Why don't libertarians join the Tea Party?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?

Libertarians are more socially liberal.

Conservatives aren't.
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?

Libertarians are more socially liberal.

Conservatives aren't.

Are all libertarians focused on sissie marriage, condoms for coeds and killin the unborn to avoid responsibility? I thought it was about the Constitution.
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?

Libertarians are more socially liberal.

Conservatives aren't.

Are all libertarians focused on sissie marriage, condoms for coeds and killin the unborn to avoid responsibility? I thought it was about the Constitution.

Not all but most.
Libertarians are more socially liberal.

Conservatives aren't.

Are all libertarians focused on sissie marriage, condoms for coeds and killin the unborn to avoid responsibility? I thought it was about the Constitution.

Not all but most.

I noted the confederate flag. I thought those people were relitively socially conservative. Are you speaking as a libertarian or a dirty trickster or a fake libertarian.
Libertarians are against the government taking freedom away from their private lives. Hence, they tend to be for gay marriage, against restrictions on abortions, for the legalization of ALL drugs, for the legalization of prostitution, and are against any kind of censorship including any on pornography, etc. Most Libertarians are totally against the Patriot Act and find it unconstitutional. They also tend to despise any mention of religion in relation to any law. They hate someone enforcing their morals on another individual. They are also against any restrictions on immigration, except in the cases where the individuals pose a threat to national security.

Militarily, Libertarians are to the LEFT of Liberals. They are generally anti-war, and believe that military spending is way too high. An example; this years' Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson said he would cut military spending by 43% in his FIRST YEAR. Ron Paul, essentially the head of the Libertarian movement, has gone as far as blaming 9/11 on our policies overseas, while also chiding the CIA for creating "mischief" internationally. Ron Paul has said that if he was elected President, he would end the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, the Federal Reserve, the Department off Homeland Security, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, all forms of welfare including unemployment benefits and a slew of other things. Paul also said that he would bring back ever US troop overseas immediately after being sworn in as president if he was elected. Libertarians believe in NO intervention in the affairs of other countries. I have yet to meet one Libertarian who supported the Iraq war. The majority of Libertarians I know refer to both Bush and Obama as war criminals.

So, there are many major differences between most Tea Partiers and Libertarians.
I pointed this out on a couple of other threads. Romney gained significant ground on Obama when he shifted his campaign to being less far right and more to the center. His climb in the polls verify what I'm pointing out.
The GOP needs to move towards the center, somewhere closer to where Ronald Reagan stood. In todays GOP, Reagan's position would be associated as being a RINO.
A majority of Americans aren't far right, nor are they far left, they are in the middle. GOP, get a clue, re-invent yourself and appeal to a much larger base.
Are all libertarians focused on sissie marriage, condoms for coeds and killin the unborn to avoid responsibility? I thought it was about the Constitution.

Not all but most.

I noted the confederate flag. I thought those people were relitively socially conservative. Are you speaking as a libertarian or a dirty trickster or a fake libertarian.

I'm speaking as an observer having lived in these United States for the past 50 years. I'm a conservative just to the right of Rush Limbaugh.
Libertarians are against the government taking freedom away from their private lives. Hence, they tend to be for gay marriage, against restrictions on abortions, for the legalization of ALL drugs, for the legalization of prostitution, and are against any kind of censorship including any on pornography, etc. Most Libertarians are totally against the Patriot Act and find it unconstitutional. They also tend to despise any mention of religion in relation to any law. They hate someone enforcing their morals on another individual. They are also against any restrictions on immigration, except in the cases where the individuals pose a threat to national security.

Militarily, Libertarians are to the LEFT of Liberals. They are generally anti-war, and believe that military spending is way too high. An example; this years' Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson said he would cut military spending by 43% in his FIRST YEAR. Ron Paul, essentially the head of the Libertarian movement, has gone as far as blaming 9/11 on our policies overseas, while also chiding the CIA for creating "mischief" internationally. Ron Paul has said that if he was elected President, he would end the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, the Federal Reserve, the Department off Homeland Security, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, all forms of welfare including unemployment benefits and a slew of other things. Paul also said that he would bring back ever US troop overseas immediately after being sworn in as president if he was elected. Libertarians believe in NO intervention in the affairs of other countries. I have yet to meet one Libertarian who supported the Iraq war. The majority of Libertarians I know refer to both Bush and Obama as war criminals.

So, there are many major differences between most Tea Partiers and Libertarians.

Frankly I'm shocked. Is it true that libertarians are really about sex, drugs and rock and roll?
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?

Not a day ago you were calling us Democratic sympathizers or some such nonsense, now you want us to rejoin the Republican Party and try to "remake" it? As for the Tea Party, it's full of warmongers, just like the rest of the Republican Party.
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?

Libertarians are more socially liberal.

Conservatives aren't.

No, libertarians are socially libertarian.
It's almost a political axiom that socialist politicians find a home in the democrat party and libertarians find a home in the republican party. Libertarians claim that the republican party isn't conservative enough and so does the Tea Party. There is no Tea Party ballot and libertarians have to know that it is a wasted vote to run as a libertarian so why not join up and try to remake the only party that is worth remaking instead of jousting at windmills?

Libertarians are more socially liberal.

Conservatives aren't.

Are all libertarians focused on sissie marriage, condoms for coeds and killin the unborn to avoid responsibility? I thought it was about the Constitution.

That's why we don't rejoin the Republican Party. We don't want to be in the same party as somebody who would use the term "sissie marriage."
I pointed this out on a couple of other threads. Romney gained significant ground on Obama when he shifted his campaign to being less far right and more to the center. His climb in the polls verify what I'm pointing out.
The GOP needs to move towards the center, somewhere closer to where Ronald Reagan stood. In todays GOP, Reagan's position would be associated as being a RINO.
A majority of Americans aren't far right, nor are they far left, they are in the middle. GOP, get a clue, re-invent yourself and appeal to a much larger base.

McCain and Romney were attempts to go to the center. They both got crushed.
Libertarians are against the government taking freedom away from their private lives. Hence, they tend to be for gay marriage, against restrictions on abortions, for the legalization of ALL drugs, for the legalization of prostitution, and are against any kind of censorship including any on pornography, etc. Most Libertarians are totally against the Patriot Act and find it unconstitutional. They also tend to despise any mention of religion in relation to any law. They hate someone enforcing their morals on another individual. They are also against any restrictions on immigration, except in the cases where the individuals pose a threat to national security.

Militarily, Libertarians are to the LEFT of Liberals. They are generally anti-war, and believe that military spending is way too high. An example; this years' Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson said he would cut military spending by 43% in his FIRST YEAR. Ron Paul, essentially the head of the Libertarian movement, has gone as far as blaming 9/11 on our policies overseas, while also chiding the CIA for creating "mischief" internationally. Ron Paul has said that if he was elected President, he would end the IRS, the CIA, the FBI, the Federal Reserve, the Department off Homeland Security, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, all forms of welfare including unemployment benefits and a slew of other things. Paul also said that he would bring back ever US troop overseas immediately after being sworn in as president if he was elected. Libertarians believe in NO intervention in the affairs of other countries. I have yet to meet one Libertarian who supported the Iraq war. The majority of Libertarians I know refer to both Bush and Obama as war criminals.

So, there are many major differences between most Tea Partiers and Libertarians.

Frankly I'm shocked. Is it true that libertarians are really about sex, drugs and rock and roll?

I'm more into folk music, honestly.
I checked the Libertarian 2012 platform ratified in Vegas and it seems to advocate the rights we enjoy today courtesy of the Bill of Rights. It's interesting that the Libertarian platform rejects government licensing of human relationships so I guess sissie marriage is off the table. Nowhere does the Libertarian platform advocate the legalization of marijuana but I guess the pot heads see the fantasy of a Libertarian election as a open door for drug use. Say it you freaking cowards. Tell Americans that the only agenda on the libertarian platform is drug use and see how many votes you get.
I checked the Libertarian 2012 platform ratified in Vegas and it seems to advocate the rights we enjoy today courtesy of the Bill of Rights. It's interesting that the Libertarian platform rejects government licensing of human relationships so I guess sissie marriage is off the table. Nowhere does the Libertarian platform advocate the legalization of marijuana but I guess the pot heads see the fantasy of a Libertarian election as a open door for drug use. Say it you freaking cowards. Tell Americans that the only agenda on the libertarian platform is drug use and see how many votes you get.

From The Libertarian Platform
1.2 Personal Privacy

Libertarians support the rights recognized by the Fourth Amendment to be secure in our persons, homes, and property. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure should include records held by third parties, such as email, medical, and library records. Only actions that infringe on the rights of others can properly be termed crimes. We favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes

1.3 Personal Relationships

Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government's treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.

1.4 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.
I checked the Libertarian 2012 platform ratified in Vegas and it seems to advocate the rights we enjoy today courtesy of the Bill of Rights. It's interesting that the Libertarian platform rejects government licensing of human relationships so I guess sissie marriage is off the table. Nowhere does the Libertarian platform advocate the legalization of marijuana but I guess the pot heads see the fantasy of a Libertarian election as a open door for drug use. Say it you freaking cowards. Tell Americans that the only agenda on the libertarian platform is drug use and see how many votes you get.

Now we're cowards. :lol:

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