Why it is important to identify and call out the groomers and child sexual abusers

What was done to my wife when she was a little girl, being compelled over a two-year period to give blowjobs to her father, was very damaging.

What has been done so far to these children' is much, much worse, and what is yet to be done to them, if this is not stopped, far worse even still than that.

When it came out what my father-in-law had been doing to his daughter, he did the very best thing that he had ever done in his life, which as to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. I've repeatedly said, in a few threads that have burning over the past few days on related topics, that the world would be a much better place, if everyone who engages in, defends advocates, or in any way supports the sexual abuse of children would follow my father-in-law's final example.

In the case of these two, they deserve much worse. They do not deserve a death as clean, quick, and painless as my father-in-law's death. They deserve something slow, painful, degrading, humiliating. Scaphism comes to a mind as a punishment that might come somewhere to within an order of magnitude of appropriate for these crimes.

yeah, if it were one of my kids, I might fantasize about such a death for the perpetrator of the crime. But in the end, that we do NOT expose people to such makes us civilized. Trans surgery on children is not civilized, by the way.

Whatever the temptation, we must strive, best we can, to be civilized. It won't be much longer, I'm thinking.
The French learned their lesson last year.....
In France the National Academy of Medicine has warned doctors that the growing number of cases of transgender identity in young people are often socially mediated and that great caution is needed when treating them.

And starkly different from the prevailing mood in the US, the French Academy warns that “the risk of over-diagnosis is real, as evidenced by the growing number of young adults wishing to detransition. Instead of pushing children and teenagers onto a trans path quickly, the Academy says that the phase of psychological care should be extended for as long as possible.
Of course, you know my story which is not NEARLY so bad, but when I told of mine here, one person used the information to try to hurt me by calling me the pedo. She said my opposition to pedophilia was because I was "Projecting" ipso/facto, I'm the pedophile.

That's why it is so hard to share this information. It is used to hurt you. I couldn't have possibly told anybody about this back when I was 12 because it would have stuck to me like shit until I left home.

I know a lot of people probably wonder why I'm so worked up these days, but it gets pretty damn tiring to withstand the barrage of abuse that results from trying to stand up for kids. Maybe I'm just trying to stand up for the 12 year old me, really, but I couldn't do so then and I'm not succeeding now.
Update - now she has resorted to a "poem" she used to dig in the claws, or should I say paws even further. Anybody who knows anything knows it is me she is referencing in this call out thread.
FFWD this video to the :26 mark.
Here you will see a "trans" person, married to another "trans" person, the pair have two children.
This sick fuck then states he is a parent of two trans children. And is speaking HERE IN AMERICA (Minnesota) to pass a law to guarantee, and have taxpayers foot the bill to pay for physical mutilation and chemical experimentation on MINOR children.

Point 1 - Jordan Peterson a couple weeks ago, quoted one of Canada's leading sexual biologist speaking on a trans couple who claimed they had ONE child they adopted at birth as being trans.
The basic math, using well documented trans numbers - the likelihood of an actual trans person adopting a child at birth - and the child also being actual trans is approximately 1 in 90,000.
This deviant couple claim not ONE trans child, but miraculously TWO trans children. The likelihood of this happening is basically impossible. You can't fit that many numbers on a calculator.
Point 2 - This couple is not under investigation because woke people refuse to identify them as groomers and call them out. These two men want to take their children and alter their bodies for their own narcissistic insanity.

We must identify and call them out everywhere we see them.

Do you believe this video to be true, or is it some crazy person like yourself imagining what trans people are like???

It's fucking YouTube. The only crazy people saying that trans people want to harm children are TRUMPISTS!!!
No, I'm telling you the discussion is more complex than you want it to be.

Sorry you can't keep the fuck up.

I'm done trying to discuss something complex with someone who can't do anything above grade 1 level discussion. Bye bye.

Nearly all of that excess “complexity” is a smokescreen, part of an effort to make madness and evil seem reasonable.

The hard, undeniable, immutable truth is that boys are not girls, boys cannot become girls, girls are not boys, and girls cannot become boys; and that to find this at all confusing is prima facie proof that the one so confused is seriously fucked in the head.

As a society, we desperately need to stop allowing those that are that badly fucked in the head have any influence at all on our laws and social conventions. Their influence is not capable of being anything but harmful and destructive to everything that is touched by that influence.
Apparently....the "normal " people are a rapidly shrinking commodity.

I do not think we are, and in the end, I think we will prevail.

It is not that there are nearly as many fucked-up freaks among us as it is being made to appear, but that the fucked-up freaks are being allowed to make a lot of noise and have a lot of influence, far outside the scale of their numbers. If nothing else, natural selection will always limit the actual numbers of those who remove themselves from the gene pool.
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Nearly all of that excess “complexity” is a smokescreen, part of an effort to make madness and evil seem reasonable.

The hard, undeniable, immutable truth is that boys are not girls, boys cannot become girls, girls are not boys, and girls cannot become boys; and that to find this at all confusing is prima facie proof that the one so confused is seriously fucked in the head.

As a society, we desperately need to stop allowing those that are that badly fucked in the head have any influence at all on our laws and social conventions. Their influence is not capable of being anything but harmful and destructive to everything that is touched by that influence.
I can just imagine one of the puppeteers that meet in DAVOS every year just laughing away at how they have been so successful at attacking civilization at it's weakest point -its children.
yeah, if it were one of my kids, I might fantasize about such a death for the perpetrator of the crime. But in the end, that we do NOT expose people to such makes us civilized. Trans surgery on children is not civilized, by the way.

Whatever the temptation, we must strive, best we can, to be civilized. It won't be much longer, I'm thinking.

To some degree, I agree with you.

However, one of the ways that evil wins is for good to be too “civilized” in responding to evil. In some cases, to contain evil, if we seriously intend to do so, we have no choice to do whatever it takes, to oppose it, to stop it, no matter how “uncivilized” we have to be to do so.

If someone had grabbed my father-in-law back in 1977 or 1978, dragged him out into a field somewhere and shot him in the head (rather than waiting for him to do it himself a couple years later), a lot of harm to my wife would have been avoided.
Leave children alone. They don't need you to help them discover their sexuality.

I had an adult trying to help me discover my sexuality when I was 12, and I don't remember a day between the day that happened and when I finally moved away from home when I was not filled with anger, confusion and a sense of humiliation.

Leave the children alone. They don't need you.

No one needs help in "discovering their sexuality". That's ultimately up to the person. But that is NOT what is happening in ANY school. Young children are not being groomed or taught about the sex act. They're being taught their bodies are private and not to be touched by people without their permission.

Children are being taught to protect themselves from groomers. They\re not being groomed. If you had had early childhood sex education, you might have been able to get away from the attack when you were little. And so would I.
I can just imagine one of the puppeteers that meet in DAVOS every year just laughing away at how they have been so successful at attacking civilization at it's weakest point -its children.

YOUR obsession that everyone is out to harm children is a complete fallacy. The numbers of very small, and you're lashing out at everyone allows real predators to get away.
Do you believe this video to be true, or is it some crazy person like yourself imagining what trans people are like???

It's fucking YouTube. The only crazy people saying that trans people want to harm children are TRUMPISTS!!!
Trumpist are fascist and want to kill these people. You either do what they believe or you're just as dead as dealing with the taliban. They hate science and they hate that it supports the necessurity of treatment of trans people as it violates their sick and fucked up religious view.
Update - now she has resorted to a "poem" she used to dig in the claws, or should I say paws even further. Anybody who knows anything knows it is me she is referencing in this call out thread.

Perhaps a bid at trying to claim insanity as a cause for her obvious behavior. Her “poem” comes across as the rantings of a mind ravaged by severe brain damage or drug use; perhaps even demonic influence.
YOUR obsession that everyone is out to harm children is a complete fallacy. The numbers of very small, and you're lashing out at everyone allows real predators to get away.
You didn't address the thread topic.
Nor, the links to how the British government has closed the largest sex mutilation facility in the world after finding 1 in 30 patients have filed lawsuits against it, and the rampant problems stemming from kids who grew up and regret how they were pushed through the system.
Or the French Government that has now outlawed the act.
Trumpist are fascist and want to kill these people. You either do what they believe or you're just as dead as dealing with the taliban. They hate science and they hate that it supports the necessurity of treatment of trans people as it violates their sick and fucked up religious view.
Puddlefucker ^ is beyond stupid.

He is utterly unable to cobble sentences together in any coherent or meaningful fashion. So, like a majority of his libtard compatriots, he settles for buzz phrases lacking in substance.
The fact that you idiots want to butt into everyones life and control everyone with goverment proves my point about you being LOSERTERIANS. You're fake. You're only for granting everything to the rich and you're their pons....You can't stand that anyone would ever have to be something outside the norm and you seek to destroy them for daring.
And speaking of fucked up minds and fucked up (if existent at all souls)…

This was the very next post after the one to which my previous post was a reply.

Do you believe this video to be true, or is it some crazy person like yourself imagining what trans people are like???

It's fucking YouTube. The only crazy people saying that trans people want to harm children are TRUMPISTS!!!

The fact that you idiots want to butt into everyones life and control everyone with goverment proves my point about you being LOSERTERIANS. You're fake. You're only for granting everything to the rich and you're their pons....You can't stand that anyone would ever have to be something outside the norm and you seek to destroy them for daring.
No... people are "butting" into childrens lives by pushing them into making irreversible surgical changed to their bodies.
Britain closed the largest child sex facility in the world after massive problems and lawsuits.
France has now banned the practice.

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