Why is Obama so old fashion as to think "bleeding" is the cure??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Bloodletting (or blood-letting) is the withdrawal of often considerable quantities of blood from a patient to cure or prevent illness and disease.
It was the most common medical practice performed by doctors from antiquity up to the late 19th century, a time span of almost 2,000 years.

So why is Obama so old fashion to think the same technique will work for the economy?
In other words Obama thinks by "bleeding" millionaires/billionaires that will create jobs and therefore spur the economy?
But what would one expect from a person with ABSOLUTELY no idea of how capitalism works AND from a person who despises capitalism!

Remember in his book he tells about his Dad "Dreams of My Father".
The senior Obama proposed that the state confiscate private land and raise taxes with no upper limit. In fact, he insisted that "theoretically there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed."

So why wouldn't Obama think "bleeding" the economy of capital recognizing as his Dad, this is the way to kill capital formation!

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