hi. I just curious. Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield were live at the era where american doctor dont use antiseptic,nor that they accept germ theory. But what made me curious is, while Charles Leale did extend Lincoln's live for few hours , He didnt use antiseptics,as well as another doctor treat president. And when I did googling, I find nothing said that charles leale did malpractice,or some thing like that.he's a hero, because the current medicine didnt know germs theory
but William Bliss got critized because probing president garfield with unsterilized hands. Didnt until his era germs theory also not common for american doctor? whats the really difference between them two?
and,I'm also curious.how did they probe gun wounds that day? I want to see how the surgical probe look like. because the wound are not always straight.sometimes it turns right,like garfields wounds. Does the probe is elastic?And how can it extract bullets?Does it shapes like spoon?
but William Bliss got critized because probing president garfield with unsterilized hands. Didnt until his era germs theory also not common for american doctor? whats the really difference between them two?
and,I'm also curious.how did they probe gun wounds that day? I want to see how the surgical probe look like. because the wound are not always straight.sometimes it turns right,like garfields wounds. Does the probe is elastic?And how can it extract bullets?Does it shapes like spoon?