Why hasn't Obama visited Israel !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Israel is our staunchest of allies in the middle east .with the Iranian nuke threat and the arab spring backing Israel into a corner wouldn't a visit by the president be viewed as a show of support for Israel by it's enemies ??sooo why no visits ??
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Israel is our staunchest of allies in the middle east .with the Iranian nuke threat and the arab spring backing Israel into a corner wouldn't a visit by the president be viewed as a show of support for Israel by it's enemies ??sooo why no visits ??

he has, psycho troll...

obama doesn't like Jews. He especially dislikes Benjamin Netanyahu. And, for four years he has taken the Jewish vote for granted.

Other than that, he's pro palestinian.
Israel is our staunchest of allies in the middle east .with the Iranian nuke threat and the arab spring backing Israel into a corner wouldn't a visit by the president be viewed as a show of support for Israel by it's enemies ??sooo why no visits ??

Because it would show support for Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn't like it.
Israel is our staunchest of allies in the middle east .with the Iranian nuke threat and the arab spring backing Israel into a corner wouldn't a visit by the president be viewed as a show of support for Israel by it's enemies ??sooo why no visits ??

Because it would show support for Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn't like it.

i guess the picture of him in front of the western wall was beyond your ken, huh?
Obama has had our enemy to the WH, The Muslim Brotherhood. He wears a ring to this day, for over 30 years that praises ALLAH as God.. He was a part of a network of activist Palestinian groups here in the US that funneled money to known HAMAS organizations. Specifically Rashid Khalidi- who held fund raisers for BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.
Archived Blog: The Obama-Khalidi Connection (updated)

During documented speeches and public events, Khalidi has called Israel an "apartheid system in creation" and a destructive "racist" state.
He has multiple times expressed support for Palestinian terror, calling suicide bombings response to "Israeli aggression." He dedicated his 1986 book, "Under Siege," to "those who gave their lives ... in defense of the cause of Palestine and independence of Lebanon." Critics assailed the book as excusing Palestinian terrorism.

Obama has DEEP ties to these terror laced groups.. IF IT WALKS LIKE A DUCK..........
In every violent conflict, stop to ask yourselves.."Are Muslims involved?"

Story released today stating Hussein Obama made some kind of backdoor deal with the Iranians.. Anyone surprised about that?? I'll bet NO ONE IS..


If elected, this man will make certain America looks NOTHNG like she does today.. We've already seen capitalism all but destroyed under this FRAUD.. more to come.
Obozo is a Muslim lover and a jew hater

Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday. story

WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM, Sept 11 (Reuters) - In a highly unusual rebuff to a close ally, the White House said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama would not meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a U.S. visit later this month, as tensions escalated over how to deal with Iran's nuclear program.

The apparent snub, coupled with Netanyahu's sharpened demands for a tougher U.S. line against Iran, threatened to plunge U.S.-Israeli relations into crisis and add pressure on Obama in the final stretch of a tight presidential election campaign.

Netanyahu should have told this racist black bastard to shove it up his fuckin' ass and declared Israel a no fly zone for AF1

in 2 days they will rejoice as America does with the end of this regeime

Whatever the outcome of the presidential election
the result will be much the same,
in today's political environment
to vote
is to vote for Israel and the Establishment.

Israel is our staunchest of allies in the middle east .with the Iranian nuke threat and the arab spring backing Israel into a corner wouldn't a visit by the president be viewed as a show of support for Israel by it's enemies ??sooo why no visits ??

Another dumbass fox news talking point.

Obama is in Israel every single day.... by extension of the State Dept.
Face it, president Hussein is a former junkie community activist who never had a real job or met a payroll. He isn't good at confrontation and when the political going gets rough his M.O. is to get outa town and give a speech to a friendly audience. Why hasn't Obama visited NY since the disaster? He hasn't got the stomach for it or he is uncomfortable in an area that might not be supportive.
Israel is our staunchest of allies in the middle east .with the Iranian nuke threat and the arab spring backing Israel into a corner wouldn't a visit by the president be viewed as a show of support for Israel by it's enemies ??sooo why no visits ??

Another dumbass fox news talking point.

Obama is in Israel every single day.... by extension of the State Dept.

tell us. when does he find time to visit the US??? huh???

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