Why do Republicans admire Putin?

7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
It's not just the big things, which I will mention, it's also the little things.
Remember when Putin stole a SuperBowl Ring? Here's the story from the victim:
Here's how Kraft described the incident to the New York Post:

“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”

So to prevent an international incident, this is how it was spun:

In June 2005, while hosting a group of American businessmen in St Petersburg, Putin pocketed the 124-diamond Super Bowl ring of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. He had asked to see it, tried it on, allegedly said, ''I could kill someone with this'', then stuck it in his pocket and left the room abruptly. After a flurry of articles in the US press, Kraft announced a few days later that the ring had been a gift - preventing an uncomfortable situation from spiraling out of control.
Putin is evil. From little things to much bigger things. He has committed so many crimes over so many years, it's impossible to name even a small portion.
At the beginning of his presidency, Putin gained support for his tough response to a series of devastating bombings on apartment buildings in Russia reportedly by terrorists in Chechnya and Dagestan. However, there's been a long-running, and somewhat credible, rumor that the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) engineered the bombings as a "false flag" to garner support for Putin and a new war in Chechnya.

In the 1980s, during his time as a KGB agent in East Germany, German intelligence reports described him as a"philanderer and a wife-beater."

Why the Weapon Used to Destroy Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Nearly Guarantees Putin’s Guilt

Does Vladimir Putin kill journalists?

Dozens of journalists murdered since Putin became "king".

Russia is a dangerous place for wealthy businessmen. Seems they keep dying and leaving their money to Putin. It's estimated he's somehow grown a fortune of 70 billion dollars.
I think in Trump's world, it's not how Putin got it, it's that he got it. A philosophy shared by most Republicans. It's why they don't mind Trump stiffing his employees and hiring illegals.


If anyone wants to add anything, feel free.

Why does our president polish the Iranian Ayatollah's knob...and then pay him billions. Most expensive blow jobs in our history.
An absolute bargain compared with the war and occupation of Iran republicans have been thirsting over for decades. They will never forgive Obama for robbing them of another patriotic war for freedom, otherwise known as crude oil.

Your are lumping all republicans in with neo-cons.

And ignoring the fact that the non-interventionalist Trump has won the Republican Party.

And save your "blood for oil" conspiracy theories for the Rubber Room.
Putin loves the country he leads; our guy -- not so much
Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

You confused him with Hillary, who murdered Seth Rich.
I know exactly who he is, what he does and why you love him. You can't help it. Conservatives are hard-wired to respond favorably to iron fist authoritarians.
Seek help,then find a real conservative,get him/her what is going on
WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Seriously? I can remember when conservatives used to be halfway reasonable people, not these hateful, rage-filled yokels constantly bitching about shit.

Apparently real conservatives are Republicans who quietly sat on their hands as their party was actively recruiting the people who make up the Republican party today. And not until now, when it is obvious they've lost their party are they pointing at this politically perverse bunch and claiming to be the real conservatives.

The GOP has two types of conservatives. The fucknuts you see on this board who praise Putin and the whimps who gave them their party.
As a Conservative I don't admire Putin although I understand he is a strong leader and has no respect for this weak idiot President we have.

I also think that Obama and Crooked Hillary are pieces of shit.

The two are not connected to one another.
Putin loves the country he leads; our guy -- not so much
Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
I always listen, it's how I detect bullshit. This Idea that Putin loves his country is puzzling, No dictator loves his people, they are but pawns and tools for his self aggrandizement.
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
It's not just the big things, which I will mention, it's also the little things.
Remember when Putin stole a SuperBowl Ring? Here's the story from the victim:
Here's how Kraft described the incident to the New York Post:

“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”

So to prevent an international incident, this is how it was spun:

In June 2005, while hosting a group of American businessmen in St Petersburg, Putin pocketed the 124-diamond Super Bowl ring of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. He had asked to see it, tried it on, allegedly said, ''I could kill someone with this'', then stuck it in his pocket and left the room abruptly. After a flurry of articles in the US press, Kraft announced a few days later that the ring had been a gift - preventing an uncomfortable situation from spiraling out of control.
Putin is evil. From little things to much bigger things. He has committed so many crimes over so many years, it's impossible to name even a small portion.
At the beginning of his presidency, Putin gained support for his tough response to a series of devastating bombings on apartment buildings in Russia reportedly by terrorists in Chechnya and Dagestan. However, there's been a long-running, and somewhat credible, rumor that the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) engineered the bombings as a "false flag" to garner support for Putin and a new war in Chechnya.

In the 1980s, during his time as a KGB agent in East Germany, German intelligence reports described him as a"philanderer and a wife-beater."

Why the Weapon Used to Destroy Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Nearly Guarantees Putin’s Guilt

Does Vladimir Putin kill journalists?

Dozens of journalists murdered since Putin became "king".

Russia is a dangerous place for wealthy businessmen. Seems they keep dying and leaving their money to Putin. It's estimated he's somehow grown a fortune of 70 billion dollars.
I think in Trump's world, it's not how Putin got it, it's that he got it. A philosophy shared by most Republicans. It's why they don't mind Trump stiffing his employees and hiring illegals.


If anyone wants to add anything, feel free.

Why does our president polish the Iranian Ayatollah's knob...and then pay him billions. Most expensive blow jobs in our history.
An absolute bargain compared with the war and occupation of Iran republicans have been thirsting over for decades. They will never forgive Obama for robbing them of another patriotic war for freedom, otherwise known as crude oil.

Your are lumping all republicans in with neo-cons.

And ignoring the fact that the non-interventionalist Trump has won the Republican Party.

And save your "blood for oil" conspiracy theories for the Rubber Room.
Non-interventionist? Have been listening to your messiah lately?
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
It's not just the big things, which I will mention, it's also the little things.
Remember when Putin stole a SuperBowl Ring? Here's the story from the victim:
Here's how Kraft described the incident to the New York Post:

“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”

So to prevent an international incident, this is how it was spun:

In June 2005, while hosting a group of American businessmen in St Petersburg, Putin pocketed the 124-diamond Super Bowl ring of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. He had asked to see it, tried it on, allegedly said, ''I could kill someone with this'', then stuck it in his pocket and left the room abruptly. After a flurry of articles in the US press, Kraft announced a few days later that the ring had been a gift - preventing an uncomfortable situation from spiraling out of control.
Putin is evil. From little things to much bigger things. He has committed so many crimes over so many years, it's impossible to name even a small portion.
At the beginning of his presidency, Putin gained support for his tough response to a series of devastating bombings on apartment buildings in Russia reportedly by terrorists in Chechnya and Dagestan. However, there's been a long-running, and somewhat credible, rumor that the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) engineered the bombings as a "false flag" to garner support for Putin and a new war in Chechnya.

In the 1980s, during his time as a KGB agent in East Germany, German intelligence reports described him as a"philanderer and a wife-beater."

Why the Weapon Used to Destroy Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Nearly Guarantees Putin’s Guilt

Does Vladimir Putin kill journalists?

Dozens of journalists murdered since Putin became "king".

Russia is a dangerous place for wealthy businessmen. Seems they keep dying and leaving their money to Putin. It's estimated he's somehow grown a fortune of 70 billion dollars.
I think in Trump's world, it's not how Putin got it, it's that he got it. A philosophy shared by most Republicans. It's why they don't mind Trump stiffing his employees and hiring illegals.


If anyone wants to add anything, feel free.

Russian expert and outstanding author, Amy Knight, has some great books on the rise of Russian despots....including Putin. Worth a read.
Although I find his policies, both domestic and international, reprehensible, I can't help but acknowledge his savvy and effectiveness. He is out to make Russia "great" again for his people, and he is succeeding.
No he's not. Russia's economy is suffering due to massive scamming, lack of investment and mismanagement. All his nationalistic bullshit is just a distraction from the fact that the whole country is an organized crime operation.
Although I find his policies, both domestic and international, reprehensible, I can't help but acknowledge his savvy and effectiveness. He is out to make Russia "great" again for his people, and he is succeeding.
No he's not. Russia's economy is suffering due to massive scamming, lack of investment and mismanagement. All his nationalistic bullshit is just a distraction from the fact that the whole country is an organized crime operation.
His "nationalistic bullshit" has brought the Crimea back to Russia and made the country a player that can no longer ignored. You are doubtlessly ignorant of Russian history since the break up of the USSR. If you were you wouldn't post such drivel.
Putin loves the country he leads; our guy -- not so much

Yes if only Obama would have committed to giving his country the sort of lovin' Putin is administering to Russia on the daily...:rolleyes:

For example, Obama is about to leave office at the end of his 8 years, but if he had the true Putin grade love for his country he would put in a puppet for a few years to keep the seat warm and then resume the throne.
You mean like the Hildabeast to continue his third term?
Although I find his policies, both domestic and international, reprehensible, I can't help but acknowledge his savvy and effectiveness. He is out to make Russia "great" again for his people, and he is succeeding.
No he's not. Russia's economy is suffering due to massive scamming, lack of investment and mismanagement. All his nationalistic bullshit is just a distraction from the fact that the whole country is an organized crime operation.
His "nationalistic bullshit" has brought the Crimea back to Russia and made the country a player that can no longer ignored. You are doubtlessly ignorant of Russian history since the break up of the USSR. If you were you wouldn't post such drivel.
The Ukraine/Crimea thing has been an economic disaster for Russia. Why are you defending this man?
Putin loves the country he leads; our guy -- not so much
Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
I always listen, it's how I detect bullshit. This Idea that Putin loves his country is puzzling, No dictator loves his people, they are but pawns and tools for his self aggrandizement.

You are making TWO assumptions.

1. That your premise that a dictator cannot love his country.


2. That republicans AGREE with you.

I see no contradiction between seeking self aggrandizement and loving his country.

Thus, my opinion of Putin is not bullshit.

It MAY be WRONG, but it is sincere.

That bit, where you assume that your premise is true AND that everyone agrees with you?

And then you judge people based on that?

That is you having a closed mind.

And it gave you an excuse to interpret the actions of your enemies in a way to smear them and dismiss anything they have to say.
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
It's not just the big things, which I will mention, it's also the little things.
Remember when Putin stole a SuperBowl Ring? Here's the story from the victim:
Here's how Kraft described the incident to the New York Post:

“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”

So to prevent an international incident, this is how it was spun:

In June 2005, while hosting a group of American businessmen in St Petersburg, Putin pocketed the 124-diamond Super Bowl ring of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. He had asked to see it, tried it on, allegedly said, ''I could kill someone with this'', then stuck it in his pocket and left the room abruptly. After a flurry of articles in the US press, Kraft announced a few days later that the ring had been a gift - preventing an uncomfortable situation from spiraling out of control.
Putin is evil. From little things to much bigger things. He has committed so many crimes over so many years, it's impossible to name even a small portion.
At the beginning of his presidency, Putin gained support for his tough response to a series of devastating bombings on apartment buildings in Russia reportedly by terrorists in Chechnya and Dagestan. However, there's been a long-running, and somewhat credible, rumor that the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) engineered the bombings as a "false flag" to garner support for Putin and a new war in Chechnya.

In the 1980s, during his time as a KGB agent in East Germany, German intelligence reports described him as a"philanderer and a wife-beater."

Why the Weapon Used to Destroy Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Nearly Guarantees Putin’s Guilt

Does Vladimir Putin kill journalists?

Dozens of journalists murdered since Putin became "king".

Russia is a dangerous place for wealthy businessmen. Seems they keep dying and leaving their money to Putin. It's estimated he's somehow grown a fortune of 70 billion dollars.
I think in Trump's world, it's not how Putin got it, it's that he got it. A philosophy shared by most Republicans. It's why they don't mind Trump stiffing his employees and hiring illegals.


If anyone wants to add anything, feel free.

Why does our president polish the Iranian Ayatollah's knob...and then pay him billions. Most expensive blow jobs in our history.
An absolute bargain compared with the war and occupation of Iran republicans have been thirsting over for decades. They will never forgive Obama for robbing them of another patriotic war for freedom, otherwise known as crude oil.

Your are lumping all republicans in with neo-cons.

And ignoring the fact that the non-interventionalist Trump has won the Republican Party.

And save your "blood for oil" conspiracy theories for the Rubber Room.
Non-interventionist? Have been listening to your messiah lately?

Have you?
Although I find his policies, both domestic and international, reprehensible, I can't help but acknowledge his savvy and effectiveness. He is out to make Russia "great" again for his people, and he is succeeding.
No he's not. Russia's economy is suffering due to massive scamming, lack of investment and mismanagement. All his nationalistic bullshit is just a distraction from the fact that the whole country is an organized crime operation.
His "nationalistic bullshit" has brought the Crimea back to Russia and made the country a player that can no longer ignored. You are doubtlessly ignorant of Russian history since the break up of the USSR. If you were you wouldn't post such drivel.
The Ukraine/Crimea thing has been an economic disaster for Russia. Why are you defending this man?
I have no intention of defending Putin, but I am not enough of a hack to pretend he is not an effective leader.
Putin loves the country he leads; our guy -- not so much
Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
I always listen, it's how I detect bullshit. This Idea that Putin loves his country is puzzling, No dictator loves his people, they are but pawns and tools for his self aggrandizement.

You are making TWO assumptions.

1. That your premise that a dictator cannot love his country.


2. That republicans AGREE with you.

I see no contradiction between seeking self aggrandizement and loving his country.

Thus, my opinion of Putin is not bullshit.

It MAY be WRONG, but it is sincere.

That bit, where you assume that your premise is true AND that everyone agrees with you?

And then you judge people based on that?

That is you having a closed mind.

And it gave you an excuse to interpret the actions of your enemies in a way to smear them and dismiss anything they have to say.
Why do you feel the need to defend Putin? I understand you like his authoritarian style but there can be no excuse for the things he does to his people.
The entire world respects power.

Obama is weak, projects weakness. The whole 'Red Line' thing, backing down, paying Iran a ransom...no one respects him or the US as a result.
Putin loves the country he leads; our guy -- not so much
Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
I always listen, it's how I detect bullshit. This Idea that Putin loves his country is puzzling, No dictator loves his people, they are but pawns and tools for his self aggrandizement.

You are making TWO assumptions.

1. That your premise that a dictator cannot love his country.


2. That republicans AGREE with you.

I see no contradiction between seeking self aggrandizement and loving his country.

Thus, my opinion of Putin is not bullshit.

It MAY be WRONG, but it is sincere.

That bit, where you assume that your premise is true AND that everyone agrees with you?

And then you judge people based on that?

That is you having a closed mind.

And it gave you an excuse to interpret the actions of your enemies in a way to smear them and dismiss anything they have to say.
Why do you feel the need to defend Putin? I understand you like his authoritarian style but there can be no excuse for the things he does to his people.

Why are you ignoring the very good points I made in response to your previous post?

I "defend" Putin as part of my general regard for the Truth.
7 Remarkable Stories Of Vladimir Putin Being One Of The World's Most Brutal Thugs
It's not just the big things, which I will mention, it's also the little things.
Remember when Putin stole a SuperBowl Ring? Here's the story from the victim:
Here's how Kraft described the incident to the New York Post:

“I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, ‘I can kill someone with this ring,’ ” Kraft told the crowd at Carnegie Hall’s Medal of Excellence gala at the Waldorf-Astoria.“I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out.”

So to prevent an international incident, this is how it was spun:

In June 2005, while hosting a group of American businessmen in St Petersburg, Putin pocketed the 124-diamond Super Bowl ring of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. He had asked to see it, tried it on, allegedly said, ''I could kill someone with this'', then stuck it in his pocket and left the room abruptly. After a flurry of articles in the US press, Kraft announced a few days later that the ring had been a gift - preventing an uncomfortable situation from spiraling out of control.
Putin is evil. From little things to much bigger things. He has committed so many crimes over so many years, it's impossible to name even a small portion.
At the beginning of his presidency, Putin gained support for his tough response to a series of devastating bombings on apartment buildings in Russia reportedly by terrorists in Chechnya and Dagestan. However, there's been a long-running, and somewhat credible, rumor that the FSB (the successor agency to the KGB) engineered the bombings as a "false flag" to garner support for Putin and a new war in Chechnya.

In the 1980s, during his time as a KGB agent in East Germany, German intelligence reports described him as a"philanderer and a wife-beater."

Why the Weapon Used to Destroy Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Nearly Guarantees Putin’s Guilt

Does Vladimir Putin kill journalists?

Dozens of journalists murdered since Putin became "king".

Russia is a dangerous place for wealthy businessmen. Seems they keep dying and leaving their money to Putin. It's estimated he's somehow grown a fortune of 70 billion dollars.
I think in Trump's world, it's not how Putin got it, it's that he got it. A philosophy shared by most Republicans. It's why they don't mind Trump stiffing his employees and hiring illegals.


If anyone wants to add anything, feel free.

Why does our president polish the Iranian Ayatollah's knob...and then pay him billions. Most expensive blow jobs in our history.
An absolute bargain compared with the war and occupation of Iran republicans have been thirsting over for decades. They will never forgive Obama for robbing them of another patriotic war for freedom, otherwise known as crude oil.

Your are lumping all republicans in with neo-cons.

And ignoring the fact that the non-interventionalist Trump has won the Republican Party.

And save your "blood for oil" conspiracy theories for the Rubber Room.
Non-interventionist? Have been listening to your messiah lately?

Have you?
Yeah, he is now talking about greatly expanding our presence in Iraq, Libya and Syria to fight ISIS as well as somehow launching a massive military build-up. Not the ideas that I would call non-interventionist

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