Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Listening to an expert describing the problems with PA/WI/Ga... etc he drew a comparison with FL/Ohio in their handling of "Absentee voting".
As I've attempted to explain to people on this board many times it seems very hard to comprehend for especially Democrats!

I lived in Fl. I voted absentee.
The steps involved:
1) I request the ability to vote absentee as I am over 65.
2) The election office sent me an absentee ballot request.
3) I verified my address and SIGNED the request form.
4) Near the election I received my absentee ballot.
5) I voted and then stuck the ballot into an envelope that required by SIGNATURE.
6) I then stuffed the envelope that had my signature into another envelope and mailed.

NOW VERSUS what I've called "JUNK MAIL" voting which supposedly was because of COVID.

1) The election office mailed JUNK MAIL BALLOTS to the voting rolls they had. With 10% of Americans moving per year, in 4 years that could be nearly 40% invalid addresses.
2) The unsolicited (as in absentee ballot) ballot goes to an address that MAY not have the original voter living there any longer.
3) Given the stupidity of most Democrat voters especially that signing a ballot fraudulently could cause imprisonment, these idiots sign and drop in the mail.
4) Election workers than look supposedly at the signature on file and the signed ballot... these workers are NOT experts, much less qualified to verify a signature.
5) The ballot is considered valid and counted.

JUNK MAIL created without any question greater opportunities for fraud!

PA, et.al. that did the JUNK MAIL voting especially in Democrat run precincts, makes most sense they did fraudulent voting activities.

Trump won nine of 327 Milwaukee voting wards in his inaugural presidential run. Clinton won the other 318.

Trump won only four Milwaukee voting wards in 2020 to Biden’s 323.

A lot of questions here!
Further validation of the questionable vote totals...

A total of 450 were rejected ballots out of about 1.3 million mailed-in ballots received in those counties.
That is a rejection rate of .0003%.
Such numbers are simply ludicrous and defy belief.
Allegheny: 340,719 mailed-in ballots received — 54 rejected.
Bucks: 153,016 mailed-in ballots received — 0 rejected.
Chester: 138,813 mailed-in ballots received — 87 rejected.
Delaware: 111,321 mailed-in ballots received — 71 rejected.
Montgomery: 231,415 mailed-in ballots received — 0 rejected.
Philadelphia : 346,196 mailed-in ballots received — 228 rejected.

Mail-in ballots have been rejected at around a 1% rate in recent years, though 2020 is expected to be on the higher end due to the number of voters casting ballots by mail for the first time, mail delivery issues at the U.S. Postal Service, and court decisions disenfranchising voters whose ballots were cast by Election Day but do not arrive in time.

So with MORE mail in ballots why is there less than 3/1,000th of 1% rejected ballots in a Democrat run cities versus a national average of around 1%?

Doesn't that strike you "defy belief"? Honestly???
Listening to an expert describing the problems with PA/WI/Ga... etc he drew a comparison with FL/Ohio in their handling of "Absentee voting".
As I've attempted to explain to people on this board many times it seems very hard to comprehend for especially Democrats!

I lived in Fl. I voted absentee.
The steps involved:
1) I request the ability to vote absentee as I am over 65.
2) The election office sent me an absentee ballot request.
3) I verified my address and SIGNED the request form.
4) Near the election I received my absentee ballot.
5) I voted and then stuck the ballot into an envelope that required by SIGNATURE.
6) I then stuffed the envelope that had my signature into another envelope and mailed.

NOW VERSUS what I've called "JUNK MAIL" voting which supposedly was because of COVID.

1) The election office mailed JUNK MAIL BALLOTS to the voting rolls they had. With 10% of Americans moving per year, in 4 years that could be nearly 40% invalid addresses.
2) The unsolicited (as in absentee ballot) ballot goes to an address that MAY not have the original voter living there any longer.
3) Given the stupidity of most Democrat voters especially that signing a ballot fraudulently could cause imprisonment, these idiots sign and drop in the mail.
4) Election workers than look supposedly at the signature on file and the signed ballot... these workers are NOT experts, much less qualified to verify a signature.
5) The ballot is considered valid and counted.

JUNK MAIL created without any question greater opportunities for fraud!

PA, et.al. that did the JUNK MAIL voting especially in Democrat run precincts, makes most sense they did fraudulent voting activities.

Trump won nine of 327 Milwaukee voting wards in his inaugural presidential run. Clinton won the other 318.

Trump won only four Milwaukee voting wards in 2020 to Biden’s 323.

A lot of questions here!

Texas refused to use the crooked dominion machines.
Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?

I know, right? Why didn't LIndsey Graham try to get votes thrown out in, say, North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa?

Oh wait. Because Rump wasn't losing there.
1) doesnt mean fraud didnt occur in those states and might still be revealed at a later date.
2) why would Trump's legal team spend any time/money/resources at this point on states where he won, considering the time frame ?
Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?

I know, right? Why didn't LIndsey Graham try to get votes thrown out in, say, North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa?

Oh wait. Because Rump wasn't losing there.
1) doesnt mean fraud didnt occur in those states and might still be revealed at a later date.
2) why would Trump's legal team spend any time/money/resources at this point on states where he won, considering the time frame ?

I think I just said that.
For those not familiar with the context, Graham started calling voting officials in states that were not his own, exploring ways to dump votes that were likely dumping the Rump. He did that with Georgia (next door) as well as with AridZona and Nevada (way far away) allegedly out of "curiosity about how the process works" in those states, which any of us could and did simply look up at any time on the internets. Yet he wasn't at all : "curious" about North Carolina (again, next door to SC) or any other state with a close race where Rump was ahead ---- only those where Rump was behind.

Apparently we may conclude that states where Rump was ahead, do not have interesting voting procedures. Yeah that's the ticket.
Listening to an expert describing the problems with PA/WI/Ga... etc he drew a comparison with FL/Ohio in their handling of "Absentee voting".
As I've attempted to explain to people on this board many times it seems very hard to comprehend for especially Democrats!

I lived in Fl. I voted absentee.
The steps involved:
1) I request the ability to vote absentee as I am over 65.
2) The election office sent me an absentee ballot request.
3) I verified my address and SIGNED the request form.
4) Near the election I received my absentee ballot.
5) I voted and then stuck the ballot into an envelope that required by SIGNATURE.
6) I then stuffed the envelope that had my signature into another envelope and mailed.

NOW VERSUS what I've called "JUNK MAIL" voting which supposedly was because of COVID.

1) The election office mailed JUNK MAIL BALLOTS to the voting rolls they had. With 10% of Americans moving per year, in 4 years that could be nearly 40% invalid addresses.
2) The unsolicited (as in absentee ballot) ballot goes to an address that MAY not have the original voter living there any longer.
3) Given the stupidity of most Democrat voters especially that signing a ballot fraudulently could cause imprisonment, these idiots sign and drop in the mail.
4) Election workers than look supposedly at the signature on file and the signed ballot... these workers are NOT experts, much less qualified to verify a signature.
5) The ballot is considered valid and counted.

JUNK MAIL created without any question greater opportunities for fraud!

PA, et.al. that did the JUNK MAIL voting especially in Democrat run precincts, makes most sense they did fraudulent voting activities.

Trump won nine of 327 Milwaukee voting wards in his inaugural presidential run. Clinton won the other 318.

Trump won only four Milwaukee voting wards in 2020 to Biden’s 323.

A lot of questions here!

The reason is simple. Florida/Ohio were allowed to work on absentee ballots and early voting before election day. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin had to wait until election day. The only junk mail is your lying posts.

There is no evidence of any fraud.
Listening to an expert describing the problems with PA/WI/Ga... etc he drew a comparison with FL/Ohio in their handling of "Absentee voting".
As I've attempted to explain to people on this board many times it seems very hard to comprehend for especially Democrats!

I lived in Fl. I voted absentee.
The steps involved:
1) I request the ability to vote absentee as I am over 65.
2) The election office sent me an absentee ballot request.
3) I verified my address and SIGNED the request form.
4) Near the election I received my absentee ballot.
5) I voted and then stuck the ballot into an envelope that required by SIGNATURE.
6) I then stuffed the envelope that had my signature into another envelope and mailed.

NOW VERSUS what I've called "JUNK MAIL" voting which supposedly was because of COVID.

1) The election office mailed JUNK MAIL BALLOTS to the voting rolls they had. With 10% of Americans moving per year, in 4 years that could be nearly 40% invalid addresses.
2) The unsolicited (as in absentee ballot) ballot goes to an address that MAY not have the original voter living there any longer.
3) Given the stupidity of most Democrat voters especially that signing a ballot fraudulently could cause imprisonment, these idiots sign and drop in the mail.
4) Election workers than look supposedly at the signature on file and the signed ballot... these workers are NOT experts, much less qualified to verify a signature.
5) The ballot is considered valid and counted.

JUNK MAIL created without any question greater opportunities for fraud!

PA, et.al. that did the JUNK MAIL voting especially in Democrat run precincts, makes most sense they did fraudulent voting activities.

Trump won nine of 327 Milwaukee voting wards in his inaugural presidential run. Clinton won the other 318.

Trump won only four Milwaukee voting wards in 2020 to Biden’s 323.

A lot of questions here!

Texas refused to use the crooked dominion machines.

Neither did Michigan. You are the one who is crooked.
Listening to an expert describing the problems with PA/WI/Ga... etc he drew a comparison with FL/Ohio in their handling of "Absentee voting".
As I've attempted to explain to people on this board many times it seems very hard to comprehend for especially Democrats!

I lived in Fl. I voted absentee.
The steps involved:
1) I request the ability to vote absentee as I am over 65.
2) The election office sent me an absentee ballot request.
3) I verified my address and SIGNED the request form.
4) Near the election I received my absentee ballot.
5) I voted and then stuck the ballot into an envelope that required by SIGNATURE.
6) I then stuffed the envelope that had my signature into another envelope and mailed.

NOW VERSUS what I've called "JUNK MAIL" voting which supposedly was because of COVID.

1) The election office mailed JUNK MAIL BALLOTS to the voting rolls they had. With 10% of Americans moving per year, in 4 years that could be nearly 40% invalid addresses.
2) The unsolicited (as in absentee ballot) ballot goes to an address that MAY not have the original voter living there any longer.
3) Given the stupidity of most Democrat voters especially that signing a ballot fraudulently could cause imprisonment, these idiots sign and drop in the mail.
4) Election workers than look supposedly at the signature on file and the signed ballot... these workers are NOT experts, much less qualified to verify a signature.
5) The ballot is considered valid and counted.

JUNK MAIL created without any question greater opportunities for fraud!

PA, et.al. that did the JUNK MAIL voting especially in Democrat run precincts, makes most sense they did fraudulent voting activities.

Trump won nine of 327 Milwaukee voting wards in his inaugural presidential run. Clinton won the other 318.

Trump won only four Milwaukee voting wards in 2020 to Biden’s 323.

A lot of questions here!

Texas refused to use the crooked dominion machines.

Neither did Michigan. You are the one who is crooked.

WTF did you just say?
You should brush up on your reading comprehension.
Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?

I know, right? Why didn't LIndsey Graham try to get votes thrown out in, say, North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa?

Oh wait. Because Rump wasn't losing there.
The Democrats don't even consider Ohio to be a swing state anymore, and therefore didn't put much effort into their voter fraud schemes here like they used to.

Trump all dried up on campaign fundraising pulls ads in key swing states | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?

I know, right? Why didn't LIndsey Graham try to get votes thrown out in, say, North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa?

Oh wait. Because Rump wasn't losing there.
1) doesnt mean fraud didnt occur in those states and might still be revealed at a later date.
2) why would Trump's legal team spend any time/money/resources at this point on states where he won, considering the time frame ?
Texas Rejected Dominion 3 times and stated that their machines were not only insecure, but actually invited Election Fraud.
Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?

I know, right? Why didn't LIndsey Graham try to get votes thrown out in, say, North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa?

Oh wait. Because Rump wasn't losing there.
The Democrats don't even consider Ohio to be a swing state anymore, and therefore didn't put much effort into their voter fraud schemes here like they used to.

Trump all dried up on campaign fundraising pulls ads in key swing states | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I do remember Biden concentrated on Pennsylvania in the last week. He needed Pennsylvania more than he needed Ohio. He needed basically to flip the Terrible Three and leave the rest of the 2016 class as it was, and it paid off, because he did flip them. By more than triple Rump's 2016 margin. The Georgias and AridZonas were just extra gravy.

Now had they been occupied in vote-fixing, it wouldn't have been necessary to do all that campaigning.
Why doesn't Texas/Fl/Ohio have a problem with the election?

I know, right? Why didn't LIndsey Graham try to get votes thrown out in, say, North Carolina and Ohio and Iowa?

Oh wait. Because Rump wasn't losing there.
The Democrats don't even consider Ohio to be a swing state anymore, and therefore didn't put much effort into their voter fraud schemes here like they used to.

Trump all dried up on campaign fundraising pulls ads in key swing states | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I do remember Biden concentrated on Pennsylvania in the last week. He needed Pennsylvania more than he needed Ohio. He needed basically to flip the Terrible Three and leave the rest of the 2016 class as it was, and it paid off, because he did flip them. By more than triple Rump's 2016 margin. The Georgias and AridZonas were just extra gravy.

Now had they been occupied in vote-fixing, it wouldn't have been necessary to do all that campaigning.

You may not want to watch this but honest people who aren't ignorant will find this extremely interesting.
Data scientist blows up Pennsylvania hearings…

Zuckerberg donated $400 million —
as much money as Congress appropriated for the same general purpose —
to nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists.
The primary recipient was the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received the
staggering sum of $350 million. Prior to Zuckerberg’s donations,
the CTCL’s annual operating expenses averaged less than $1 million per year.
Philadelphia County alone, for instance, projected that the $10 million grant it received from
CTCL would enable it to increase turnout by 25-30 percent —
translating to more than 200,000 votes.
In Michigan, Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson unilaterally voided the
legal requirement that voters provide a signature when requesting an absentee ballot,
establishing an online request form.

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