Why is advocating for Men's Rights considered unacceptable in Modern Western World?

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
In Modern Western World, men do face many forms of discrimination due to their gender. Unfortunately, anyone who advocates for Gender Equality in issues where men face discrimination risks being cancelled. Several Social Media platforms explicitly prohibit advocacy of men's rights. Why?

One quote from Reddit is below:
Everyone has the right to advocate for themselves.
People who oppose this are hateful bigots.
A political movement that opposes it is a hate movement.

Can anyone think of a historical example of a birth group which has been prohibited from advocating for their rights?
What rights are denied to white men?
African American and Native American men suffer more discrimination of course.

1) If your female partner assaults you, then you are the one likely to be arrested for Domestic Violence.

2) If any woman you worked with tweets an accusation about you, then you will be cancelled without a proper investigation or without any investigation.

3) Men get 63% more time for the same offense.

4) Misandry is the only type of Hate Speech tolerated by Social Media.
What rights are denied to white men?

Why does Pocahontas Warren pretend to be an Injun girl?
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African American and Native American men suffer more discrimination of course.

1) If your female partner assaults you, then you are the one likely to be arrested for Domestic Violence.

2) If any woman you worked with tweets an accusation about you, then you will be cancelled without a proper investigation or without any investigation.

3) Men get 63% more time for the same offense.

4) Misandry is the only type of Hate Speech tolerated by Social Media.

1. Can you provide specific instances where this has happened. I know several cases where the wife fought back and did some damage, but her husband was still the instigator and the one charged.

2. Absolutely not true, unless of course she isn't the first woman you've attacked.

3. Sentences depend on the degree of violence perpetrated. Men tend to be more violent.

4. Having been called everything but a white woman on this board, I would strongly disagree with that one. Women who speak out online are marginalized, attacked and threatened - continually.
1. Can you provide specific instances where this has happened. I know several cases where the wife fought back and did some damage, but her husband was still the instigator and the one charged.

2. Absolutely not true, unless of course she isn't the first woman you've attacked.

3. Sentences depend on the degree of violence perpetrated. Men tend to be more violent.

4. Having been called everything but a white woman on this board, I would strongly disagree with that one. Women who speak out online are marginalized, attacked and threatened - continually.
1) According to Table 4 The Helpseeking Experiences of Men Who Sustain Intimate Partner Violence by Emily M. Douglas and Denise A. Hines, male victims of Intimate Partner Violence are more likely to be arrested and jailed then their attackers.

3) According to Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases by Sonja Starr, male offenders do receive 63% longer sentences for the same crimes.

4) USMB is a small ultra-Conservative forum. Big Social Media companies like Reddit and TikTok forbid Misogyny, but not Misandry.
It is generally acknowledged in not only our own country, but throughout the Western World that, even in our own century, men enjoy a status, both contemporary and historical, above that of women.

While men do suffer from occasional injustices is true, but no one can argue that women continue to contend with more

It would be a magnanimous offer on thr part of men to acknowledge that and not make too big a fuss about those slights which we, as men, OCCASIONALLY endure.
after a divorce a man's finances go up...a woman's go down...men even have the advantage in divorce....custody is hard I know men who have gotten full custody but they had to be willing to destroy their children's mother....not a good thing.
this board is made up of old retired white people...in case you havent noticed....who advance their agenda daily which is kinda funny ...they have a bubble...to bitch about being old white men who cant have their way anymore
after a divorce a man's finances go up...a woman's go down...men even have the advantage in divorce....custody is hard I know men who have gotten full custody but they had to be willing to destroy their children's mother....not a good thing.
this board is made up of old retired white people...in case you havent noticed....who advance their agenda daily which is kinda funny ...they have a bubble...to bitch about being old white men who cant have their way anymore
You gotta be kidding.
Demographics tell me different in relationships. Half the males in the Millennial generation will not even consider getting married. There must be a reason or reasons for that.
It is generally acknowledged in not only our own country, but throughout the Western World that, even in our own century, men enjoy a status, both contemporary and historical, above that of women.
Sadly facts about anti-male discrimination have been censored by MSM. As someone who has studied the subject extensively from 1996, I found the facts overwhelming.
Never do that! Because that is the #1 reason why domestic abuse perpetrated by women hardly ever gets reported. Same with male rape.
Well, I’m guessing most men are more worried about their reputations than they are about the wider social implications.

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