Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What the hell is wrong with some people? Marx was a piece of shit, no different than Hitler. It's sad that schools are not focusing on the evils of socialism/communism/Marxism and instead touting them as being better than capitalism. They ignore the millions who suffered and died because tyrants like Karl Marx. The radical leftists embrace a tyrannical government, claiming it's for the good of the people. Either they are completely ignorant or just evil. The leftwing teachers are encouraging students to worship communists leaders by painting a false portrait of what life is like under these evil rulers. The newest history books heading to schools continue to claim that conservative is evil and leftwing policies are benevolent. It's pure indoctrination and pure bullshit.

"The European Commission President will travel to Trier, Germany, where he will give a speech to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. …The Commission President will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Karl Marx exhibition in the city. …The chief eurocrat’s trip has received critics, who have suggested the 63-year-old forgetting how Marx’s “warped ideology” led to millions of deaths across the world. Ukip MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology—Marxism/Communism—led to more than 100 million deaths. …Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski…, who as a seven-year-old boy fled to Britain with his family from the Communist regime in Poland, said Mr. Juncker should reject any invitations to commemorate the event. He said: “I think it’s in very poor taste we have to remember that Marxism was all about ripping power and individual means away from people and giving to State. “Marxism led to the killing of millions around the world as it allowed a small band of fanatics to suppress the people we must learn the lessons from this and share with our children.” "

Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday? | Daniel J. Mitchell
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.

Weird that communism frequently enslaves people economically and politically. So please explain how it achieves the opposite as you propose.
What the hell is wrong with some people? Marx was a piece of shit, no different from Hitler. It's sad that schools are not focusing on the evils of socialism/communism/Marxism and instead touting them as being better than capitalism. They ignore the millions who suffered and died because of tyrants like Karl Marx. The radical leftists embrace a tyrannical government, claiming it's for the good of the people. Either they are completely ignorant or just evil. The leftwing teachers are encouraging students to worship communist leaders by painting a false portrait of what life is like under these evil rulers. The newest history books heading to schools continue to claim that conservative is evil and leftwing policies are benevolent. It's pure indoctrination and pure bullshit.

"The European Commission President will travel to Trier, Germany, where he will give a speech to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. …The Commission President will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Karl Marx exhibition in the city. …The chief eurocrat’s trip has received critics, who have suggested the 63-year-old forgetting how Marx’s “warped ideology” led to millions of deaths across the world. Ukip MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology—Marxism/Communism—led to more than 100 million deaths. …Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski…, who as a seven-year-old boy fled to Britain with his family from the Communist regime in Poland, said Mr. Juncker should reject any invitations to commemorate the event. He said: “I think it’s in very poor taste we have to remember that Marxism was all about ripping power and individual means away from people and giving to State. “Marxism led to the killing of millions around the world as it allowed a small band of fanatics to suppress the people we must learn the lessons from this and share with our children.” "

Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday? | Daniel J. Mitchell
If You Build a Better Guillotine, the World Will Beat a Path to Your Door

Because Marx's wife was a duchess, and aristocrats still run Urine-Up.
What the hell is wrong with some people? Marx was a piece of shit, no different than Hitler. It's sad that schools are not focusing on the evils of socialism/communism/Marxism and instead touting them as being better than capitalism. They ignore the millions who suffered and died because tyrants like Karl Marx. The radical leftists embrace a tyrannical government, claiming it's for the good of the people. Either they are completely ignorant or just evil. The leftwing teachers are encouraging students to worship communists leaders by painting a false portrait of what life is like under these evil rulers. The newest history books heading to schools continue to claim that conservative is evil and leftwing policies are benevolent. It's pure indoctrination and pure bullshit.

"The European Commission President will travel to Trier, Germany, where he will give a speech to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. …The Commission President will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Karl Marx exhibition in the city. …The chief eurocrat’s trip has received critics, who have suggested the 63-year-old forgetting how Marx’s “warped ideology” led to millions of deaths across the world. Ukip MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology—Marxism/Communism—led to more than 100 million deaths. …Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski…, who as a seven-year-old boy fled to Britain with his family from the Communist regime in Poland, said Mr. Juncker should reject any invitations to commemorate the event. He said: “I think it’s in very poor taste we have to remember that Marxism was all about ripping power and individual means away from people and giving to State. “Marxism led to the killing of millions around the world as it allowed a small band of fanatics to suppress the people we must learn the lessons from this and share with our children.” "

Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday? | Daniel J. Mitchell
Jean-Claude Juncker is a famous Putler´s useful idiot, much like Trump . i hope it was his last satanic show
"“Setting up a statue of a man who played a major role in the development of communism is a shame and not an honor for Trier,”"
What the hell is wrong with some people? Marx was a piece of shit, no different than Hitler. It's sad that schools are not focusing on the evils of socialism/communism/Marxism and instead touting them as being better than capitalism. They ignore the millions who suffered and died because tyrants like Karl Marx. The radical leftists embrace a tyrannical government, claiming it's for the good of the people. Either they are completely ignorant or just evil. The leftwing teachers are encouraging students to worship communists leaders by painting a false portrait of what life is like under these evil rulers. The newest history books heading to schools continue to claim that conservative is evil and leftwing policies are benevolent. It's pure indoctrination and pure bullshit.

"The European Commission President will travel to Trier, Germany, where he will give a speech to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. …The Commission President will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Karl Marx exhibition in the city. …The chief eurocrat’s trip has received critics, who have suggested the 63-year-old forgetting how Marx’s “warped ideology” led to millions of deaths across the world. Ukip MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology—Marxism/Communism—led to more than 100 million deaths. …Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski…, who as a seven-year-old boy fled to Britain with his family from the Communist regime in Poland, said Mr. Juncker should reject any invitations to commemorate the event. He said: “I think it’s in very poor taste we have to remember that Marxism was all about ripping power and individual means away from people and giving to State. “Marxism led to the killing of millions around the world as it allowed a small band of fanatics to suppress the people we must learn the lessons from this and share with our children.” "

Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday? | Daniel J. Mitchell
Marx never killed anyone...
I remember when they used to say the only good communist is a dead communist.
now they celebrate its' founders birthday. What the hell is wrong with the world?
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.
Please tell me where it has worked and not been an absolute failure?
What the hell is wrong with some people? Marx was a piece of shit, no different than Hitler. It's sad that schools are not focusing on the evils of socialism/communism/Marxism and instead touting them as being better than capitalism. They ignore the millions who suffered and died because tyrants like Karl Marx. The radical leftists embrace a tyrannical government, claiming it's for the good of the people. Either they are completely ignorant or just evil. The leftwing teachers are encouraging students to worship communists leaders by painting a false portrait of what life is like under these evil rulers. The newest history books heading to schools continue to claim that conservative is evil and leftwing policies are benevolent. It's pure indoctrination and pure bullshit.

"The European Commission President will travel to Trier, Germany, where he will give a speech to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth. …The Commission President will give a speech at the opening ceremony of the Karl Marx exhibition in the city. …The chief eurocrat’s trip has received critics, who have suggested the 63-year-old forgetting how Marx’s “warped ideology” led to millions of deaths across the world. Ukip MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology—Marxism/Communism—led to more than 100 million deaths. …Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski…, who as a seven-year-old boy fled to Britain with his family from the Communist regime in Poland, said Mr. Juncker should reject any invitations to commemorate the event. He said: “I think it’s in very poor taste we have to remember that Marxism was all about ripping power and individual means away from people and giving to State. “Marxism led to the killing of millions around the world as it allowed a small band of fanatics to suppress the people we must learn the lessons from this and share with our children.” "

Why Is the EU Celebrating Karl Marx's Birthday? | Daniel J. Mitchell


"...tyrants like Karl Marx"?

Why should we take your outrage seriously when you don't even know who Marx was?
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.
Please tell me where it has worked and not been an absolute failure?

It works well in small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes.
The only Marx and Lennon we should celebrate
I thought this website explanation covers some of the basics some may be interested in about Marxism. Wouldn't this mean basically any beliefs in a greater power called by many God go out the window regardless of choice of religion?

"Is Marxism compatible with the Christian faith?"

Marxism is a political philosophy developed by Prussian (German) philosopher Karl Marx that focuses on class struggle and various ways to ensure equality of outcome for all people. Marxism and Marxian analysis have various schools of thought, but the basic idea is that the ruling class in any nation has historically oppressed the lower classes, and thus social revolution is needed to create a classless, homogeneous society. Marxism teaches that the best system of government is one in which wealth is distributed equally, there is no private property (ownership of productive entities is shared by everyone), and every citizen gives selflessly to the collective. The purported goal of Marxism is a government-run utopia in which the needs of each individual are always provided for. Ideally, the strong work hard, the inventive create technological marvels, the doctors heal, the artists delight the community with beauty, and anyone who is weak or poor or in need can draw on society’s combined resources as their needs demand. When this idealistic model is attempted in the real world, it is called “socialism,” “communism,” “statism,” “liberalism,” or “progressivism,” depending on the degree to which the model is explored and implemented.

Thus far, Marxism has never worked in real life—and, without exception, in the places where Marxism has been the governmental model, Christians have been persecuted. That’s because there’s a foundational difference between Marxism and Christianity, a deep divide that cannot be bridged. There are several aspects of Marxism, as a philosophy, that put it at odds with the Christian faith. Here are a few:

Marxism is, at heart, an atheistic philosophy with no room for belief in God. Karl Marx himself was clear on this point: “The first requisite of the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” (“A Criticism of the Hegelian Philosophy of Right,” 1844). Christianity, of course, is rooted in theism and is all about God. In the Marxist model, the state becomes the provider, sustainer, protector, and lawgiver for every citizen; in short, the state is viewed as God. Christians always appeal to a higher authority—the God of the universe—and Marxist governments don’t like the idea of there being any authority higher than themselves.

One of the basic tenets of Marxism is that the idea of private property must be abolished. Where Marxism has taken root, land owners see their property confiscated by the state, and private ownership of just about anything is outlawed. In abolishing private property, Marxism directly contradicts several biblical principles. The Bible assumes the existence of private property and issues commands to respect it: injunctions such as “You shall not steal” (Deuteronomy 5:19) are meaningless without private property. The Bible honors work and teaches that individuals are responsible to support themselves: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). The redistribution of wealth mandated by Marxism destroys accountability and the biblical work ethic. Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25:14–30 clearly teaches our responsibility to serve God with our (private) resources. There is no way to reconcile Marxism with the parable of the talents.

Marxism is ultimately about material things; Christianity is ultimately about spiritual things. Frederick Engels, a close associate of Karl Marx, said that Marx’s greatest insight was that “men must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before they can pursue politics, science, art, religion and the like” (“Speech at the Grave of Karl Marx,” Highgate Cemetery, London. March 17, 1883, transcribed by Mike Lepore). In other words, Marxism seeks to meet the physical needs of man and posits that, until those needs are met, man is incapable of any aspirations higher than an animal-like existence. Jesus taught, “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? . . . Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:26, 33). Marx taught, “Seek first man’s kingdom and the stuff of this world.” Jesus’ words are the antithesis of communism and Marxism, and it’s one reason why Karl Marx reviled Christianity.......more
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.
Please tell me where it has worked and not been an absolute failure?

It works well in small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes.
Banning any religious beliefs would also mean those in Israel's "small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes" too.
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.
Please tell me where it has worked and not been an absolute failure?

It works well in small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes.
Banning any religious beliefs would also mean those in Israel's "small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes" too.


Who's talking about banning religious reliefs?

Marx sure didn't.
Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.
Please tell me where it has worked and not been an absolute failure?

It works well in small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes.
Banning any religious beliefs would also mean those in Israel's "small, autonomous groups of closely social groups - like Israeli kibbutzes" too.


Who's talking about banning religious reliefs?

Marx sure didn't.
Marx consider religion as a symptom. Marx wrote, “The religious world is but the reflex of the real world”. Considering a materialistic world without understanding the spiritual aspect that Christianity and many other religions that are based upon spiritual revelations. He called it the "opium of society". His basis of his own personal philosophic views were more about his view of the economics of taking away personal property rights. It was not based on knowledge or experience of the spiritual world but his opinion of the material world. Marx's motto were the words of the Greek hero Prometheus who defied the gods to bring fire to humanity: “I hate all gods,” with addition that they “do not recognize man’s self-consciousness as the highest divinity.”
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Actually, communism in its ideological form is a benevolent idea to free the peasants and the poor from a life with no rights, no future, and no hope. They were basically slaves and they were used by the nobility in every European country to do the necessary work of feeding the country and building its infrastructure while keeping them on the brink of starvation with no say in what happened to them.

A lot of blood has been spilt trying to force communism on people, and it has worked in some places. Economically, it doesn't seem to do as well as capitalism, since communism forgets to take into account one of humankind's strongest motivations--greed. But it didn't start out as a bad idea, really, did it?

I've never read the Communist Manifesto or Das Kapital, so I suppose I could be wrong.

I disagree that greed is humankind's strongest motivations. Sometimes it's just about living your life the way you want without being dictated to every minute of the day. Most are not greedy. Wanting to reap the rewards of your own labor is not greedy. Expecting government to steal from others on your behalf is greedy.

Greedy is believing that you can take money from people and redistribute it yet keep your own wealth, which is what these dictators do. And they don't care when there isn't enough for the people as long as they are good. Look at that fat little shithead from N. Korea. Then look at the people, who are so skinny. He doesn't care.

Socialism and communism ignore our innate desire to be free. Government cannot take care of people. Government cannot create wealth. And if you remove capitalism, no wealth will be created and they run out of money to redistribute. That is when socialism turns into communism. These radicals think we can all be trained like animals to do what they think we should do.

It is a bad idea. Only those who believe that they are superior, and therefore qualified to run people's lives, find it a good idea. No socialism or communist leader ever suffers the way the people do. They live like royalty and want for nothing. Meanwhile, they see the people they rule as nothing more than little peons to be ordered around.

They don't understand that people have the same feelings and desires that they do. Dictators dehumanize the masses and that makes it easy for them to impose their will on them. Communist leaders control speech and every other thing. there are no freedoms. People are expected to worship the leaders and never criticize. No matter how bad things get, you just obey. Millions have been murdered by tyrants. It always starts with a claim to take away liberty for the greater good but always ends up with the people living in misery. How can anyone possibly think that a few elite controlling the masses could ever be a good thing?

If these people wanting to head down that road were serious, they would be willing to live under the same laws they impose on the people but they don't.

Nothing wrong with that, Marx was just a theoretical economist, no big deal. All these rich white liberals love his theories, in theory. In practice? Well, that's a different story. Rich white liberals LOVE their capital.

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