Why is no one talking about this?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
People seem to be waking up all over the world. Anti-lockdown and anti-mask protests have been happening in different parts of the world, most recently in England and in Germany again.

I don't watch TV, but based on what I've seen here on USMB, and what I've heard from people, this is being ignored by the mainstream media... and when the msm DOES report on it, they downplay and distort it (calling the protesters Nazis, etc.)

London, yesterday:

Berlin, also yesterday:

And in other places, like Ireland on the 22nd:

And Spain (and probably many other places we're not hearing about)

There are two realities. The one the controlled globalist media is trying to get you to believe, and the actual reality, which is people all over the world realizing we're being lied to... Although of course there are still far too many people who are going along with the COVID1984 lies and insanity, like trusting sheep.
People seem to be waking up all over the world. Anti-lockdown and anti-mask protests have been happening in different parts of the world, most recently in England and in Germany again.

I don't watch TV, but based on what I've seen here on USMB, and what I've heard from people, this is being ignored by the mainstream media... and when the msm DOES report on it, they downplay and distort it (calling the protesters Nazis, etc.)

London, yesterday:

Berlin, also yesterday:

And in other places, like Ireland on the 22nd:

And Spain (and probably many other places we're not hearing about)

There are two realities. The one the controlled globalist media is trying to get you to believe, and the actual reality, which is people all over the world realizing we're being lied to... Although of course there are still far too many people who are going along with the COVID1984 lies and insanity, like trusting sheep.

Nice post, thank you.
It's funny how free people will fight for their survival when their way of life is taken from them.

Yeah, but you also have too many people who are willing to accept the removal of rights and changes to their way of life, almost always because they have a bought a false narrative and are responding out of fear.

So for them it will take a lot to finally resist.

That reminds me of a really good quote, that is just as relevant today as it ever was, if not more so:

“The people never give up their liberties, but under some delusion.” - Edmund Burke
bullshit ^^^^^^^^^^^

What the WHO and other corrupt powers tied with Big Pharma have been peddling, for their own agendas? Yes, I agree that their narrative is BS.

what agenda of the World Health Organization is fulfilled by mandating masks in the face of an adenovirus pandemic? Epidemics and public health responses, including Quarantine, are nothing new. They are noted even in the bible as rules for people 5000 years ago. We have had quarantines
in the US even in my memory----youthful 70 something person that I am. For some sort of
skin disease----jews, marching out of Egypt were
confined outside the main encampment in Sinai----so they say. Moses was not BIG PHARMA. Long ago when I was young I spent a summer doing an
internship in public health-----Tuberculosis was still an issue and people were being forcibly quarantined. Tuberculosis passes itself around by one of the same methods as an adenovirus----AEROSOL sputum droplets. Forms of Tuberculosis are very VIRULENT ---especially in kids where it can spread
THRU THE BABY BODY like wildfire---it has a name--for those who google---MILIARY TUBERCULOSIS.
---a real horror that did lead to PUBLIC HEALTH
REGULATIONS----and sometimes meant people KICKING AND SCREAMING as they were dragged to
Tuberculosis isolation places in old fortresses. In my whole life I never saw even one case of MILIARY
TB----but I BELIEVE IT EXISTS and is not a WHO
bullshit ^^^^^^^^^^^

What the WHO and other corrupt powers tied with Big Pharma have been peddling, for their own agendas? Yes, I agree that their narrative is BS.

what agenda of the World Health Organization is fulfilled by mandating masks in the face of an adenovirus pandemic? Epidemics and public health responses, including Quarantine, are nothing new. They are noted even in the bible as rules for people 5000 years ago. We have had quarantines
in the US even in my memory----youthful 70 something person that I am. For some sort of
skin disease----jews, marching out of Egypt were
confined outside the main encampment in Sinai----so they say. Moses was not BIG PHARMA. Long ago when I was young I spent a summer doing an
internship in public health-----Tuberculosis was still an issue and people were being forcibly quarantined. Tuberculosis passes itself around by one of the same methods as an adenovirus----AEROSOL sputum droplets. Forms of Tuberculosis are very VIRULENT ---especially in kids where it can spread
THRU THE BABY BODY like wildfire---it has a name--for those who google---MILIARY TUBERCULOSIS.
---a real horror that did lead to PUBLIC HEALTH
REGULATIONS----and sometimes meant people KICKING AND SCREAMING as they were dragged to
Tuberculosis isolation places in old fortresses. In my whole life I never saw even one case of MILIARY
TB----but I BELIEVE IT EXISTS and is not a WHO

It's not just them, they're just a mouthpiece for the corrupt agenda-driven globalists who are pushing this scam.

Of course epidemics are nothing new. But the important part that you're not getting is that fear has always been used as a tool by corrupt powers, for power grabs and bringing about agendas that they otherwise would not be able to bring about. In other words, people generally don't comply with the removal of rights and draconian laws unless they are responding out of fear. That is why fear and "crises" are such effective tools for those who want to control people and bring about changes.

But TBH, I'm getting tired of trying to get people to wake up. You go ahead and believe what the TV tells you. You will see, eventually.
The masks seems to be a step in dehumanizing people. Notice that people in stores are more protective of their “space”. We put up plastic and glass barriers between people during transactions. No handshakes, keeping people from interacting in large or any crowd for that matter. More people staying home and isolated. Workers in stores less friendly more stressed.

Just an observation on my part, anyone feel or see it that way. We even named it “social distancing” to try to soften the impact and deem it as the “new” normal.
The masks seems to be a step in dehumanizing people. Notice that people in stores are more protective of their “space”. We put up plastic and glass barriers between people during transactions. No handshakes, keeping people from interacting in large or any crowd for that matter. More people staying home and isolated. Workers in stores less friendly more stressed.

Just an observation on my part, anyone feel or see it that way. We even named it “social distancing” to try to soften the impact and deem it as the “new” normal.

I couldn't agree more! It is absolutely dehumanizing, and symbolic of speechlessness and submission. That is why historically, some slaves were forced to wear masks, and it's still a symbol of slavery. I also agree with what you said about social distancing, no handshakes, etc. It's not about health, (give me a freakin break) it is about control and also I believe that there's a spiritual aspect to this, which most people don't realize or believe. It is pure evil, keeping people (including young children) separated, keeping people in perpetual fear, causing people to be depressed, suspicious of others, looking at others as the potential enemy... to the point of getting people to snitch on others, or worse, become violent toward those who don't go along with the herd. Everything about is evil and manipulative.

As for the "new normal".... I don't want to be crude, but I think you can guess what I think they can do with their "new normal."

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