Why Do White People Vote Democrat?


May 23, 2014
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?
It's theater, not politics. Whichever party is in office, the other party plays the role of "controlled opposition" to keep the people distracted and polarized.

Then in the next election cycle they switch roles.

What? Certainly you don't think "electing" a different politician will really change anything? We'll never be able to "vote" our country out of the wreck it's become.

This experiment with "democrats" and "republicans" is a failure. The government has been infiltrated and warped by "special interests".
The people we elect forget that they are there to represent us..They forget that they work for us. they don't see themselves as"representatives", though, they see themselves as "legislators" and "lawmakers"...and they all have agendas.

Humans are flawed creatures and no matter what form of government we initiate it WILL fail (eventually) due to corruption, mismanagement and oppression.

It's the natural, inevitable course of human events.

It will be our turn again soon, it appears.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.
Why? Because it's a freedom to do so, and by your dissing and condemnation you are advocating the loss of this freedom by the mere fact that by you're opinion, you think people that do it are stupid.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.

Isn't Obama a Democrat?

Obama Invokes Prosecutorial Discretion to Circumvent Constitution and Congress

Don't look like he's very interesting in insuring the Constitution is followed.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.

Ya got is backwards
The question is more interesting than the answers. I note in passing that the OP once again misspells the name of the Democratic Party. This is intended as an insult of some childish sort and sets the tone for almost all conservative posts. When was the last time you read a conservative post that was a logical presentation of facts?

The question assumes that race is the primary issue in our politics. This assumption is doubtless correct as far as a minority of right wing bigots goes, but for most Americans there are far more pressing concerns. Talk radio hate mongers and Fox News demagogues have pulled the right wing so far from the mainstream that it has more in common with the KKK or the Stormfront skinheads that it does with the rest of us. Sad and disgusting.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.

Isn't Obama a Democrat?

Obama Invokes Prosecutorial Discretion to Circumvent Constitution and Congress

Don't look like he's very interesting in insuring the Constitution is followed.

First? This is an opinion piece.

Second? Jurisdiction of immigration is left to the Federal Government, not the states.

The President is completely correct.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

Easy question. It's like going to the zoo and seeing the neanderthals on the right side of the aisle and the more advanced species on the left.

I vote for the person, not the Party. I wish I had two choices when I entered the voting booth but the GOP is beholden to pastors who hate, politicians who do not care, contributors hell bent on converting society in a Darwinistic dream where the sick and infirmed are somehow seen as less of a person. So as long as there is one choice, I'll vote for the democrats. Not gladly but when you only have two choices...you chose the one that is closest to your position.

Maybe the GOP candidates in blue states are allowed to cast off the shackles of the ignorant and perpetually irritated but in red states, it's a race to the bottom to see who can basically shock the public to a greater degree in terms of letting businesses control their lives. Rick Perry decided he wanted very young girls to get a Gardasil shot. Gardasil prevents certain types of cancer but those predominantly spread through sexual contact. Perry was recommending compulsory shots be given to sixth grade girls--did so by Executive Order bypassing the Texas Legislature (you know, the same type of shit you guys hate about Obama).

So to recap, Ricky signed an EO that said YOUR daughter would have to get a 3 shot series in the 6th grade...to prevent a cancer almost only spread by sexual contact. Rick Perry is supposedly a conservative Republican.

Why did he do this? His former chief of Staff went to work for the company that makes Gardasil (at the time, it was patented) as a lobbyist. There is also this...

and that his chief of staff's mother-in-law, Rep. Dianne White Delisi, was the state director of an advocacy group bankrolled by Merck to push legislatures across the country to put forward bills mandating the Gardasil vaccine for preteen girls.

Read more: Rick Perry's Gardasil Problem | RealClearPolitics
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This is what the GOP stands for; force your 6th grade daughter to get a $120 series of shots (that aren't safe by the way--another topic) so that a governor's ex COS gets a nice payday. Like our current President's mismanagement of the Secret Service, the VA, the IRS and other federal institutions....it really makes you wonder what we don't know about how far the roots go.
That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.

Isn't Obama a Democrat?

Obama Invokes Prosecutorial Discretion to Circumvent Constitution and Congress

Don't look like he's very interesting in insuring the Constitution is followed.

First? This is an opinion piece.

Second? Jurisdiction of immigration is left to the Federal Government, not the states.

The President is completely correct.

So the President can bypass congress whenever he chooses?

You should try reading the Constitution you claim to follow.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?
I'm white and voting with the GOP is against my interest. Not because I'm white, but because I'm what I'd like to think of as Middle Class. I'm sure that the motivation of Black voters is the same.

What I don't understand is, why would race have anything to do with it while people of all races who are not wealthy are getting screwed by GOP policies?
Why anybody votes Democratic is beyond me be they black, white, orange, purple or green. I think voting Democratic must be an illness of some sort.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.

GOP stripping Constitutional rights. Not too bright are we.
The one that got me in 2008 was Condi Rice and Colin Powell, both life long GOP..voted for Obama based strictly on race.

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