Why do conservative talk show hosts suck up to progressive Herman Cain?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
I cannot understand why our conservative talk show hosts, especially Mark Levin, call Herman Cain a conservative when Herman promotes picking winners and losers under his progressive "opportunity zone" crap.

Does Herman Cain propose to have the federal government enter a State, declare a geographical area or areas to be “opportunity zones”, and then allow the people and businesses within these zones to be free of taxes which people and businesses a block outside the zone will be forced to pay?

If the answer is yes, and indeed it is, would Herman Cain’s proposal not violate the very intentions of our founding fathers written into Article 1, Section 9, Clause 6 of our Constitution and be granting preferential regulations of commerce?

How about that part of our Constitution which requires direct taxes to be apportioned and indirect taxes to be uniform “throughout the united States”? Does Mr. Cain not know these provisions were put into the Constitution to forbid the federal government from picking winners and losers via taxation? Is it not a fact that Herman’s “opportunity zone” tax policy would violate the very intentions for which the rule of apportionment and rule of uniformity was put into our Constitution?

And how about Herman Cain even suggesting to have the federal government enter a State and use its power to meddle in a State’s internal affairs and commerce? Is his proposal not in direct defiance of our Founding Father’s intentions which are summarized in Federalist No. 45?

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.”

And if the above is not clear enough that our founders intentions were to forbid the federal government from entering the States and interfering with their internal affairs and commerce, what part of the Tenth Amendment does Mr. Cain not understand which was specifically adopted to protect federalism and a free market system?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.

Finally, if the above parts of our Constitution are not clear that Mr. Cain’s proposal is sugar coated tyranny wrapped in Orwellian Newspeak as being "opportunity zones", let us recall what our very own Supreme Court stated shortly after the Tenth Amendment was adopted:

The government of the United States is of the latter description. The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the constitution is written. To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing; if these limits may, at any time, be passed by those intended to be restrained? The distinction between a government with limited and unlimited powers is abolished, if those limits do not confine the persons on whom they are imposed, and if acts prohibited and acts allowed are of equal obligation. It is a proposition too plain to be contested, that the constitution controls any legislative act repugnant to it; or, that the legislature may alter the constitution by an ordinary act.

Between these alternatives there is no middle ground. The constitution is either a superior, paramount law, unchangeable by ordinary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts, and like other acts, is alterable when the legislature shall please to alter it.

If the former part of the alternative be true, then a legislative act contrary to the constitution is not law: if the latter part be true, then written constitutions are absurd attempts, on the part of the people, to limit a power in its own nature illimitable

Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be, that an act of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is void. ____ MARBURY v. MADISON, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

And so, I ask the questions, why is it that our “conservative” talk show hosts [Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Schnitt, Mark Levin, Dennis Prager, Bill O'rielly, Mike Gallagher, Lee Rodgers, Doc Thompson, Neal Boortz. Tammy Bruce, Monica Crowley, or any media personality on FoxNews] avoid taking Herman Cain to task for proposing to allow the federal government to enter a State, designate a geographical area an “opportunity zone”, and then allow people and business inside that zone to be free of taxes which people and businesses a block away will be forced to pay by the federal government. Why are our “conservative” talk show hosts not siding with our founding father’s rejection to allow Herman Cain to pick winners and losers or grant preferential regulations to a State or individual? Why do our “conservative” talk show hosts not defend our founding fathers and our Constitution, intended to create and protect a free market system, and preclude Herman Cain from picking winners and losers?


Herman Cain, keep your freaken nose out of my State’s internal commerce!
The RNC would love to have Herman Cain as the nominee because he was at the Kansas City Federal Reserve. That's like being a Made Man in the Mafia.
Actually, Ronald Reagan did the same thing.... Except he called them "Enterprise Zones".

If Herman Cain were sincere about wanting to unleash America’s free market system and allowing it to do its magic, he wouldn’t be promoting more government meddling with his Orwellian Newspeak “opportunity zones”. He would propose an end the “progressive‘s” occupation of the united States which began in 1913 with 16th Amendment, and advocate its end with the following words to be added to our Constitution:

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money, which would return us to our Constitution’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN as our founders intended it to operate, and paved the way for America to become the economic marvel of the world, when it was adhered to!


Read my lips Herman Cain. No additional national sales tax on top of the socialist tax calculated from incomes which you support.
Actually, Ronald Reagan did the same thing.... Except he called them "Enterprise Zones".

If Herman Cain were sincere about wanting to unleash America’s free market system and allowing it to do its magic, he wouldn’t be promoting more government meddling with his Orwellian Newspeak “opportunity zones”. He would propose an end the “progressive‘s” occupation of the united States which began in 1913 with 16th Amendment, and advocate its end with the following words to be added to our Constitution:

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money, which would return us to our Constitution’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN as our founders intended it to operate, and paved the way for America to become the economic marvel of the world, when it was adhered to!


Read my lips Herman Cain. No additional national sales tax on top of the socialist tax calculated from incomes which you support.

Nobody is going to repeal the 16th Amendment. Get real.
The RNC would love to have Herman Cain as the nominee because he was at the Kansas City Federal Reserve. That's like being a Made Man in the Mafia.

Exactly! You don’t get to be a Chairman at a federal reserve bank unless you sell your soul to the Washington Establishment! Also note that Herman Cain supports the “progressive” fairtax which would also establish a national sales tax in addition to keeping alive Congress’ power to lay and collect taxes calculated from profits, gains, salaries and other “incomes”! The fact is, the Washington Establishment has been trying to get a consumption tax [national sales tax, value added tax, fairtax, etc.] since the 1980s while keeping alive the Marxist tax calculated from incomes. I guess Herman Cain is the Establishment’s hand picked Hobson’s Choice candidate whose job is to flimflam the American people into accepting a national sales tax on top of taxes calculated from incomes to feed the beast in Washington.


Are we really to believe the founder of fairtax.org., Leo E. Linbeck Jr. and Herman Cain, both former ringleaders of the federal reserve banking cartel which plunders our national treasury?
Actually, Ronald Reagan did the same thing.... Except he called them "Enterprise Zones".

well, reagan signed it. but urban enterprise zones were established by something called the Kemp-Garcia Bill. Jack Kemp (a true conservative) and Robert Garcia (a liberal) got together and came up with an idea to really grow jobs where they were needed.

http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/vi...qkBBNRp-fxsnrnL1Nag#search="kemp garcia bill"

Enterprise zones: coming urban-aid experiment / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

don't worry though... it would never happen today with the 'ihopehefails' teanut gallery who think working with the "other side" is the same as fraternizing with the enemy.
Actually, Ronald Reagan did the same thing.... Except he called them "Enterprise Zones".

If Herman Cain were sincere about wanting to unleash America’s free market system and allowing it to do its magic, he wouldn’t be promoting more government meddling with his Orwellian Newspeak “opportunity zones”. He would propose an end the “progressive‘s” occupation of the united States which began in 1913 with 16th Amendment, and advocate its end with the following words to be added to our Constitution:

The Sixteenth Amendment is hereby repealed and Congress is henceforth forbidden to lay ``any`` tax or burden calculated from profits, gains, interest, salaries, wages, tips, inheritances or any other lawfully realized money, which would return us to our Constitution’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN as our founders intended it to operate, and paved the way for America to become the economic marvel of the world, when it was adhered to!


Read my lips Herman Cain. No additional national sales tax on top of the socialist tax calculated from incomes which you support.

Nobody is going to repeal the 16th Amendment. Get real.

How dare I should suggest the people work to end the progressive’s occupation of America by ending Congress’s power to lay and collect taxes calculated from “incomes” . Are you comfortable with the Washington Establishment’s source of power used to enslave America’s businesses and working class people?

Actually, Ronald Reagan did the same thing.... Except he called them "Enterprise Zones".

well, reagan signed it. but urban enterprise zones were established by something called the Kemp-Garcia Bill. Jack Kemp (a true conservative) and Robert Garcia (a liberal) got together and came up with an idea to really grow jobs where they were needed.

http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/vi...qkBBNRp-fxsnrnL1Nag#search="kemp garcia bill"

Enterprise zones: coming urban-aid experiment / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com

don't worry though... it would never happen today with the 'ihopehefails' teanut gallery who think working with the "other side" is the same as fraternizing with the enemy.

So, you do not object to Herman Cain proposing to pick winners and losers as Obama has done with the Solyandra swindle? How about the various ways Herman proposes to trash our Constitution? Does that not bother you?

Actually, Ronald Reagan did the same thing.... Except he called them "Enterprise Zones".

well, reagan signed it. but urban enterprise zones were established by something called the Kemp-Garcia Bill. Jack Kemp (a true conservative) and Robert Garcia (a liberal) got together and came up with an idea to really grow jobs where they were needed.

don't worry though... it would never happen today with the 'ihopehefails' teanut gallery who think working with the "other side" is the same as fraternizing with the enemy.

I met Jack Kemp once, 2004. What a truly amazing guy, and I couldn't think of anything intelligent to say.

I think the thing is, neither side is interested in working with the other, and that is sad. Obama didn't help things with his "You gotta ride on the back of the bus" comments.
I still am having a difficult time understanding why our "conservative" media is in the tank for Herman Cain and refuse to take Herman Cain to task for his "opportunity zones' under which he proposes to enlarge our federal government's existing unconstitutional activity of picking winners and losers and granting preferential regulations of commerce.

It is absolutely amazing how our conservative talk show hosts, especially Mark Levin who constantly rails, and correctly so, against the federal government interfering in our free market system and picking winners and losers, gives a green light to Herman Cain who defies the very intentions of our founding fathers who forbid by our Constitution unequal law and the federal government granting preferential treatment to individuals or the various States. But just for the record, let us review one of our founding father’s thinking on this very issue.

"The framers of the Constitution guarded so much against a possibility of such partial preferences as might be given, if Congress had the right to grant them, that, even to encourage learning and useful arts, the granting of patents is the extent of their power. And surely nothing could be less dangerous to the sovereignty or interest of the individual States than the encouragement which might be given to ingenious inventors or promoters of valuable inventions in the arts and sciences. The encouragement which the General Government might give to the fine arts, to commerce, to manufactures, and agriculture, might, if judiciously applied, redound to the honor of Congress, and the splendor, magnificence, and real advantage of the United States; but the wise framers of our Constitution saw that, if Congress had the power of exerting what has been called a royal munificence for these purposes, Congress might, like many royal benefactors, misplace their munificence; might elevate sycophants, and be inattentive to men unfriendly to the views of Government; might reward the ingenuity of the citizens of one State, and neglect a much greater genius of another. A citizen of a powerful State it might be said, was attended to, whilst that of one of less weight in the Federal scale was totally neglected. It is not sufficient, to remove these objections, to say, as some gentlemen have said, that Congress in incapable of partiality or absurdities, and that they are as far from committing them as my colleagues or myself. I tell them the Constitution was formed on a supposition of human frailty, and to restrain abuses of mistaken powers.”__ Annals of Congress Feb 7th,1792 Rep Page

To date I have yet to hear one conservative talk show host [Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Schnitt, Dennis Prager, Bill O'rielly, Mike Gallagher, Lee Rodgers, Doc Thompson, Neal Boortz. Tammy Bruce, Monica Crowley etc., or any FoxNews personalities] question the constitutionality of Herman Cain’s “opportunity zones” which is really no different than Obama’s Solyndra swindle of our federal treasury under the guise of picking a winner. In the process America’s businesses and working class people are having their federal treasury looted by the Washington Establishment while the leadership of both political parties laugh all the way to the bank!

Is it not time for the American People to take back their lives and punish these thieving scumbags in Washington?


“…..with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities“. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address
I cannot understand why our conservative talk show hosts, especially Mark Levin, call Herman Cain a conservative when Herman promotes picking winners and losers under his progressive "opportunity zone" crap.

It’s partisan, having noting to do with ideology.
I cannot understand why our conservative talk show hosts, especially Mark Levin, call Herman Cain a conservative when Herman promotes picking winners and losers under his progressive "opportunity zone" crap.

It’s partisan, having noting to do with ideology.

Well, I see our situation in a bit little different light. I see the leadership of both political parties working hand in hand to constantly enlarge the Washington Establishment’s iron fisted blackmailing of the States as has been done which such things as federal highway funds, or the more recent No Child Left Behind Act now openly used by the Washington Establishment to extort the States into submission. Hey, isn’t that our current Republican crybaby Speaker of the House in the picture with a big fat grin on his face?


Herman Cain, keep your freaken nose out of my State’s internal commerce!

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