Trump all dried up on campaign fundraising pulls ads in key swing states

All while Biden’s campaign is currently ramping up spending in states in red states from an influx. Trump’s campaign is really spiraling my friends!

Two of them, Ohio and Iowa, are must-wins for the Republican president. Polls show him running almost dead even with the former vice president in both. Trump's withdrawal of advertising in those states — despite the risk — is a sign of his campaign's poor financial condition.

"It seems the Trump campaign has reached the point where they have to do some triage," said Travis Ridout, co-director of the Wesleyan Media Project, which tracks political ads. "They don't seem to have enough money to run ads everywhere.'

Reminder: President Trump beat Hillary with half the budget.
Reminder: Trump’s win was a fluke. He lost the popular vote and won by razor thin margins in the key swing states.
Yeah, and Trump almost won Minnesota 4 years ago, and probably will this time. Ilhan Omar has thoroughly pissed off everyone there.
All while Biden’s campaign is currently ramping up spending in states in red states from an influx. Trump’s campaign is really spiraling my friends!

“Two of them, Ohio and Iowa, are must-wins for the Republican president. Polls show him running almost dead even with the former vice president in both. Trump's withdrawal of advertising in those states — despite the risk — is a sign of his campaign's poor financial condition.

"It seems the Trump campaign has reached the point where they have to do some triage," said Travis Ridout, co-director of the Wesleyan Media Project, which tracks political ads. "They don't seem to have enough money to run ads everywhere."

It’s sad that it takes money to influence voters.
Trump and Biden campaign ads are mostly used to target Trump and Biden voters, respectively – to keep them engaged, informed, and motivated to vote.

A lack of ads could have the effect of undermining likely Trump voters, particularly weak Trump voters.


“Democrat Joe Biden is expanding his ad buys into every corner of Ohio as early voting begins Tuesday, signaling his campaign’s growing hopes that a state Donald Trump won easily four years ago may be within the former vice president’s grasp.”

All while Biden’s campaign is currently ramping up spending in states in red states from an influx. Trump’s campaign is really spiraling my friends!

Two of them, Ohio and Iowa, are must-wins for the Republican president.
Trump has Ohio by a landslide.
Um no it’s pretty even in that state.
No it isn't. I happen to live in Ohio. The Democrats don't even consider it a battleground state anymore. They gave up on Ohio months ago. What this report tells me is that now the Trump camp's internal polling (aka non-fake polls) are telling them they've got it in the bag.
They don’t consider it important as far as winning it but the polls still show a split.
All while Biden’s campaign is currently ramping up spending in states in red states from an influx. Trump’s campaign is really spiraling my friends!

Two of them, Ohio and Iowa, are must-wins for the Republican president.
Trump has Ohio by a landslide.
Um no it’s pretty even in that state.
No it isn't. I happen to live in Ohio. The Democrats don't even consider it a battleground state anymore. They gave up on Ohio months ago. What this report tells me is that now the Trump camp's internal polling (aka non-fake polls) are telling them they've got it in the bag.
And that is why Biden is now going to spend money there...
I don't think it would help him here in Ohio. Sure, he can spend money on TV ads, but the Democrats don't have the ground game here that they used to have. Usually the Democrats would ship armies of meddlers here from coast to coast. We even nailed Obama campaign workers from New York and California trying to vote here on 2012 and convicted them of voter fraud.

There's a lot of enthusiasm for Trump in Ohio. Even moreso than in 2016. And the one thing that a lot of Ohio independents have in common with Joe Biden is that they don't even know who he is.
Amd help from his buddy Vladimir. We're wise to that now.

Read the recent senate report. Educate yourself. Don't just take Hannity's word for it.
Trump is not dried up.
He is full of Trump juice. He is Covid free, and ready to rock-n-roll.
You cant keep the Trumpster down, and now the man is back in town.
Amd help from his buddy Vladimir. We're wise to that now.

Read the recent senate report. Educate yourself. Don't just take Hannity's word for it.

Please read the date on the Senate report. Then educate yourself somewhere besides CNN, MSNBC, or the DailyKOS.

CIA told Obama of claim Hillary Clinton conjured Trump-Russia scandal: spy chief
By Steven Nelson
September 29, 2020 | 7:22pm | Updated

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday revealed a bombshell allegation that Hillary Clinton ordered “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016 — and that then-President Barack Obama knew about her possible role.

Ratcliffe disclosed the information in a letter published by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) just hours before Trump debates Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was vice president at the time.


Published 5 days ago [10/05/2020]
DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia
A source said Brennan's handwritten notes were taken after briefing Obama on the matter
By Brooke Singman | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe on Tuesday declassified documents that revealed former CIA Director John Brennan briefed former President Obama on Hillary Clinton’s purported “plan” to tie then-candidate Donald Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server” ahead of the 2016 presidential election, Fox News has learned.

Ratcliffe declassified Brennan’s handwritten notes – which were taken after he briefed Obama on the intelligence the CIA received – and a CIA memo, which revealed that officials referred the matter to the FBI for potential investigative action.

The silent majority will roar so loud, it will deafen the ears of the nonbelievers.
Trump will break all voting records in history.
You've got the Taliban on your side.
Also, the KKK endorses Trump.
How could you lose?

(hint Biden is doing better than Hillary did)

Biden has the communists and white nationalists - and of course BLM and Antifa.

He condemns none of them.
white nationalists give Trump the nazi salute

here is the communist "endorsement" of Biden:

He said he still considers Mr. Biden and the Democratic Party “representatives and instruments of this exploitative, oppressive, and literally murderous system of capitalism-imperialism.” But Mr. Trump and the Republicans are even worse, he said.

BLM doesnt think very highly of Biden:


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