Why Distinct Gender Roles Are Important To Kids & Society

A message to the LGBT crowd:

The person is either male or female. And that is set in stone. In human culture, males are superior in strength physically to females for a reason. Females give birth and their energy, even physique is directed towards laying on more fat for pregnancy and lactation. Men (at least before men started selecting smaller and smaller more hourglass women pushed at them in the media...to create now almost two generations of beta-boys) used to be taller, more lean and muscular to be the workhorses to bring the bacon home to woman and their children; and to protect and defend them.

This wasn't that long ago. My grandfather told me of his uncles who fought in the civil war, marching hard all day long and engaging in extreme face to face combat, all exposed to the elements. My grandmother came from a family of 13 kids...all who survived because their daddy was lean, big and worked like a mule to feed all of them. The boys when they were old enough, got a labor task assigned. The girls helped with the new babies, cooking, sewing, cleaning, planting gardens and helping with the harvest. At harvest, gender didn't matter..lol...everybody pitched in in some way.

You're insisting gender doesn't matter all the time. And that is false. Men and women are intrinsically different and they'd better be. When was the last time you wrestled a burglar to the ground or raised a barn while you were 8 months pregnant?...or nursing little ones? Men are agro. They're infused with testosterone. They crave activity and are generally hyper vigilant when it comes to sensing danger or a potential threat to their kin. They are the big muscle, the real hard workhorses.

Women's role is equally important. Men burn out quickly and need a place to retreat. They need the gender with more quiet and endurance to have food for them, to make their retreat comfortable and pleasant. The two interplayed well before the liberation movement came to fool women into thinking what they were doing wasn't important. The only mistake society made was not celebrating women and men's distinct gender roles MORE. When you're treated like a slave and given no recognition, then yeah, you want liberation. But for women being liberated means "still doing all the house work and holding down a job too". Great victory ladies!

I've heard women talking about this very topic. A composite example: she got off her shift at a crap job that day and was making her way to the market to get supplies to make dinner, feed the kids, hubby, do some quick spot cleaning and catch up on paying bills, "I would love it if my husband could support our family (yes, the economy is feeding the monster too). I could cook, sew, go for walks with my kids and read to them more often. They are growing up with the daycare lady and I hardly know them it seems." My brother's kids actually take after their daycare provider lady way more than my brother or sister in law. They shoved their kids when they were infants just 6 weeks old into full time daycare while mom skipped off to work each day.

It's insane. The joke has run its course. There are distinct differences between men and women and each is vital in a child's life to restore our culture back to a measure of sanity. I'm not saying a woman can't do other things like maybe a part time job when the kids are older and in school, but which leaves her plenty of time to keep a home and make life happy for the family. And I'm not saying men shouldn't cook or clean. They can pitch in too when women look frazzled. It's just that predominantly, these differences in gender roles revolve around childbirth and raising kids. And until you can produce kids in a vat of liquid in your lab, we need the gender roles to be different. Yes, we do.

I never see men happier than when they are gathered together working on some vital project for the village. They laugh, fart, crack jokes and talk about women as they sweat and toil happily to better the lives of everyone. I've never seen women happier than when they gather together to cook, nurse their babies, harvest a garden, plan a new addition to the house or walkabout with the children frolicking in a big pack, distracted by each other. These are the village roles your crowd is anxious to snuff out. And why? So your more feminine members can seek out more butch ones to play the exact same roles you were genetically programmed to pair up to do anyway. (And with the kids in your home growing up knowing it was all insane anyway? They get that way when they turn around ten years old you know. That's the age of "seeing through their parents' bullshit")

How ironic.

(Yes, the one driving the motorcycle is a woman; but women are not what her passenger is attracted to, ultimately...and obviously) Distinct gender roles are obviously quite important to these two...and every gay couple you've seen, if you think about it honestly...

Well said.

It's real simple.

If the guys are all like this:

And the women like this:

Your society just won't produce enough babies. Your society will die out.
No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.
No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.
No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.
What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.

So you're saying each individual has an objective right to determine their own gender. Or that you have the right to perform inspections. Which is it?
That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.

So you're saying each individual has an objective right to determine their own gender. Or that you have the right to perform inspections. Which is it?

Read my last post, unless you know folks that can make their dicks fall off and then reattach?

Then the answer is no.
Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.

So you're saying each individual has an objective right to determine their own gender. Or that you have the right to perform inspections. Which is it?

Read my last post, unless you know folks that can make their dicks fall off and then reattach?

Then the answer is no.
So you're not volunteering to conduct inspections. Good.
What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.
What if it looks like a ken doll with a wig and make up?
That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.
What if it looks like a ken doll with a wig and make up?

There are some problems beyond mans control.
What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.
Except, that isn't true, even then. You can see both, or nothing, or, hmmm, not sure, and that still has nothing to do with their genetics would could be male with a vagina or female with a penis. An XY female looks exactly like a little girl at birth, exactly...
Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.
What if it looks like a ken doll with a wig and make up?

There are some problems beyond mans control.

Such as monosomies and polyosomies.
Your generous attitude is noted, and rejected as nonsense of course.

Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Your generous attitude is noted, and rejected as nonsense of course.

Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.
Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.

This is the part that I don't understand: what girl is checking out the genitals of the folks in the stalls next to them? Who is this pervy chick that EVERY recitation of the bathroom myth requires?
Your generous attitude is noted, and rejected as nonsense of course.

Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What gender use what restroom is not a basic standard of any society and never has been.
No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible
Do you have any evidence proving the so called birth defects ?

Do you have any proof it's not simply deviant behavior?

I do have proof it makes opposite sex uncomfortable, and causes fear.

Go ahead, more emotion
Really? you and your wife/ girlfriend use the same bathroom very often at the same time.
Why do cosider your behavior as "normal but will not accept it as normal in others. ?
As to your answering a question with a question dodge I"ll take it as you have no emperical evidence to back up the birth defects claim.
That's how the rich dressed little boys for the first few years of life in the past. Pink was also a strong color, blue was for little girls.

And Sil, gender isn't genitals, it's a thing from the biggest sex organ of all, the brain. There are many genders, many sexes, and many sexual orientals. Unlike you nature isn't a simpleton...

Gender is qualified by the genitals one has.

Facts are facts
False ! Gender is complex ,you are basing your opinion on appearance and a bias that says what a "culture" thinks it should be not what it actually is.

No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

Yours is emotion.
false! you're basing on a bias, you will only accept tests that you believe support it
That is not objective in any sense of the word.

It most assuredly is. Mine however is not emotionally nor politically based as yours is
You are right yours is not objective .
As to your second claim it's bullshit.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.

This is the part that I don't understand: what girl is checking out the genitals of the folks in the stalls next to them? Who is this pervy chick that EVERY recitation of the bathroom myth requires?
You might have noticed that all the objectors are men .
Nuff said.
That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible

Then since you don't even understand the terminology, I'll assume your "data" consist of nothing and more nothing...unless you can present them here.

Ohhhhhhh, now I'm a guest lecturer? Pay?

Dude or dudette, if a guy claims to be a chick, I fully support his right to have his sex organ removed, then there is zero chance that the dude isn't just going in to get his jollys.

Keep it, expose it to women, without consent, and the dude, whether in a dress or not, gets housed in the county lockup and onto the sex offenders list.

No charge.

You said you had "objective and reliable tests." Let's see 'em.

Sure, it's easy......

Follow these steps

Go into the bathroom

Lower you're pants

Look in mirror

See a dick? Male

Don't? Female

Again, no charge.
Except, that isn't true, even then. You can see both, or nothing, or, hmmm, not sure, and that still has nothing to do with their genetics would could be male with a vagina or female with a penis. An XY female looks exactly like a little girl at birth, exactly...

We help those with birth defects.
No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.

This is the part that I don't understand: what girl is checking out the genitals of the folks in the stalls next to them? Who is this pervy chick that EVERY recitation of the bathroom myth requires?
You might have noticed that all the objectors are men .
Nuff said.

Men do what's needed to protect our families.

Nuff said?

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