifted to a new up-and-coming outfit called the Republican Party. Lincoln had been one. The Democrats at the time were the home of local power and "states rights". Reconstruction was all Big Gummint.

Break down and buy a history book one of these daze. Limblob ain't gonna cut it. All he cuts is da cheeze.

The irony here is that Jefferson started the Democrat party and opposed the Federalists and the Alien and Sedition Acts. Years later the great democrat and Prog FDR used remaining provisions of the Alien and Sedition Acts to imprison Japanese Americans..

Jefferson was all about limited government.

These power hungry collectivists never go away, they just keep changing their names.

First communist, then socialists, then liberals, then Progressives etc. There names must keep changing in order to win elections.

They are all collectivists, which is a disease in mankinds nature. There is no extinguishing it.
So yesterday I posted in a thread about hyper partisanship destroying us. I replied with something about John Adams and him being known as a "suppressor" because he signed a law that forbid negative talk towards the govt. His competition couldn't even point out his flaws..
Anyways, I didn't really know much about it beyond that so I started to read and think about it.. This is what started it..
Here is the law :Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison was still in his prime when this happened(wrote the first amendment). What did he think about it? The Alien & Sedition Acts of 1798, James Madison
I am a firm believer in the Constitution. Some things I wish weren't in there but they are and I accept that. They made that thing for a reason.. or did they? I mean, the SECOND President of our country shitting on our law like that? Don't get me wrong, I understand some things will take precedent over other things but you cant throw away the rule of law for what you think is better. If so, then whats the fuckin point? Why not just be a dictatorship? Whats the difference?
If someone was allowed to throw away the COTUS, shortly after its inception, that makes me question the integrity of the intent, honestly. The Federalists were on a decline so they shut everyone up.
That isn't America. That isn't our Constitutional Republic! Or is it?!

The Federalists were all about a large centralized government whom if you spoke out against them you would be imprisoned. They were the first thought police in America.

Why they later changed their name to the Democrat party remains but a mystery.

Actually no party ever changed its name to the "Democrat Party" -- that name has never existed.

The Federalists were about big strong he-man gummint, but they dried up. That banner was taken up by the Whigs, and when they dried up, it shifted to a new up-and-coming outfit called the Republican Party. Lincoln had been one. The Democrats at the time were the home of local power and "states rights". Reconstruction was all Big Gummint.

Break down and buy a history book one of these daze. Limblob ain't gonna cut it. All he cuts is da cheeze.

The irony here is that Jefferson started the Democrat party and opposed the Federalists.

Jefferson was all about limited government.

These power hungry collectivists never go away, they just keep changing their names.

First communist, then socialists, then liberals, then Progressives.

They are all collectivists, which is a disease in mankinds nature. There is no extinguishing it.

Jefferson didn't start the Democratic Party -- that would be Jackson (1828 -- after Jefferson was already dead). And again, there has never been a "Democrat Party". Jefferson's "Democratic-Republican" Party isn't related to either of its modern namesakes.

Are you an immigrant here or what?

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