Why Does the Right Hate Obama?


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
Now, I'm not an Obama lover. I voted for him, but that's because I voted against McCain-Palin. Obama was, for me, just the lesser of two evils. But I'm curious. People whose political perspective falls more to the Conservative side of the political spectrum really hate Obama. I'm a little confused about this because the man hasn't even been in office long enough for his policy changes to have any real results. The Right is screaming about his budget, but I think back to Bush II and see that he did A LOT of spending too. Why wasn't the Right screaming then?

Some people are 100%, fanatically certain that his policies will fail and even want them to (Why? I don't know. What kind of national pride is that? If he can jump start the economy - and I'm not saying he will - but if he does, then what will those who want him to fail think then?). You can espouse your fiscally conservative policies all you want, but Japan did the same thing in the 1990's that Obama is doing now and it "worked". You might hate his policies, but they haven't even had a chance to make an impact yet. I've heard people angry over the bail-outs as though Obama is the originator of the bail-outs. Its like they forgot that Bush II ended his term bailing out the banks and Wallstreet.

He hasn't started any wars. He's getting us out of an unpopular invasion of a sovereign nation which became a political quagmire for the Bush Administration. He's attempting to fix the problems that Bush II's policies encountered either by tweaking the policies or scrapping them and starting over (using research-based evidence). He's a Christian but is constantly called a Muslim by rightwing extremists. He's not a socialist despite what rightwing extremists might think. For liberals Obama isn't even very liberal, he's way more Moderate or middle of the road, but Conservatives cry communist and socialist every time he talks about health care (which, according to his plan, isn't even socialist - it isn't free for all citizens).

I wonder if it has to do with partisanship, with political propaganda, with team spirit-rivalry, with Obama's race, and with social pressures (i.e. Obama is so popular with the media and has become an icon of popular culture here and around the world that I wonder if some people are just reacting to it negatively - which I can understand to a ceratin degree).

Anyway, for those who hate the new POTUS, here's thread for you to let the left know why.
I have zero use for BO because he is yet another machine politics guy that believs in tax and spend, huge government and curtailing freedoms, just as did the guy he replaced.

Of the last ticket, BO was far from the lesser of evils, a GoP POTUS with a DEM House and senate would have brought some balence, instead we have free wheeling spending and a virtual dictatorship by 54% of the registered voters over the nation.

Not good.
why dos the left always equate disagreement with hate?

I didn't mean "Why does the Right disagree with Obama?" because that is pretty self-evident. I guess I could've written "Why Is There Such A Strong Negative Reaction From The Right Regarding President Obama That Seems Blur The Border Between Strong Dislike and Hatred?" but I figured that was more than just cumbersome and awkward.

And your post demonstrates a common blanket misinterpretation of the Left.
because they hated bush...........i don't know is that a trick question....

As a liberal, yes, I hated Bush. Most liberals saw Bush as a fascist, greedy, war-mongering, ignorant, stupid, hypocritical, titular head of an even more terrible group composed of Karl Rove (who used divisive politics to benefit his agendas), Dick Cheney and the rest of the militant Bush Sr. administration who wanted to start wars over oil resources partly because their share-holdings in (corrupt and unethical) defense contracting companies like Halliburton and oil companies would have huge returns (and whattaya know? They did!), and the perceived proponents of racism, sexism, religious rightwing fanaticism in the GOP such as Pat Roberts, Dr. Dobson, Focus of the Family, the KKK (who notoriously votes Republican), etc. etc.

Bush Jr. might not have been, in GOP retrospect, a fiscal conservative, but he was a social and religious conservative and, despite what he said, practiced divisive politics.
I have zero use for BO because he is yet another machine politics guy that believs in tax and spend, huge government and curtailing freedoms, just as did the guy he replaced.

Of the last ticket, BO was far from the lesser of evils, a GoP POTUS with a DEM House and senate would have brought some balence, instead we have free wheeling spending and a virtual dictatorship by 54% of the registered voters over the nation.

Not good.

But you wouldn't say that you strongly dislike or hate him? Your response seems to show that you wouldn't fit the description of people who hold opinions like those I described in the OP.
But you wouldn't say that you strongly dislike or hate him? Your response seems to show that you wouldn't fit the description of people who hold opinions like those I described in the OP.
His tactics worry me, from copying Nazi campaign practices of the late 1920s to his total repudiation of major campaign planks.

I didn't trust him from the start and as events are showing that opinion was well justified.
because they hated bush...........i don't know is that a trick question....

As a liberal, yes, I hated Bush. Most liberals saw Bush as a fascist, greedy, war-mongering, ignorant, stupid, hypocritical, titular head of an even more terrible group composed of Karl Rove (who used divisive politics to benefit his agendas), Dick Cheney and the rest of the militant Bush Sr. administration who wanted to start wars over oil resources partly because their share-holdings in (corrupt and unethical) defense contracting companies like Halliburton and oil companies would have huge returns (and whattaya know? They did!), and the perceived proponents of racism, sexism, religious rightwing fanaticism in the GOP such as Pat Roberts, Dr. Dobson, Focus of the Family, the KKK (who notoriously votes Republican), etc. etc.

Bush Jr. might not have been, in GOP retrospect, a fiscal conservative, but he was a social and religious conservative and, despite what he said, practiced divisive politics.

funny....i could replace obama and co names in there and not have to change much.....
Now, I'm not an Obama lover. I voted for him, but that's because I voted against McCain-Palin. Obama was, for me, just the lesser of two evils. But I'm curious. People whose political perspective falls more to the Conservative side of the political spectrum really hate Obama. I'm a little confused about this because the man hasn't even been in office long enough for his policy changes to have any real results. The Right is screaming about his budget, but I think back to Bush II and see that he did A LOT of spending too. Why wasn't the Right screaming then?

Some people are 100%, fanatically certain that his policies will fail and even want them to (Why? I don't know. What kind of national pride is that? If he can jump start the economy - and I'm not saying he will - but if he does, then what will those who want him to fail think then?). You can espouse your fiscally conservative policies all you want, but Japan did the same thing in the 1990's that Obama is doing now and it "worked". You might hate his policies, but they haven't even had a chance to make an impact yet. I've heard people angry over the bail-outs as though Obama is the originator of the bail-outs. Its like they forgot that Bush II ended his term bailing out the banks and Wallstreet.

He hasn't started any wars. He's getting us out of an unpopular invasion of a sovereign nation which became a political quagmire for the Bush Administration. He's attempting to fix the problems that Bush II's policies encountered either by tweaking the policies or scrapping them and starting over (using research-based evidence). He's a Christian but is constantly called a Muslim by rightwing extremists. He's not a socialist despite what rightwing extremists might think. For liberals Obama isn't even very liberal, he's way more Moderate or middle of the road, but Conservatives cry communist and socialist every time he talks about health care (which, according to his plan, isn't even socialist - it isn't free for all citizens).

I wonder if it has to do with partisanship, with political propaganda, with team spirit-rivalry, with Obama's race, and with social pressures (i.e. Obama is so popular with the media and has become an icon of popular culture here and around the world that I wonder if some people are just reacting to it negatively - which I can understand to a ceratin degree).

Anyway, for those who hate the new POTUS, here's thread for you to let the left know why.

Why does the left think that anyone who isn't 100% up their boy's ass as they are, they have to "hate"?

The definition of hate would be all the "Bush this or that ...." or "Palin this or that ...." threads on this board.

Oh, and PLEASE throw out the race card again. No one could dislike his politics for what they are.:cuckoo:
The economic policies Japan enacted in the 90's didn't "work." They made Japan's economy stagnant for near a decade, which is why that time period is known as Japan's "Lost Decade."

He may not have started any wars, so to speak, but he has bombed Pakistan, sent more troops to Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq is still going on.
I only dislike the fact that he (and his supporters) assert that he's for change... whereas his policies are a replica of all wrong that Bush did, and so much more. And I disliked most of Bush's policies wholeheartedly.

The failed policies of Bush rehashed with Democrats in power do not suddenly make those policies successful. Spending more money than we can afford (read: different than taxed) is the reason for a weak economy and is the reason for high unemployment. Even with the tax cuts, we are taxed way too much. Excess spending, throughout all of history, is the only reason for the downfall of the most powerful Empires and Republics. From the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, excess spending cripples economic growth and collapses the currency.

Somehow, Obama is expecting different results for when spending made us so much more poorer under Bush.

Couple that with unprecedented increases in the power of the executive branch, I fear fascism/socialism is taking a stronger than ever hold. The treasury department should not have the authority to interfere in companies it did not bail out, nor set executives pay, or anything of that sort. They should not have the right to intimidate banks, in other countries mind you, for disclosing the full financial record of people who have accounts there.

Encroaching fascism and excess spending makes me believe that this is going to be one of the worst Presidents ever.. even worse than Bush.
why dos the left always equate disagreement with hate?

because they hated bush...........i don't know is that a trick question....

funny you should say that. since obama won the election the left has gone on this crazy attack of those who did not vote for obama. racist, anti americans, bigots, no longer relevent to america, etc....

but hey, you can't just listen to obama and expect to get things done
We dont hate Obama. We just think his policies are down right dangerous. Wish they werent, but they are.

The only good thing Ive seen him do is let the Navy do what they can to fight those Pirates.
LOL. The wingnuts are scared out of their little panties because President Barak Hussein Obama shows signs of succeeding. Succeeding where the wingnuts poster child for idiocy failed.
LOL. The wingnuts are scared out of their little panties because President Barak Hussein Obama shows signs of succeeding. Succeeding where the wingnuts poster child for idiocy failed.

what has obama done that shows signs of succeeding....

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