Why Distinct Gender Roles Are Important To Kids & Society

Gender is qualified by the genitals one has.

Facts are facts
False ! Gender is complex ,you are basing your opinion on appearance and a bias that says what a "culture" thinks it should be not what it actually is.

No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

Yours is emotion.
false! you're basing on a bias, you will only accept tests that you believe support it
That is not objective in any sense of the word.

It most assuredly is. Mine however is not emotionally nor politically based as yours is
You are right yours is not objective .
As to your second claim it's bullshit.

Completely objective

Yours, not so much
No, I'm basing it on objective and reliable tests.

What do your tests say about monosomies and polyosomies?

That men have dicks and chicks don't, but most importantly, birth defects are terrible
Do you have any evidence proving the so called birth defects ?

Do you have any proof it's not simply deviant behavior?

I do have proof it makes opposite sex uncomfortable, and causes fear.

Go ahead, more emotion
Really? you and your wife/ girlfriend use the same bathroom very often at the same time.
Why do cosider your behavior as "normal but will not accept it as normal in others. ?
As to your answering a question with a question dodge I"ll take it as you have no emperical evidence to back up the birth defects claim.

Private homes differ greatly from public facilities.

What you do in you're home, I don't care.

When a man pulls his dick out in front of my wife, daughter or granddaughter.....

They won't be paying for the sex change
Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What gender use what restroom is not a basic standard of any society and never has been.

It sure is.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.

This is the part that I don't understand: what girl is checking out the genitals of the folks in the stalls next to them? Who is this pervy chick that EVERY recitation of the bathroom myth requires?

This is the part you don't understand. The girls don't need to wonder if the dude is in there for relief or rape.
This is the part you don't understand. The girls don't need to wonder if the dude is in there for relief or rape.

Can you take a break from your rape fantasies to get back to your research on monosomies and polyosomies?
This is the part you don't understand. The girls don't need to wonder if the dude is in there for relief or rape.

Can you take a break from your rape fantasies to get back to your research on monosomies and polyosomies?

The need to separate the genders when most vulnerable takes little study.

And that fantasy is reality to many women. Why hate women because they are biologically different?
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.

This is the part that I don't understand: what girl is checking out the genitals of the folks in the stalls next to them? Who is this pervy chick that EVERY recitation of the bathroom myth requires?
You might have noticed that all the objectors are men .
Nuff said.

Men do what's needed to protect our families.

Nuff said?
protect them from what? reality?
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What gender use what restroom is not a basic standard of any society and never has been.

It sure is.
dreamin' is free
please presented evidence that any society ever was threaten or destroyed by someone using the other sex's shitter.
No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.

This is the part that I don't understand: what girl is checking out the genitals of the folks in the stalls next to them? Who is this pervy chick that EVERY recitation of the bathroom myth requires?

This is the part you don't understand. The girls don't need to wonder if the dude is in there for relief or rape.
there it is again the they will be raped fantasy.
one dude ,10 girls who's in danger of sexual assault again?
Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Rejected? No, the march of dimes has never rejected a Nickel I've donated for birth defect research.

If I can help just one of you poor bastards the money will be well spent.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard a society.
Yes it is.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
false comparison the march of dimes doesn't try to fix what ain't broke.

No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard of a society.
Yes it is.
really? prove it.
No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
No, true comparison. What's broke should not be ignored Cuz you have some emotional tie to it.

To do otherwise is cruel.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard of a society.
Yes it is.
really? prove it.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard of a society.
Yes it is.
really? prove it.
not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.
Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard of a society.
Yes it is.
really? prove it.
not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard of a society.
Yes it is.
really? prove it.
not even close!
you just had to post something even if it's absolute bullshit.

Following you're lead perhaps.

I mean, a dude with a dick saying he's a chick isn't bullshit?

God you folks are loony

Still waiting for your "expert research" on monosomy and polysomy.

(Scared to even look up the words, aren't you?)
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
Cruel to be kind in the right measure.
The only emotional tie I have to it is equal treatment.
On the other hand your concern is all emotional .
You believe falsely that transgender and gay people are defective and need to be fixed to conform to your idea of normal.

Yes, we need a society that conforms to the most basic standards.

Asking males to use MENS rooms is not asking much.
What sex uses what restroom is not a basic standard of a society.
Yes it is.
really? prove it.

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