why do more women lean left than men?

When the time comes, men do not listen to women. Prog women have more control over those who obey laws than those who do not. Inner city ghettos are proof of that. Prog women have created more poverty for they come first in the collection plate. So more males are in poverty.
Illogical thinking or lack thereof. Nobody has control over those people who do not obey laws.
Progressives view men as morally inferior oppressors. Why do fewer men join Progressives? Why do few Jews join KKK?

Conservatives view men and women as different but Equal.
well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that women tend to... I know it's a stereotype but they seem to tend to be more emotional and more "caring" so they gravitate toward the party thatseem to be more caring... which of course, it is total propaganda that that iss the dim party... total propaganda.

It is NOT compasssionate, for example, to make people dependent on govt... That iss probably the LEAST compassionate thing I can think going on vis a vis politics and govt policy..

not to mention it is not compasssionate for the taxpayers... although caring for everyday people "with problems" is a FAR better use of taxpayer money than... choke... paying Congress persons to do virtually nothing... and when they are not doingg nothing... OMG... we wish they were!

but anyhow... yeh.... Women need to wise up.. start using the old noggin rather than the messed up heart...

the Bible says that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

so much for basing your decisions on the heart not the head
women vote democrat more because they are more feminine ..... emotions play a greater influence on their actions .... democrat males also vote dem because they are more feminine than real mean that vote conservative ... in other words real men dont vote democrat .
Women are more into the community which is pretty much the definition of socialism.

Men are more independent.

Women are lionesses in a pride. The survival of the pride is more important than the individual.

Men are house cats.

Now I've got myself in trouble.

No. You got it right.
The survival of the pride totally depends on the survival of the house.
Thanks for letting us know you're an incel.
You are not an incel. But when one of your Progressive partners accuses you of Sexual Misconduct, you will be Presumed Guilty -- thank Progressives. If she assaults you, you will be arrested as the primary aggressor -- thank Progressives.
Fair enough. I guess general statements based on experience needs a link, so...Here you go.
The author stated "there are a lot of things wrong with the US system" and that he "wouldnt defend it". He seems to just have a problem with anything he labels "socialist".

Also to the one link in the story that actually worked, someone was quoted as saying ""So we're [Canada] better than The United States," he wrote, referring to the rankings. "But should we really aim so low?"


Oh and I guess you cant say trump lost the election. So much for you being "fact based".
Illogical thinking or lack thereof. Nobody has control over those people who do not obey laws.
I do not know you. If you have not spent time in poverty areas, then you do not see what it is. Spending countless dollars in those areas. Providing endless benefits and services. Sirens that never end and emergency wards filled up at hospitals all over cities. There is bitterness and anger with endless babies being born to teenage women with the child having no father figure. The women as they get older have some say to some and much less to others. But the gangs rule. The violence is ever present and it sucks for those who have to skirt all of it.
I do not know you. If you have not spent time in poverty areas, then you do not see what it is. Spending countless dollars in those areas. Providing endless benefits and services. Sirens that never end and emergency wards filled up at hospitals all over cities. There is bitterness and anger with endless babies being born to teenage women with the child having no father figure. The women as they get older have some say to some and much less to others. But the gangs rule. The violence is ever present and it sucks for those who have to skirt all of it.
That is not true of all women, but yes in inner city areas. However, nobody controls those who break the law, or they would not break the law.
This thread has lots of examples showing that’s not the case. They’re looked down on.
Sadly a few Conservative men are somewhat patriarchal. The vast majority of Conservative women are feminists by Dictionary definition -- they view themselves as no less then men.

Most Progressive men are ashamed of their gender and view themselves as moral inferiors deserving of abuse. Most Progressive women view men as oppressors and inferiors. Progressives believe in very rigid gender roles.
so true

someone said we are gettingg to the point of a 2nd civil war..

Far more Rs own gunss than Ds... so

hmmm... wonder who will win that one?
I am beginning to believe the goal of the Democratic Party is to try to break this nation apart. That way they may have a chance to get that Global Government they have been hoping for. Democrats love BIG government and a Global Government would fit their bill. Just imagine the corruption that could occur in a Global Government. It would be ENORMOUS.

Sadly a few Conservative men are somewhat patriarchal. The vast majority of Conservative women are feminists by Dictionary definition -- they view themselves as no less then men.

Most Progressive men are ashamed of their gender and view themselves as moral inferiors deserving of abuse. Most Progressive women view men as oppressors and inferiors. Progressives believe in very rigid gender roles.
Weird how those non-patriarchal conservative men always seem to be in such short supply.

I don’t think conservative women are all that feminist. I’ve seen many conservative women echo the same patriarchal sentiment. I don’t doubt that there’s been a wave of strong combative conservative women, just saying that it’s not as widespread in the old school segments.

Conservatism has demonized feminism and the very concept of it for decades.

Your idea of how liberal women feel is rather warped, in my opinion.
Conservatism has demonized feminism and the very concept of it for decades.

Your idea of how liberal women feel is rather warped, in my opinion.
Liberal feminists who constantly call men oppressors, constantly make slanderous generalizations about men, use hashtags like #killallmen and #menaretrash have demonized the very concept of Feminism.

Below is a typical example of a Progressive Feminist meme:

The vast majority of Conservative women stand for Equality -- they reject all male supremacy and they reject male bashing.
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well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that women tend to... I know it's a stereotype but they seem to tend to be more emotional and more "caring" so they gravitate toward the party thatseem to be more caring... which of course, it is total propaganda that that iss the dim party... total propaganda.

It is NOT compasssionate, for example, to make people dependent on govt... That iss probably the LEAST compassionate thing I can think going on vis a vis politics and govt policy..

not to mention it is not compasssionate for the taxpayers... although caring for everyday people "with problems" is a FAR better use of taxpayer money than... choke... paying Congress persons to do virtually nothing... and when they are not doingg nothing... OMG... we wish they were!

but anyhow... yeh.... Women need to wise up.. start using the old noggin rather than the messed up heart...

the Bible says that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

so much for basing your decisions on the heart not the head

I would vote for a woman over a man anytime especially white men and also as long as they are not Republican women. Republican women are as racist and fascist as Republican men. Compassion is a good thing not something to be avoided.

It is not compassionate to allow the rich to game the system to avoid their legal obligations. It is not compassionate to allow people to go humgry just to prove a point. Your head needs a 2x4 across the head to get it working properly.

You are the ones who need to wise up you uncaring fascists. The Bible is not a justification for starving people just to prove how tough you are. The Bible is about compassion not man's inhumanity to man.

You shouldn't be using your head for anything but a hatrack.
I would vote for a woman over a man anytime especially white men and also as long as they are not Republican women. Republican women are as racist and fascist as Republican men. Compassion is a good thing not something to be avoided.
Indeed Progressives view men as morally inferior. Progressives are strong supporters of rigid gender roles and opponents of Equality.
The author stated "there are a lot of things wrong with the US system" and that he "wouldnt defend it". He seems to just have a problem with anything he labels "socialist".

Also to the one link in the story that actually worked, someone was quoted as saying ""So we're [Canada] better than The United States," he wrote, referring to the rankings. "But should we really aim so low?"


Oh and I guess you cant say trump lost the election. So much for you being "fact based".
Noticed you left out the sentence after that....

"But universal healthcare has its own problems that socialists ignore. "

However, I said the same thing. If I had to get healthcare anywhere in the world, and my life depended on it I would do it in the US. However, it does have its issues. Much of the time you have no clue what something will cost before you have it done. How often do you order a meal and don't know what you will pay until you get the bill? The US system can be this way at times. You can call and get estimates, but you never really know. It can also be expensive at times, but you get what you pay for. A free market would really help get the prices down like we saw with Lasik.

And of course Trump lost the election. Do you see him in office? I have already answered this three times now, but here is a 3rd time. As stated before, please let me know where I stated differently. But I can do this too. Can you say "Democrats support voter fraud" :rolleyes: .
well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that women tend to... I know it's a stereotype but they seem to tend to be more emotional and more "caring" so they gravitate toward the party thatseem to be more caring... which of course, it is total propaganda that that iss the dim party... total propaganda.

It is NOT compasssionate, for example, to make people dependent on govt... That iss probably the LEAST compassionate thing I can think going on vis a vis politics and govt policy..

not to mention it is not compasssionate for the taxpayers... although caring for everyday people "with problems" is a FAR better use of taxpayer money than... choke... paying Congress persons to do virtually nothing... and when they are not doingg nothing... OMG... we wish they were!

but anyhow... yeh.... Women need to wise up.. start using the old noggin rather than the messed up heart...

the Bible says that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

so much for basing your decisions on the heart not the head
Softer hearts

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