Why Donald Trump will lose

The Republican Party is on the verge of losing control of the Senate because of their asskissing of Trump. The party is worse off than it was 4 years ago. Trump must go so that the party can have a rebirth.
No one knows who will win. So much hate and rage. all this while more Americans die from the virus, if you believe nothing else its a fact that the virus has not been handled with a clear consistent message on combating it.
The Republican Party is on the verge of losing control of the Senate because of their asskissing of Trump. The party is worse off than it was 4 years ago. Trump must go so that the party can have a rebirth.

And if he does win, libs will continue on their violence and push civil war.

If he wins the country will collapse.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

I so hope you are right about him losing.

I have never seen such a criminal and treasonous president in my life.

Criminal?? Treasonous?? I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your ridiculous, stupid comment. Good Lord you really are as goofy as you appear to be.

Just think you will have four more years to moan, groan and complain.
And people are pissed at trump

Maybe people in these inner city slums are pissed, but as a whole, not so much. Reasonable people don't blame the current downturn in the economy on Trump because they are smart enough to know what it was like just prior to COVID. Ignorant never-Trumpers weren't going to vote for him even when the economy was flying high.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

I so hope you are right about him losing.

I have never seen such a criminal and treasonous president in my life.
Not an Obama thread. Try to keep up.
Trump will lose because he's an assclown.
No way Trump loses.

Actually, no way he wins.
Oh, so you precinct types have a new way of embellishment of the 30 votes apiece to an exponential form... hmmm. Risky, but dupes are willing. Ms. Maxine Waters taught that little stunt a few back about getting in Staff's faces. Shades of Alabama, 1960s. Oh, my. Where did 60 years go to bring us to a Democrat loser manufactured win.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

I so hope you are right about him losing.

I have never seen such a criminal and treasonous president in my life.
LMAO People are in great shape. I was downtown last Saturday and the restaurants are opening back up and people are actually able to sit down for a meal. The whole of Main St. was open for business.

Really, where I am at, about half the stores that closed during the shutdown still haven't opened.

According to Yelp, 160,000 businesses closed during the lockdown, 94,000 of them for good.

Trump wasn't trailing Biden at all and still isn't. As for the riots you don't seem outraged about the Dem mayors of Seattle, Portland and Indianapolis told their police departments to stand down. If they hadn't done that then there wouldn't have been looting and arson and riots.

Check it out... Here's all the polling data for the last year. Biden Leads Trump consistantly in the RCP Average.

Oh I think Trump will win handily once everyone gets a look at the list Biden has out there. The first thing he wants to do is raise taxes. He also wants citizenship for 22 million illegals. I doubt any sane American tax payer is going to vote for his stupid ass.

Most Americans favor a path to citizenship.


Most Americans think the rich should pay their fair share.


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Maybe people in these inner city slums are pissed, but as a whole, not so much. Reasonable people don't blame the current downturn in the economy on Trump because they are smart enough to know what it was like just prior to COVID. Ignorant never-Trumpers weren't going to vote for him even when the economy was flying high.

Uh, buddy, People are realizing more and more that Trump fumbled the response to the Coronavirus. ANd this was before Woodward exposed that he OPENLY LIED about it.

Not that it matters but Rump will win hands down. The Left will explode and make this last years worth of riots look like a a beach party.
I'm deeply certain that Gropey Joey Biden doesn't, for a single moment, think that The Democrat Party Manifesto spells death to democracy.

I'm equally certain that he doesn't know what day it is.

The two are not unrelated.
I'm definitely better off than I was four years ago. If you think you can't succeed because of who's sitting in the oval office, you're the problem in your life, not him.
If Biden Wins, CHINA WINS. If Biden Wins, the mob WINS. If Biden Wins, the rioters, anarchists, arsonists, and flag-burners WIN

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