Why Do We Allow Illegals to Enter the US?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why don't we build a fence to keep them out and patrol the waterways to prevent entry into US territory? (The answer is not a lack of technological capability.)
If we allowed thousands of Mexican children to be delivered to the Canadian border, would the Canadians be obligated to accept and care for them? (I think not.)
Why do we allow illegal immigrants? Oh, that's a real head scratcher. Profit, maybe? Just a stab in the dark. Slavery has been outlawed (darn it). Exploiting POOR people that won't call in the unions or the government, and accept poor work conditions? Call me cynical, it's a win sorta win for everybody, kind of sorta. But, when these poor poor people inevitably DO call in the Government, these rich elitist creepos pretend they are adding to the "diversity" of this country and move on like nothing happened. Heaven forfend they actually live with the consequences of their actions. No, they move as far away as possible from their neo slaves. Remote locations , as far away as possible from the creeps they employ. That says something right there.
Why do we allow illegal immigrants? Oh, that's a real head scratcher. Profit, maybe? Just a stab in the dark. Slavery has been outlawed (darn it). Exploiting POOR people that won't call in the unions or the government, and accept poor work conditions? Call me cynical, it's a win sorta win for everybody, kind of sorta. But, when these poor poor people inevitably DO call in the Government, these rich elitist creepos pretend they are adding to the "diversity" of this country and move on like nothing happened. Heaven forfend they actually live with the consequences of their actions. No, they move as far away as possible from their neo slaves. Remote locations , as far away as possible from the creeps they employ. That says something right there.

So, once again...why won't the left close the border and solve all those problems?

They want cheap, underpaid labor who will depend on the government for subsidies...therefore they will vote for the party that gives the most free stuff.

Close the border...deport illegals...unemployment will drop and wages will rise....of course the left won't be able to stay in power if they lose their base.
To keep Hispanics happy so they keep voting Democrat.
A good source of cheap labor...

Both sides seem to like our open borders.
Why do we allow illegal immigrants? Oh, that's a real head scratcher. Profit, maybe? Just a stab in the dark. Slavery has been outlawed (darn it). Exploiting POOR people that won't call in the unions or the government, and accept poor work conditions? Call me cynical, it's a win sorta win for everybody, kind of sorta. But, when these poor poor people inevitably DO call in the Government, these rich elitist creepos pretend they are adding to the "diversity" of this country and move on like nothing happened. Heaven forfend they actually live with the consequences of their actions. No, they move as far away as possible from their neo slaves. Remote locations , as far away as possible from the creeps they employ. That says something right there.

You're close. Don't forget that Corporate America LOVES an unemployment rate of about 8%. Keeps them from having to pay hiring bonuses and it keeps the peons at their work stations in both fear and gratitude.

When the "immigration problem" is solved, labor costs will go up. That's why the moneyed interests keep shutting it down using any politicians who'll take their ca$h.
To keep Hispanics happy so they keep voting Democrat.
A good source of cheap labor...

Both sides seem to like our open borders.


That's the problem with our corrupted 2 party system packed with career politicians.

It'll collapse eventually.
A fence is of no use when zionists in the state department import Somalians and other savages and then have US taxpayers finance their expenses.
The border doesn't need to be closed. We need to return to not requiring Visas from our continental neighbors and let them come and go as they please.
Why do we allow illegal immigrants? Oh, that's a real head scratcher. Profit, maybe? Just a stab in the dark. Slavery has been outlawed (darn it). Exploiting POOR people that won't call in the unions or the government, and accept poor work conditions? Call me cynical, it's a win sorta win for everybody, kind of sorta. But, when these poor poor people inevitably DO call in the Government, these rich elitist creepos pretend they are adding to the "diversity" of this country and move on like nothing happened. Heaven forfend they actually live with the consequences of their actions. No, they move as far away as possible from their neo slaves. Remote locations , as far away as possible from the creeps they employ. That says something right there.

So, once again...why won't the left close the border and solve all those problems?

They want cheap, underpaid labor who will depend on the government for subsidies...therefore they will vote for the party that gives the most free stuff.

Close the border...deport illegals...unemployment will drop and wages will rise....of course the left won't be able to stay in power if they lose their base.

Good question................why won't the left close the border and solve all those problems? Well, for starters we have a large border, and none of the Republicans are willing to make it stronger, because it costs a lot of money. Incidentally, Obama has deported many more illegals than Jr. ever thought of doing.

People who want cheap underpaid labor depending on the government for subsidies? Have you ever heard of Wal-Mart and the poor wages they pay them? If Wal-Mart paid a living wage, most of those who are "depending on the government for subsidies" would melt away. Wal-Mart is responsible for several hundred thousand people sucking off of the government's teat (as you Republicans state it so succinctly) because they don't pay a living wage.

And..................do you REALLY think that the largest employer of Americans is going to pay more than they have to?

It's not about the workers anymore, it's about the stockholders and those who are making money off the backs of those that actually do something for this country.

I mean.....................how many people has Mitt Romney helped?

Better question to ask would be how many jobs has he outsourced to other countries?
Why do we allow illegal immigrants? Oh, that's a real head scratcher. Profit, maybe? Just a stab in the dark. Slavery has been outlawed (darn it). Exploiting POOR people that won't call in the unions or the government, and accept poor work conditions? Call me cynical, it's a win sorta win for everybody, kind of sorta. But, when these poor poor people inevitably DO call in the Government, these rich elitist creepos pretend they are adding to the "diversity" of this country and move on like nothing happened. Heaven forfend they actually live with the consequences of their actions. No, they move as far away as possible from their neo slaves. Remote locations , as far away as possible from the creeps they employ. That says something right there.

So, once again...why won't the left close the border and solve all those problems?

They want cheap, underpaid labor who will depend on the government for subsidies...therefore they will vote for the party that gives the most free stuff.

Close the border...deport illegals...unemployment will drop and wages will rise....of course the left won't be able to stay in power if they lose their base.

Good question................why won't the left close the border and solve all those problems? Well, for starters we have a large border, and none of the Republicans are willing to make it stronger, because it costs a lot of money. Incidentally, Obama has deported many more illegals than Jr. ever thought of doing.

People who want cheap underpaid labor depending on the government for subsidies? Have you ever heard of Wal-Mart and the poor wages they pay them? If Wal-Mart paid a living wage, most of those who are "depending on the government for subsidies" would melt away. Wal-Mart is responsible for several hundred thousand people sucking off of the government's teat (as you Republicans state it so succinctly) because they don't pay a living wage.

And..................do you REALLY think that the largest employer of Americans is going to pay more than they have to?

It's not about the workers anymore, it's about the stockholders and those who are making money off the backs of those that actually do something for this country.

I mean.....................how many people has Mitt Romney helped?

Better question to ask would be how many jobs has he outsourced to other countries?

I see....you're wrapped up in the fantasy that the two parties are different and "your" party and "your" politicians are "better" than the others.

Ok....that's fine.

There's no point in trying to have a discussion with a partisan. I already know the script.


I don't give a flip which party does it. I want more action and less rhetoric.
I want the borders closed and enforced.
No more cheap labor flooding in to displace americans...no more cheap labor for companies to exploit...

Do you want the border closed? Why? or why not?
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The border doesn't need to be closed. We need to return to not requiring Visas from our continental neighbors and let them come and go as they please.

No. That's stupid...you need to keep people out who are criminals, insane or diseased.

An open border will allow someone to sneak something VERY VERY bad across one of these days (besides drugs and guns)...and then you'll see a real clampdown on civil rights....all in the name of "security", of course.
A government that refuses to secure its own borders cannot justify gathering metadata on each and every citizen "in order to ensure national security."

I like theses basic Mexican rules for border and immigration control.
Tell me why you don't like them?

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the
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The border doesn't need to be closed. We need to return to not requiring Visas from our continental neighbors and let them come and go as they please.

Then people in America will end up living like people in third world countries, living in cages like they do in Hong Kong, or coffin size apartments like they do in Japan, or simply out in the streets like they do in Mexico or Cambodia.

you probably also don't believe in welfare.

So if the government is not subsidizing the poor and Americans have to compete with cheap imported labor from third world countries thus dragging wages down below current minimum wage, which you also probably want abolished, then how do you expect the American poor to survive? Or do you care whether they survive or not?
The problem is the Democrats want the votes and think these aliens will more than make up for the loss of votes they'll get via unions and Americans who will lose their jobs to the aliens when they stop voting Democrat.

The Republicans want the cheap labor.

The Libertarians want a Darwinistic world where the poor die and the strong excel. But they don't understand that the strong don't always excel and sometimes become the poor that die. Nor do they care.

Where is the humanitarian party? Where is the party of Common Sense? Where is the party that will represent the majority of the Americans, who have to compete with these aliens for jobs and thus survival? Where is that party?

Maybe we do need a revolution.
One side of the isle needs to replenish it's base of supporters and the other side is just greedy. When it gets this bad that our southern border is just plain wide open you can only imagine what is creeping across it. A wide open border could allow people in that want to kill Americans. If another 9-11 happens our feckless politicians in DC will just go to the steps of the house of representatives, and call out the media to watch them hold hands and sing God Bless America...again.
I don't hear any right wingers. screaming to send ted cruz's illegal alien father back to cuba. Wonder why.
I don't hear any right wingers. screaming to send ted cruz's illegal alien father back to cuba. Wonder why.

I wonder why you are polluting this forum with idiotic comments. Is immigration policy just too complicated for your tiny brain?

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