Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Atheists always demand proof of God's existence. But there can never be the kind of proof they demand.

The Computer Age has made our relationship with God a little more understandable and shows us why He is UNKNOWABLE unless He chooses to reveal Himself.

Within 100 years, computer game characters will be, for all practical purposes, sentient beings. But how would it be possible for them to understand a world outside of 5he one we created for them?

Their universe has a set of laws that govern their world and there is no way for them to violate the laws of their universe

And unless we (their creators) revealbour existence to them, how can they know about a world outside of their own?

Our existence is UNKNOWABLE without REVELATION.
We have come to a consensus on what constitutes scientific proof. What's the problem with some people wanting that same proof for the existence of gods?
Atheists always demand proof of God's existence. But there can never be the kind of proof they demand.

The Computer Age has made our relationship with God a little more understandable and shows us why He is UNKNOWABLE unless He chooses to reveal Himself.

Within 100 years, computer game characters will be, for all practical purposes, sentient beings. But how would it be possible for them to understand a world outside of 5he one we created for them?

Their universe has a set of laws that govern their world and there is no way for them to violate the laws of their universe

And unless we (their creators) revealbour existence to them, how can they know about a world outside of their own?

Our existence is UNKNOWABLE without REVELATION.
Faith, believing in the unknown.
Atheists always demand proof of God's existence. But there can never be the kind of proof they demand.

The Computer Age has made our relationship with God a little more understandable and shows us why He is UNKNOWABLE unless He chooses to reveal Himself.

Within 100 years, computer game characters will be, for all practical purposes, sentient beings. But how would it be possible for them to understand a world outside of 5he one we created for them?

Their universe has a set of laws that govern their world and there is no way for them to violate the laws of their universe

And unless we (their creators) revealbour existence to them, how can they know about a world outside of their own?

Our existence is UNKNOWABLE without REVELATION.
Faith, believing in the unknown.

allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTYlost faith in the company's president
b(1): fidelity to one's promises
(2): sincerity of intentions

This is the definition if faith I tend to use

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.
Atheists always demand proof of God's existence. But there can never be the kind of proof they demand.

The Computer Age has made our relationship with God a little more understandable and shows us why He is UNKNOWABLE unless He chooses to reveal Himself.

Within 100 years, computer game characters will be, for all practical purposes, sentient beings. But how would it be possible for them to understand a world outside of 5he one we created for them?

Their universe has a set of laws that govern their world and there is no way for them to violate the laws of their universe

And unless we (their creators) revealbour existence to them, how can they know about a world outside of their own?

Our existence is UNKNOWABLE without REVELATION.
Faith, believing in the unknown.

allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTYlost faith in the company's president
b(1): fidelity to one's promises
(2): sincerity of intentions

This is the definition if faith I tend to use
My mom told me that when I saw Faith on the church door step and going inside for a piano recital.

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.

YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW THAT. You manufactured that belief in YOUR mind! Vedic science confirmed by scholars down through the ages have operated on the belief of a spiritual body that goes along with the physical one and there has been some scientifically circumstantial evidence to support that. Please don't try to tell me you know better or can prove otherwise.

Religion is basically a faith system in a higher controlling force overseeing our destiny.

Atheism is just another faith system placing man in control of himself.
I remember when "Godly People" were Kind.
Today, we see a whole different side of people who claim to believe and trust in God.

This 'new' group is pathetic.
They swear, they lie, they put down others, they commit crimes, they post on USMB as Christians.
It is a sad situation.

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.

YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW THAT. You manufactured that belief in YOUR mind! Vedic science confirmed by scholars down through the ages have operated on the belief of a spiritual body that goes along with the physical one and there has been some scientifically circumstantial evidence to support that. Please don't try to tell me you know better or can prove otherwise.

Religion is basically a faith system in a higher controlling force overseeing our destiny.

Atheism is just another faith system placing man in control of himself.
Atheist's lack super-ego to control Id's wanton lusts and desires.

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.

YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW THAT. You manufactured that belief in YOUR mind! Vedic science confirmed by scholars down through the ages have operated on the belief of a spiritual body that goes along with the physical one and there has been some scientifically circumstantial evidence to support that. Please don't try to tell me you know better or can prove otherwise.

Religion is basically a faith system in a higher controlling force overseeing our destiny.

Atheism is just another faith system placing man in control of himself.
Vedic science is just mysticism.

And I'm not an atheist but I do not believe that any part of a person other than his constituent atoms remain after the body dies. The mind and spirit is a function of the brain the brain is of the body. If the brain sustains an injury our very sense of self can be altered substantially which has been proven scientifically. If there was a spirit that was not of the body then a simple injury could not change the very nature of a person.

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.

YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW THAT. You manufactured that belief in YOUR mind! Vedic science confirmed by scholars down through the ages have operated on the belief of a spiritual body that goes along with the physical one and there has been some scientifically circumstantial evidence to support that. Please don't try to tell me you know better or can prove otherwise.

Religion is basically a faith system in a higher controlling force overseeing our destiny.

Atheism is just another faith system placing man in control of himself.
Vedic science is just mysticism.

And I'm not an atheist but I do not believe that any part of a person other than his constituent atoms remain after the body dies. The mind and spirit is a function of the brain the brain is of the body. If the brain sustains an injury our very sense of self can be altered substantially which has been proven scientifically. If there was a spirit that was not of the body then a simple injury could not change the very nature of a person.
What part of the brain makes one conscious? The doctors can't find it and still searching. The hypothalamus is their best guess.
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We have come to a consensus on what constitutes scientific proof. What's the problem with some people wanting that same proof for the existence of gods?
You can demand proof, but other than our existence and the existence of the universe, there is no "proof" that you demand. God isnt confined to our world/universe.

What is outside our universe is UNKNOWABLE. Jesus said He is not of our world. By this He means far more than our "planet."

He also says the Father CALLS whom HE chooses.

Every Christian who knows God, only knows Him because He has REVEALD HIMSELF.

Computer generated beings, even when they become sentient, can never understand an existence OUTSIDE of their own universe.

Some things are simply UNKNOWABLE
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Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.
When you close your eyes for the last time and slip into nothingness, you'll never know that you were right.

You'll never be able to gloat that the Christian was wrong. What a sad ending for you. You wont be able to prove anything even in death. Sucks to be you. :auiqs.jpg:
Vedic science is just mysticism.
To an outsider. But then, to an outsider, all religion must seem like mysticism.

And I'm not an atheist but I do not believe that any part of a person other than his constituent atoms remain after the body dies. The mind and spirit is a function of the brain the brain is of the body. If the brain sustains an injury our very sense of self can be altered substantially which has been proven scientifically. If there was a spirit that was not of the body then a simple injury could not change the very nature of a person.

False assumptions. The spiritual body cannot be examined under a microscope so it cannot be scientifically measured nor judged to be there or not. People have universally reported seeing themselves floating over their body they left during brief periods of death where they later resuscitate the person. If the mind is purely part of the electrochemical brain and nothing more, then in what part of the brain is my ego? My fears? My loves? My ambitions?

The brain is the interface between the consciousness and the body. If enough of the brain is too severely injured, then of course it impacts the brain's ability to let the mind come to the fore operating intact with the outside world. Think what you want but there have been people born with or lost a large part of their brain through injury who made a full recovery and lead normal lives becoming medical miracles.

It is pure folly to rationalize that if there was a spiritual body then you should be able to take a bullet to the head with no harm or foul to the mind! In absolute terms as the vedics understand it, you have both a gross and subtle physical body, (the gross body is what we see and know) a spiritual body, and an astral body. Experiments using Kirlian photography seem to have confirmed some of this.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything, but it is interesting food for thought.

Why God is Unknowable Unless He Reveals Himself​

Best way I've ever seen it put. God reveals himself to those who are ready to understand him: those who wish to satisfy their scientific curiosity wanting to objectively measure God with a yardstick like a zucchini and quantify him never will. We understand God on His terms and in his time. There is no place to go, God comes to those who are sincere and is the most elusive thing to find in the world to the skeptics looking, for God Understanding happens within the spiritual heart, not inside the organic brain.
The heart is nothing but a muscle and what you call spirit is nothing but a product of the mind.

YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW THAT. You manufactured that belief in YOUR mind! Vedic science confirmed by scholars down through the ages have operated on the belief of a spiritual body that goes along with the physical one and there has been some scientifically circumstantial evidence to support that. Please don't try to tell me you know better or can prove otherwise.

Religion is basically a faith system in a higher controlling force overseeing our destiny.

Atheism is just another faith system placing man in control of himself.
Vedic science is just mysticism.

And I'm not an atheist but I do not believe that any part of a person other than his constituent atoms remain after the body dies. The mind and spirit is a function of the brain the brain is of the body. If the brain sustains an injury our very sense of self can be altered substantially which has been proven scientifically. If there was a spirit that was not of the body then a simple injury could not change the very nature of a person.
Explain this...

Read the Bible, ponder it, learn what it's saying... and you'll meet God.
It really is amazing, when you come to the point that you realize the Creator of all that exists left an "instruction manual" for His creation.
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We have come to a consensus on what constitutes scientific proof. What's the problem with some people wanting that same proof for the existence of gods?
Scientific proof requires some type of physical measurement. It requires that these measurements be repeated (verification). The problem with some people wanting physical proof is the impossibility of measuring that which is not physical. Anything outside the physical world is outside the realm of science.

What kind of measurement would you like of God?

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