why do more women lean left than men?


Right, the question is how Biden is ... DIFFERENT ... than Trump. Biden lies like a three year old
Right, the question is how Biden is ... DIFFERENT ... than Trump.

The 2021 Lie of the Year: Lies about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and its significance
Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the West wall of the the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

PolitiFact - The 2021 Lie of the Year: Lies about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and its significance

^^^ THAT ^^^

Biden lies like a three year old

trump baby bars.jpg
Apparently playtime thinks it's okay to steal an election.

'cept it wasn't.

but i think it's okey dokey to have public hearings in 'vivid color ' ... just like the velociraptor, liz cheney says is gonna happen. do you think
jim hominahominahomina jordan will p*ussy out & not come b4 the comittee, like mark meadows & scott perry? after all, he said he has nothing to hide.....
How emotional are women? Well, I was working for a liberal setting when Trump won. I arrived a bit late for work in a room with say 40 cubicles, and you could hear a pin drop, the atmosphere was TENSE. A guy comes over to talk about the election results, 5 seconds later the gal next to me starts crying, runs over and says STOP talking about the election and runs back to her seat. Next thing you know the administrator sends an email to 100s we were not to talk about the election.

Until that da we'd never rec'd an email we weren't supposed to talk about something. But remember, it's the Republicans who represent..........THE GASTAPO.....Oooooooooo, Ahhhhhhh!

Now imagine that for a moment, you're not allowed to talk about an election simply because WOMEN ARE BUTT-HURT. Had Hillary won popcorn and balloons, you can bet on that for sure, and we'd have taken it like human adults, but that clearly doesn't work for leftists. I went to a meeting a few hours later, women were crying, wholly fuck.

And you asshole, excuse me DICK leftists still can't come to terms your propaganda throws you around like rag dolls so you develop the mentality of rag dolls.
Last edited:

The 2021 Lie of the Year: Lies about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and its significance
Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the West wall of the the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP)

PolitiFact - The 2021 Lie of the Year: Lies about the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and its significance

^^^ THAT ^^^

View attachment 578936

It's how leftists operate. Trump says the truth, but it's not what you want to hear so it's a "lie." Biden tells you what you want to hear even though it's one lie after another and you call that "truth." Basically you're a moron. No worries, you have to be a moron since you're a Democrat
They are feels based rather than thought based.

That said if they thought about half the stuff they do they would not be nearly as interesting. ;)

I think that you're stereo typing just a bit too much. I think women, like all other human beings, come with all different types of personalities, intelligence, common sense, etc... I'm no more 'feels based' than any man I know, and as pointed out by others prior in the thread, men these days (at least the younger ones) are pretty damn emotional. I think there are a lot of conservative women out there, pretty much every woman I know, with the exception of a few, are conservative. I've even had some 'friends' end our relationship because they couldn't handle my political views. So perhaps lefty women are more emotional and conservative women are more practical and base their outlook using common sense and logic. I know a few weren't very tolerant of my views and opinions at all and obviously couldn't handle hearing about them.
well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that women tend to... I know it's a stereotype but they seem to tend to be more emotional and more "caring" so they gravitate toward the party thatseem to be more caring... which of course, it is total propaganda that that iss the dim party... total propaganda.

It is NOT compasssionate, for example, to make people dependent on govt... That iss probably the LEAST compassionate thing I can think going on vis a vis politics and govt policy..

not to mention it is not compasssionate for the taxpayers... although caring for everyday people "with problems" is a FAR better use of taxpayer money than... choke... paying Congress persons to do virtually nothing... and when they are not doingg nothing... OMG... we wish they were!

but anyhow... yeh.... Women need to wise up.. start using the old noggin rather than the messed up heart...

the Bible says that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

so much for basing your decisions on the heart not the head

Daddy issues.
How emotional are women? Well, I was working for a liberal setting when Trump won. I arrived a bit late for work in a room with say 40 cubicles, and you could hear a pin drop, the atmosphere was TENSE. A guy comes over to talk about the election results, 5 seconds later the gal next to me starts crying, runs over and says STOP talking about the election and runs back to her seat. Next thing you know the administrator sends an email to 100s we were not to talk about the election.

Until that da we'd never rec'd an email we weren't supposed to talk about something. But remember, it's the Republicans who represent..........THE GASTAPO.....Oooooooooo, Ahhhhhhh!

Now imagine that for a moment, you're not allowed to talk about an election simply because WOMEN ARE BUTT-HURT. Had Hillary won popcorn and balloons, you can bet on that for sure, and we'd have taken it like human adults, but that clearly doesn't work for leftists. I went to a meeting a few hours later, women were crying, wholly fuck.

And you asshole, excuse me DICK leftists still can't come to terms your propaganda throws you around like rag dolls so you develop the mentality of rag dolls.

Exactly what I experienced.
well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that women tend to... I know it's a stereotype but they seem to tend to be more emotional and more "caring" so they gravitate toward the party thatseem to be more caring... which of course, it is total propaganda that that iss the dim party... total propaganda.

It is NOT compasssionate, for example, to make people dependent on govt... That iss probably the LEAST compassionate thing I can think going on vis a vis politics and govt policy..

not to mention it is not compasssionate for the taxpayers... although caring for everyday people "with problems" is a FAR better use of taxpayer money than... choke... paying Congress persons to do virtually nothing... and when they are not doingg nothing... OMG... we wish they were!

but anyhow... yeh.... Women need to wise up.. start using the old noggin rather than the messed up heart...

the Bible says that the human heart is "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

so much for basing your decisions on the heart not the head
Because women by nature are far more dependent than men. Thus, if given the opportunity to vote on policy; they are going to vote in favor of policies that will act as a provider for them. Even/especially as a surrogate for being dependent upon a man. What’s better than earning one man’s support? Legislating by force of government; all mens support.
I think that you're stereo typing just a bit too much. I think women, like all other human beings, come with all different types of personalities, intelligence, common sense, etc... I'm no more 'feels based' than any man I know, and as pointed out by others prior in the thread, men these days (at least the younger ones) are pretty damn emotional. I think there are a lot of conservative women out there, pretty much every woman I know, with the exception of a few, are conservative. I've even had some 'friends' end our relationship because they couldn't handle my political views. So perhaps lefty women are more emotional and conservative women are more practical and base their outlook using common sense and logic. I know a few weren't very tolerant of my views and opinions at all and obviously couldn't handle hearing about them.

Because women by nature are far more dependent than men. Thus, if given the opportunity to vote on policy; they are going to vote in favor of policies that will act as a provider for them. Even/especially as a surrogate for being dependent upon a man. What’s better than earning one man’s support? Legislating by force of government; all mens support.
or it could be this

They’ve been voting tha
or it could be this

t way by, and large since the moment they were granted voting privileges. Long before Trump came along. And for the same reasons, no matter what country they’re voting in.
It's how leftists operate. Trump says the truth, but it's not what you want to hear so it's a "lie." Biden tells you what you want to hear even though it's one lie after another and you call that "truth." Basically you're a moron. No worries, you have to be a moron since you're a Democrat

biden won.

donny lost.... bigley.

get over it snowflake.
Because women by nature are far more dependent than men. Thus, if given the opportunity to vote on policy; they are going to vote in favor of policies that will act as a provider for them. Even/especially as a surrogate for being dependent upon a man. What’s better than earning one man’s support? Legislating by force of government; all mens support.
Democrats rely on the voting vaginas to win their elections. Women are like brainless lemmings affected by their hormones.
Democrats rely on the voting vaginas to win their elections. Women are like brainless lemmings affected by their hormones.





a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile toward women and men who are sexually active.

Talk about a contentless post that has shit to do with shit.

But it it makes you feel better, dear girl, then moan and cry away

lol .. THIS is what i feel good about.

StateCertified?BidenVotesTrumpVotesOtherVotesBiden ShareTrump...
U.S. TotalYes81,282,91674,223,3692,891,44151.3%



why is donny still lying about all ^^^ that ^^^ ?



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