Why do people refuse to do the research?

Your fear of the facts being posted are duly noted. Please grow up.

He had books to sell and his "findings" have been debunked.

Pauling's work on vitamin C in his later years generated much controversy. He was first introduced to the concept of high-dose vitamin C by biochemist Irwin Stone in 1966. After becoming convinced of its worth, Pauling took 3 grams of vitamin C every day to prevent colds.[4] Excited by his own perceived results, he researched the clinical literature and published Vitamin C and the Common Cold in 1970. He began a long clinical collaboration with the British cancer surgeon Ewan Cameron in 1971 on the use of intravenous and oral vitamin C as cancer therapy for terminal patients.[150] Cameron and Pauling wrote many technical papers and a popular book, Cancer and Vitamin C, that discussed their observations. Pauling made vitamin C popular with the public[151] and eventually published two studies of a group of 100 allegedly terminal patients that claimed vitamin C increased survival by as much as four times compared to untreated patients.[152][153]

A re-evaluation of the claims in 1982 found that the patient groups were not actually comparable, with the vitamin C group being less sick on entry to the study, and judged to be "terminal" much earlier than the comparison group.[154] Later clinical trials conducted by the Mayo Clinic also concluded that high-dose (10,000 mg) vitamin C was no better than placebo at treating cancer and that there was no benefit to high-dose vitamin C.[155][156][157] The failure of the clinical trials to demonstrate any benefit resulted in the conclusion that vitamin C was not effective in treating cancer; the medical establishment concluded that his claims that vitamin C could prevent colds or treat cancer were quackery.

Linus Pauling - Wikipedia
Why would you post a wikiquote out of context? How about the rest of that quote?

"Pauling denounced the conclusions of these studies and handling of the final study as "fraud and deliberate misrepresentation",[159][160] and criticized the studies for using oral, rather than intravenous vitamin C[161] (which was the dosing method used for the first ten days of Pauling's original study[158]). Pauling also criticised the Mayo clinic studies because the controls were taking vitamin C during the trial, and because the duration of the treatment with vitamin C was short; Pauling advocated continued high-dose vitamin C for the rest of the cancer patient's life whereas the Mayo clinic patients in the second trial were treated with vitamin C for a median of 2.5 months.[162] The results were publicly debated at length with considerable acrimony between Pauling and Cameron, and Moertel (the lead author of the Mayo Clinic studies), with accusations of misconduct and scientific incompetence on both sides."

WOW, Pauling denounced actual medical studies that debunked his limited study. It must have really slashed book sales!
I think we can all agreed, excepting for a few miscreants and lazy f**ks^^^, that depending on establishment medicine to keep one healthy is a big mistake. As the great Dr Saul has said for years and named his wonderful website same..."DOCTOR YOURSELF....If you want something done right you have to do it yourself. This especially includes your health care."

As such it is incumbent on all of us to do the research ourselves. There is an enormous amount of information readily available to us all.

Dr Saul likes to say no one has died from an overdose of vitamins.

No Deaths from Vitamins. None.
Safety Confirmed by America's Largest Database

by Andrew W. Saul, Editor
(OMNS, Jan 3, 2017) There were no deaths whatsoever from vitamins in the year 2015. The 33rd annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins. And, there were no deaths whatsoever from vitamin A, niacin, pyridoxine (B-6) any other B-vitamin. There were no deaths from vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, or from any vitamin at all.

Zero deaths from vitamins. Want to bet this will never be on the evening news? Well, have you seen it there? And why not?

After all, over half of the U.S. population takes daily nutritional supplements. If each of those people took only one single tablet daily, that makes some 170,000,000 individual doses per day, for a total of well over 60 billion doses annually. Since many persons take far more than just one single vitamin tablet, actual consumption is considerably higher, and the safety of vitamin supplements is all the more remarkable.

It was claimed that one person died from vitamin supplements in the year 2015, according to AAPCC's interpretation of information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. That single alleged "death" was supposedly due to "Other B-Vitamins." This was claimed back in 2012 as well, with no substantiation then, either. Indeed, the AAPCC report specifically indicates no deaths from niacin (B-3) or pyridoxine (B-6). That therefore leaves folic acid, thiamine (B-1), riboflavin (B-2), biotin, pantothenic acid, and cobalamin (B-12) as the remaining B-vitamins that could be implicated. However, the safety record of these vitamins is extraordinarily good; no fatalities have ever been confirmed for any of them.

Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, repeatedly said: "No one dies from vitamins." He was right when he said it and he is still right today. The Orthomolecular Medicine News Service invites submission of specific scientific evidence conclusively demonstrating death caused by a vitamin.

Where are the bodies? There aren't any. DoctorYourself.com: Andrew Saul's Natural Health Website

That's the best you've got? NOBODY DIED? So OD on all vitamins. GOT IT! :D

Getting Too Much of Vitamins And Minerals
The health consequences of going overboard.

By Cari Nierenberg

Nowadays, everything from bottled water to orange juice seems to have souped-up levels of vitamins and minerals in it. That may sound like a way to help cover your nutritional bases, especially if your diet is less than stellar. But routinely getting an overload of vitamins and minerals can hurt you.

Too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and mild nerve damage.

While most people aren't getting megadoses, if you eat a fortified cereal at breakfast, grab an energy bar between meals, have enriched pasta for dinner, and take a daily supplement, you could easily be over the recommended daily intake of a host of nutrients.

Taking Too Many Vitamins? Side Effects of Vitamin Overdosing


Is it possible to take too much vitamin C?
Answers from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

While vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient, it's possible to have too much of it.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that supports normal growth and development and helps your body absorb iron. Because your body doesn't produce or store vitamin C, it's important to include vitamin C in your diet. For most people, an orange or a cup of strawberries, chopped red pepper, or broccoli provides enough vitamin C for the day.

For adults, the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day. Although too much dietary vitamin C is unlikely to be harmful, megadoses of vitamin C supplements might cause:
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
Remember, for most people, a healthy diet provides an adequate amount of vitamin C.
Question smarty pants...how many people OD on Big Pharma’s drugs?
Relevant Personal Experience:
Yesterday afternoon I felt a scratchy throat. Years ago when I was an uninformed moron, like some posters in this great thread, I would have suffered for 1-2 weeks with the common cold.

Thanks to the many great doctors who identified the wonders of vitamin C, I am completely healthy this morning. I consumed 30-35 grams of C (that is 30k-35k mg for the dummy in this thread) over an 8 hour period. I even further exposed my immune system by taking a 2.5 hour flight to Florida, last night.

I feel GREAT! Thank you Dr Cathcart.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm reluctant to accept it, but I think some people are just born more capable of sound reason than others. I hope that's not true, especially since its an awkward position, given that I'd include myself among those with this capability, which is an embarrassingly convenient opinion for one's ego. But I remember being a kid, noting out-of-the-box observations and having people laugh with a rather indifferent, "Ha! Yeah, that's true", but display no desire to consider the topic further. I remember one time in high school, going on an on about how amazing it was that I had no idea whether or not the desk I was sitting at existed outside my own mind, but nobody else seemed to find the notion quite as captivating. Hahahha

And this quality is much different "school smarts". I'm no genius, by any stretch. I don't think I ever read a book that wasn't forced upon me until I was in college and discovered philosophy. I had a hard time getting through comics when I was a kid. I'd skip half a MAD magazine. A friend of mine was dating this girl in high school who had perfect grades, but was remarkably dumb in casual conversation, unable to catch even the most obvious of jokes. I don't mean to insult, but bewildered stupidity was her distinguishing characteristic.

I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to.

This appeal to authority is rampant in our culture, and though we've all been subject to incessant mind control indoctrination, some can see through it better than others. Some think the doctor, the stockbroker, the president, are actually special people. That they are capable of understanding things that they, the average person, cannot. They think credentials determine truth. Obviously, we can't be experts in all fields, but we can subject the words of experts to our own evaluative process, and do a little research to back it up. But how to make people give a damn enough to do this... well, that's the big problem, isn't it?
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm reluctant to accept it, but I think some people are just born more capable of sound reason than others. I hope that's not true, especially since its an awkward position, given that I'd include myself among those with this capability, which is an embarrassingly convenient opinion for one's ego. But I remember being a kid, noting out-of-the-box observations and having people laugh with a rather indifferent, "Ha! Yeah, that's true", but display no desire to consider the topic further. I remember one time in high school, going on an on about how amazing it was that I had no idea whether or not the desk I was sitting at existed outside my own mind, but nobody else seemed to find the notion quite as captivating. Hahahha

And this quality is much different "school smarts". I'm no genius, by any stretch. I don't think I ever read a book that wasn't forced upon me until I was in college and discovered philosophy. I had a hard time getting through comics when I was a kid. I'd skip half a MAD magazine. A friend of mine was dating this girl in high school who had perfect grades, but was remarkably dumb in casual conversation, unable to catch even the most obvious of jokes. I don't mean to insult, but bewildered stupidity was her distinguishing characteristic.

I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to.

This appeal to authority is rampant in our culture, and though we've all been subject to incessant mind control indoctrination, some can see through it better than others. Some think the doctor, the stockbroker, the president, are actually special people. That they are capable of understanding things that they, the average person, cannot. They think credentials determine truth. Obviously, we can't be experts in all fields, but we can subject the words of experts to our own evaluative process, and do a little research to back it up. But how to make people give a damn enough to do this... well, that's the big problem, isn't it?
Tell your friend to research Dr Saul’s website. He has long advocated and proved in clinical trials, taking niacin will cure anxiety in most people, plus it does wonders for the heart. However if your friend is a dupe for the establishment, don’t bother.
Why can’t people advocate for whatever their folk medicine beliefs are without all the conspiracy angst?
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm reluctant to accept it, but I think some people are just born more capable of sound reason than others. I hope that's not true, especially since its an awkward position, given that I'd include myself among those with this capability, which is an embarrassingly convenient opinion for one's ego. But I remember being a kid, noting out-of-the-box observations and having people laugh with a rather indifferent, "Ha! Yeah, that's true", but display no desire to consider the topic further. I remember one time in high school, going on an on about how amazing it was that I had no idea whether or not the desk I was sitting at existed outside my own mind, but nobody else seemed to find the notion quite as captivating. Hahahha

And this quality is much different "school smarts". I'm no genius, by any stretch. I don't think I ever read a book that wasn't forced upon me until I was in college and discovered philosophy. I had a hard time getting through comics when I was a kid. I'd skip half a MAD magazine. A friend of mine was dating this girl in high school who had perfect grades, but was remarkably dumb in casual conversation, unable to catch even the most obvious of jokes. I don't mean to insult, but bewildered stupidity was her distinguishing characteristic.

I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to.

This appeal to authority is rampant in our culture, and though we've all been subject to incessant mind control indoctrination, some can see through it better than others. Some think the doctor, the stockbroker, the president, are actually special people. That they are capable of understanding things that they, the average person, cannot. They think credentials determine truth. Obviously, we can't be experts in all fields, but we can subject the words of experts to our own evaluative process, and do a little research to back it up. But how to make people give a damn enough to do this... well, that's the big problem, isn't it?
Tell your friend to research Dr Saul’s website. He has long advocated and proved in clinical trials, taking niacin will cure anxiety in most people, plus it does wonders for the heart. However if your friend is a dupe for the establishment, don’t bother.

Thank you. My friend is simply lacking the "principle of care" in his own life. He's rather apathetic. I don't think he could ever manage to research anything like this. I'm a fitness trainer, and I've tried many times to explain to him how calories and sugar work, and why drinking soda all day is making it difficult for him to lose weight, but he continues to drink soda because its free at his job, and continues to ask me what he could do to lose his gut.

About 20 years ago, after must frustration, I gave up trying to "fix" him, but will answer his questions briefly in an attempt to provide him with way out, should he choose to accept it. But I'm not banging my head against the wall anymore. He may buy niacin on my authority, but he won't stop taking the pills, as per the doctor's authority. Just no confidence at all in his own ability to reason, unless his back is firmly against the wall and he has no other choice (like when his girlfriend was robbing him blind and cheating, and after many years he finally became so inconvenienced that he told her to fuck off).
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I'm reluctant to accept it, but I think some people are just born more capable of sound reason than others. I hope that's not true, especially since its an awkward position, given that I'd include myself among those with this capability, which is an embarrassingly convenient opinion for one's ego. But I remember being a kid, noting out-of-the-box observations and having people laugh with a rather indifferent, "Ha! Yeah, that's true", but display no desire to consider the topic further. I remember one time in high school, going on an on about how amazing it was that I had no idea whether or not the desk I was sitting at existed outside my own mind, but nobody else seemed to find the notion quite as captivating. Hahahha

And this quality is much different "school smarts". I'm no genius, by any stretch. I don't think I ever read a book that wasn't forced upon me until I was in college and discovered philosophy. I had a hard time getting through comics when I was a kid. I'd skip half a MAD magazine. A friend of mine was dating this girl in high school who had perfect grades, but was remarkably dumb in casual conversation, unable to catch even the most obvious of jokes. I don't mean to insult, but bewildered stupidity was her distinguishing characteristic.

I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to.

This appeal to authority is rampant in our culture, and though we've all been subject to incessant mind control indoctrination, some can see through it better than others. Some think the doctor, the stockbroker, the president, are actually special people. That they are capable of understanding things that they, the average person, cannot. They think credentials determine truth. Obviously, we can't be experts in all fields, but we can subject the words of experts to our own evaluative process, and do a little research to back it up. But how to make people give a damn enough to do this... well, that's the big problem, isn't it?
Tell your friend to research Dr Saul’s website. He has long advocated and proved in clinical trials, taking niacin will cure anxiety in most people, plus it does wonders for the heart. However if your friend is a dupe for the establishment, don’t bother.

Thank you. My friend is simply lacking the "principle of care" in his own life. He's rather apathetic. I don't think he could ever manage to research anything like this. I'm a fitness trainer, and I've tried many times to explain to him how calories and sugar work, and why drinking soda all day is making it difficult for him to lose weight, but he continues to drink soda because its free at his job, and continues to ask me what he could do to lose his gut.

About 20 years ago, after must frustration, I gave up trying to "fix" him, but will answer his questions briefly in an attempt to provide him with way out, should he choose to accept it. But I'm not banging my head against the wall anymore. He may buy niacin on my authority, but he won't stop taking the pills, as per the doctor's authority. Just no confidence at all in his own ability to reason, unless his back is firmly against the wall and he has no other choice (like when his girlfriend was robbing him blind and cheating, and after many years he finally became so inconvenienced that he told her to fuck off).
Sadly there are way too many people like him.
How come there is so much talk of gun control???

Maybe we really need 'doctor control.'

Doctors kill 2,450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined
You mean suicide by doctor right?

No, though that's a good point. I just meant I didn't know that more people killed themselves with guns than killed other people. I wouldn't have thought that, given my mind control indoctrination which makes it seem like people are killing each other all over the place.

I don't research stats when it comes to gun rights, though I'm always blown away by them and enjoy seeing them because they always prove it's better when people have guns. The reason why I don't seek them out is because gun restrictions are fundamentally immoral, and it's a pet peeve of mine that people need to be convinced by stats when the moral question has already been answered, so I don't even go that route with them. It's like, "I'll buy in when you can prove it's better" instead of "I'll buy in when you can prove it's right". Yeah, well then fuck off, you're evil. Hahaha
I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to

Brian, kidney failure follows pharmaceuticals closley

You mean suicide by doctor right?

No, though that's a good point. I just meant I didn't know that more people killed themselves with guns than killed other people. I wouldn't have thought that, given my mind control indoctrination which makes it seem like people are killing each other all over the place.

I don't research stats when it comes to gun rights, though I'm always blown away by them and enjoy seeing them because they always prove it's better when people have guns. The reason why I don't seek them out is because gun restrictions are fundamentally immoral, and it's a pet peeve of mine that people need to be convinced by stats when the moral question has already been answered, so I don't even go that route with them. It's like, "I'll buy in when you can prove it's better" instead of "I'll buy in when you can prove it's right". Yeah, well then fuck off, you're evil. Hahaha
290 Americans die everyday from Big Pharma’s nasty drugs, but the MSM and our criminal politicians don’t give a shit...but they do think vitamins are dangerous, useless, and need regulating. Plus they would love to take away our 2A rights, based on propaganda and lies.

Priorities are really messed up in the land of the free.
We usta call 'em the pharmacabal Gip

The entire medical community bows down to them, which is why we've the antibiotic paradox, psychotropics in our water supply ,and all that silly spam telling me to call a doc if i've a hardon for more than 4 hours :113:~S~:113:
I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to

Brian, kidney failure follows pharmaceuticals closley


That’s what I’m figuring. Can’t get through to the guy. People are too caught up in fixing what ain’t all that broken.
I've got a friend now who's on poison pills prescribed by his shrink to even out his anxiety. This guy always worked in customer service, we used to go to bars together. He was mildly nervous around women and guys he didn't know, but hardly socially inept. He's been on this stuff for like 5 years, and he's having trouble with his kidneys. He always looks half asleep. I implore him to stop taking that garbage, he doesn't need it, and he agrees with me all day long but still takes it because the "expert" tells him to

Brian, kidney failure follows pharmaceuticals closley


That’s what I’m figuring. Can’t get through to the guy. People are too caught up in fixing what ain’t all that broken.

'zzactly that

just hada bro go last yr , kidney failure due to being over medicated Brian

every med has it's pros cons , he should at least ask that....

You mean suicide by doctor right?

No, though that's a good point. I just meant I didn't know that more people killed themselves with guns than killed other people. I wouldn't have thought that, given my mind control indoctrination which makes it seem like people are killing each other all over the place.

I don't research stats when it comes to gun rights, though I'm always blown away by them and enjoy seeing them because they always prove it's better when people have guns. The reason why I don't seek them out is because gun restrictions are fundamentally immoral, and it's a pet peeve of mine that people need to be convinced by stats when the moral question has already been answered, so I don't even go that route with them. It's like, "I'll buy in when you can prove it's better" instead of "I'll buy in when you can prove it's right". Yeah, well then fuck off, you're evil. Hahaha
290 Americans die everyday from Big Pharma’s nasty drugs, but the MSM and our criminal politicians don’t give a shit...but they do think vitamins are dangerous, useless, and need regulating. Plus they would love to take away our 2A rights, based on propaganda and lies.

Priorities are really messed up in the land of the free.

Most of the unscrupulous individuals behind this bullshit are in it for the money, and many are just naive or deluded, but I think there’s reason to suppose that there are some amongst us who actually want the illness, addiction and death. It’s not a drawback, or an unfortunate cost of doing business, but a bonus, and possibly even a goal.

“Our society is being run by insane people, for insane objectives.” - John Lennon
You mean suicide by doctor right?

No, though that's a good point. I just meant I didn't know that more people killed themselves with guns than killed other people. I wouldn't have thought that, given my mind control indoctrination which makes it seem like people are killing each other all over the place.

I don't research stats when it comes to gun rights, though I'm always blown away by them and enjoy seeing them because they always prove it's better when people have guns. The reason why I don't seek them out is because gun restrictions are fundamentally immoral, and it's a pet peeve of mine that people need to be convinced by stats when the moral question has already been answered, so I don't even go that route with them. It's like, "I'll buy in when you can prove it's better" instead of "I'll buy in when you can prove it's right". Yeah, well then fuck off, you're evil. Hahaha
290 Americans die everyday from Big Pharma’s nasty drugs, but the MSM and our criminal politicians don’t give a shit...but they do think vitamins are dangerous, useless, and need regulating. Plus they would love to take away our 2A rights, based on propaganda and lies.

Priorities are really messed up in the land of the free.

Most of the unscrupulous individuals behind this bullshit are in it for the money, and many are just naive or deluded, but I think there’s reason to suppose that there are some amongst us who actually want the illness, addiction and death. It’s not a drawback, or an unfortunate cost of doing business, but a bonus, and possibly even a goal.

“Our society is being run by insane people, for insane objectives.” - John Lennon
I like that Lennon quote. When I was young I thought his political views were kooky. Now I realize he had a profound grasp of reality.

Probably why he was murdered.
You mean suicide by doctor right?

No, though that's a good point. I just meant I didn't know that more people killed themselves with guns than killed other people. I wouldn't have thought that, given my mind control indoctrination which makes it seem like people are killing each other all over the place.

I don't research stats when it comes to gun rights, though I'm always blown away by them and enjoy seeing them because they always prove it's better when people have guns. The reason why I don't seek them out is because gun restrictions are fundamentally immoral, and it's a pet peeve of mine that people need to be convinced by stats when the moral question has already been answered, so I don't even go that route with them. It's like, "I'll buy in when you can prove it's better" instead of "I'll buy in when you can prove it's right". Yeah, well then fuck off, you're evil. Hahaha
290 Americans die everyday from Big Pharma’s nasty drugs, but the MSM and our criminal politicians don’t give a shit...but they do think vitamins are dangerous, useless, and need regulating. Plus they would love to take away our 2A rights, based on propaganda and lies.

Priorities are really messed up in the land of the free.

Most of the unscrupulous individuals behind this bullshit are in it for the money, and many are just naive or deluded, but I think there’s reason to suppose that there are some amongst us who actually want the illness, addiction and death. It’s not a drawback, or an unfortunate cost of doing business, but a bonus, and possibly even a goal.

“Our society is being run by insane people, for insane objectives.” - John Lennon
I like that Lennon quote. When I was young I thought his political views were kooky. Now I realize he had a profound grasp of reality.

Probably why he was murdered.

He was highly influential and certainly had ascended quickly into higher levels of consciousness. He could have posed a big problem. I think the counter-culture movement of the late 60's was a storm that could be weathered because the people were young, doped up, and not likely to put forth a viable physical revolution. But had those people held on to the ideals but grown mature (with the help of leaders from their youth, like Lennon, perhaps) they may have been able to cause some real trouble by now. I'm not suggesting that Lennon's death changed the course of history dramatically, just trying to think from the perspective of the enemies of humanity.
You mean suicide by doctor right?

No, though that's a good point. I just meant I didn't know that more people killed themselves with guns than killed other people. I wouldn't have thought that, given my mind control indoctrination which makes it seem like people are killing each other all over the place.

I don't research stats when it comes to gun rights, though I'm always blown away by them and enjoy seeing them because they always prove it's better when people have guns. The reason why I don't seek them out is because gun restrictions are fundamentally immoral, and it's a pet peeve of mine that people need to be convinced by stats when the moral question has already been answered, so I don't even go that route with them. It's like, "I'll buy in when you can prove it's better" instead of "I'll buy in when you can prove it's right". Yeah, well then fuck off, you're evil. Hahaha
290 Americans die everyday from Big Pharma’s nasty drugs, but the MSM and our criminal politicians don’t give a shit...but they do think vitamins are dangerous, useless, and need regulating. Plus they would love to take away our 2A rights, based on propaganda and lies.

Priorities are really messed up in the land of the free.

Most of the unscrupulous individuals behind this bullshit are in it for the money, and many are just naive or deluded, but I think there’s reason to suppose that there are some amongst us who actually want the illness, addiction and death. It’s not a drawback, or an unfortunate cost of doing business, but a bonus, and possibly even a goal.

“Our society is being run by insane people, for insane objectives.” - John Lennon
I like that Lennon quote. When I was young I thought his political views were kooky. Now I realize he had a profound grasp of reality.

Probably why he was murdered.

He was highly influential and certainly had ascended quickly into higher levels of consciousness. He could have posed a big problem. I think the counter-culture movement of the late 60's was a storm that could be weathered because the people were young, doped up, and not likely to put forth a viable physical revolution. But had those people held on to the ideals but grown mature (with the help of leaders from their youth, like Lennon, perhaps) they may have been able to cause some real trouble by now. I'm not suggesting that Lennon's death changed the course of history dramatically, just trying to think from the perspective of the enemies of humanity.
The anti-war movement so powerful in the 60s and 70s, seems to have disappeared. The consequences are most unfortunate.

I have not researched Lennon’s murder, but would not doubt dark forces within our government had something to do with it.

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