Why Hillary Less Likely To Run;The Heckling Of "What Difference Does It Make" ?

Why Hillary Less Likely To Run;The Heckling Of "What Difference Does It Make" ?

The OP is right to put that dodging tomatoes smiley in his first post, because the idea that this will derail her candidacy is pretty fuckin' laughable and worth a a few 'maters tossed at him.

She will never recoup from that moment. Pity. She's the best the dems have that even begin to represent the old party.

Bullshit, look at how many times you thought that Obama was dead. Hell, if Bill Clinton was able to run again he would be elected, and he was impeached.

To quote someone elsewhere on the intertubes, "Me, I'm going to bet on the guy who keeps winning." He meant the President, but I think we can extend it to the former First Lady, Senator from New York and Sec of State.

Just sayin'...
Why Hillary Less Likely To Run;The Heckling Of "What Difference Does It Make" ?

This seems to imply that a GOP candidate would be afraid of such a campaign. Hillary wouldn't fear it.

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