Why does your religion condemn people?

So illiterate people have no chance to find god?
Are you illiterate?
Muhammad was illiterate.

That's what Muslims believe.

I thought christians do not believe in the Muslim religion.

Some believe Jesus was illiterate as well.

(If he even existed.)

His followers were most certainly illiterate.

Does any of this matter?
Some believe Jesus was a queer socialist. Some believe all kinds of crap. I believe the Scriptures.
So the story of Noah is true?
Muhammad was illiterate.
Muhammad was a pawn of Satan.
Didn't god create Satan?
Nope. God created the angel Lucifer, then Lucifer rebelled. Lucifer chose to be like God. Read your bible.
But god created the state of being a devil, since He created everything.
If that's you belief, you'll have a chance to defend it when you face God. Good luck.
So your god didn't create everything in the universe? Someone else had a hand in it as well?
Are you illiterate?
Muhammad was illiterate.

That's what Muslims believe.

I thought christians do not believe in the Muslim religion.

Some believe Jesus was illiterate as well.

(If he even existed.)

His followers were most certainly illiterate.

Does any of this matter?
Some believe Jesus was a queer socialist. Some believe all kinds of crap. I believe the Scriptures.
So the story of Noah is true?
So how did Noah get 2 of every animal from Australia and the Americas, which weren't attached to the Middle East 6000 years ago?

PS hob, stfu.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?

If religion doesn't condemn you to eternal damnation if you don't adhere to it, then there's no reason to adhere to it.
I think the whole heaven and hell thing came from the need to explain why bad things happen to good people. Since there is no justice in this world (Stalin died peacefully in his bed) and God is defined as just, righteous, good, loving, etc., there must be an afterlife where the scales of justice punish the bad and reward the good. Overall a more positive message than saying life sucks and there is no reason for suffering.

Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.
Muhammad was illiterate.

That's what Muslims believe.

I thought christians do not believe in the Muslim religion.

Some believe Jesus was illiterate as well.

(If he even existed.)

His followers were most certainly illiterate.

Does any of this matter?
Some believe Jesus was a queer socialist. Some believe all kinds of crap. I believe the Scriptures.
So the story of Noah is true?
So how did Noah get 2 of every animal from Australia and the Americas, which weren't attached to the Middle East 6000 years ago?

PS hob, stfu.
This is my last reply to you
Muhammad was illiterate.

That's what Muslims believe.

I thought christians do not believe in the Muslim religion.

Some believe Jesus was illiterate as well.

(If he even existed.)

His followers were most certainly illiterate.

Does any of this matter?
Some believe Jesus was a queer socialist. Some believe all kinds of crap. I believe the Scriptures.
So the story of Noah is true?
So how did Noah get 2 of every animal from Australia and the Americas, which weren't attached to the Middle East 6000 years ago?

PS hob, stfu.
You make two errors in your question. The earth was one land mass when Noah was alive. Second, the Scriptures say God brought the animals to Noah. This is my final reply to you. I'm not playing any more.
Noah's Ark and The Flood: Land Mass Breaks Up, Tower of Babel
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If religion doesn't condemn you to eternal damnation if you don't adhere to it, then there's no reason to adhere to it.
Religions are man made rituals which are reputed by their adherents to give one axcess to GOD. Christianity is GOD providing salvation to those who trust HIM gaining a person relationship with HIM as their FATHER.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
------------------------------------------------- think that its simply a persons OPINION either voiced or silently thought , whats the problem Mick ??

Oh no, the condemnation of sinners and unbelievers are Christian doctrine, not opinion.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
------------------------------------------------- think that its simply a persons OPINION either voiced or silently thought , whats the problem Mick ??

Oh no, the condemnation of sinners and unbelievers are Christian doctrine, not opinion.
------------------------------ And some support it while others do not Mick .
Thats way too much work for Taz. He couldn't get past the story of noah...and I doubt he ever read it himself.

He's waiting for someone to wave a magic wand over his head....he isn't very bright.
hob is just pissed because I made him realize that what he believes in makes no logical sense. Plus, it's made him way too angry and frustrated, that's why he puts me down all the fucking time. :lol:

lol;... I'm not pissed or angry about anything.. Especially your inability to comprehend simple concepts. What makes no logical sense is you asking questions like why God hasn't appeared to you since you really want some proof and then when someone tells you that you have to clear out the crap in your own head that blinds you you feel insulted as if there is no crap in your head and then say stupid shit about cum dribbles kangaroos and gay Jesus like a foul and smelly pus oozing out of your defiled and contaminated mind.

You really need to try a new perfume.
LORD, Please be with the persons of Hob and Taz and help them resolve their issues, one to another, I ask in Your Only Begotten Son's Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank You LORD. Amen.

I wonder if Hob and or Taz are only English speaking, as in no other past heritage besides good ole fashion US red blood, which often times is very Conservative.

If not, maybe they would stop their silly gesturing ways of kangaroo drippings and such if they spoke to one another in their original mother tongue.

If cum dribbles kangaroo is spelled cum dribbles kangaroo in English, how do you spell it in, let's say, Russian?
hob! Come quick! This guy is even more delusional than you are!! :eek:

I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate
hob is just pissed because I made him realize that what he believes in makes no logical sense. Plus, it's made him way too angry and frustrated, that's why he puts me down all the fucking time. :lol:

lol;... I'm not pissed or angry about anything.. Especially your inability to comprehend simple concepts. What makes no logical sense is you asking questions like why God hasn't appeared to you since you really want some proof and then when someone tells you that you have to clear out the crap in your own head that blinds you you feel insulted as if there is no crap in your head and then say stupid shit about cum dribbles kangaroos and gay Jesus like a foul and smelly pus oozing out of your defiled and contaminated mind.

You really need to try a new perfume.
LORD, Please be with the persons of Hob and Taz and help them resolve their issues, one to another, I ask in Your Only Begotten Son's Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank You LORD. Amen.

I wonder if Hob and or Taz are only English speaking, as in no other past heritage besides good ole fashion US red blood, which often times is very Conservative.

If not, maybe they would stop their silly gesturing ways of kangaroo drippings and such if they spoke to one another in their original mother tongue.

If cum dribbles kangaroo is spelled cum dribbles kangaroo in English, how do you spell it in, let's say, Russian?
hob! Come quick! This guy is even more delusional than you are!! :eek:

I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate

The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

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Humans "know" by contrast. It is impossible to have a concept of "good" without "evil". This dichotomy, this dualism is created by the mind. The universe is not divided until we see it that way. Then, when we take this for real, we wander through and endless maze of illusion, disoriented and confused because we can't make life fit into our dualistic hypnotic trance.
All the unanswerable questions about 'God' are a result of erroneous, childish concepts of what 'God' would be.
Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.

The story of Adam and Eve, like the story of Noah, is a fairy tale not a historical document. They were not the fist human beings.

There has never been a time since the creation of heaven and earth when the kingdom of God was not in full force.

The Earth will never be transformed into a paradise. Life on earth is hell only among people living on the wrong side of God's law. People are what will be transformed as soon as they conform to the law of God. It won't take a thousand years for there to be peace among the nations.

The transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye, as soon as they do it.

People can look and look for signs that the kingdom of God has come, but for as long as they continue to defy the divine commands they will continue to see nothing.
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Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.

The story of Adam and Eve, like the story of Noah, is a fairy tale not a historical document. They were not the fist human beings.

There has never been a time since the creation of heaven and earth when the kingdom of God was not in full force.

The Earth will never be transformed into a paradise. Life on earth is hell among people living on the wrong side of God's law. People are what will be transformed as soon as they conform to the law of God. It won't take a thousand years for there to be peace among the nations.

The transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye, as soon as you do it.

You can look and look for signs that the kingdom of God has come, but for as long as you defy the divine commands you will continue to see nothing.
So what about the people who conform to god's law but get a terrible painful cancer? Or does following god's law protect you from evil, like a cancer?
lol;... I'm not pissed or angry about anything.. Especially your inability to comprehend simple concepts. What makes no logical sense is you asking questions like why God hasn't appeared to you since you really want some proof and then when someone tells you that you have to clear out the crap in your own head that blinds you you feel insulted as if there is no crap in your head and then say stupid shit about cum dribbles kangaroos and gay Jesus like a foul and smelly pus oozing out of your defiled and contaminated mind.

You really need to try a new perfume.
LORD, Please be with the persons of Hob and Taz and help them resolve their issues, one to another, I ask in Your Only Begotten Son's Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank You LORD. Amen.

I wonder if Hob and or Taz are only English speaking, as in no other past heritage besides good ole fashion US red blood, which often times is very Conservative.

If not, maybe they would stop their silly gesturing ways of kangaroo drippings and such if they spoke to one another in their original mother tongue.

If cum dribbles kangaroo is spelled cum dribbles kangaroo in English, how do you spell it in, let's say, Russian?
hob! Come quick! This guy is even more delusional than you are!! :eek:

I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate

The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

zaan, what was Hitler thinking when he attacked Russia? Up to that point, things were going pretty smoothly from the Nazis, so who the fuck thought it was a good idea to attack Russia and think they could win? :cuckoo:
Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.

The story of Adam and Eve, like the story of Noah, is a fairy tale not a historical document. They were not the fist human beings.

There has never been a time since the creation of heaven and earth when the kingdom of God was not in full force.

The Earth will never be transformed into a paradise. Life on earth is hell among people living on the wrong side of God's law. People are what will be transformed as soon as they conform to the law of God. It won't take a thousand years for there to be peace among the nations.

The transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye, as soon as you do it.

You can look and look for signs that the kingdom of God has come, but for as long as you defy the divine commands you will continue to see nothing.

So what about the people who conform to god's law but get a terrible painful cancer? Or does following god's law protect you from evil, like a cancer?

If you conform to the divine commands you will become a "living being", a new creature, and even if you get a terrible and painful cancer you won't care because you will have already passed from death to eternal life and consequently will never know what it is to die..
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All the unanswerable questions about 'God' are a result of erroneous, childish concepts of what 'God' would be.

that is correct and their presence irrelevant for the individuals own quest in seeking life in the Everlasting ... except the religion of Antiquity is inclusive of humanity not the individual as a failure of humanity, extinction, to succeed would be inclusive in the end for everyone as then for that outcome no one would be admitted. it's all or non. save your neighbor as yourself.
Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.

The story of Adam and Eve, like the story of Noah, is a fairy tale not a historical document. They were not the fist human beings.

There has never been a time since the creation of heaven and earth when the kingdom of God was not in full force.

The Earth will never be transformed into a paradise. Life on earth is hell among people living on the wrong side of God's law. People are what will be transformed as soon as they conform to the law of God. It won't take a thousand years for there to be peace among the nations.

The transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye, as soon as you do it.

You can look and look for signs that the kingdom of God has come, but for as long as you defy the divine commands you will continue to see nothing.

So what about the people who conform to god's law but get a terrible painful cancer? Or does following god's law protect you from evil, like a cancer?

If you conform to the divine commands you will become a "living being", a new creature, and even if you get a terrible and painful cancer you won't care because you will have already passed from death to eternal life and consequently will never know what it is to die..
So people who don't find your god don't have eternal life? What happens to them? They just disappear?
Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.

The story of Adam and Eve, like the story of Noah, is a fairy tale not a historical document. They were not the fist human beings.

There has never been a time since the creation of heaven and earth when the kingdom of God was not in full force.

The Earth will never be transformed into a paradise. Life on earth is hell only among people living on the wrong side of God's law. People are what will be transformed as soon as they conform to the law of God. It won't take a thousand years for there to be peace among the nations.

The transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye, as soon as they do it.

People can look and look for signs that the kingdom of God has come, but for as long as they continue to defy the divine commands they will continue to see nothing.

God said those things occurred. Not a wise place to be standing.

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