Why does the right think the American leftwing political ideology relates to Marxism or communism?

You guys cite this “control the means of production” without actually knowing what it means. Do you notice how Biden isn’t suggesting we get rid of private corporations?
Parsing words... "control" is done by many means... When you have corporate cronies doing your bidding, why would you dissolve those controlling and doing your bidding?
Oh political suicide huh? So in other words he doesn’t actually have communist policies. You’re just saying that’s what he wants. And no, you can’t say that making LAWS is communist simply because you don’t like them. You’re essentially saying that laws against murder and rape are communist simply because the federal government makes them illegal.
No again you miscomprehend. He will never SAY it but his policies show it. I never said making laws is Communist. Try to stop lying....if you can.
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No again you mis comprhend. He will never SAY it but his policies show it. I never said making laws is Communist. Try to stop lying....if you can.
You didn’t say making laws was communist, but you didn’t explain what makes mask mandates communist. If the “central government” making laws is communist, then you would have to explain why making murder illegal is communist.
You didn’t say making laws was communist, but you didn’t explain what makes mask mandates communist. If the “central government” making laws is communist, then you would have to explain why making murder illegal is communist.
Then why did you say that? Comparing mask mandates to laws against murder is so ridiculous as to be loony. If that's all ya got, I suggest you stand down, take your ball and go home.
Not defending capitalism is evidence enough. Calls for equality and equity is also revealing. Sounds like:

"From each according to his ability to each according to his need." -Karl Marx
“To each according to needs” comes from the Book of Acts documenting the practices of early Christian communities in Jerusalem. In the Book of Acts, believers “were together and had all things in common” and sold their possessions and distributed the proceeds within the community “as any had needs.”
In “Voyage en Icarie,” Cabet tells of a fictional community who practice similar communal living arrangements. He later went to the U.S. and founded a number of “Icarian communities” in the second half of the 19th century, that practiced communal ownership of goods and were governed by egalitarian ideals.
“From each according to ability,” is likewise found in the Book of Acts: “So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea.” Cabet and Blanc both construed this phrase as a call for Christian servitude. They believed society to be a cooperative venture in which people of means should contribute more.
Then why did you say that? Comparing mask mandates to laws against murder is so ridiculous as to be loony. If that's all ya got, I suggest you stand down, take your ball and go home.
You said the central government making laws is communist. If that’s not what you meant, then explain it lol. You did not make a distinguishing point that explains why mask mandates is communism. You simply referred to central government control. An entity that also makes murder illegal.
Do you notice how no one on the American left ever actually talks about communism or Marxism being concepts the US should embrace? For whatever reason, republicans are convinced this is the case. Why I have no idea. We certainly won’t ever talk about abolishing capitalism, specifically.
Because it does, you slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker.
What specific democrat policies are communist?

Glad you asked, 000IQ....

How about you take a look at the aims of the Communist Party, USA, and the aims of the modern Democrat Party.

Watch, and note the consubstantial basis of both the aims of the Communist Party and the Democrat Party:

......it is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.
10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

And this:

"Government control of private sector activity...is aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....

....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism.... Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]
“To each according to needs” comes from the Book of Acts documenting the practices of early Christian communities in Jerusalem. In the Book of Acts, believers “were together and had all things in common” and sold their possessions and distributed the proceeds within the community “as any had needs.”
In “Voyage en Icarie,” Cabet tells of a fictional community who practice similar communal living arrangements. He later went to the U.S. and founded a number of “Icarian communities” in the second half of the 19th century, that practiced communal ownership of goods and were governed by egalitarian ideals.
“From each according to ability,” is likewise found in the Book of Acts: “So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea.” Cabet and Blanc both construed this phrase as a call for Christian servitude. They believed society to be a cooperative venture in which people of means should contribute more.
Religious communites do not equate to the Federal Government. In America, folks are free to practice their own religion but NOT free to make every one else adhere to their beliefs.
What specific democrat policies are communist?

Get ready to celebrate, Billy 000IQ.......tomorrow is an anniversary: May 22,1977 Jimmy Carter gave a speech exhorting Americans to abandon their “inordinate fear of Communism.”

Get it.....it was your order to embrace communism.....by the Democrat President.
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Also, are you suggesting satan actually exists?

How do you personify evil????

1. Now Democrats are planning on killing Supreme Court Justices and their clerks if abortion is turned over to the states:

DHS braces for violence after Roe leak, probes threats to burn ...

https://www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-10829117

Threats include burning down or storming the Supreme Court building as well as murdering justices and their clerks. There are also threats ...

2. And if that NAKBA occurs.....and Democrats may have to travel a few miles to kill kids,....

Blue states expand who can provide abortions as they brace ...

https://www.politico.com › news › 2022/05/17 › states-...

Furthering the crunch, states like Kansas and Indiana have laws on the books saying that only a physician can perform an abortion. Others, such ...

Looks like they'll let....maybe....Uber drives give abortions.....maybe in 7-11s so there is 24-hour access.....or drive-throughs.

3. Whoopi sure entertained me with this "memory" of hers:

🌐 Whoopi Goldberg gives fiery speech on 'The View' about abortion amid ...yahoo.com› entertainment › whoopi-goldberg-the-view-scotus-leak-abortion-164542128.html
Goldberg continued, "Well, we got tired of tripping over women in bathrooms, public bathrooms, who were giving themselves abortions because there was nowhere safe, nowhere clean, nowhere to go....

I really don't recall having to do that hop, skip and jump.....but, she is a bit older than moi.

4. Testimony at a hearing in Congress yesterday, just to check all the boxes:

“Systemic barriers, racism and white supremacy are at the roots of both our maternal health crisis and our abortion access crisis,” Robinson said."

Alabama’s Dr. Yashica Robinson tells Congress: ‘Abortion is essential health care’

"It is undeniable that without access to abortion, maternal mortality rates will continue to rise," Robinson testified Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee.

5. Democrats.....don't forget to get your check in to Planned Parenthood....and get the new bumper sticker "Kill Your Kid....Ask Me How!"
Religious communites do not equate to the Federal Government. In America, folks are free to practice their own religion but NOT free to make every one else adhere to their beliefs.
Lol. Way to ignore the origins of the phrase under discussion.
The right wing loons attracted to this thread are determined to prove the OP's point.
“To each according to needs” comes from the Book of Acts documenting the practices of early Christian communities in Jerusalem. In the Book of Acts, believers “were together and had all things in common” and sold their possessions and distributed the proceeds within the community “as any had needs.”
In “Voyage en Icarie,” Cabet tells of a fictional community who practice similar communal living arrangements. He later went to the U.S. and founded a number of “Icarian communities” in the second half of the 19th century, that practiced communal ownership of goods and were governed by egalitarian ideals.
“From each according to ability,” is likewise found in the Book of Acts: “So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea.” Cabet and Blanc both construed this phrase as a call for Christian servitude. They believed society to be a cooperative venture in which people of means should contribute more.

The Bible does not endorse socialism, or communism.

An accurate understanding of the Bible requires the distinction between 'redistribution' and 'generosity.'

"Some people conclude from these verses that the Bible supports government-enforced wealth redistribution. But what these verses really show is that the Bible advocates generosity.

These are two very different concepts.
Generosity springs from free will....not force, coercion, or threats.

The motivation to give and share originates in compassion, as 1 John 3:17 indicates—but there is choice involved.

With socialism, it is the opposite.
Redistribution of wealth is always by force of government. The government simply uses its overwhelming power to take what it thinks is “fair” from the “givers.” Is God a Socialist?

Generosity is based on choice....on free will....the cornerstone of Judeo-Christian tradition.
Not so with any of these six: Socialism, Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism

And this is the face of government coercion.....

Under the Bolsheviks, the dynasty with which Franklin Roosevelt felt comradeship, slaughter was so omnipresent that corpse-disposal actually became a problem.

There was resistance to the Lefts mandate of collectivism, especially in the Ukraine.
September 11, 1932, Stalin wrote to his assistant, 'We must take steps so we do not lose the Ukraine.' So, 1932-1933, all food supplies in the Ukraine were confiscated.

Those who tried to leave were shot, those who remained, starved to death. Men, women, children. They died tortuously slowly.
NKVD squads collected the dead. They received 200 grams of bread for every dead body they delivered; often they didn't wait until the victim was dead.
The right wing loons attracted to this thread are determined to prove the OP's point.
The OP has no point.

The only loons around here are the ones trying to deny commies are actually commies

Hey - I don't care what you CALL yourselves, you're still the same miserable human beings

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