Why do people refuse to do the research?

The anti-war movement so powerful in the 60s and 70s, seems to have disappeared. The consequences are most unfortunate.

I have not researched Lennon’s murder, but would not doubt dark forces within our government had something to do with it.

That movement made inroads, but got overpowered by people with more focus, stronger unity of agenda, and most importantly, a better understanding of eternal principles and human psychology. People's minds are scattered to the four winds, and blown about accordingly. They don't "believe" in natural law, though they'd be hard-pressed to even tell you what it is. They don't want to hear about ancient knowledge, they think it's woo-woo religious nonsense. They throw the stone of "conspiracy" at anyone who mentions the words "secret societies". Complete failure on the first step of the Trivium - open-minded reception of knowledge such that it may be processed by sound critical analysis before casting judgement. They bounce all this stuff at the door.

The masses are completely out-classed. All their passion and effort is redirected toward materialistic goals. All their revolutionary fervor is vented by a futile political process that creates the illusion of personal power. The only way out - education, critical thinking, the uplift of consciousness - is frowned upon. People put their head in their hands and whine if anyone goes more than in inch deep on any topic. They have a keen sense for the odor of philosophy, and the second they get a whiff of it, they're looking for the door. "Oh thank God, beer and sports and tits (or chocolate, jewelry, and hot guys), now I feel better... that lunatic over there was trying to get me to think about something, i don't know what it was, but it sucked."
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
A whole heap of links in this article. . . .

What is the Future of Food?​



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