Why It Sucks To Be A Democrat IN 2020.

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

Democrats destroy everything they touch.

Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer, legalized abortion and support infanticide. They’ve secularized society, replaced God with government and personal charity with social justice. They’ve substituted religion for reason, blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.


I would say this is more the left wing of the party, but that is growing and Biden is latching his lips onto their collective dicks.

Wonder when we'll get someone who'll just flat out tell them that they suck and need to get out or agree to split the country in half.
Democrats destroy everything they touch.
I'm not a Democrat.

Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer,
I don't have a problem with that. In fact, I applaud that.

legalized abortion and support infanticide.
Well.. I'm good with abortion up to twelve weeks. After that I figure things get really dicey.

They’ve secularized society
No problem with that.

, replaced God with government
Eh... Given how personal such a thing as God is... I doubt they are capable of doing that. I don't think anyone is capable of doing that to another. Not sure what you are saying there.

and personal charity with social justice.
Well... they are TRYING to do that. They haven't succeeded so long as people are giving personal charity. Granted if taxed to holy hell personal charity will go away from a monetary value... Sure.

They’ve substituted religion for reason,
Oh no they have not! I happen to like reason.

blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.
Oh no... nononono... I think that is all the parents fault. Gotta talk to your kids, give them a foundation. They may slip sure... Mistakes are made to learn from. However the foundation is what they'll come back to. Sure foundations can change, people do actually do it all the time...

But it's the foundation that these ideologies are compared against. Meaning if you can't convince them that their foundation is better somehow, they'll keep their own. But if their foundation is nonexistent or weak in the first place... Bad parenting.

I would say this is more the left wing of the party, but that is growing and Biden is latching his lips onto their collective dicks.
I agree.

Wonder when we'll get someone who'll just flat out tell them that they suck and need to get out or agree to split the country in half.
That would kind of suck. They would get two of the three major bodies of water for the most part.
Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer, legalized abortion and support infanticide. They’ve secularized society, replaced God with government and personal charity with social justice. They’ve substituted religion for reason, blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.

They banned school prayer - The U.S. Supreme Court banned school-sponsored prayer in public schools in a 1962 decision, saying that it violated the First Amendment. But students are allowed to meet and pray on school grounds as long as they do so privately and don't try to force others to do the same.

They secularized society - how is God replaced with government ? People have the freedom to worship as they choose.

They’ve substituted religion for reason - okay I suppose you would throw reason out the door.

blurred the lines between males and females - its called freedom and the line is blurred.

Destroyed the nuclear family - how when democrats have families just as republicans
"They banned school prayer,"

Actually, that was 4 Republican-nominated justices and 2 Democrat-nominated justices.

Rump used to believe that two of the Supreme Court Justices worked solely for him like Barr. He has been proven to be sadly mistaken. Each and every SC Justice goes through a mini boot camp where they cover the Constitution and the history of the SC. The person going in isn't the same person coming out of the boot camp. And the latest rulings have shown that to be true. Imagine, the Courts follow something as Trivial as the Constitution of the United States.

Democrats destroy everything they touch.

Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer, legalized abortion and support infanticide. They’ve secularized society, replaced God with government and personal charity with social justice. They’ve substituted religion for reason, blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.


I would say this is more the left wing of the party, but that is growing and Biden is latching his lips onto their collective dicks.

Wonder when we'll get someone who'll just flat out tell them that they suck and need to get out or agree to split the country in half.

I think that after the Brits left India, that nation was split in half -- one for Hindu people and one for Muslim people.

So, yes, I predict that eventually this nation will be PEACEFULLY split in half.

This year (and in the coming decades under Dem rule starting in 2021), it will become so obvious that the American experiment has failed that a harmonious divorce is the only rational solution.

(Czechoslovakia and Sudan recently split in half. Why can't we?)

Democrats destroy everything they touch.

Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer, legalized abortion and support infanticide. They’ve secularized society, replaced God with government and personal charity with social justice. They’ve substituted religion for reason, blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.


I would say this is more the left wing of the party, but that is growing and Biden is latching his lips onto their collective dicks.

Wonder when we'll get someone who'll just flat out tell them that they suck and need to get out or agree to split the country in half.

I think that after the Brits left India, that nation was split in half -- one for Hindu people and one for Muslim people.

So, yes, I predict that eventually this nation will be PEACEFULLY split in half.

This year (and in the coming decades under Dem rule starting in 2021), it will become so obvious that the American experiment has failed that a harmonious divorce is the only rational solution.

(Czechoslovakia and Sudan recently split in half. Why can't we?)

Sorry, but you only rated a 2 on the Fruitcake scale. The problems in those other countries aren't Ideological, they are religion. And it's been going on since about 1919 in many parts of the world. When you mix in the "God is Right" into the equation and both sides believe that their God has given them the go ahead to wipe out the other or drive the other out of the lands, then you have a severe problem. One that the Western World has since gotten over (or at least tries to) but the 3rd world hell holes are still fighting. And Dems and Reps are not part of that equation.

Keep trying. You may make the 10 out of 10 for fruitcakiness yet.

Democrats destroy everything they touch.

Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer, legalized abortion and support infanticide. They’ve secularized society, replaced God with government and personal charity with social justice. They’ve substituted religion for reason, blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.


I would say this is more the left wing of the party, but that is growing and Biden is latching his lips onto their collective dicks.

Wonder when we'll get someone who'll just flat out tell them that they suck and need to get out or agree to split the country in half.

I have to say the desperation on the right hand side of the aisle is making me smile. Mostly because they keep falling back to trying to create division through the culture wars. That’s a sign they’ve got nothing left.

And as I recall, Democrats have come in after the last two recessions and cleaned things up nicely..so there goes the whole destroy everything they touch argument.

Nations, economies, and peoples evolve. If they don’t, they stagnate. And that’s the right’s biggest problem. Won’t change, won’t evolve. Stuck in the past. Re-visiting decisions constantly that were already decided upon and handed down...because they believe their sky fairy disapproves.

You are free to worship as you choose. You are free to believe whatever you want. You are not free to jam that worship and belief down the throat of Americans who may not agree with you.

Democrats destroy everything they touch.

Consider their accomplishments: They banned school prayer, legalized abortion and support infanticide. They’ve secularized society, replaced God with government and personal charity with social justice. They’ve substituted religion for reason, blurred the lines between males and females and destroyed the nuclear family. They’ve lorded over the destruction of America’s youth, brainwashing kids to the point they hate America, their parents and themselves.


I would say this is more the left wing of the party, but that is growing and Biden is latching his lips onto their collective dicks.

Wonder when we'll get someone who'll just flat out tell them that they suck and need to get out or agree to split the country in half.

I have to say the desperation on the right hand side of the aisle is making me smile. Mostly because they keep falling back to trying to create division through the culture wars. That’s a sign they’ve got nothing left.

And as I recall, Democrats have come in after the last two recessions and cleaned things up nicely..so there goes the whole destroy everything they touch argument.

Nations, economies, and peoples evolve. If they don’t, they stagnate. And that’s the right’s biggest problem. Won’t change, won’t evolve. Stuck in the past. Re-visiting decisions constantly that were already decided upon and handed down...because they believe their sky fairy disapproves.

You are free to worship as you choose. You are free to believe whatever you want. You are not free to jam that worship and belief down the throat of Americans who may not agree with you.
Republicans won’t change to what!? Lol a 3rd world country? Lying to blacks to keep
Them Slaves? Yea we aren’t democrats
Considering how BAD Trump and the GOP have screwed things up, we could do with some of the Democrats' Liberalism!
Look a Seattle and new York. Liberal run shitholes.

Last time I looked, throughout the south there are shitholes with both Blacks and Whites living in them. Clean up your own back yard before you complain about someone else's.
Democrats are racist sexist simpletons.

They are so racist and sexist that the most important thing about their VP nominee is its race and gender

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