Why is the Chinese Virus death rate so much higher in countries with Govt run healthcare?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Sweden, Netherlands, France, UK, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Algeria...............ALL have a death rate at least twice what we have in the US.

Why would we want to bring such failure here?

Well, those of us with at least half a brain (sorry libtards) know what the reason for this is.
Now that you mention it, England never mentioned details on how Boris Johnson survived; yet, alot of his fellow countryman went down the tubes under their National Health Service.
Maybe that Welsh jackal, Tommy Taint, can shed light on this.
Real Clear Politics is a BS site not worth your time. Aren't we the highest and we do not have Government run healthcare. We do have a fool as president though that may have helped.

'Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:'

"There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg."

Post FAIL, midcan. Some other knucklehead posted this same garbage a couple days ago on these threads. DO try to keep up, mentally challenged one. Thank you.
Sweden, Netherlands, France, UK, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Algeria...............ALL have a death rate at least twice what we have in the US.

I suspect that any variation in the death rate statistics from the Chinese virus are the result of variations in how accurately the infection rate is being counted and reported, in how deaths are or or not being attributed to it.

Here in the United States, I think we are now finding that the portion of our population that is infected with the virus has been greatly underreported. This means that the death rate from the virus has been overestimated. Further, its been coming out that the number of deaths from the virus has been intentionally and artificially inflated, by counting deaths where the patient was found or suspected to be infected, but died from causes having nothing to do with the virus.

I think that as we better account for the infection rate, what we are going to find is that the vast majority of those infected never develop any symptoms at all, and the rate at which those infected die from it will be found to be much, much, much lower than has previously been assumed and reported.
Sweden, Netherlands, France, UK, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Algeria...............ALL have a death rate at least twice what we have in the US.

I suspect that any variation in the death rate statistics from the Chinese virus are the result of variations in how accurately the infection rate is being counted and reported, in how deaths are or or not being attributed to it.

Here in the United States, I think we are now finding that the portion of our population that is infected with the virus has been greatly underreported. This means that the death rate from the virus has been overestimated. Further, its been coming out that the number of deaths from the virus has been intentionally and artificially inflated, by counting deaths where the patient was found or suspected to be infected, but died from causes having nothing to do with the virus.

I think that as we better account for the infection rate, what we are going to find is that the vast majority of those infected never develop any symptoms at all, and the rate at which those infected die from it will be found to be much, much, much lower than has previously been assumed and reported.

Sweden, Netherlands, France, UK, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Algeria...............ALL have a death rate at least twice what we have in the US.

I suspect that any variation in the death rate statistics from the Chinese virus are the result of variations in how accurately the infection rate is being counted and reported, in how deaths are or or not being attributed to it.

Here in the United States, I think we are now finding that the portion of our population that is infected with the virus has been greatly underreported. This means that the death rate from the virus has been overestimated. Further, its been coming out that the number of deaths from the virus has been intentionally and artificially inflated, by counting deaths where the patient was found or suspected to be infected, but died from causes having nothing to do with the virus.

I think that as we better account for the infection rate, what we are going to find is that the vast majority of those infected never develop any symptoms at all, and the rate at which those infected die from it will be found to be much, much, much lower than has previously been assumed and reported.
Great post, Bob. Thanks.
Sweden, Netherlands, France, UK, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Algeria...............ALL have a death rate at least twice what we have in the US.

I suspect that any variation in the death rate statistics from the Chinese virus are the result of variations in how accurately the infection rate is being counted and reported, in how deaths are or or not being attributed to it.

Here in the United States, I think we are now finding that the portion of our population that is infected with the virus has been greatly underreported. This means that the death rate from the virus has been overestimated. Further, its been coming out that the number of deaths from the virus has been intentionally and artificially inflated, by counting deaths where the patient was found or suspected to be infected, but died from causes having nothing to do with the virus.

I think that as we better account for the infection rate, what we are going to find is that the vast majority of those infected never develop any symptoms at all, and the rate at which those infected die from it will be found to be much, much, much lower than has previously been assumed and reported.

The vast majority who are dying are age 60+.
Looks like they will have to lengthen the projections on how long SS will last.
Let's get our Country back to work!

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