By the order of the Peaky Blinders


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
el cigala
Yesterday I was at the blessing ceremony of the baby daughter of a friend it was nice the church service was beautiful good music in the church and the singing. It is a pentecoastal community or church. In restaurant later we we were around ten people. i was dressed in suit and tie.

First time I was in a Pentecoastal Church service Freie Christengemeinde Puchheim
Yesterday I was at the blessing ceremony of the baby daughter of a friend it was nice the church service was beautiful good music in the church and the singing. It is a pentecoastal community or church*. In restaurant later we we were around ten people. i was dressed in suit and tie.
*The Pastor said in his sermon: "Do you believe or do you really believe"? Because he said who really believes he takes actions to live according to the word of God, that just to believe could be someone with deep convinctions, like a charismatic leader, but not someone who takes on the word of God in his life, and he quoted the jakobus letter, that who believes has to do good deeds as well that your faith has to show, that you take actions on your faith. He outlined the origins of the pentecoastal church and what it means, the pentecoastal is alot focused on the works of God and the Holy Spirit, that there are mircales happening, that sick get healed, that God works through the Holy Spirit. That is the main focus of pentecoastal otherwise they are a normal christian church, they believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I noticed they didnt made once the cross sign like orthodox make often the cross sign and catholics a few times too during mass. They have a sermon, and then they sing songs, there is a church band, they sing songs to praise of God. Afterwards they eat and drink together. They dont make the cross sign, but they stretch out their arms open, and they did said "everyone should do that" because that is the sign that we really believe, to put the hands up open.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you."
– John 14:15-17
Happy Pentecoast
What on earth has Peaky Blinders got to do with this social occasion?
Unless you are telling us that everybody involved is a petty gangster and criminal .
And nobody is wearing a flat cap .
true, i should have made another thread with other title, but i named my video peaky blinders because of my suit and tie, and then i named the thread after the video eventhough it has nothing at all to do with it.
Another thing .
Stop putting photos of yourself on screen .

Apart from frightening my children and cats, who love my lap- top keyboard , I cannot risk business visitors catching sight of you when I am supposed to be having serious conversations .

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