Why do polls show support for gay marriage, when the states keep rejecting it?

Christians don't get to tell everybody else what others' civil liberties are based on religion or numbers.

Marriage equality in no way affects your civil or religious liberties, Antares.

Your inability to see the real point of my post in no way surprises me....you never have proven to be very bright.
Reality check, guys.

Polls and legislators and referendums etc don't count.

Civil rights cannot be abridged by popular will or democratic majority.

Of course they can, ask the Christians.

lmao,, if you are a Christian today you need the 2nd amendment to protect your first amendment
Christian's freedom of speech has not been violated in any way.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

nowhere in that amendment does it state,infer or otherwise indicate that you can say whatever you want and not have someone or a group disagree or challenge your pov.
lot's of "Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences...
Of course they can, ask the Christians.

lmao,, if you are a Christian today you need the 2nd amendment to protect your first amendment
Christian's freedom of speech has not been violated in any way.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

nowhere in that amendment does it state,infer or otherwise indicate that you can say whatever you want and not have someone or a group disagree or challenge your pov.
lot's of "Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences...

try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
lmao,, if you are a Christian today you need the 2nd amendment to protect your first amendment
Christian's freedom of speech has not been violated in any way.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

nowhere in that amendment does it state,infer or otherwise indicate that you can say whatever you want and not have someone or a group disagree or challenge your pov.
lot's of "Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences...

try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."
Christian's freedom of speech has not been violated in any way.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

nowhere in that amendment does it state,infer or otherwise indicate that you can say whatever you want and not have someone or a group disagree or challenge your pov.
lot's of "Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences...

try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

so how about we say you can only be gay privately. no public displays of affection. ah yes, the queen of the double standards has exposed herself.
Christian's freedom of speech has not been violated in any way.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

nowhere in that amendment does it state,infer or otherwise indicate that you can say whatever you want and not have someone or a group disagree or challenge your pov.
lot's of "Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences...

try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

Actually Daws, you don't have to pray in private (even though that's the way Jesus himself wants it)...you just can't disrupt class.

Because elected representatives vote however is popular and expediant to getting re-elected. Individuals vote however is right and just.

There's quite a disconnect though in polls, and how people eventually vote. During various sex scandals, most people when polled would say they're sick of the constant coverage, yet magazines, newspapers, and news broadcasts covering it experience top ratings.

My only problem with this is - where will the Gay Agenda go from there ? My guess is their energy will then be directed towards the Children and Real Families {Normal - Heterosexual}.

When other minorities got equal rights, where did they go from there?

And what form do you believe this "energy" will take?

Gay Agenda in Public Schools - Gay Media Manipulation

Or in the words of a quintessential Faggot - Michael Swift

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. .............

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. ...............

There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race .............

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. ...........

"We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. .................

"We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.

Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks..........
try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

Actually Daws, you don't have to pray in private (even though that's the way Jesus himself wants it)...you just can't disrupt class.

Here's one for the Gipper ...lmao

UM students, football players disrupt play

'bout time the shoe was on the other foot - put those faggots in their place :clap2:
Michael Swift: "Gay Revolutionary"
In 1987, Michael Swift was asked to contribute an editorial piece to GCN, an important gay community magazine, although well to the left of most American gay and lesbian opinion. A decade later this text, printed in the Congressional Record is repeatedly cited, apparently verbatim, by the religious right as evidence of the "Gay Agenda". The video Gay Rights, Special Rights, put out by Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition cites it with ominous music and picture of children. But when the religious rights cites this text, they always omit, as does the Congressional record, the vital first line, which sets the context for the piece.

This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.

Wiki: The Homosexual Agenda

A satirical article by Michael Swift which appeared in the Gay Community News in February 1987 entitled "Gay Revolutionary" describes a scenario in which homosexual men dominate American society and suppress all things heterosexual. This was reprinted in Congressional Record without the opening line: "This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."[24]

The term is sometimes used satirically as a counterfoil by people who would normally find this term offensive, such as the spoof agenda found on the Betty Bowers satirical website,[25] and when Bishop Gene Robinson declared that "Jesus is the agenda, the homosexual agenda in the Episcopal Church".[26][27] On an episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart defined the gay agenda as "gay marriage, civil rights protection, Fleet Week expanded to Fleet Year, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance for when it's raining men, Kathy Griffin to host everything and a nationwide ban on pleated pants."[28]

Does hatred make one immune to satire? :eusa_think:
Christians don't get to tell everybody else what others' civil liberties are based on religion or numbers.

Marriage equality in no way affects your civil or religious liberties, Antares.

Your inability to see the real point of my post in no way surprises me....you never have proven to be very bright.

You have no point because marriage equality does not threat Christians' civil liberties.
Christians don't get to tell everybody else what others' civil liberties are based on religion or numbers.

Marriage equality in no way affects your civil or religious liberties, Antares.

Your inability to see the real point of my post in no way surprises me....you never have proven to be very bright.

You have no point because marriage equality does not threat Christians' civil liberties.

Ironical :)
Michael Swift: "Gay Revolutionary"
In 1987, Michael Swift was asked to contribute an editorial piece to GCN, an important gay community magazine, although well to the left of most American gay and lesbian opinion. A decade later this text, printed in the Congressional Record is repeatedly cited, apparently verbatim, by the religious right as evidence of the "Gay Agenda". The video Gay Rights, Special Rights, put out by Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition cites it with ominous music and picture of children. But when the religious rights cites this text, they always omit, as does the Congressional record, the vital first line, which sets the context for the piece.

This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor.

Wiki: The Homosexual Agenda

A satirical article by Michael Swift which appeared in the Gay Community News in February 1987 entitled "Gay Revolutionary" describes a scenario in which homosexual men dominate American society and suppress all things heterosexual. This was reprinted in Congressional Record without the opening line: "This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor."[24]

The term is sometimes used satirically as a counterfoil by people who would normally find this term offensive, such as the spoof agenda found on the Betty Bowers satirical website,[25] and when Bishop Gene Robinson declared that "Jesus is the agenda, the homosexual agenda in the Episcopal Church".[26][27] On an episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart defined the gay agenda as "gay marriage, civil rights protection, Fleet Week expanded to Fleet Year, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance for when it's raining men, Kathy Griffin to host everything and a nationwide ban on pleated pants."[28]

Does hatred make one immune to satire? :eusa_think:

** The quote from Michael Swift of the Boston Gay Community News was originally satirical in nature. Nonetheless, the remarks are terrifying and should give every sane person, whether gay or straight, reason to contemplate the real motives of homosexual activism. The article in its entirety is available at Michael Swift: "Gay Revolutionary"

Gay Media Influences - Ricardo Swift

They already said that sweety
try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

so how about we say you can only be gay privately. no public displays of affection. ah yes, the queen of the double standards has exposed herself.
since I'm neither a she a queen or gay.you only wish I was, must make the name calling easier to make to make shit up.
also stop playing stupid ...if you're playing ,that is...
there are no laws prohibiting you from being Christian...
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try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

Actually Daws, you don't have to pray in private (even though that's the way Jesus himself wants it)...you just can't disrupt class.
thanks I knew that....just testing the so called christians, he also said that if you preaching or praying in public and are rebuffed to withdraw...
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