Why isn't anyone bitching about this foreign interference in our election ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Nobody has shown me any evidence it happened in the last election. I've seen nothing this election. Why would I bitch?
Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Xi and the CCP are all-in on the Biden Crime Family
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Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Probably because it is true.
Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

A British newspaper printing headlines in Britain is t interference in our election.

Your desperation is noticed and appreciated, though.
The media is the fourth estate. The media is owned in a very large part by Zionist (See Israel), and Chinese interests.
There is your foreign interference right there.

Ain't nobody in the media gonna talk about that...it's a brilliant plan.

Remember, the British are your "ally"...

Of course, they used to have the 2nd largest economy in the world. How times changed for them over the last 40 years.
Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

17 American intelligence agencies disagree with you. :)
17 American intelligence agencies disagree with you. :)
Hillary's favorite conspiracy theory --DEBUNKED by your own boy.


Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Probably because it is true.
he is just continuing what bush and obama started......biden will keep it going if he gets in....
A British newspaper printing headlines in Britain is t interference in our election.

Your desperation is noticed and appreciated, though.
Every Daily News headline about Trump has been negative, and this one is blatantly dishonest. But it's okay with you Dems who are so used to cheating it's become the norm.
How is printing headlines in Britain interference in our election?

also, it's not a dishonest headline. It's true.
17 American intelligence agencies disagree with you. :)
With no evidence. If you want to take what the government says at face value go ahead. Me... I want evidence. Shouldn't be too hard to get considering.
Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Probably because it is true.
How did Trump divide this country ?
Trump haters divided the country, not Trump.
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Here's just the most recent in a wave of dishonest headlines coming out of London in attempts to undermine the Trump presidency.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump has further divided the country as the president continues to slide in the polls coming 15 points behind Joe Biden: Poll

Probably because it is true.
How did Trump divide this country ?
Trump haters divided the country, not Trump.
Negative leadership. I have seen churches, volunteer fire department, school organization, and town councils beset by negative leadership until everbody stayed pissed off at everybody, became far less effective and in some instances split or destroyed the organization. Saw it where I worked for a few months, till corporate stepped in and called their asshole home, so we could go on doing what we did best, before they mistakenly sent him in. We need to send this jerk home.
Negative leadership. I have seen churches, volunteer fire department, school organization, and town councils beset by negative leadership until everbody stayed pissed off at everybody, became far less effective and in some instances split or destroyed the organization. Saw it where I worked for a few months, till corporate stepped in and called their asshole home, so we could go on doing what we did best, before they mistakenly sent him in. We need to send this jerk home.
CNN is your negative leader. Trump is busy being president .
Foreign interference in U.S. elections assures the correct candidates are elected. It certainly worked in 2016.


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