Why Haven't Obama's Policies Helped The Economy?

Because Communism, Socialism, Marxism doesn't work.
Because the structure denies incentive, innovation and correct information.
This in turn leads to dissatisfaction waste and inefficiency.
And this is what we have now and why his policies do not work. They never have in the past and they won't work in the future.
The 2008 meltdown created a three trillion dollar hole in the economy. Obama tried plugging it with a less than one trillion stimulus. We're also facing massive unemployment, something that's a legacy of the 2008 meltdown and that can't really be blamed on Obama. We're also facing a consumer strike, as consumers (consumer spending is 70% of GDP) cut spending as their equity (house, stockls) is shot to bits and they don't know if they'll be in employment next month.

So there's really not a lot he can do. Further stimulus is off the table due to the GOP, consumers aren't going to feel like spending until they've reduced their debt and feel secure in their jobs and the economy in general. It's going to take a long time for things to get better, and it doesn't look like they will anytime soon.

There is more to it than that. The baby boomers, who make up almost 30% of the population, stopped buying. All these years, the baby boomers drove the economy with their purchases of bigger and bigger homes, more cars, nicer cars, and every new gadget that was ever produced. They purchased these things for themselves and many things for their kids. Now they are selling those big homes and downsizing. Many have retired, and the ones who have not are saving for retirement. They don't need a million new things, so they stopped purchasing which has decreased demand for many products.

Where the even bigger problem comes into play, is that the kids of these baby boomers have headed off to college. Now they should begin making all these purchases as they start their families and follow in their parent's footsteps. But their is one problem. Unlike their parents, who went to college, and pretty much made it through college with only small amounts of debt, these kids are coming out of college with massive amounts of debt. And this debt burden that they face is stopping them from buying things like new cars, big fancy houses, or any houses at all. They just can't afford it. And since their parents are not buying anything, and they can't afford to buy anything, there is little demand for all the products and services that American businesses produce, which leads us to a lack of demand and little need to hire more people.

I know this entire concept is a bit complex, and most here will just say that the reason the economy continues to stall is that it's all government's fault for creating too many regulations and spending too much taxpayer money and overtaxing everyone. But hey, believe what you want. Keep cutting taxes and spending and cut as many regulations as you want. Good luck with that working too.

I agree with all this. there needs to be a massive redistribution of wealth downwards to make up for the massive upward redistribution we've seen over the past thirty years. until it happens the economy will never recover properly. Also, too, re-regulate the financial system or face constant crisises every few years.
Someone ask a few pages back for an example of some regulation put in place by Obama that makes it harder to get jobs ...

The moritorium of oil and gas exploration in the gulf

Tag, your it
I agree with all this. there needs to be a massive redistribution of wealth downwards to make up for the massive upward redistribution we've seen over the past thirty years. until it happens the economy will never recover properly. Also, too, re-regulate the financial system or face constant crisises every few years.

Robin Hood with a tax code.
And we are going to take my hard earned money and give it to some non-working lazy bum for what reason again?
I'm not sure people graduating today are too good for that either - Just about every person waiting a table or pulling drinks in this college town has a degree. The difference is that today's graduates carry tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt into the job and therefore have almost no disposable income.

Your response is typically a non-sequitur because you didnt understand the point.

No, you're simply too much of a partisan hack to understand my posts.

The point was that people are going to college pursuing BA degrees rather than train for more skilled manual labor type jobs,which are abundant btw. So when they get out they are stuck because they have no marketable skills. What you see is born of necessity, not choice.

How could you possible read my earlier post and conclude that I was disagreeing with the above? I never said if was born of choice - in fact, quite the opposite.

Your blind hatred of any liberal makes it so that even when you agree with someone you have to disparage and misread.

Well, BA1614 pos repped me so I guess I understood the post better than you did. No shock there, either.
I dont have a blind hatred of anything liberal. It actually has nothing to do with that. I have a well founded belief that you are an idiot with an IQ suitable to a hat size. You prove it in every discussion, showing you are too stupid to understand how stupid you really are. This is a good example.
It's a tough call on whether the administration is failing because it is clueless or failing because it is corrupt.

Take the current Solyndra scandal for instance. I am starting a thread shortly on that and other such strange little scandals, but that alone is a sordid story of graft, payola, and self-serving opportunism that irresponsibly, if not illegally, putting a lot of the people's money at risk.

It doesn't take a whole lot of that to see very clearly why the Administration's policies aren't working. As one of our members astutely noted earlier in the thread, it appears more and more that they were never intended to work.
It's a tough call on whether the administration is failing because it is clueless or failing because it is corrupt.

Take the current Solyndra scandal for instance. I am starting a thread shortly on that and other such strange little scandals, but that alone is a sordid story of graft, payola, and self-serving opportunism that irresponsibly, if not illegally, putting a lot of the people's money at risk.

It doesn't take a whole lot of that to see very clearly why the Administration's policies aren't working. As one of our members astutely noted earlier in the thread, it appears more and more that they were never intended to work.
Only to wreck that and them they don't like and embellish monetarily those that agree with their self-agrandizing policies.
It's a tough call on whether the administration is failing because it is clueless or failing because it is corrupt.

Take the current Solyndra scandal for instance. I am starting a thread shortly on that and other such strange little scandals, but that alone is a sordid story of graft, payola, and self-serving opportunism that irresponsibly, if not illegally, putting a lot of the people's money at risk.

It doesn't take a whole lot of that to see very clearly why the Administration's policies aren't working. As one of our members astutely noted earlier in the thread, it appears more and more that they were never intended to work.

I don't know if I buy the whole theory that Team Obama is purposely trying to screw up the works, Foxy. I lean more towards believing the entire Administration in made up of people with so little real world experience that they don't have a clue what they're doing. These people resemble the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight more than wily socialist subversives with a plan. They have their progressive ideology tripping them up with just about everything they try. Thank heavens we had Bob Gates running the Defense Department...can you imagine how badly things would be FUBARed if one of Barack's buddies was in charge of our military?
It's a tough call on whether the administration is failing because it is clueless or failing because it is corrupt.

Take the current Solyndra scandal for instance. I am starting a thread shortly on that and other such strange little scandals, but that alone is a sordid story of graft, payola, and self-serving opportunism that irresponsibly, if not illegally, putting a lot of the people's money at risk.

It doesn't take a whole lot of that to see very clearly why the Administration's policies aren't working. As one of our members astutely noted earlier in the thread, it appears more and more that they were never intended to work.

I don't know if I buy the whole theory that Team Obama is purposely trying to screw up the works, Foxy. I lean more towards believing the entire Administration in made up of people with so little real world experience that they don't have a clue what they're doing. These people resemble the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight more than wily socialist subversives with a plan. They have their progressive ideology tripping them up with just about everything they try. Thank heavens we had Bob Gates running the Defense Department...can you imagine how badly things would be FUBARed if one of Barack's buddies was in charge of our military?

Maybe. I've certainly given them every benefit of the doubt for some time now, but I am to the point I can no longer do so and be intellectually honest. Just the Solyndra scandal that broke last week alone is enough to raise eyebrows all the way to the ceiling. How can you possibly look at that and think ineptitude, cluelessness, or inexperience?
It's a tough call on whether the administration is failing because it is clueless or failing because it is corrupt.

Take the current Solyndra scandal for instance. I am starting a thread shortly on that and other such strange little scandals, but that alone is a sordid story of graft, payola, and self-serving opportunism that irresponsibly, if not illegally, putting a lot of the people's money at risk.

It doesn't take a whole lot of that to see very clearly why the Administration's policies aren't working. As one of our members astutely noted earlier in the thread, it appears more and more that they were never intended to work.

I don't know if I buy the whole theory that Team Obama is purposely trying to screw up the works, Foxy. I lean more towards believing the entire Administration in made up of people with so little real world experience that they don't have a clue what they're doing. These people resemble the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight more than wily socialist subversives with a plan. They have their progressive ideology tripping them up with just about everything they try. Thank heavens we had Bob Gates running the Defense Department...can you imagine how badly things would be FUBARed if one of Barack's buddies was in charge of our military?

I agree. Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to plain stupidity.

But along with the willing dupes there have been sharks looking to take advantage of the situation. That appears to be the case with Solyndra. Every time the gov't pushes money out the door by the trainload there is going to be corruption, no matter who is doing it. Remember all the scandals with Bush's post-Katrina clean up? That's what happens when everyone rushes to spend our money.
The man who played a major role in revitalizing Las Vegas is bashing President Barack Obama as “the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime.”

Speaking to investors on a Monday conference call, casino developer Steve Wynn — calling himself a “Democratic businessman” — went on a rant against Obama and his policies.

Read more: Steve Wynn: Obama a bad bet for biz - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com

And I could call myself a wooden shoe, but that wouldn't be true either.

There's a difference: Wynn knows what he's talking about.

Not really. Wynn can claim he's a Democrat all he wants, but his history of pouring dump trucks of money on Republicans says otherwise.
Your response is typically a non-sequitur because you didnt understand the point.

No, you're simply too much of a partisan hack to understand my posts.

The point was that people are going to college pursuing BA degrees rather than train for more skilled manual labor type jobs,which are abundant btw. So when they get out they are stuck because they have no marketable skills. What you see is born of necessity, not choice.

How could you possible read my earlier post and conclude that I was disagreeing with the above? I never said if was born of choice - in fact, quite the opposite.

Your blind hatred of any liberal makes it so that even when you agree with someone you have to disparage and misread.

Well, BA1614 pos repped me so I guess I understood the post better than you did. No shock there, either.
I dont have a blind hatred of anything liberal. It actually has nothing to do with that. I have a well founded belief that you are an idiot with an IQ suitable to a hat size. You prove it in every discussion, showing you are too stupid to understand how stupid you really are. This is a good example.
oh, well if a fellow bootlicker agreed with you it must be true!
aww the poor little rich guy (who just happens to be right on the cusp of 200k, lets not put a guy CEO making 20 mill a year on the the stand, lets make the rich look like abused martyrs.

how dare Obama, trying to stop this obviously very successful economic model!

Hmm. Well, pre-Obama we were losing 700,000 jobs per month.

By my calculation, had we continued losing that many, we'd have lost another 25,000,000 by now. With a labor force of, lets say 150M, and UE of 7% at that time, that would make UE about 23% by now.

As with all economic theory of course, you can't 'Prove' with any certainty what caused the change in trend, but it sure feng shuied nice with Obama's tenure.
It's a tough call on whether the administration is failing because it is clueless or failing because it is corrupt.

Take the current Solyndra scandal for instance. I am starting a thread shortly on that and other such strange little scandals, but that alone is a sordid story of graft, payola, and self-serving opportunism that irresponsibly, if not illegally, putting a lot of the people's money at risk.

It doesn't take a whole lot of that to see very clearly why the Administration's policies aren't working. As one of our members astutely noted earlier in the thread, it appears more and more that they were never intended to work.

I don't know if I buy the whole theory that Team Obama is purposely trying to screw up the works, Foxy. I lean more towards believing the entire Administration in made up of people with so little real world experience that they don't have a clue what they're doing. These people resemble the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight more than wily socialist subversives with a plan. They have their progressive ideology tripping them up with just about everything they try. Thank heavens we had Bob Gates running the Defense Department...can you imagine how badly things would be FUBARed if one of Barack's buddies was in charge of our military?

Maybe. I've certainly given them every benefit of the doubt for some time now, but I am to the point I can no longer do so and be intellectually honest. Just the Solyndra scandal that broke last week alone is enough to raise eyebrows all the way to the ceiling. How can you possibly look at that and think ineptitude, cluelessness, or inexperience?

What I see is a bunch of people so locked into their ideology that they believe anything with the word "green" tacked onto it is good and anything involving energy that comes from coal, oil or natural gas is bad. Solyndra illustrates what happens when you let ideologues try to run businesses or countries. Just as ignoring sound banking practices in issuing sub prime loans led to a collapse of the housing market...ignoring sound business practices in approving a loan of a half billion dollars to a company with an unworkable business model led to bankruptcy and a loss of our investment. The Obama Administration really is inept, clueless and inexperienced but they are wearing ideological blinders as well.
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Hmm. Well, pre-Obama we were losing 700,000 jobs per month.

By my calculation, had we continued losing that many, we'd have lost another 25,000,000 by now. With a labor force of, lets say 150M, and UE of 7% at that time, that would make UE about 23% by now.

As with all economic theory of course, you can't 'Prove' with any certainty what caused the change in trend, but it sure feng shuied nice with Obama's tenure.

And if we had done no stimulus at all it's your contention that jobs would have continued to be lost at a rate of 700,000 per month? I think you know as well as I do that isn't the case, Cuyo.

Or if we'd spent that trillion in stimulus solely on the private sector would we have created "real" jobs two years ago that would have us coming out of this recession now instead of looking like we're headed back into a double dip?
Radiation kills 90% of the cancer. 10% remains and begins to grow again. Clearly, radiation failed.

In medicine, radiation kills cancer cells by damaging their DNA. During the therapy radiation damage normal cells as well.

In politics, radiation (money infusion) doesn't kills the cancer, it makes it grow.
And I could call myself a wooden shoe, but that wouldn't be true either.

There's a difference: Wynn knows what he's talking about.

Not really. Wynn can claim he's a Democrat all he wants, but his history of pouring dump trucks of money on Republicans says otherwise.

So you think his claims are due to ideology and not what he's seen happening in business.

If that comforts you.

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